Exemple #1
        private void AddOpaticyDropDown(IHeaderControl header)
            string defaultOpacity = null;

            _opacityDropDown = new DropDownActionItem
                AllowEditingText = true,
                Caption          = resources.Opacity_Box_Text,
                ToolTipText      = resources.Opacity_Box_ToolTip,
                Width            = 45,
                Key = STR_KeyOpacityDropDown

            //Make some opacity settings
            for (var i = 100; i > 0; i -= 10)
                string opacity = i.ToString();
                if (i == 100)
                    defaultOpacity = opacity;

            _opacityDropDown.GroupCaption          = resources.Panel_Name;
            _opacityDropDown.SelectedValueChanged += OpacitySelected;
            _opacityDropDown.RootKey = HeaderControl.HomeRootItemKey;

            //Add it to the Header
            if (defaultOpacity != null)
                _opacityDropDown.SelectedItem = defaultOpacity;
Exemple #2
        private void AddServiceDropDown(IHeaderControl header)
            _serviceDropDown = new DropDownActionItem
                Key              = StrKeyServiceDropDown,
                RootKey          = HeaderControl.HomeRootItemKey,
                Width            = 145,
                AllowEditingText = false,
                ToolTipText      = Resources.Service_Box_ToolTip,
                GroupCaption     = Resources.Panel_Name

            // "None" provider
            _emptyProvider = new ServiceProvider(Resources.None);

            // Default providers

            // "Other" provider

            // Add it to the Header
Exemple #3
        void RefreshKeywordDropDown()
            if (rbKeyword != null)

            //Keyword text entry
            if (rbKeyword == null)
                const string grpKeyword = "Keyword";
                rbKeyword = new DropDownActionItem
                    AllowEditingText = true,
                    GroupCaption     = grpKeyword,
                    RootKey          = kHydroSearch3,
                    Width            = 150,
                    Enabled          = false,
                    NullValuePrompt  = TYPE_IN_KEYWORD

            // Populate items by keywords

            //SearchSettings.Instance.KeywordsSettings.KeywordsChanged += delegate { PopulateKeywords(); };
Exemple #4
        private void AddServiceDropDown(IHeaderControl header)
            _serviceDropDown     = new DropDownActionItem();
            _serviceDropDown.Key = STR_KeyServiceDropDown;

            //Create "None" Option
            _emptyProvider = new ServiceProvider(resources.None, null);

            // no option presently for group image.
            // Image = resources.AddOnlineBasemap.GetThumbnailImage(32, 32, null, IntPtr.Zero),

            _serviceDropDown.Width                 = 145;
            _serviceDropDown.AllowEditingText      = false;
            _serviceDropDown.ToolTipText           = resources.Service_Box_ToolTip;
            _serviceDropDown.SelectedValueChanged += ServiceSelected;
            _serviceDropDown.GroupCaption          = resources.Panel_Name;
            _serviceDropDown.RootKey = HeaderControl.HomeRootItemKey;

            //Create "Other" Option
            var otherProvider = new ServiceProvider(Other, null);


            //Add it to the Header

            _serviceDropDown.SelectedItem = _emptyProvider;
Exemple #5
        private void AddMenuItems()
            IHeaderControl header = App.HeaderControl;

            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem("kOptions", "Options", Option_Click)
                GroupCaption = HeaderControl.ApplicationMenuKey,
                SortOrder    = 100,
                SmallImage   = Resources.options32,
                LargeImage   = Resources.options32,
                ToolTipText  = "Set options"

            _layerDropDown = new DropDownActionItem()
                Key              = "kLayerDropDown",
                RootKey          = "kModel",
                Width            = 145,
                AllowEditingText = false,
                ToolTipText      = "Select current subsurface layer",
                GroupCaption     = "Subsurface",
                DisplayText      = "Select a layer"
            _layerDropDown.SelectedValueChanged += _layerDropDown_SelectedValueChanged;
Exemple #6
 public void Add(HeaderItem item)
     switch (item.Key)
     case "kServiceDropDown":
         MapServiceDropDown = item as DropDownActionItem;
 public object Add(HeaderItem item)
     switch (item.Key)
     case "kServiceDropDown":
         MapServiceDropDown = item as DropDownActionItem;
        public override void Activate()
            IHeaderControl header = App.HeaderControl;

