private Task GetPatchesShortestPath() { return(Task.Run(() => { var currentVersion = CurrentVersion; List <PatchIndexEntry> compatiblePatches = null; do { var version = currentVersion; compatiblePatches = PatchesIndex.Patches.Where(p => p.From.Equals(version)).ToList(); if (compatiblePatches.Count == 0) { continue; } var longestJumpPatch = compatiblePatches.OrderBy(p => p.To).Last(); var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry( Settings.GetRemotePatchDefinitionUrl(longestJumpPatch.From, longestJumpPatch.To), Settings.GetRemotePatchDefinitionUrl(longestJumpPatch.From, longestJumpPatch.To).Replace(Settings.RemoteUrl, string.Empty), null, null, null ); PatchesPath.Add(Downloader.DownloadJson <PatchDefinition>(downloadEntry, Serializer)); currentVersion = longestJumpPatch.To; } while (compatiblePatches.Count > 0); Logger.Info("Found {ApplicablePatchesAmount} applicable updates.", PatchesPath.Count); })); }
protected override IReadOnlyCollection <DownloadEntry> ReadAllDownloadEntriesFromThread(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext) { var res = new List <DownloadEntry>(); var spoilerContainers = threadHtmlNode.Descendants().Where(f => f.Attributes["Class"]?.Value.Contains("bbCodeSpoilerContainer") == true); foreach (var spoilerContainer in spoilerContainers) { var spanElementForUploaded = TryGetSpanElementForUploadedNet(spoilerContainer); if (spanElementForUploaded != null) { var linkElement = GetExternalLinkElement(spanElementForUploaded); var entryTitle = linkElement.InnerText; var externalLinkUrl = GetExternalUrl(linkElement); var uploadedDate = GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode); var newEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, externalLinkUrl, entryTitle, uploadedDate, false); res.Add(newEntry); } } return(res.AsReadOnly()); }
private Task GetPatchesIndex() { return(Task.Run(() => { try { var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry( Settings.GetRemotePatchesIndexUrl(), Settings.GetRemotePatchesIndexUrl().Replace(Settings.RemoteUrl, string.Empty), null, null, null ); PatchesIndex = Downloader.DownloadJson <PatchIndex>(downloadEntry, Serializer); } catch { PatchesIndex = new PatchIndex() { Patches = new List <PatchIndexEntry>() }; Logger.Warning("No patches index found."); } })); }
public void SaveDownloadLists(DownloadLists lists) { try { var listsEntry = new DownloadEntry {Title = lists.Title, ThumbnailUrl = lists.ThumbnailUrl, ExecutionStatus = lists.ExecutionStatus }; foreach (DownloadList list in lists.Entries) { if (list.DownloadState == DownloadState.AllFinished || list.Entries.Count <= 0) continue; var entry = new DownloadEntry { Title = list.Title, ThumbnailUrl = list.ThumbnailUrl, MediaType = list.MediaType, ExecutionStatus = list.ExecutionStatus, Url = "" }; var firstEntry = list.Entries[0] as YoutubeEntry; if (firstEntry == null) continue; if (firstEntry.Parent != null) { entry.Url = String.Format("{0}", firstEntry.Parent.Uri); entry.Title = firstEntry.Parent.Title; } foreach (YoutubeEntry youtubeEntry in list.Entries) entry.List.Add(new DownloadEntry { Title = youtubeEntry.Title, Url = youtubeEntry.Uri.ToString(), MediaType = youtubeEntry.MediaType, ThumbnailUrl = youtubeEntry.ThumbnailUrl, ExecutionStatus = youtubeEntry.ExecutionStatus }); listsEntry.List.Add(entry); } using (var file = new StreamWriter(_downloadsFile)) file.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listsEntry)); } catch {} }
private Task GetBuildsIndex() { return(Task.Run(() => { try { var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry( Settings.GetRemoteBuildsIndexUrl(), Settings.GetRemoteBuildsIndexUrl().Replace(Settings.RemoteUrl, string.Empty), null, null, null ); BuildsIndex = Downloader.DownloadJson <BuildsIndex>(downloadEntry, Serializer); } catch (Exception e) { BuildsIndex = new BuildsIndex() { AvailableBuilds = new List <IVersion>() }; Logger.Warning("No builds index found. Problem: {BuildsIndexException}", e); } })); }
