public override void AI() { if ([2] == 0) {[2] = 1;[3] = -3; npc.TargetClosest(false); Main.NewText("A huge Terra Guardian appeared " + GuardianBountyQuest.GetDirectionText(npc.Center - Main.player[].Center) + " near to " + Main.player[].name + "."); } if (npc.direction == 0) { npc.direction = 1; } bool JustSpottedPlayer = false; if (!SpottedPlayer) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 300, 300); rect.Y -= rect.Height / 2; if (npc.direction < 0) { rect.X -= rect.Width; } for (int p = 0; p < 255; p++) { if (Main.player[p].active && Main.player[p].getRect().Intersects(rect) && Collision.CanHitLine(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, Main.player[p].position, Main.player[p].width, Main.player[p].height)) { SpottedPlayer = true; JustSpottedPlayer = true; = p; if (Main.player[p].Center.X < npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } break; } } } if (!RequestTaken) { this.Idle = true;[0]++; if (SpottedPlayer) { if (JustSpottedPlayer) { SayMessage("*Hey! Can you hear me? Come closer so we can talk, please.*"); } } else { if ([0] >= (300 + 60 *[1])) {[1] = 3 + Main.rand.Next(4);[0] = 0; string Message = ""; switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = "*Is there really a town around here?*"; break; case 1: Message = "*I'm so hungry... I've been walking for days...*"; break; case 2: Message = "*I need to take some rest...*"; break; case 3: Message = "*Why are all the creatures here so aggressive?*"; break; case 4: Message = "*I wonder if there is someone nearby...*"; break; } SayMessage(Message); } npc.TargetClosest(false); } if (Main.player[].talkNPC == npc.whoAmI || SpottedPlayer) { Idle = false; if (Main.player[].Center.X < npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } } } else if (RequestComplete) { if (HuggingPlayer != -1) { Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; player.immuneTime = 3; player.immuneNoBlink = true; PlayerMod pm = player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>(); bool ControllingGuardian = pm.ControllingGuardian; bool ItemUsed = false, JumpUsed = false, MoveUsed = false; if (ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.ImmuneTime = 3; pm.Guardian.ImmuneNoBlink = true; ItemUsed = pm.Guardian.LastAction && pm.Guardian.ItemAnimationTime == 0; JumpUsed = pm.Guardian.LastJump; MoveUsed = (pm.Guardian.LastMoveLeft) || (pm.Guardian.LastMoveUp) || (pm.Guardian.LastMoveRight) || (pm.Guardian.LastMoveDown); } else { ItemUsed = player.controlUseItem; JumpUsed = player.controlJump; MoveUsed = (player.controlLeft) || (player.controlUp) || (player.controlRight) || (player.controlDown); } if (PlayerMod.PlayerMountedOnGuardian(player)) { foreach (TerraGuardian guardian in pm.GetAllGuardianFollowers) { if (guardian.Active && guardian.PlayerMounted) { guardian.ToggleMount(true, false); } } } string Message = null; if (HugPassed && HuggingPlayer > -1 && (ItemUsed || JumpUsed || MoveUsed)) { if (ComplaintCooldown == 0) { switch (Main.rand.Next(3)) { case 0: Message = "*You can just talk to me if that's enough.*"; break; case 1: Message = "*Do you want me to stop? Talk to me again.*"; break; case 2: Message = "*Had enough of hugs? Talk to me so I can stop.*"; break; } } ComplaintCooldown = 30; } else if (ItemUsed) { if (ComplaintCooldown == 0) {[0] -= Main.rand.Next(19, 41); if (player.inventory[player.selectedItem].damage > 0) { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = ("*Be careful! That can hurt someone!*"); break; case 1: Message = ("*Hey! Are you trying to hurt me?*"); break; case 2: Message = ("*You're doing the complete oposite of what a hug should do!*"); break; case 3: Message = ("*You'll end up hurting someone with that.*"); break; case 4: Message = ("*Keep that off my skin!*"); break; } } else { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = ("*What are you doing?