            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "补货烟道", StockChannelQuery_Click)
                ToolTipText = "仓库补货烟道查询", GroupCaption = "作业查询", LargeImage = Resources.SconQuery_32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "分拣烟道", SortChannelQuery_Click)
                ToolTipText = "分拣烟道查询", GroupCaption = "作业查询", LargeImage = Resources.SconQuery_32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "扫码状态", ScanQuery_Click)
                ToolTipText = "扫码状态查询", GroupCaption = "状态查询", LargeImage = Resources.SconQuery_32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "订单状态", OrderQuery_Click)
                ToolTipText = "订单状态查询", GroupCaption = "状态查询", LargeImage = Resources.SconQuery_32
            actionItem[0] = new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "刷新", StockChannelRefresh_Click)
                ToolTipText = "刷新补货烟道", GroupCaption = "补货烟道操作", LargeImage = Resources.refresh_32x32
            actionItem[1] = new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "刷新", SortChannelRefresh_Click)
                ToolTipText = "刷新分拣烟道", GroupCaption = "分拣烟道操作", LargeImage = Resources.refresh_32x32
            actionItem[2] = new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "交换烟道", SortChannelSwap_Click)
                GroupCaption = "交换分拣烟道", LargeImage = Resources.SortChannelSwap_32
            actionItem[3] = new DropDownActionItem()
                RootKey = rootKey, Caption = "选择扫码器:", Width = 200, NullValuePrompt = "请选择", GroupCaption = "订单操作"
            actionItem[4] = new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "刷新", OrderStateRefresh_Click)
                ToolTipText = "刷新订单状态", GroupCaption = "订单操作", LargeImage = Resources.refresh_32x32
            actionItem[5] = new DropDownActionItem()
                RootKey = rootKey, Caption = "选择扫码器:", Width = 170, NullValuePrompt = "请选择", GroupCaption = "扫码操作"
            actionItem[6] = new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "刷新", ScanRefresh_Click)
                ToolTipText = "刷新扫码状态", LargeImage = Resources.refresh_32x32, GroupCaption = "扫码操作"

            App.DockManager.PanelClosed        += new EventHandler <DockablePanelEventArgs>(DockManager_PanelClosed);
            App.DockManager.ActivePanelChanged += new EventHandler <DockablePanelEventArgs>(DockManager_ActivePanelChanged);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a combo box style item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">
        /// The item.
        /// </param>
        public override void Add(DropDownActionItem item)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");

            RibbonPage      page  = this.GetRibbonPage(item);
            RibbonPageGroup group = GetOrCreateGroup(
                page, item.GroupCaption ?? this.GetProductName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()));
            var newItem = this.CreateBarEditItem(item);


            item.PropertyChanged += DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when the plugin should become inactive
        /// </summary>
        public override void Deactivate()
            _scaleDropDown.SelectedValueChanged -= ScaleToSelected;
            _combo.KeyPress -= Combo_KeyPress;
            _combo           = null;
            _scaleDropDown   = null;

            App.SerializationManager.Deserializing     -= SerializationManager_Deserializing;
            App.SerializationManager.NewProjectCreated -= SerializationManager_Deserializing;

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the DotSpatial plugin
        /// </summary>
        public override void Activate()
            _scaleDropDown = new DropDownActionItem
                AllowEditingText = true,
                Caption          = Resources.ScaleBar_Box_Text,
                ToolTipText      = Resources.ScaleBar_Box_ToolTip,
                Width            = 45,
                Key = StrKeyScaleBarDropDown
            _scaleDropDown.Items.Add("[" + Resources.Custom + "]");

            foreach (int k in new[] { 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2250 })
                _scaleDropDown.Items.Add("1 : " + k.ToString("n0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            // Paul Meems - August 17 2010, use more or less the same scales as OSM uses for their zoom levels:
            // From http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#What_is_the_map_scale_for_a_particular_zoom_level_of_the_map.3F
            int scale = 2250;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 18; i++)
                scale *= 2;
                _scaleDropDown.Items.Add("1 : " + scale.ToString("n0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            _scaleDropDown.GroupCaption          = Resources.Panel_Name;
            _scaleDropDown.SelectedValueChanged += ScaleToSelected;
            _scaleDropDown.RootKey = HeaderControl.HomeRootItemKey;

            //Add it to the Header
            _combo = App.HeaderControl.Add(_scaleDropDown) as ToolStripComboBox;
            if (_combo != null)
                _combo.KeyPress += Combo_KeyPress;


