Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the list with all the possible files
        /// that can be downloaded.  This will be all the
        /// ENS files on the ADCP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryListing">List of files.</param>
        private void PopulateDownloadList(RTI.Commands.AdcpDirListing directoryListing)
                // Clear the current list

                // Set the total and used space
                DownloadTotalSpace = directoryListing.TotalSpace.ToString() + " MB";
                DownloadUsedSpace  = directoryListing.UsedSpace.ToString() + " MB";

                // Create a list of all the ENS files
                for (int x = 0; x < directoryListing.DirListing.Count; x++)
                    DownloadFileList.Add(new DownloadFile(directoryListing.DirListing[x])
                        IsSelected = SelectAllFiles

                this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanDownloadData);
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Error downloading list of files.", e);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// When the downloading is complete, this method will be called.
        /// This will update the buttons and begin outputing data to the
        /// screen again.
        /// </summary>
        private void On_DownloadDataCompleted()
            // Turn on displaying serial data
            _isDownloadingData = false;
            _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new AdcpStatus(eAdcpStatus.Connected));
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanDownloadData);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanCancelDownload);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanPopulateDownloadList);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanFormatSdCard);

            // Check how the download completed
            if (_cancelDownload)
                _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new StatusEvent("Download Cancelled.", MessageBoxImage.Warning));

                // Clear the list of downloads
            //else if (e.Error != null)
            //    _eventAggregator.Publish(new StatusEvent("Download Error.", MessageBoxImage.Error));

            //    // Clear the list of downloads
            //    DownloadFileList.Clear();
                _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new StatusEvent("Download complete."));
 private void Start()
     DownloadFileList.AsParallel().ForAll(t =>
 private void Pause()
     DownloadFileList.AsParallel().ForAll(t =>
        private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double speed = 0;

            DownloadFileList.AsParallel().ForAll(t =>
                speed += t.Speed;
            this.Speed = speed;
 private void AddFile()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadUrl))
         if (LoginModel.IsLogin)
             var file = new DownloadItemViewModel(DownloadUrl, DownloadDir, Filename, LoginModel.Cookie);
             DownloadUrl = null;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Move or copy all files matching a pattern from a source location to a destination location, optionally
        /// encrypting/decrypting/renaming in the process
        /// </summary>
        public override async Task <TaskResult> ExecuteTask(TaskParameters parameters)
            var    result           = new TaskResult();
            var    dateTimeNow      = DateTime.Now;  // Use single value throughout for consistency in macro replacements
            bool   suppressErrors   = false;         // If true, errors will not be factored into success/failure of this task
            Stream downloadListFile = null;          // If used, download listing file will be held open until finally block

                #region Retrieve task parameters
                // Load source connection configuration and validate:
                var sourceConnectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(parameters, true);
                if (sourceConnectionConfig.Invalid)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Source configuration invalid");
                // Load destination connection configuration and validate:
                var destConnectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(parameters, false);
                if (destConnectionConfig.Invalid)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Destination configuration invalid");

                // Build collection of source file path/filter combinations starting with standard single values in parameter collection:
                var sourceFilePaths = new List <SourceFilePath>
                    new SourceFilePath
                        FolderPath     = parameters.GetString("SourceFolderPath", null, dateTimeNow),
                        FilenameFilter = parameters.GetString("SourceFilenameFilter", null, dateTimeNow),
                        FilenameRegex  = parameters.GetString("SourceFilenameRegex")
                // Add path collection from separate configuration section, if present:
                var sourcePathsConfig = parameters.Configuration.GetSection("SourceFilePaths");
                if (sourcePathsConfig.Exists())
                    sourceFilePaths.AddRange(sourcePathsConfig.Get <IEnumerable <SourceFilePath> >());
                // Remove invalid entries and ensure there are source paths present:
                sourceFilePaths.RemoveAll(path => path.Invalid());
                if (sourceFilePaths.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("No valid source file paths found");

                // Read optional parameters - behavior:
                suppressErrors = parameters.GetBool("SuppressErrors");
                var maxAge           = parameters.Get <TimeSpan>("MaxAge", TimeSpan.TryParse);
                var preventOverwrite = parameters.GetBool("PreventOverwrite");
                var copyFileOnly     = parameters.GetBool("CopyFileOnly");

