void Drop()
        // Is there a droppable container?
        Collider          col       = UICamera.lastHit.collider;
        DragDropContainer container = (col != null) ? col.gameObject.GetComponent <DragDropContainer>() : null;

        if (container != null)
            // Container found -- parent this object to the container
            //mTrans.parent = container.transform;

            //Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            //pos.z = 0f;
            //mTrans.localPosition = pos;
            // No valid container under the mouse -- revert the item's parent
            //mTrans.parent = mParent;

        // Notify the table of this change

        // Make all widgets update their parents
        //BroadcastMessage("CheckParent", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
    /// <summary>
    /// Drop the dragged object.
    /// </summary>

    void Drop()
        // Is there a droppable container?
        Collider          col       = UICamera.lastHit.collider;
        DragDropContainer container = (col != null) ? col.gameObject.GetComponent <DragDropContainer>() : null;

        if (container != null)
            // Container found -- parent this object to the container
            mTrans.parent = container.transform;

            Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            pos.z = 0f;
            mTrans.localPosition = pos;
            // No valid container under the mouse -- revert the item's parent
            mTrans.parent = mParent;

        // Notify the table of this change

        // Make all widgets update their parents
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.LeftButton != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                this.dragStartPoint = null;

            if (this.dragStartPoint.HasValue)
                // XamlWriter.Save() has limitations in exactly what is serialized,
                // see SDK documentation; short term solution only;
                string            xamlString = XamlWriter.Save(this.Content);
                DragDropContainer dataObject = new DragDropContainer();
                dataObject.Data = xamlString;

                WrapPanel panel = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as WrapPanel;
                if (panel != null)
                    // desired size for DesignerCanvas is the stretched Toolbox item size
                    double scale = 1.3;
                    dataObject.DesiredSize = new Size(panel.ItemWidth * scale, panel.ItemHeight * scale);

                DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, dataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);

                e.Handled = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Drop the dragged object.
    /// </summary>

    void Drop()
        // Is there a droppable container?
        Collider          col       = UICamera.lastHit.collider;
        DragDropContainer container = (col != null) ? col.gameObject.GetComponent <DragDropContainer>() : null;

        if (container != null)
            // Container found -- parent this object to the container
            mTrans.parent = (container.reparentTarget != null) ? container.reparentTarget : container.transform;

            Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            pos.z = 0f;
            mTrans.localPosition = pos;
            // No valid container under the mouse -- revert the item's parent
            mTrans.parent = mParent;

        // Restore the depth
        //UIWidget[] widgets = GetComponentsInChildren<UIWidget>();
        //for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; ++i) widgets[i].depth = widgets[i].depth - 100;

        // Notify the table of this change

        // Make all widgets update their parents
        private void treeViewAss_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                DragDropContainer dataObject = new DragDropContainer();
                dataObject.Data = (object)((TreeViewItem)this.treeViewAss.SelectedItem).Tag;

                DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this.treeViewAss, dataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);

                e.Handled = true;
        protected override void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e)
            DragDropContainer dragObject = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragDropContainer)) as DragDropContainer;

            if (dragObject != null && dragObject.Data != null)
                ReflectDesignItem newItem = null;
                Object            content = dragObject.Data;

                if (content != null)
                    newItem             = new ReflectDesignItem();
                    newItem.Style       = (Style)Application.Current.FindResource(typeof(DesignerItem));
                    newItem.DataContext = content;

                    Point position = e.GetPosition(this);

                    if (dragObject.DesiredSize.HasValue)
                        Size desiredSize = dragObject.DesiredSize.Value;
                        newItem.Width  = desiredSize.Width;
                        newItem.Height = desiredSize.Height;

                        DesignerCanvas.SetLeft(newItem, Math.Max(0, position.X - newItem.Width / 2));
                        DesignerCanvas.SetTop(newItem, Math.Max(0, position.Y - newItem.Height / 2));
                        DesignerCanvas.SetLeft(newItem, Math.Max(0, position.X));
                        DesignerCanvas.SetTop(newItem, Math.Max(0, position.Y));

                    Canvas.SetZIndex(newItem, this.Children.Count);

                    //update selection

                e.Handled = true;
Exemple #7
    private void Drop()
        Collider          collider  = UICamera.lastHit.collider;
        DragDropContainer container = (collider == null) ? null : collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DragDropContainer>();

        if (container != null)
            this.mTrans.parent = container.transform;
            Vector3 localPosition = this.mTrans.localPosition;
            localPosition.z           = 0f;
            this.mTrans.localPosition = localPosition;
            this.mTrans.parent = this.mParent;