public override void dragEnded(IntVector2 position) { if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(this, position); } }
public ColorPickerPanel() { var colorProperty = new Property <ColorHSVA>(() => colorHSVA, c => colorHSVA = c); spectrum = new Spectrum(colorProperty); spectrum.DragStarted += () => DragStarted?.Invoke(); spectrum.Changed += () => Changed?.Invoke(); spectrum.DragEnded += () => DragEnded?.Invoke(); valueSlider = new ValueSlider(colorProperty); alphaSlider = new AlphaSlider(colorProperty); SetupSliderDragHandlers(valueSlider.Widget); SetupSliderDragHandlers(alphaSlider.Widget); Widget = new Widget { Padding = new Thickness(8), Layout = new VBoxLayout { Spacing = 8 }, Nodes = { new Widget { LayoutCell = new LayoutCell(Alignment.Center), Layout = new StackLayout(), Nodes = { spectrum.Widget } }, valueSlider.Widget, alphaSlider.Widget, } }; Widget.FocusScope = new KeyboardFocusScope(Widget); }
internal override void _fireDragEnded(DragAndDropItem item, IntVector2 position) { if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke((ItemType)item, position); } }
private void EndDrag() { if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(); } }
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { if (IsWithItem) { DragEnded?.Invoke(this, eventData.position); } }
void _fireDragEnded(ItemType item, IntVector2 position) { if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(item, position); } }
private async Task OnDroppedCanceled() { dragging = false; await DragEnded.InvokeAsync(Item); await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); }
private void TryEndDrag() { if (!isDragActive) { return; } isDragActive = false; DragEnded?.Invoke(); RunThumbAnimation("Normal"); }
private async Task OnDragEndHandler(DragEventArgs e) { if (dragging) { dragging = false; await ParentContainer?.CancelTransaction(); } else { await DragEnded.InvokeAsync(Item); } }
protected override void OnPreviewMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnPreviewMouseUp(e); if (isDragInProgress) { isDragInProgress = false; DragEnded?.Invoke(ElementBeingDragged.Element, new EventArgs()); } ElementBeingDragged = null; elementsInDragGroup = null; }
IEnumerator <object> SelectTask() { while (true) { if (Widget.Input.WasMousePressed()) { var pick = Pick( Widget.Input.MousePosition.X - Widget.GlobalPosition.X, Widget.Input.MousePosition.Y - Widget.GlobalPosition.Y); if (pick.Area != Area.Outside) { DragStarted?.Invoke(); while (Widget.Input.IsMousePressed()) { float nx, ny; ShiftedCoordinates( Widget.Input.MousePosition.X - Widget.GlobalPosition.X, Widget.Input.MousePosition.Y - Widget.GlobalPosition.Y, out nx, out ny); if (pick.Area == Area.Triangle) { var newPick = PositionToSV(nx, ny, ignoreBounds: true); color.Value = new ColorHSVA { H = color.Value.H, S = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(newPick.S.Value, 0), 1), V = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(newPick.V.Value, 0), 1), A = color.Value.A }; } else { var newPick = PositionToHue(nx, ny); color.Value = new ColorHSVA { H = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(newPick.H.Value, 0), 360), S = color.Value.S, V = color.Value.V, A = color.Value.A }; } Window.Current.Invalidate(); Changed?.Invoke(); yield return(null); } DragEnded?.Invoke(); } } yield return(null); } }
private void LongPressGestureUpdated(DigitalRubyShared.GestureRecognizer r) { Camera camera; FingersScript.StartOrResetGesture(r, BringToFront, Cameras, gameObject, spriteRenderer, GestureRecognizerComponentScriptBase.GestureObjectMode.RequireIntersectWithGameObject, out camera); if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Began) { transform.localScale *= DragScale; panZ = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position).z; panOffset = transform.position - ScreenToWorldPoint(camera, r.FocusX, r.FocusY, panZ); if (DragStarted != null) { DragStarted.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } else if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Executing) { Vector3 gestureScreenPoint = new Vector3(r.FocusX, r.FocusY, panZ); Vector3 gestureWorldPoint = ScreenToWorldPoint(camera, gestureScreenPoint.x, gestureScreenPoint.y, gestureScreenPoint.z) + panOffset; if (rigidBody != null) { rigidBody.MovePosition(gestureWorldPoint); } else if (rigidBody2D != null) { rigidBody2D.MovePosition(gestureWorldPoint); } else { transform.position = gestureWorldPoint; } if (DragUpdated != null) { DragUpdated.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } else if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Ended) { transform.localScale /= DragScale; if (spriteRenderer != null && BringToFront) { spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = startSortOrder; } if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } }
