/// <summary>
        /// Create a new sheet with some default views according to the format type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name for the sheet.</param>
        /// <param name="units">The measurement system type for the sheet.</param>
        /// <param name="formatType">The <see cref="formatType"/>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It builds the format block and it adds the created BlockReference to the Sheet and the block to the Drawings Blocks collection.
        /// </remarks>
        public void AddSheet(string name, linearUnitsType units, formatType formatType, bool addDefaultView = true)
            Tuple <double, double> size = DrawingsPanel.GetFormatSize(units, formatType);
            Sheet sheet = new Sheet(units, size.Item1, size.Item2, name);

            Block          block;
            BlockReference br = drawingsPanel1.CreateFormatBlock(formatType, sheet, out block);


            sheet.Entities.Add(br);  // not possible adding the entity to Drawings because the control handle is not created yet. it will be added when this sheet will be set as the active one.

            // adds a set of default views.
            if (addDefaultView)
        private void AddDefaultViews(Sheet sheet)
            // this samples uses values in millimeters to add views and it uses this factor to get converted values.
            double unitsConversionFactor = Utility.GetLinearUnitsConversionFactor(linearUnitsType.Millimeters, sheet.Units);

            double scaleFactor = drawingsPanel1.GetScaleComboValue();

            // adds Front vector view
            sheet.Entities.Add(new VectorView(70 * unitsConversionFactor, 230 * unitsConversionFactor, viewType.Top, scaleFactor, DrawingsPanel.GetViewName(sheet, viewType.Top)));
            // adds Trimetric raster view
            sheet.Entities.Add(new RasterView(150 * unitsConversionFactor, 230 * unitsConversionFactor, viewType.Trimetric, scaleFactor, DrawingsPanel.GetViewName(sheet, viewType.Trimetric, true)));
            // adds Top vector view
            sheet.Entities.Add(new VectorView(70 * unitsConversionFactor, 130 * unitsConversionFactor, viewType.Front, scaleFactor, DrawingsPanel.GetViewName(sheet, viewType.Front)));
            // adds Right vector view
            sheet.Entities.Add(new VectorView(150 * unitsConversionFactor, 130 * unitsConversionFactor, viewType.Right, scaleFactor, DrawingsPanel.GetViewName(sheet, viewType.Right)));