                // Read optional parameters - rename file at destination:
                var    fileRenameRegex       = TaskUtilities.General.RegexIfPresent(parameters.GetString("FileRenameRegex"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string fileRenameReplacement = null;
                bool   fileRenameDefer       = false;         // If true, file will be renamed after transfer complete
                if (fileRenameRegex != null)
                    fileRenameDefer = parameters.GetBool("FileRenameDefer");
                    if (fileRenameDefer && preventOverwrite)
                        // Deferred rename occurs at remote site; with preventOverwrite on, original file may be uploaded under another name
                        // by destination object (meaning rename step would fail), and final filename will not be checked in advance:
                        throw new ArgumentException("PreventOverwrite and FileRenameDefer options cannot be used together");
                    fileRenameReplacement = parameters.GetString("FileRenameReplacement", null, dateTimeNow) ?? string.Empty;

                // Read optional parameters - rename source file after copy:
                var    sourceFileRenameRegex       = TaskUtilities.General.RegexIfPresent(parameters.GetString("SourceFileRenameRegex"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string sourceFileRenameReplacement = null;
                if (sourceFileRenameRegex != null)
                    if (!copyFileOnly)
                        // If CopyFileOnly is not set, source file will be deleted (and thus cannot be renamed); raise error to ensure that
                        // unintended behavior does not occur (allow opportunity to correct configuration):
                        throw new ArgumentException("SourceFileRenameRegex cannot be used unless CopyFileOnly is set");
                    sourceFileRenameReplacement = parameters.GetString("SourceFileRenameReplacement", null, dateTimeNow) ?? string.Empty;

                #region If file download history listing is configured, open file and read
                DownloadFileList downloadFileList     = null;
                string           downloadListFilename = parameters.GetString("DownloadListFilename");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadListFilename))
                    if (File.Exists(downloadListFilename))
                        // Open file (note this FileStream will be kept open until finally block below) and attempt to
                        // deserialize file listing from its contents (if any):
                        downloadListFile = new FileStream(downloadListFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
                        downloadFileList = downloadListFile.Length > 0 ? await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <DownloadFileList>(downloadListFile) : new DownloadFileList();

                        // If there are any files in listing, prune list by download age:
                        if (downloadFileList?.downloadFiles?.Count > 0)
                            if (downloadFileList.PruneList(parameters.Get <TimeSpan>("DownloadListMaxAge", TimeSpan.TryParse)))
                                // File listing was modified - truncate file and re-write contents:
                                await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(downloadListFile, downloadFileList, downloadListFileFormat);
                        // Create new empty file (leave stream open for use below) and new empty listing:
                        downloadListFile = new FileStream(downloadListFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
                        downloadFileList = new DownloadFileList();

                // Create source connection, connect and retrieve file listing
                using (var sourceConnection = Connection.CreateInstance(isp, sourceConnectionConfig))
                    var fileList = sourceConnection.GetFileList(sourceFilePaths);
                    if (fileList.Any() && downloadFileList?.downloadFiles?.Count > 0)
                        // Remove any files already present in downloaded list from current set:
                    if (fileList.Any() && maxAge != null)
                        // Remove any files older than maxAge (ignoring sign - allow age to be specified either way):
                        var minLastWriteTime = dateTimeNow.Add((TimeSpan)(maxAge?.TotalMilliseconds > 0 ? maxAge?.Negate() : maxAge));
                        fileList.RemoveWhere(file => file.lastWriteTime < minLastWriteTime);

                    if (fileList.Any())
                        #region Open destination connection and transfer files
                        using var destConnection = Connection.CreateInstance(isp, destConnectionConfig);
                        foreach (var file in fileList)
                            using var logscope = new TaskUtilities.LogScopeHelper(logger, new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                ["FileFolder"] = file.fileFolder,
                                ["FileName"]   = file.fileName,
                                ["SourcePGP"]  = sourceConnectionConfig.PGP,
                                ["DestPGP"]    = destConnectionConfig.PGP
                                #region Perform file transfer
                                // Apply file rename, if appropriate:
                                string destFileName = (fileRenameRegex == null || fileRenameDefer) ? file.fileName : fileRenameRegex.Replace(file.fileName, fileRenameReplacement);
                                logger.LogDebug($"File will be transferred to {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.DestinationSubfolder) ? destFileName : TaskUtilities.General.PathCombine(file.DestinationSubfolder, destFileName))}");