private IEnumerable <DownloadEntry> ReadActualEpisodes(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext) { var result = new List <DownloadEntry>(); HtmlNode actualEpisdesDivElement; if (TryReadingActualEpisodesDivElement(threadHtmlNode, out actualEpisdesDivElement)) { var uploadedElements = actualEpisdesDivElement.Descendants("a").Where(f => f.InnerText == "Uploaded"); foreach (var uploadedEle in uploadedElements) { var downloadLink = uploadedEle.Attributes.First(f => f.Name == "href").Value; var parentSpan = uploadedEle.NavigateToElementOfType("span", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.Parent); var spanWithTitles = parentSpan.NavigateToElementOfType("span", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.PreviousSibling); if (spanWithTitles == null) { spanWithTitles = parentSpan.NavigateToElementOfType("span", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.Parent); } var entryTitles = GetDownloadEntryTitles(spanWithTitles); var lastUploadDate = GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode); var newEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, downloadLink, entryTitles, lastUploadDate, false); result.Add(newEntry); } } else { throw new DownloadException("Could not find an entry-point for the actual episodes"); } return(result); }
private IEnumerable <DownloadEntry> ReadActualEpisodes(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext) { var result = new List <DownloadEntry>(); var allLinkElements = threadHtmlNode.Descendants("a").Where(f => { var attr = f.Attributes["href"].Value; return(attr.ContainsCaseInsensitive("")); }); foreach (var linkElement in allLinkElements) { var title = GetTitleFromLink(linkElement); // Assuming it is not Season-Pack if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { var link = linkElement.Attributes["href"].Value; var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, link, title, GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode), false); result.Add(downloadEntry); } } return(result); }
private DownloadEntry CreateEntry(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext, HtmlNode uploadedSpan) { var linkElement = uploadedSpan.ParentNode; var externalLink = GetExternalUrl(linkElement); string entryName; bool isSeasonPack; if (CheckIfIsAllEpisodesSpan(uploadedSpan)) { entryName = Constants.DOWNLOADENTRYTITLE_SEASONPACK; isSeasonPack = true; } else { entryName = GetDownloadEntryTitle(linkElement); isSeasonPack = false; } var lastUploadDate = GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode); var result = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, externalLink, entryName, lastUploadDate, isSeasonPack); return(result); }
public DownloadProperties(string DownloadID) { InitializeComponent(); properties = Downloads.DownloadEntries.Where(download => download.DownloadID == DownloadID).FirstOrDefault(); FileIcon.Source = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(properties.FileName, ShellIconSize.LargeIcon).IconToImageSource(); FileName.Text = properties.FileName; FileType.Text = SHGetFileInfo_Wrapper.GetFileTypeDescription(properties.FileName); Status.Text = properties.Status != null ? properties.Status : "Unknown"; Size.Text = properties.SizePretty != null ? properties.SizePretty : "Unknown"; SaveTo_txtBox.Text = properties.SaveTo; Address.Text = properties.DownloadLink.ToString(); Description.Text = properties.Description; authUser.Text = properties.AuthUsername; authPass.Password = properties.AuthPassword; if (properties.Status == "Complete") { SaveTo_button.Content = "Move"; btnOpen.IsEnabled = true; Address.IsReadOnly = true; } SaveTo_txtBox.SelectAll(); // select all text in this box on window load (to show that the box is selectable) this.PreviewKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(HandleEsc); // Close window when escape is hit }
