void OnDestroy()
     if (loaded)
         loaded = false;
         Debug.Log("Disconnecting VISSIM");
    public void Connect()
        Debug.Log("Loading " + networkFileFullPath);
        if (!DrivingSimulatorProxy.Connect(800, networkFileFullPath, null))
            Debug.LogError("Could not establish connection to VISSIM");

        Debug.Log("Network loaded. Starting simulation");
        loaded = true;
    void Update()
        if (loaded)// && nextUpdateTime < Time.time)
            //nextUpdateTime = Time.time + 0.2f;
            lastUpdateTime = Time.time;
            if (DrivingSimulatorProxy.DataReady())
                notReadyCounter = 0;
                IntPtr ptr;
                DrivingSimulatorProxy.GetTrafficVehicles(out totalVehicleCount, out ptr);
                if (totalVehicleCount > 0)
                    long iptr       = ptr.ToInt64();
                    long iCurOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalVehicleCount; i++, iCurOffset += Driver_Veh_Data_Size)
                        VehicleData v = (VehicleData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(iptr + iCurOffset), typeof(VehicleData));
                        updatedVehicles.Add(v.VehicleID, v);

                    int    numNew = 0, numMoved = 0, numDeleted = 0;
                    IntPtr pNewIds, pNewVehTypes, pMovedIds, pDeletedIds;
                    DrivingSimulatorProxy.GetVehicleLists(out numNew, out pNewIds, out pNewVehTypes, out numMoved, out pMovedIds, out numDeleted, out pDeletedIds);

                    int[] newIds      = new int[numNew];
                    int[] newVehTypes = new int[numNew];
                    int[] movedIds    = new int[numMoved];
                    int[] deletedIds  = new int[numDeleted];
                    Marshal.Copy(pNewIds, newIds, 0, numNew);
                    Marshal.Copy(pNewVehTypes, newVehTypes, 0, numNew);
                    Marshal.Copy(pMovedIds, movedIds, 0, numMoved);
                    Marshal.Copy(pDeletedIds, deletedIds, 0, numDeleted);

                    for (int i = 0; i < numNew; i++)
                        int        vehicleId = newIds[i];
                        GameObject go        = trafficAssets.Instantiate((byte)newVehTypes[i], transform);
                        vehicles.Add(vehicleId, go);

                        go.GetComponent <SimulationElement>().Initialize(vehicleId);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numMoved; i++)
                        int         vehicleId = movedIds[i];
                        GameObject  go        = vehicles[vehicleId];
                        VehicleData v         = updatedVehicles[vehicleId];
                        go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)v.Position_X, (float)v.Position_Z, (float)v.Position_Y);
                        go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f - (float)v.Orient_Heading * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numDeleted; i++)
                        int        vehicleId = deletedIds[i];
                        GameObject go;
                        if (vehicles.TryGetValue(vehicleId, out go))
                            go.transform.parent = null;

                Vector3 driverPosition = driver.localPosition + driver.forward * 0.5f;  //+ Replace this magic number with vehicle's half length
                driverData[0].Position_X     = driverPosition.x;
                driverData[0].Position_Y     = driverPosition.z;
                driverData[0].Orient_Heading = (90f - driver.rotation.eulerAngles.y) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

                if (calculateSpeed)
                    driverData[0].Speed = (driver.position - lastUpdatePosition).magnitude / (Time.time - lastUpdateTime);
                    lastUpdatePosition  = driver.position;
                    lastUpdateTime      = Time.time;

                DrivingSimulatorProxy.SetDriverVehicles(1, driverData);

                if (useDeadReckoning)
                    foreach (var vehicle in updatedVehicles.Values)
                        int        vehicleId = vehicle.VehicleID;
                        float      speed     = (float)vehicle.Speed;
                        GameObject go        = vehicles[vehicleId];
                        go.transform.localPosition += go.transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
                if (notReadyCounter > 1000)
                    Debug.LogWarning("VISSIM wasn't ready for too long!");