*"); break; case 1: Message = ("*Can you stop doing that?*"); break; case 2: Message = ("*Hey! Watch out!*"); break; case 3: Message = ("*Do you easily get bored?*"); break; case 4: Message = ("*Why are you doing that?*"); break; } } } ComplaintCooldown = 30; } else if (JumpUsed) { if (ComplaintCooldown == 0) {[0] -= Main.rand.Next(23, 54); switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = ("*Oof! Hey! My stomach!*"); break; case 1: Message = ("*Ouch! Are you a cat or something?*"); break; case 2: Message = ("*Urgh. Don't hit my belly!*"); break; case 3: Message = ("*Hey! Why the aggression?*"); break; case 4: Message = ("*Urrrf... (Breathing for a moment) Gasp! You took out all my air with that kick! Why?! Tell me why you did that?*"); break; } } ComplaintCooldown = 30; } else if (MoveUsed) { if (ComplaintCooldown == 0) {[0] -= Main.rand.Next(14, 33); switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = ("*What are you doing?*"); break; case 1: Message = ("*It's hard to hug with you like that.*"); break; case 2: Message = ("*If you want me to stop, just tell me.*"); break; case 3: Message = ("*Are you tense or something? Stop that.*"); break; case 4: Message = ("*You'll end up falling if you keep doing that.*"); break; } } ComplaintCooldown = 30; } else { if (ComplaintCooldown > 0) { ComplaintCooldown--; }[0]++; if (ControllingGuardian) { if (pm.Guardian.ItemAnimationTime == 0 && !pm.Guardian.MoveLeft && !pm.Guardian.MoveRight) { pm.Guardian.LookingLeft = npc.direction == 1; } } else { if (player.itemAnimation == 0 && !player.controlLeft && !player.controlRight) { player.direction = -npc.direction; } } if (HugPassed &&[0] % (60 * 10) == 0) { switch (Main.rand.Next(4)) { case 0: Message = "*You want some more hug? I don't mind.*"; break; case 1: Message = "*(Humming)*"; break; case 2: Message = "*Talk to me If you had enough.*"; break; case 3: Message = "*Warm.*"; break; } } else if ([0] >= (PlayerHasVladimir ? 0.3f : (Main.expertMode ? 1.2f : 0.5f)) * 60 * 60) { if (!HugPassed) { HugPassed = true; Message = "*Thank you, I was really needing that. I think this world could make use of someone like me. Call me Vladimir, It's my name.*";[0] = 1; } } else if (player.talkNPC == npc.whoAmI &&[0] % (60 * 10) == 0) { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = ("*You don't know how much I missed doing that.*"); break; case 1: Message = ("*It's good to feel another warm body after so much travel.*"); break; case 2: Message = ("*Just some more.*"); break; case 3: Message = ("*Thanks for the fishs, by the way.*"); break; case 4: Message = ("*Are there more people like you in this world?*"); break; } } } if (Message != null) { if (player.talkNPC == npc.whoAmI) { Main.npcChatText = Message; } else { SayMessage(Message); } } Vector2 HugPosition = Base.MountShoulderPoints.GetPositionFromFrameVector(BodyAnimationFrame); if (npc.direction < 0) { HugPosition.X = Base.SpriteWidth - HugPosition.X; } HugPosition.X -= Base.SpriteWidth * 0.5f; HugPosition.Y -= Base.SpriteHeight; HugPosition.X = HugPosition.X * npc.scale + npc.position.X + npc.width * 0.5f; HugPosition.Y = HugPosition.Y * npc.scale + npc.position.Y + npc.height; if ([0] < -200) { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: Message = "*Alright, there you go. Happy?*"; break; case 1: Message = "*It was just a hug, why were you moving around like crazy?*"; break; case 2: Message = "*Does hugs makes you uncomfortable or something?*"; break; case 3: Message = "*Need to use the toilet or something?*"; break; case 4: Message = "*Is It the environment or me?