public void TestSlidingSampleStopsOnSeek() { DrawableSlider slider = null; PoolableSkinnableSample[] loopingSamples = null; PoolableSkinnableSample[] onceOffSamples = null; AddStep("get first slider", () => { slider = Editor.ChildrenOfType <DrawableSlider>().OrderBy(s => s.HitObject.StartTime).First(); onceOffSamples = slider.ChildrenOfType <PoolableSkinnableSample>().Where(s => !s.Looping).ToArray(); loopingSamples = slider.ChildrenOfType <PoolableSkinnableSample>().Where(s => s.Looping).ToArray(); }); AddStep("start playback", () => EditorClock.Start()); AddUntilStep("wait for slider sliding then seek", () => { if (!slider.Tracking.Value) { return(false); } if (!loopingSamples.Any(s => s.Playing)) { return(false); } EditorClock.Seek(20000); return(true); }); AddAssert("non-looping samples are playing", () => onceOffSamples.Length == 4 && loopingSamples.All(s => s.Played || s.Playing)); AddAssert("looping samples are not playing", () => loopingSamples.Length == 1 && loopingSamples.All(s => s.Played && !s.Playing)); }
public void TestSlidingSampleStopsOnSeek() { DrawableSlider slider = null; DrawableSample[] samples = null; AddStep("get first slider", () => { slider = Editor.ChildrenOfType <DrawableSlider>().OrderBy(s => s.HitObject.StartTime).First(); samples = slider.ChildrenOfType <DrawableSample>().ToArray(); }); AddStep("start playback", () => EditorClock.Start()); AddUntilStep("wait for slider sliding then seek", () => { if (!slider.Tracking.Value) { return(false); } if (!samples.Any(s => s.Playing)) { return(false); } EditorClock.Seek(20000); return(true); }); AddAssert("slider samples are not playing", () => samples.Length == 5 && samples.All(s => s.Played && !s.Playing)); }
public void TestAllSamplesStopDuringSeek() { DrawableSlider slider = null; PoolableSkinnableSample[] samples = null; ISamplePlaybackDisabler sampleDisabler = null; AddUntilStep("get variables", () => { sampleDisabler = Player; slider = Player.ChildrenOfType <DrawableSlider>().MinBy(s => s.HitObject.StartTime); samples = slider?.ChildrenOfType <PoolableSkinnableSample>().ToArray(); return(slider != null); }); AddUntilStep("wait for slider sliding then seek", () => { if (!slider.Tracking.Value) { return(false); } if (!samples.Any(s => s.Playing)) { return(false); } Player.ChildrenOfType <GameplayClockContainer>().First().Seek(40000); return(true); }); AddAssert("sample playback disabled", () => sampleDisabler.SamplePlaybackDisabled.Value); // because we are in frame stable context, it's quite likely that not all samples are "played" at this point. // the important thing is that at least one started, and that sample has since stopped. AddAssert("all looping samples stopped immediately", () => allStopped(allLoopingSounds)); AddUntilStep("all samples stopped eventually", () => allStopped(allSounds)); AddAssert("sample playback still disabled", () => sampleDisabler.SamplePlaybackDisabled.Value); AddUntilStep("seek finished, sample playback enabled", () => !sampleDisabler.SamplePlaybackDisabled.Value); AddUntilStep("any sample is playing", () => Player.ChildrenOfType <PausableSkinnableSound>().Any(s => s.IsPlaying)); }