public DownloadHandler(BLTEStream blte) { if (CASContainer.BuildConfig["download-size"][0] != null && blte.Length != long.Parse(CASContainer.BuildConfig["download-size"][0])) { CASContainer.Settings?.Logger.LogAndThrow(Logging.LogType.Critical, "Download File is corrupt."); } using (var br = new BinaryReader(blte)) { Header = new DownloadHeader() { Header = br.ReadBytes(2), Version = br.ReadByte(), ChecksumSize = br.ReadByte(), Unknown = br.ReadByte(), NumEntries = br.ReadUInt32BE(), NumTags = br.ReadUInt16BE(), }; // entries for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumEntries; i++) { var entry = new DownloadEntry() { Unknown = Header.Version > 1 ? br.ReadByte() : (byte)0, // new V2 field Hash = new MD5Hash(br), FileSize = br.ReadUInt40BE(), Stage = br.ReadByte(), UnknownData = br.ReadBytes(4) }; Entries.Add(entry); } // tags int numMaskBytes = ((int)Header.NumEntries + 7) / 8; for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumTags; i++) { var tag = new DownloadTag() { Name = br.ReadCString(), Type = br.ReadUInt16BE(), BitMask = new BoolArray(br.ReadBytes(numMaskBytes)) }; Tags.Add(tag); } EncodingMap = blte.EncodingMap.ToArray(); endofStageIndex = new int[] // store last indice of each stage { Entries.FindLastIndex(x => x.Stage == 0), Entries.FindLastIndex(x => x.Stage == 1) }; } blte?.Dispose(); }
public void TestResolveEntryAvailable() { updateChecker.DownloadIdentifier = "fileHashMD5"; DownloadEntry entry = updateChecker.ResolveDownloadEntry(appUpdate); Assert.AreEqual("TestFiles\\DownloadTestFile.txt", entry.Link); Assert.AreEqual("Download.txt", entry.FileName); }
public void TestResolveEntryNotAvailable() { updateChecker.DownloadIdentifier = "notAvailableIdentifier"; DownloadEntry entry = updateChecker.ResolveDownloadEntry(appUpdate); Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Link); Assert.AreEqual("", entry.FileName); Assert.IsNull(entry.FileHash); }
public DownloadEntryViewModel(DownloadEntry downloadEntry) { this._downloadEntry = downloadEntry; timer = new Timer(1000); timer.Elapsed += (o, k) => { OnPropertyChanged("Status"); OnPropertyChanged("Progress"); OnPropertyChanged("DSpeed"); OnPropertyChanged("USpeed"); }; timer.Start(); }
public override string DownloadString(DownloadEntry entry) { using (var client = new DropboxClient(Credentials.Password)) { var url = entry.PartialRemoteUrl; if (!url.StartsWith("/")) { url = "/" + url; } using (var response = client.Files.DownloadAsync(url).Result) { return(response.GetContentAsStringAsync().Result); } } }
public void AddEntry(CASResult blte) { if (CASContainer.EncodingHandler.Layout.ContainsKey(blte.Hash)) // skip existing { return; } var entry = new DownloadEntry() { Hash = blte.Hash, FileSize = blte.CompressedSize - 30, UnknownData = new byte[4], Stage = (byte)(blte.HighPriority ? 0 : 1) }; int index = endofStageIndex[entry.Stage]; if (index >= 0) { if (entry.Stage == 0) { endofStageIndex[0]++; } endofStageIndex[1]++; Entries.Insert(index, entry); foreach (var tag in Tags) { if (tag.Name != "Alternate") { tag.BitMask.Insert(index, true); } } } else { Entries.Add(entry); foreach (var tag in Tags) { if (tag.Name != "Alternate") { tag.BitMask.Add(true); } } } }
private IEnumerable <DownloadEntry> ReadActualEpisodes(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext) { var result = new List <DownloadEntry>(); var singleEpisodeSpans = threadHtmlNode.Descendants().Where(f => f.Name == "span" && f.InnerText == "Aktuelle Folge"); foreach (var singleSpan in singleEpisodeSpans) { var externalLink = GetExternalUrl(singleSpan); var entryName = GetDownloadEntryName(singleSpan); var lastThreadUpdate = GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode); var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, externalLink, entryName, lastThreadUpdate, false); result.Add(downloadEntry); } return(result); }
public async Task TestDownloadUpdateNoFileName(string identifier, string expectedName, bool download) { updateChecker.DownloadIdentifier = identifier; // first check FileName DownloadEntry entry = updateChecker.ResolveDownloadEntry(appUpdate); Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, entry.FileName); // now perform download if (!download) { return; } string downloadPath = await updateChecker.DownloadUpdate(appUpdate); Assert.IsNotNull(downloadPath); Assert.AreEqual(downloadFileText, File.ReadAllText(downloadPath)); }