private void LongPressGestureUpdated(GestureRecognizer r) { FingersPanRotateScaleComponentScript.StartOrResetGesture(r, BringToFront, Camera, gameObject, spriteRenderer, GestureRecognizerComponentScriptBase.GestureObjectMode.RequireIntersectWithGameObject); if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Began) { panZ = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position).z; panOffset = transform.position - Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(r.FocusX, r.FocusY, panZ)); if (DragStarted != null) { DragStarted.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Executing) { Vector3 gestureScreenPoint = new Vector3(r.FocusX, r.FocusY, panZ); Vector3 gestureWorldPoint = Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(gestureScreenPoint) + panOffset; if (rigidBody == null) { transform.position = gestureWorldPoint; } else { rigidBody.MovePosition(gestureWorldPoint); } if (DragUpdated != null) { DragUpdated.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } else if (r.State == GestureRecognizerState.Ended) { if (spriteRenderer != null && BringToFront) { spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = startSortOrder; } if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty); } } }
IEnumerator <object> SelectTask() { while (true) { if (Widget.Input.WasMousePressed() && HitTest(Widget.Input.MousePosition)) { DragStarted?.Invoke(); while (Widget.Input.IsMousePressed()) { var c = color.Value; PositionToHueSaturation(Widget.Input.MousePosition - Widget.GlobalCenter, out c.H, out c.S); color.Value = c; Window.Current.Invalidate(); Changed?.Invoke(); yield return(null); } DragEnded?.Invoke(); } yield return(null); } }
private void Update() { if (_mouseDown) { // Check for drag release if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // Touch ended; cancel tracking _mouseDown = false; _lastPosition =; if (DragEnded != null) { DragEnded.Invoke(Input.mousePosition); } } else if (_lastPosition != Input.mousePosition) { // Touch still occuring and moved if (DragMoved != null) { DragMoved.Invoke(_lastPosition - Input.mousePosition); } _lastPosition = Input.mousePosition; } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { // Otherwise, start tracking the first touch to begin _lastPosition = Input.mousePosition; _mouseDown = true; if (DragBegan != null) { DragBegan.Invoke(_lastPosition); } } }
private void RaiseDragEnded() { DragEnded?.Invoke(); }
public void InvokeDragEnded(int startIndex, int endIndex) { DragEnded?.Invoke(this, new DragAndDropEventArgs(startIndex, endIndex)); }
private void OnDragEvent(object sender, EventArgs arguments) { //Debug.LogError ("Entered the efvent"); DragEnded drag = (DragEnded)arguments; isDragEnded = drag.value; switch (drag.action) { case Action.NONE: { shouldCueRotate = false; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_DOWN_TABLE: { Debug.LogError(" MOUSE IS DOWN ON THE TABLE "); shouldCueRotate = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_UP_TABLE: { Debug.LogError("MOUSE IS UP FROM THE TABLE "); shouldCueRotate = false; break; } //Canvas Events...... case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_DOWN: { isCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_STAY: { isCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_UP: { isCanvasTouched = false; break; } //Image Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_UP_IMAGE: { isImageTouched = false; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_DOWN_IMAGE: { isImageTouched = true; break; } // Cue Ball Canvas Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CUE_BALL_CANVAS_DOWN: { isCueBallCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CUE_BALL_CANVAS_UP: { isCueBallCanvasTouched = false; break; } // Region Script Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_INSIDE_REGION: { isCueBallInRegion = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_OUTSIDE_REGION: { isCueBallInRegion = false; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_DOWN_CANVAS: { Debug.LogError("event happened MOUSE IS DOWN ON CANVAS"); break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_UP_CANVAS: { Debug.LogError("event happened MOUSE IS UP ON CANVAS"); break; } } if (isImageTouched == false && isCueBallCanvasTouched == false) { cueBall.