*"; break; } HugPosition = npc.Center; HuggingPlayer = -1; } if (MessageTime <= 0 && !HasHugCommentHappened) { HasHugCommentHappened = true; pm.CompanionReaction(GuardianBase.MessageIDs.VladimirRecruitPlayerGetsHugged); } if (ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.Position = HugPosition; pm.Guardian.Position.Y += pm.Guardian.Height * 0.5f; pm.Guardian.Velocity.Y = -pm.Guardian.Mass; pm.Guardian.ImmuneTime = 3; pm.Guardian.ImmuneNoBlink = true; } else { player.Center = HugPosition; player.velocity.Y = -Player.defaultGravity; } if (! { SayMessage("*Where did that person go?*"); HuggingPlayer = -1; } } else { npc.TargetClosest(); } } else if (RequestTaken) { npc.TargetClosest(); float Distance = npc.Center.X - Main.player[].Center.X; if (Math.Abs(Distance) >= 68f) { if (Distance < 0) { MoveRight = true; } else { MoveLeft = true; } } if (npc.Distance(Main.player[].Center) >= 520f) { npc.position = Main.player[].position; npc.position.Y -= Base.SpriteHeight - Player.defaultHeight; } } if (HuggingPlayer > -1) { DrawInFrontOfPlayers.Add(HuggingPlayer); } base.AI(); }
public override void AI() { int NextStep = NpcRecruitStep; switch (NpcRecruitStep) { case IdleStep: { Idle = true; Rectangle SightRange = new Rectangle((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 300, 300); SightRange.Y -= (int)(SightRange.Height * 0.5f); if (npc.direction < 0) { SightRange.X -= SightRange.Width; } DialogueDuration++; if (DialogueDuration >= 600) { DialogueDuration -= 600; switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: SayMessage("*Hm... It must be around here somewhere...*"); break; case 1: SayMessage("*Come on... Show up...*"); break; case 2: SayMessage("*...It's around here... I smell It.*"); break; case 3: SayMessage("*Terrarian, where are you...*"); break; case 4: SayMessage("*Once I catch that Terrarian.... Ugh...*"); break; } } for (int p = 0; p < 255; p++) { if (Main.player[p].active && !Main.player[p].dead) { if (Main.player[p].getRect().Intersects(SightRange) && Collision.CanHitLine(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, Main.player[p].position, Main.player[p].width, Main.player[p].height) && !Main.player[p].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().ControllingGuardian) { = p; NextStep = CallingOutPlayerStep; break; } } } } break; case CallingOutPlayerStep: { Idle = false; if (DialogueDuration == 0) { if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.player[], GuardianID, GuardianModID)) { SayMessage("*Hey, Terrarian! Over here!*"); } else if (Main.player[].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().KnockedOut) { SayMessage("*You there! Hang on!*"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { SayMessage("*Hey! You there! Stop!*"); } else { SayMessage("*Hey! You! Don't move!*"); } } } if (DialogueDuration >= 120) { NextStep = ChasingPlayerStep; } else { DialogueDuration++; } if (Main.player[].Center.X < npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } if (!Main.player[].active) { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*Hm... " + (Main.player[].Male ? "He" : "She") + " disappeared...*"); } else if (Main.player[].dead) { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*Well... That's... Horrible...*"); } } break; case ChasingPlayerStep: { Player player = Main.player[]; if (player.Center.X < npc.Center.X) { MoveLeft = true; } else { MoveRight = true; } if (!player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().KnockedOut&& npc.velocity.Y == 0 && player.velocity.Y != 0) { Jump = true; } if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.player[], GuardianID, GuardianModID) && Math.Abs(player.Center.X - npc.Center.X) < 80) { NextStep = SpeakingToAlreadyKnownPlayer; } else if (player.getRect().Intersects(npc.getRect())) { if (Main.halloween) { MainMod.TriggerCompanionJS(GuardianID); } if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.player[], GuardianID, GuardianModID)) { NextStep = SpeakingToAlreadyKnownPlayer; } else { NextStep = InvestigatingPlayerStep; } } if (! { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*Hm... " + (Main.player[].Male ? "He" : "She") + " disappeared...