private bool TryReadingSeasonPack(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext, out DownloadEntry seasonPackEntry) { var seasonPackSpan = threadHtmlNode.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(f => f.InnerText.Contains("Staffelpack")); if (seasonPackSpan != null) { var parentDiv = seasonPackSpan.NavigateToElementOfType("div", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.Parent); var downloadLink = GetExternalLinkUrl(parentDiv); var entryTitle = Constants.DOWNLOADENTRYTITLE_SEASONPACK; var lastUploadDate = GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode); seasonPackEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, downloadLink, entryTitle, lastUploadDate, true); return(true); } seasonPackEntry = null; return(false); }
private Task GetBuildDefinition() { return(Task.Run(() => { if (CurrentVersion == null) { CurrentVersion = BuildsIndex.GetLast(); } if (CurrentVersion == null) { Logger.Error(null, "Cannot retrieve any new version..."); throw new NoAvailableBuildsException(); } if (!BuildsIndex.Contains(CurrentVersion) && CurrentVersion.IsLower(BuildsIndex.GetFirst())) { CurrentVersion = BuildsIndex.GetLast(); SetRepairNeeded(); } try { var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry( Settings.GetRemoteBuildDefinitionUrl(CurrentVersion), Settings.GetRemoteBuildDefinitionUrl(CurrentVersion).Replace(Settings.RemoteUrl, string.Empty), null, null, null ); CurrentBuildDefinition = Downloader.DownloadJson <BuildDefinition>(downloadEntry, Serializer); Logger.Info("Retrieved definition for {CurrentVersion}", CurrentVersion); } catch { CurrentBuildDefinition = new BuildDefinition() { Entries = new BuildDefinitionEntry[0] }; Logger.Warning("Cannot retrieve the build definition for {CurrentVersion}", CurrentVersion); } })); }
private bool TryReadingSeasonPack(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext, out DownloadEntry seasonPackEntry) { var staffelpackElement = threadHtmlNode.Descendants("b").FirstOrDefault(f => f.InnerText.Contains("Staffelpack")); if (staffelpackElement != null) { var parentSpan = staffelpackElement.NavigateToElementOfType("span", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.Parent); var nextBlock = parentSpan.NavigateToElementOfType("b", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.NextSibling); var linkElement = nextBlock.Descendants("a").First(); var link = linkElement.Attributes["href"].Value; seasonPackEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, link, Constants.DOWNLOADENTRYTITLE_SEASONPACK, GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode), true); return(true); } seasonPackEntry = null; return(false); }
public void AddEntry(CASResult blte) { if (CASContainer.EncodingHandler.EKeys.ContainsKey(blte.EKey)) // skip existing { return; } var entry = new DownloadEntry() { EKey = blte.EKey, FileSize = blte.CompressedSize - 30, Flags = new DownloadFlags[Header.NumFlags], Priority = (byte)(blte.HighPriority ? 0 : 1) }; if (Header.HasChecksum != 0) { //entry.Checksum = } int index = endofStageIndex[entry.Priority]; if (index >= 0) { endofStageIndex[entry.Priority]++; Entries.Insert(index, entry); foreach (var tag in Tags) { tag.BitMask.Insert(index, tag.Name != "Alternate"); } } else { Entries.Add(entry); foreach (var tag in Tags) { tag.BitMask.Add(tag.Name != "Alternate"); } } }