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().WakeUp(); float factor = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("factor"); Vector3 __rotationDirection =; var x = 0.0f; var __prevAngle = 0.0; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { #else if (Input.touches.Length > 0) { #endif if (isFirstTouch == false) { isFirstTouch = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR firstInputPosition = Input.mousePosition; #else firstInputPosition = (Vector3)Input.GetTouch(0).position; #endif } Vector3 currentInputPosition; #if UNITY_EDITOR currentInputPosition = Input.mousePosition; #else currentInputPosition = (Vector3)Input.GetTouch(0).position; #endif Vector3 cuePosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(cueBall.transform.position); float __angle = Vector3.Angle((firstInputPosition - cuePosition), (currentInputPosition - cuePosition)); Vector3 __cross = Vector3.Cross((firstInputPosition - cuePosition), (currentInputPosition - cuePosition)); Vector3 __direction = __cross.z > 0 ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up; x = __angle; __rotationDirection = __direction; #if UNITY_EDITOR firstInputPosition = Input.mousePosition; #else firstInputPosition = (Vector3)Input.GetTouch(0).position; #endif __prevAngle = __angle; if (x != 0 && isDragEnded == true) { var angle = x; //x=2 for touch and 75 for pc gameController.strikeDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, __rotationDirection) * gameController.strikeDirection; // /cue.transform.position = cueBall.transform.position + gameController.strikeDirection * (-1) * PoolGameController.MIN_DISTANCE; // cue.transform.position = new Vector3 (cue.transform.position.x, 9f, cue.transform.position.z); cue.transform.RotateAround(cueBall.transform.position, __rotationDirection, angle); } Debug.DrawLine(cueBall.transform.position, cueBall.transform.position + gameController.strikeDirection * 10); if (isDragEnded == true && factor != 0) { } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { isFirstTouch = false; } } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { isFirstTouch = false; } }
protected virtual void OnDragEnded(Dock position, double delta) { DragEnded?.Invoke(this, position, delta); }
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { DragEnded?.Invoke(eventData, gameObject); }
protected virtual void OnDragEnded() { DragEnded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public virtual void EndDrag(Vector3 mousePosition) => DragEnded?.Invoke(this, mousePosition);
private void OnDragEnded(InventorySlot inventorySlot, Vector2 pointerPosition) { DraggingInventorySlot.GetComponent <InventorySlot>().SetMainSprite(null); DraggingInventorySlot.SetActive(false); DragEnded?.Invoke(inventorySlot, pointerPosition); }
void SetupSliderDragHandlers(Slider slider) { slider.DragStarted += () => DragStarted?.Invoke(); slider.DragEnded += () => DragEnded?.Invoke(); slider.Changed += () => Changed?.Invoke(); }
private void Command_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { DragEnded?.Invoke(this); }
private void OnDragEvent(object sender, EventArgs arguments) { //Debug.LogError ("Entered the efvent"); DragEnded drag = (DragEnded)arguments; isDragEnded = drag.value; switch (drag.action) { case Action.NONE: { shouldCueRotate = false; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_DOWN_TABLE: { Debug.LogError(" MOUSE IS DOWN ON THE TABLE "); shouldCueRotate = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_UP_TABLE: { Debug.LogError("MOUSE IS UP FROM THE TABLE "); shouldCueRotate = false; break; } //Canvas Events...... case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_DOWN: { isCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_STAY: { isCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CANVAS_UP: { isCanvasTouched = false; break; } //Image Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_UP_IMAGE: { isImageTouched = false; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_DOWN_IMAGE: { isImageTouched = true; break; } // Cue Ball Canvas Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CUE_BALL_CANVAS_DOWN: { isCueBallCanvasTouched = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_CUE_BALL_CANVAS_UP: { isCueBallCanvasTouched = false; break; } // Region Script Events case Action.MSG_MOUSE_INSIDE_REGION: { isCueBallInRegion = true; break; } case Action.MSG_MOUSE_OUTSIDE_REGION: { isCueBallInRegion = false; break; } } }
private void OnDragEnded() { DragEnded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
protected void RaiseDragEnded() => DragEnded?.Invoke();