            App.SerializationManager.Deserializing     += SerializationManager_Deserializing;
            App.SerializationManager.NewProjectCreated += SerializationManager_Deserializing;

        public override void Activate()
            btnAuto = this.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "全自动", btnAuto_Click)
                SmallImage = Resources.auto_full_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.auto_full_32x32
            btnHand = this.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "半自动", btnHand_Click)
                SmallImage = Resources.auto_semi_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.auto_semi_32x32
            this.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "故障复位", btReset_Click)
                SmallImage = Resources.error_reset_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.error_reset_32x32
            this.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "重发任务", btResent_Click)
                SmallImage = Resources.reset_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.reset_32x32
            this.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "取消任务", btCancel_Click)
                SmallImage = Resources.cancel_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cancel_32x32

            dropItem = new DropDownActionItem()
                RootKey = rootKey, GroupCaption = "选择堆垛机", Width = 170
            foreach (var srm in SRMManager.SRMs)

            dropItem.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler <SelectedValueChangedEventArgs>(dropItem_SelectedValueChanged);
            dropItem.DisplayText           = "请选择堆垛机";
            SRMManager.ActiveSRM           = SRMManager.SRMs.FirstOrDefault();
            if (SRMManager.ActiveSRM != null)
                dropItem.SelectedItem = SRMManager.ActiveSRM.Name;
        public override void Activate()
            IHeaderControl header = App.HeaderControl;

            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "自动", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "手动", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "申请", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "取消", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "完成", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "批量", (sender, e) => { })
                SmallImage = Resources.cmd_test_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.cmd_test_32x32

            dropItem = new DropDownActionItem()
                RootKey = rootKey, GroupCaption = "选择作业类型", Width = 170, MultiSelect = true

            dropItem.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler <SelectedValueChangedEventArgs>(dropItem_SelectedValueChanged);
            dropItem.DisplayText           = "请选择作业类型";
        public override void Add(DropDownActionItem item)
            var combo = new ComboBox {
                Name = item.Key

            ParseAllowEditingProperty(item, combo);

            if (item.Width != 0)
                combo.Width = item.Width;

            combo.SelectedIndexChanged += delegate
                item.PropertyChanged -= DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;
                item.SelectedItem     = combo.SelectedItem;
                item.PropertyChanged += DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;
            item.PropertyChanged += DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;
Exemple #15
        private void RecreateKeywordGroup()
            HeaderItem dummy = null;

            if (_currentKeywords != null)
                // This need to save buttons group from removing by HeaderControl (it removes groups with zero HeaderItems).
                dummy = new SimpleActionItem(_searchKey, "Dummy", null)
                    GroupCaption = Msg.Keyword

            Action <ActionItem, Action> removeOrCreate = delegate(ActionItem item, Action factory)
                if (item != null)

            removeOrCreate(_currentKeywords, delegate
                _currentKeywords = new TextEntryActionItem
                    GroupCaption = Msg.Keyword,
                    RootKey      = _searchKey,
                    Width        = 170,

            removeOrCreate(_dropdownKeywords, delegate
                _dropdownKeywords = new DropDownActionItem
                    AllowEditingText = true,
                    GroupCaption     = Msg.Keyword,
                    RootKey          = _searchKey,
                    Width            = 170,
                    NullValuePrompt  = "[Enter Keyword]"

                _dropdownKeywords.SelectedValueChanged +=
                    delegate(object sender, SelectedValueChangedEventArgs args)
                    if (args.SelectedItem == null)
                        _dropdownKeywords.SelectedItem = "";

                    //    var current = /*_currentKeywords.Text;*/ _dropdownKeywords.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    var selected = args.SelectedItem.ToString();

                    // var hasKeywords = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(current);
                    //  current = !hasKeywords
                    //                  ? selected
                    //                   : selected + KEYWORDS_SEPARATOR + " " + current;
                    //   if (hasKeywords)
                    //     {
                    // Remove "All", if new keyword was added, because All + AnyKeyword = All in searching.
                    //        current = current.Replace(KEYWORDS_SEPARATOR + " " + Keywords.Constants.RootName, string.Empty);
                    //     }