private bool TryReadingSeasonPack(HtmlNode threadHtmlNode, DownloadContext downloadContext, out DownloadEntry seasonPackEntry) { var seasonPackSpan = threadHtmlNode.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(f => f.InnerText == "Staffel"); if (seasonPackSpan != null) { var parentSpan = seasonPackSpan.NavigateToElementOfType("span", Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.Parent); if (parentSpan != null) { var uploadedLink = parentSpan.NavigateToElement(f => f.Name == "a" && f.InnerText.ContainsCaseInsensitive("Uploaded"), Model.Enumerations.HtmlNavigationType.NextSibling); if (uploadedLink != null) { var link = uploadedLink.Attributes["href"].Value; seasonPackEntry = new DownloadEntry(downloadContext.Name, link, Constants.DOWNLOADENTRYTITLE_SEASONPACK, GetLastThreadUpdate(threadHtmlNode), true); return(true); } } } seasonPackEntry = null; return(false); }
public DownloadProgress(string currentDownloadID) { InitializeComponent(); SourceInitialized += OnSourceInitialized; downloadData = Downloads.DownloadEntries.Where(download => download.DownloadID == currentDownloadID).FirstOrDefault(); currentDownload = Mackerel.currentDownloads[downloadData.DownloadID]; currentDownload.ResumablityChanged += CurrentDownload_ResumablityChanged; currentDownload.ProgressChanged += CurrentDownload_ProgressChanged; currentDownload.Completed += CurrentDownload_Completed; currentDownload.Error += CurrentDownload_Error; //set temporary values before download starts this.Title = downloadData.FileName; FileSize.Text = Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3); Downloaded.Text = "Checking..."; TransferRate.Text = "(Unknown)"; TimeLeft.Text = "(Unknown)"; DownloadLink.Text = downloadData.DownloadLink.ToString(); Status.Text = "Connecting..."; FileSize.Text = Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3) != null?Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3) : "Unknown"; // enables Mackerel class to stop downloads just by setting downloadData.Running value to false Downloads.DownloadEntries.ListChanged += delegate { if (!downloadData.Running && !currentDownload.Stop) { currentDownload.StopDownload(); downloadData.TransferRate = null; Close(); } }; }
private Task GetUpdaterDefinition() { return(Task.Run(() => { try { var downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry( Settings.GetRemoteUpdaterIndexUrl(), Settings.GetRemoteUpdaterIndexUrl().Replace(Settings.RemoteUrl, string.Empty), null, null, null ); CurrentUpdaterDefinition = Downloader.DownloadJson <UpdaterDefinition>(downloadEntry, Serializer); } catch (Exception e) { CurrentUpdaterDefinition = null; Logger.Warning("No updater definition found. Problem: {UpdaterDefinitionException}", e); } })); }
public DownloadProgress(string currentDownloadID) { InitializeComponent(); SourceInitialized += OnSourceInitialized; downloadData = Downloads.DownloadEntries.Where(download => download.DownloadID == currentDownloadID).FirstOrDefault(); currentDownload = Mackerel.currentDownloads[downloadData.DownloadID]; currentDownload.ResumablityChanged += CurrentDownload_ResumablityChanged; currentDownload.ProgressChanged += CurrentDownload_ProgressChanged; currentDownload.Completed += CurrentDownload_Completed; currentDownload.Error += CurrentDownload_Error; //set temporary values before download starts this.Title = downloadData.FileName; FileSize.Text = Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3); Downloaded.Text = "Checking..."; TransferRate.Text = "(Unknown)"; TimeLeft.Text = "(Unknown)"; DownloadLink.Text = downloadData.DownloadLink.ToString(); Status.Text = "Connecting..."; FileSize.Text = Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3) != null ? Helper.SizeSuffix(downloadData.Size, 3) : "Unknown"; // enables Mackerel class to stop downloads just by setting downloadData.Running value to false Downloads.DownloadEntries.ListChanged += delegate { if (!downloadData.Running && !currentDownload.Stop) { currentDownload.StopDownload(); downloadData.TransferRate = null; Close(); } }; }
