private async void btnSubmitError_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DowntimeTimer.Stop(); try { //await _connection.InvokeAsync("Send", "WinFormsApp", messageTextBox.Text); await _connection.InvokeAsync("SendMachineError", DateTime.Now.ToString(), cmbErrorReason.Text, txtErrorDescription.Text); Log(Color.Brown, "SendError to server " + ": " + cmbErrorReason.Text, messagesList); } catch (Exception ex) { Log(Color.Red, ex.ToString(), messagesList); serverRequestData = false; countSenddataToHubs = 0; } txtErrorDescription.Text = ""; //Send data Hubs tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; countIdletimes = tikerTime - startTime - countRunningtimes - countDownTimetimes - countSettingtimes; bbcountIdletimes = countIdletimes; PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange; IdleTimer.Start(); }
private void btnResetConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.Gray; lbAlertMessage.Text = "RESET TIME"; lbAlertMessage.Left = (PanelAlertMessage.Width - lbAlertMessage.Width) / 2; //reset data and save to local IdleTimer.Stop(); RuningTimer.Stop(); SettingTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); countSettingtimes = new TimeSpan(0); countIdletimes = new TimeSpan(0); countDownTimetimes = new TimeSpan(0); countRunningtimes = new TimeSpan(0); txtRunningTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtSettingTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtDownTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtIdleTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; Properties.Settings.Default.RunningTimes = countRunningtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.DownTimes = countDownTimetimes; Properties.Settings.Default.SettingTimes = countSettingtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); planQty = 0; expectValue = 0; totalInputValue = 0; totalPassValue = 0; yieldValue = 0.0; OEEValue = 0.0; expectRatio = 0; qtyPerInput = 0; txtQtyPlan.Text = planQty.ToString(); txtQtyExpect.Text = expectValue.ToString(); txtQtyInput.Text = totalInputValue.ToString(); btnQtyPass.Text = totalPassValue.ToString(); txtQtyYield.Text = yieldValue.ToString("N2") + "%"; txtOEEvalue.Text = OEEValue.ToString("N3") + "%"; tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; countIdletimes = tikerTime - startTime - countRunningtimes - countDownTimetimes - countSettingtimes; bbcountIdletimes = countIdletimes; PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange; IdleTimer.Start(); }
private void btnTrial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtMessage.Text = "Machine is trial"; tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; RuningTimer.Stop(); IdleTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue; bbcountSettingtimes = countSettingtimes; SettingTimer.Start(); }
private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { getJobFromHubs = false; txtBarcode.Enabled = true; txtBarcode.Text = "SCAN BARCODE"; txtMessage.Text = "Machine is stop"; RuningTimer.Stop(); SettingTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange; tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; countIdletimes = tikerTime - startTime - countRunningtimes - countDownTimetimes - countSettingtimes; bbcountIdletimes = countIdletimes; IdleTimer.Start(); }
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IdleTimer.Stop(); currentTimer.Stop(); RuningTimer.Stop(); SettingTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); updateChartTimer.Stop(); Properties.Settings.Default.RunningTimes = countRunningtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.DownTimes = countDownTimetimes; Properties.Settings.Default.SettingTimes = countSettingtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Close(); }
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // job detail from server if (txtJobNo.Text != "") { txtBarcode.Enabled = false; txtMessage.Text = "Machine is running"; tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; IdleTimer.Stop(); SettingTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen; bbcountRunningtimes = countRunningtimes; RuningTimer.Start(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please scan barcode or key job number before start"); } }
private void updateChartTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay >= endTime) && (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > startTime)) { if (resetDone == false) { resetDone = true; //startTime =startTime.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)); txtMessage.Text = "Stop all process because now is reset data time !!!"; //send data to server //reset data and save to local IdleTimer.Stop(); RuningTimer.Stop(); SettingTimer.Stop(); DowntimeTimer.Stop(); countSettingtimes = new TimeSpan(0); countIdletimes = new TimeSpan(0); countDownTimetimes = new TimeSpan(0); countRunningtimes = new TimeSpan(0); txtRunningTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtSettingTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtDownTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; txtIdleTimes.Text = "00h:00m:00s"; Properties.Settings.Default.RunningTimes = countRunningtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.DownTimes = countDownTimetimes; Properties.Settings.Default.SettingTimes = countSettingtimes; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); lbAlertMessage.Text = "RESET TIME"; PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.Gray; lbAlertMessage.Left = (PanelAlertMessage.Width - lbAlertMessage.Width) / 2; } else { lbAlertMessage.Text = "END PROCESS TIME"; PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange; lbAlertMessage.Left = (PanelAlertMessage.Width - lbAlertMessage.Width) / 2; txtMessage.Text = "Now is End of Process time"; } } else if ((DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < endTime) && (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > startTime)) { TimeSpan countAlltime = countSettingtimes + countIdletimes + countDownTimetimes + countRunningtimes; if (countSettingtimes.TotalSeconds > 0) { chart1.Series[0].Points[0].SetValueY((double)(countSettingtimes.TotalSeconds * 100 / (countAlltime.TotalSeconds))); } if (countIdletimes.TotalSeconds > 0) { chart1.Series[0].Points[1].SetValueY((double)(countIdletimes.TotalSeconds * 100 / (countAlltime.TotalSeconds))); } if (countDownTimetimes.TotalSeconds > 0) { chart1.Series[0].Points[2].SetValueY((double)(countDownTimetimes.TotalSeconds * 100 / (countAlltime.TotalSeconds))); } if (countRunningtimes.TotalSeconds > 0) { chart1.Series[0].Points[3].SetValueY((double)(countRunningtimes.TotalSeconds * 100 / (countAlltime.TotalSeconds))); } calYieldandOEE(); chart1.Refresh(); resetDone = false; if (!DowntimeTimer.Enabled && !SettingTimer.Enabled && !RuningTimer.Enabled && !IdleTimer.Enabled) { txtMessage.Text = "Please key or scan job barcode before start process"; tikerTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; countIdletimes = tikerTime - startTime - countRunningtimes - countDownTimetimes - countSettingtimes; bbcountIdletimes = countIdletimes; PanelAlertMessage.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange; IdleTimer.Start(); } } }