                    _currentKeywords.Text        = selected; //current;
                    _currentKeywords.ToolTipText = _currentKeywords.Text;
            removeOrCreate(_rbAddMoreKeywords, delegate
                _rbAddMoreKeywords = new SimpleActionItem(_searchKey, Msg.Add_More_Keywords, rbKeyword_Click)
                    // LargeImage = Resources.keyword_32,
                    SmallImage   = Resources.keyword_16,
                    GroupCaption = Msg.Keyword,
                    ToolTipText  = Msg.Keyword_Tooltip

            // Populate items by keywords
            _dropdownKeywords.Items.AddRange(/*new [] {Constants.Default }*/ _searchSettings.KeywordsSettings.Keywords);

            // Add items to HeaderControl
            // App.HeaderControl.Add(_currentKeywords);
            //  _currentKeywords.Visible = false;
            // ToolStripItem t = GetItem(_currentKeywords.Key);

            // Clear current keywords text
            _currentKeywords.Text = String.Empty;

            //   _currentKeywords.PropertyChanged +=

            if (dummy != null)


            var selectedKeywords = _searchSettings.KeywordsSettings.SelectedKeywords.ToList();

            _dropdownKeywords.SelectedItem = "All";
        private BarEditItem CreateBarEditItem(DropDownActionItem item)
            var barEditItem = new BarEditItem();

            barEditItem.Name    = item.Key;
            barEditItem.Caption = item.Caption;

            RepositoryItemComboBox combo = new RepositoryItemComboBox();

            barEditItem.Edit = combo;
            combo.NullValuePromptShowForEmptyValue = true;
            if (!ComboBoxes.Keys.Contains(item.Key))
                ComboBoxes.Add(item.Key, combo);
            combo.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (item.MultiSelect == true)
                    item.SelectedItem = null;
                    item.MultiSelect  = false;

            combo.CustomDisplayText += delegate(object sender, CustomDisplayTextEventArgs e)
                if (item.MultiSelect == true)
                    e.DisplayText = "Multiple Selected";
                    barEditItem.Edit.Appearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
                    barEditItem.Edit.Appearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            if (item.AllowEditingText)
                combo.ImmediatePopup = true;

            if (!item.AllowEditingText)
                combo.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor;

            if (item.Width != 0)
                barEditItem.Width = item.Width;

            combo.NullValuePrompt = item.NullValuePrompt;

            combo.SelectedValueChanged += delegate(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                var edit = sender as DevExpress.XtraEditors.ComboBoxEdit;

                item.PropertyChanged -= DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;
                item.SelectedItem     = edit.SelectedItem;
                item.PropertyChanged += DropDownActionItem_PropertyChanged;

        public override void Activate()
            IHeaderControl header = App.HeaderControl;

            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "刷新", btnRefresh_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.refresh_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.refresh_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "停止刷新", btnStopRefresh_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.refresh_stop_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.refresh_stop_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "读取", btnRead_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.read_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.read_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "新增", btnNew_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.add_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.add_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "扫码", btnScan_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.scan_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.scan_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "停止", btnPause_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.pause_black_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.pause_black_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "完成", btnComplete_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.finish_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.finish_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "全部停止", btnStop_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.scan_stop_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.scan_stop_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "故障复位", btnReset_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "件烟扫码", SmallImage = Resources.error_reset_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.error_reset_32x32

            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "更新尺寸", btnUploadSize_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "操作", SmallImage = Resources.update_size_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.update_size_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "更新条码", btnUploadBarcode_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "操作", SmallImage = Resources.scan_update_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.scan_update_32x32
            header.Add(new SimpleActionItem(rootKey, "手工扫码", btnHandScan_Click)
                SortOrder = 100, GroupCaption = "操作", SmallImage = Resources.scan_hand_16x16, LargeImage = Resources.scan_hand_32x32

            dropItem = new DropDownActionItem {
                RootKey = rootKey, GroupCaption = "手持扫码模式", Width = 170, Items = { "件烟扫码故障复位", "RFID整托盘入库", "手持扫码整托盘入库", "手持扫码盘点返库", "手持扫码出库余烟返库" }
            dropItem.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler <SelectedValueChangedEventArgs>(dropItem_SelectedValueChanged);
            dropItem.DisplayText  = "请选择手持扫码模式";
            dropItem.SelectedItem = "件烟扫码故障复位";
 private static void ParseAllowEditingProperty(DropDownActionItem item, ComboBox guiItem)
     guiItem.DropDownStyle = item.AllowEditingText ? ComboBoxStyle.DropDown : ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;