public async void DownloadAllTorrents(object state) { var items = (await _nyaaWrapper.ParseProvidersSubsAsync()); try { items.ToList().ForEach(x => { MessageBox.Show(x.Title); // If the item doesn't already exist in the downloader queue. if (!_downloaderViewModel.DownloadList.ToList().Exists(z => z.Title == $"{x.Title} - {x.Episode} - [{x.Quality}]")) { // If the episode exists in our "should download list" if (_settingsViewModel.DownloadList.ToList().Exists(y => y.Title == x.Title && y.Quality == x.Quality)) { var item = new DownloadEntry() { Title = $"{x.Title} - {x.Episode} - [{x.Quality}]", Size = x.TorrentSize, TorrentManager = _downloadManager.AddTorrentUrl(x.TorrentURL), }; _downloaderViewModel.DownloadList.Add(new DownloadEntryViewModel(item)); // If the downloader is started, start downloading the episode. if (!_downloaderViewModel.Paused) { item.TorrentManager.Start(); } } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <IDisposable> LockForAsset(CancellationToken ct, string updatedPath) { DownloadEntry GetEntry() { lock (_assetsGate) { if (!_assetsGate.TryGetValue(updatedPath, out var entry)) { _assetsGate[updatedPath] = entry = new DownloadEntry(); } entry.ReferenceCount++; return(entry); } } var entry = GetEntry(); var disposable = await entry.Gate.LockAsync(ct); void ReleaseEntry() { lock (_assetsGate) { disposable.Dispose(); if (--entry.ReferenceCount == 0) { _assetsGate.Remove(updatedPath); } } } return(Disposable.Create(ReleaseEntry)); }
private bool TryGettingPersistedConfigurationEntry(IReadOnlyCollection <DownloadEntryConfiguration> persistedConfigurationEntries, DownloadEntry downloadEntry, out DownloadEntryConfiguration configEntry) { // We pririorize the LinkIdentifier, but use the ShortTitle for the backword-compatibility configEntry = persistedConfigurationEntries.FirstOrDefault(f => f.DownloadLinkIdentifier == downloadEntry.DownloadLinkIdentifier); if (configEntry == null) { configEntry = persistedConfigurationEntries.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Title == downloadEntry.DownloadEntryTitleShort); } return(configEntry != null); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { _configFile = new IniFile(); // View model data. _settingsViewModel = new SettingsViewModel(new Settings(), _configFile); _aboutViewModel = new AboutViewModel(new Todo()); _downloaderViewModel = new DownloaderViewModel(new Downloader() { Paused = false }); CurrentViewModel = _settingsViewModel; // Initializing the downloader. _downloadManager = new DownloadManager.Manager(); _downloadManager.SetConfigPath(); _downloadManager.SetDownloadPath(); _downloadManager.SetTorrentsPath(); _downloadManager.InitializeEngine(); // Instantiating Nyaa wrapper. _nyaaWrapper = new DownloadManager.NyaaWrapper(); // To check for the download state change. _downloaderViewModel.PropertyChanged += _downloaderViewModel_PropertyChanged; _settingsViewModel.PropertyChanged += _settingsViewModel_PropertyChanged; // Close application command closeApplication = new DelegateCommand(o => { _settingsViewModel.SaveSettings(); if (_settingsViewModel.MinimizeOnExit) { CurrentWindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } else { try { _downloadManager.ShutdownEngine(); Environment.Exit(0); } catch { Environment.Exit(0); } } }); // The periodically timer check for new episodes. checkForNewEpisodes_timer = new Timer(DownloadAllTorrents, null, timerCheckInterval, timerCheckInterval); foreach (var file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("Downloads")) { if (file.EndsWith(".torrent")) { var item = new DownloadEntry() { TorrentManager = _downloadManager.AddTorrentFile(file), }; _downloaderViewModel.DownloadList.Add(new DownloadEntryViewModel(item)); item.Title = item.TorrentManager.Torrent.Files[0].Path; item.Size = "0"; } } }