                                // If simple copy method supported by this source/dest combination, perform now:
                                if (destConnection.SupportsSimpleCopy(sourceConnection))
                                    string destPath = destConnection.DoSimpleCopy(sourceConnection, file.fileFolder, file.fileName, file.DestinationSubfolder, destFileName, preventOverwrite);
                                    logscope.AddToState("DestFilePath", destPath);
                                    logger.LogInformation("File transferred (using simple copy)");
                                else                                 // Non-folder source/destination or PGP encryption/decryption required
                                    // Request write stream from destination object:
                                    using var deststream = destConnection.GetWriteStream(file.DestinationSubfolder, destFileName, preventOverwrite);
                                    logscope.AddToState("DestFilePath", deststream.path);
                                    if (destConnectionConfig.PGP)
                                        // Destination requires PGP encryption - create encrypting stream around destination stream:
                                        using var encstream = destConnectionConfig.pgpRawFormat ?
                                                              await TaskUtilities.Pgp.GetEncryptionStreamRaw(destConnection.PGPKeyStream, destConnectionConfig.pgpUserID, deststream.stream)
                                                                                        : await TaskUtilities.Pgp.GetEncryptionStream(destConnection.PGPKeyStream, destConnectionConfig.pgpUserID, deststream.stream);

                                        // Order source connection to write data from specified file into encrypting stream:
                                        await sourceConnection.DoTransfer(file.fileFolder, file.fileName, encstream.GetStream());
                                        // No encryption required - order source connection to write data from specified file into destination stream:
                                        await sourceConnection.DoTransfer(file.fileFolder, file.fileName, deststream.stream);
                                    await destConnection.FinalizeWrite(deststream);

                                    logger.LogInformation("File transferred");

                                // If file rename deferred, perform now:
                                if (fileRenameDefer)
                                    var renameFile = fileRenameRegex.Replace(destFileName, fileRenameReplacement);
                                    logscope.AddToState("DestFileRenamePath", renameFile);
                                    destConnection.DestRenameFile(file.DestinationSubfolder, destFileName, renameFile, preventOverwrite);
                                    logger.LogInformation("File renamed at destination", renameFile);

                                #region Delete or rename source file
                                if (copyFileOnly)
                                    if (sourceFileRenameRegex != null)
                                        var renameFile = sourceFileRenameRegex.Replace(file.fileName, sourceFileRenameReplacement);
                                        sourceConnection.SourceRenameFile(file.fileFolder, file.fileName, renameFile, preventOverwrite);
                                        logger.LogDebug($"Source file renamed to {renameFile}");
                                    sourceConnection.DeleteFile(file.fileFolder, file.fileName);
                                    logger.LogDebug("Source file deleted");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                logger.LogError(ex, "Error downloading file");
                                if (!suppressErrors)
                                    result.AddException(new Exception($"Error downloading file {TaskUtilities.General.PathCombine(file.fileFolder, file.fileName)}", ex));

                            #region Update file download list, if required
                            if (downloadFileList != null)
                                    // Clear file contents and re-serialize updated file listing (performed after each file transfer rather than
                                    // at end of job to ensure that a scenario where some files are downloaded and then the job/task is halted
                                    // or killed does not result in duplicate files being downloaded next run)
                                    await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(downloadListFile, downloadFileList, downloadListFileFormat);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    logger.LogError(ex, "Error updating file download listing");
                                    result.AddException(new Exception("Error updating download listing", ex));

                // If this point is reached with no exceptions thrown, set success:
                result.Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is AggregateException ae)                 // Exception caught from async task; simplify if possible
                    ex = TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae);
                logger.LogError(ex, "Move process failed");

                // Error has been logged; if we are suppressing errors consider this successful, otherwise add
                // exception to return collection for caller to handle:
                if (suppressErrors)
                    result.Success = true;
                if (downloadListFile != null)
                    await downloadListFile.DisposeAsync();

                    downloadListFile = null;