*"); } else if (player.dead) { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*Damn, I'm too late...*"); } } break; case InvestigatingPlayerStep: { if (DialogueDuration == 0) { FindFrame(0); } Player player = Main.player[]; if (player.mount.Active) { player.mount.Dismount(player); } if (player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().MountedOnGuardian) { foreach (TerraGuardian tg in player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().GetAllGuardianFollowers) { if (tg.Active && tg.PlayerMounted) { tg.ToggleMount(true, false); } } } player.immuneTime = 90; player.immuneNoBlink = true; Vector2 PlayerPosition = new Vector2(npc.Center.X + 32 * npc.direction, npc.position.Y + npc.height); player.fullRotationOrigin = new Vector2(player.width, player.height) * 0.5f; player.aggro = -99999; if (npc.direction > 0) { player.fullRotation = 1.570796f; player.direction = -1; } else { player.fullRotation = -1.570796f; //PlayerPosition.X *= -1; player.direction = 1; } DrawInFrontOfPlayers.Add(npc.whoAmI); player.velocity = Vector2.Zero; player.Center = PlayerPosition; player.statLife++; if (player.mount.Active) { player.mount.Dismount(player); } player.gfxOffY = -2; player.AddBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.Cursed, 5); if (npc.velocity.X != 0 || npc.velocity.Y != 0) { } else if (player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().KnockedOut) { if (DialogueDuration == 0) { SayMessage("*Better I take care of those wounds first.*"); DialogueDuration++; } player.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().ReviveBoost++; } else { if (DialogueDuration % 210 == 0) { switch (DialogueDuration / 210) { case 0: SayMessage("*Got you! Now don't move.*"); break; case 1: SayMessage("*Hm...*"); break; case 2: SayMessage("*Interesting...*"); break; case 3: SayMessage("*Uh huh...*"); break; case 4: SayMessage("*But you're not the one I'm looking for...*"); break; case 5: NextStep = IntroductingToPlayerStep; player.fullRotation = 0; player.fullRotationOrigin = new Vector2(40, 56) * 0.5f; player.position = npc.Bottom; player.position.Y -= player.height; player.immuneNoBlink = false; break; } } DialogueDuration++; } if (! { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*" + (Main.player[].Male ? "He" : "She") + " disappeared!*"); } } break; case IntroductingToPlayerStep: { if (DialogueDuration == 0) { Main.player[].talkNPC = npc.whoAmI; DialogueDuration = 1; Main.npcChatText = GetChat(); } if (!Main.player[].active) { npc.TargetClosest(false); DialogueDuration = 1; } if (DialogueDuration > 1 && Main.player[].talkNPC != npc.whoAmI) { DialogueDuration = 1; } } break; case SpeakingToAlreadyKnownPlayer: { if (DialogueDuration % 180 == 0) { switch (DialogueDuration / 180) { case 0: SayMessage("*I didn't expected to see you here.*"); break; case 1: SayMessage("*I think I may have caught that Terrarian's scent around here.*"); break; case 2: SayMessage("*Or maybe I accidentally caught your scent again.*"); break; case 3: SayMessage("*Anyway, If you need me, I'll be around.*"); break; case 4: { NpcMod.AddGuardianMet(GuardianID, GuardianModID); WorldMod.TurnNpcIntoGuardianTownNpc(npc, GuardianID, GuardianModID); } return; } } if (Math.Abs(Main.player[].Center.X - npc.Center.X) >= 30) { Walk = true; if (Main.player[].Center.X < npc.Center.X) { MoveLeft = true; } else { MoveRight = true; } } else { if (Main.player[].Center.X < npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } } if (!Main.player[].active) { NextStep = IdleStep; SayMessage("*" + (Main.player[].Male ? "He" : "She") + " disappeared!*"); } DialogueDuration++; } break; } if (NextStep != NpcRecruitStep) { NpcRecruitStep = NextStep; DialogueDuration = 0; } base.AI(); }