private static FrameworkElement ConvertDownloadEntry(DownloadEntry entry) { var cellPadding = new Thickness(5, 10, 5, 15); var title = new TextBlock { Text = entry.ToString(), Margin = new Thickness(cellPadding.Left, cellPadding.Top, cellPadding.Right, 0) }; Grid.SetRow(title, 0); Grid.SetColumn(title, 1); var hyperlink = new Hyperlink { Inlines = { new Run(entry.FullUrl) }, NavigateUri = new Uri(entry.FullUrl) }; var link = new TextBlock(hyperlink) { FontSize = 11, Margin = new Thickness(cellPadding.Left, 0, cellPadding.Right, cellPadding.Bottom) }; Grid.SetRow(link, 1); Grid.SetColumn(link, 1); var radioButton = new RadioButton { GroupName = "download", Margin = cellPadding }; var grid = new Grid { RowDefinitions = { new RowDefinition(), new RowDefinition() }, ColumnDefinitions = { new ColumnDefinition { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new ColumnDefinition() }, Children = { radioButton, title, link } }; grid.MouseDown += (sender, args) => { radioButton.IsChecked = true; SelectionChanged?.Invoke(entry); }; grid.MouseEnter += (sender, args) => grid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(36, 0, 0, 0)); grid.MouseLeave += (sender, args) => grid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); return(grid); }
private static void SetExecutionStatus(Feed feed, DownloadEntry entry) { feed.ExecutionStatus = entry.ExecutionStatus; if (feed.ExecutionStatus== ExecutionStatus.Deleted) feed.DownloadState = DownloadState.Deleted; }
public DownloadHandler(BLTEStream blte) { if (CASContainer.BuildConfig["download-size"][0] != null && blte.Length != long.Parse(CASContainer.BuildConfig["download-size"][0])) { CASContainer.Settings?.Logger.LogAndThrow(Logging.LogType.Critical, "Download File is corrupt."); } using (var br = new BinaryReader(blte)) { Header = new DownloadHeader() { Header = br.ReadBytes(2), Version = br.ReadByte(), ChecksumSize = br.ReadByte(), HasChecksum = br.ReadByte(), NumEntries = br.ReadUInt32BE(), NumTags = br.ReadUInt16BE(), }; if (Header.Version >= 2) { Header.NumFlags = br.ReadByte(); } if (Header.Version >= 3) { // TODO do we have a version 3 file to test with? //Header.BasePriority = br.ReadByte(); //Header.Unknown_0D = br.ReadBytes(3); throw new NotImplementedException("Download file versions newer than 2 are not supported."); } // entries for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumEntries; i++) { var entry = new DownloadEntry() { EKey = new MD5Hash(br), FileSize = br.ReadUInt40BE(), Priority = br.ReadByte() }; if (Header.HasChecksum != 0) { entry.Checksum = br.ReadUInt32BE(); } if (Header.Version >= 2) { entry.Flags = (DownloadFlags[])(object)br.ReadBytes(Header.NumFlags); } Entries.Add(entry); } // tags int numMaskBytes = ((int)Header.NumEntries + 7) / 8; for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumTags; i++) { var tag = new DownloadTag() { Name = br.ReadCString(), Type = br.ReadUInt16BE(), BitMask = new BoolArray(br.ReadBytes(numMaskBytes)) }; // We need to remove trailing bits from the padded byte array. while (tag.BitMask.Count != Entries.Count) { tag.BitMask.RemoveAt(tag.BitMask.Count - 1); } Tags.Add(tag); } EncodingMap = blte.EncodingMap.ToArray(); endofStageIndex = new int[] // store last indice of each stage { Entries.FindLastIndex(x => x.Priority == 0), Entries.FindLastIndex(x => x.Priority == 1) }; } blte?.Dispose(); }
public bool FillDownloadLists(DownloadLists lists) { try { lists.Entries.Clear(); DownloadEntry listsEntry; if (!File.Exists(_downloadsFile)) listsEntry = new DownloadEntry(); else using (var file = new StreamReader(_downloadsFile)) listsEntry = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DownloadEntry>(file.ReadToEnd()); if (listsEntry.List != null && listsEntry.List.Count > 0) { foreach (var itemList in listsEntry.List) { var youtubeEntries = new List<YoutubeEntry>(); var mediaType = itemList.MediaType; Uri uri; var youtubeListEntry = YoutubeEntry.Create(Uri.TryCreate(itemList.Url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) ? uri : null); youtubeListEntry.Title = itemList.Title; SetExecutionStatus(youtubeListEntry, itemList); youtubeListEntry.ThumbnailUrl = itemList.ThumbnailUrl; foreach (var item in itemList.List) { var youtubeEntry = YoutubeEntry.Create(new Uri(item.Url), youtubeListEntry); youtubeEntry.ThumbnailUrl = item.ThumbnailUrl; youtubeEntry.Title = item.Title; SetExecutionStatus(youtubeEntry, item); youtubeEntries.Add(youtubeEntry); } if (youtubeEntries.Count > 0) lists.SoftAdd(youtubeEntries, mediaType); } } return true; } catch { return false; } }