private void DownloadFiles(string machine, TaskInfo task)
            Logger.AddTrace("Downloading Files");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.GetSharedPath()))

            DownloadOptionsForm form = new DownloadOptionsForm();

            form.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;

            DownloadAction action = form.SelectedAction;

            switch (action)
            case DownloadAction.Overwrite:
                this.OverwriteFiles(machine, task);

            case DownloadAction.Merge:
                this.MergeFiles(machine, task);

Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// 下载文件调用
 /// </summary>
 public void DownloadFile()
     if (DownloadAction != null)
        private static void DownloadEventAction(DownloadEventArgs args,
                                                DownloadAction action)
            if (args.DownloadInfo != null)
                lock (downloads.SyncRoot)
            else if (args.Downloads != null)
                lock (downloads.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (DownloadInfo dif in args.Downloads)
                        if (dif != null)

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Download all items recursively
        /// </summary>
        private void DownloadRecursive(ShareFileClient client, int downloadId, Models.Item source, DirectoryInfo target, ActionType actionType)
            if (source is Models.Folder)
                var subdir = CreateLocalFolder(target, source as Folder);

                var children = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();

                if (children != null)
                    ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager();

                    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                        if (child is Models.Folder && Recursive)
                            DownloadRecursive(client, downloadId, child, subdir, actionType);
                        else if (child is Models.File)
                            DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)child, subdir, actionType);

Exemple #5
        private async void DownloadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (downloadInfo == null)

            DownloadAction Action = LocalAudioOption.IsChecked == true ? DownloadAction.DownloadVideo : LocalVideoOption.IsChecked == true ? DownloadAction.DownloadAudio : DownloadAction.Download;
            await SessionCore.Instance.Business.DownloadManager.DownloadVideoAsync(video, -1, null, Action, options);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of available CSV files in the specified repository folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The download parameters</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The list of files
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CsvFile> > GetList(DownloadAction data)
            // get the content of the JSON file that lists the possible CSV files and their descriptions
            var descriptor = await DownloadFile <CsvFilesList>(data.repository, data.details);

            // list the actual files in the folder
            var files = await ListFiles(data.repository, data.folder);

            // return the files that match in both lists
            return(descriptor.files.Where(d => files.Tree.Any((f) => f.Path == d.filename)));
 internal void StartDownload(DownloadAction action)
     if (trackedDownloadStates.ContainsKey(action.Uri.ToString()))
         // This content is already being downloaded. Do nothing.
     trackedDownloadStates[action.Uri.ToString()] = action;
        public void ToggleDownload(Activity activity, string name, android.Net.Uri uri, string extension)
            if (IsDownloaded(uri))
                DownloadAction removeAction =
                    GetDownloadHelper(uri, extension).GetRemoveAction(Utils.GetUtf8Bytes(name));

                StartDownloadDialogHelper helper = new StartDownloadDialogHelper(activity, GetDownloadHelper(uri, extension), this, name);
        public void OnTaskStateChanged(Offline.DownloadManager downloadManager, TaskState taskState)
            DownloadAction action = taskState.Action;

            android.Net.Uri uri = action.Uri;
            if ((action.IsRemoveAction && taskState.State == TaskState.StateCompleted) ||
                (!action.IsRemoveAction && taskState.State == TaskState.StateFailed))
                // A download has been removed, or has failed. Stop tracking it.
                if (trackedDownloadStates.Remove(uri.ToString()) != false)
Exemple #10
        static void InitializeChoiceService()
            var downloadAction = new DownloadAction();
            var exitAction     = new ExitAction();

            .Register(downloadAction.Handle, downloadAction.Name)
            .Register(exitAction.Handle, exitAction.Name)
Exemple #11
 private async Task DownloadFile(VideoListItem item, DownloadAction action)
     if (Manager != null && item != null && item.MediaId != null)
         Media ItemData = PlayerAccess.GetVideoById(item.MediaId.Value);
         if (ItemData != null)
             SetStatus(item, VideoListItemStatusEnum.Downloading, null);
             await Manager.DownloadVideoAsync(ItemData, -1,
                                              (sender, e) => {
                 SetStatus(item, e.DownloadInfo.IsCompleted ? VideoListItemStatusEnum.Done : VideoListItemStatusEnum.Failed);
             }, action, null);
Exemple #12
        private void RecursiveDownload(ShareFileClient client, int downloadId, Models.Item source, DirectoryInfo target)
            if (source is Models.Folder)
                var children    = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();
                var subdirCheck = new DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(target.FullName, source.FileName));
                if (subdirCheck.Exists && !Force && !ResumeSupport.IsPending)
                    throw new IOException("Path " + subdirCheck.FullName + " already exists. Use -Force to ignore");
                var subdir = target.CreateSubdirectory(source.FileName);
                if (children != null)
                    ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.FileName);

                    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                        if (child is Models.Folder)
                            RecursiveDownload(client, downloadId, child, subdir);
                        else if (child is Models.File)
                            if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(child.FileName))
                                ActionType     actionType     = Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;
                                DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)child, subdir, actionType);

            else if (source is Models.File)
                ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.FileName);
                if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(source.FileName))
                    ActionType     actionType     = Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)source, target, actionType);
        private void btnOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (radNone.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault( ))
                this.SelectedAction = DownloadAction.None;
            else if (radOverwrite.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault( ))
                this.SelectedAction = DownloadAction.Overwrite;
            else if (radMerge.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault( ))
                this.SelectedAction = DownloadAction.Merge;

            this.Close( );
        public List <object> GetOfflineStreamKeys(android.Net.Uri uri)
            if (!trackedDownloadStates.ContainsKey(uri.ToString()))
                return(new List <object>());
            DownloadAction action = trackedDownloadStates[uri.ToString()];

            if (action is SegmentDownloadAction)
                List <object> objs = new List <object>(((SegmentDownloadAction)action).Keys.ToArray());


            return(new List <object>());
            public void OnClick(IDialogInterface dialog, int which)
                Java.Util.ArrayList selectedTrackKeys = new Java.Util.ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < representationList.ChildCount; i++)
                    if (representationList.IsItemChecked(i))
                if (!selectedTrackKeys.IsEmpty || trackKeys.Count == 0)
                    // We have selected keys, or we're dealing with single stream content.
                    DownloadAction downloadAction =
                        downloadHelper.GetDownloadAction(Utils.GetUtf8Bytes(name), selectedTrackKeys);

Exemple #16
        public override async Task <object> Fetch()
            return(await DownloadAction.Action(new Uri(uri), new BaseQuery(this), x =>
                switch (x.Type)
                case BaseResourceType.File:
                        WriteVerboseLine($"Start downloading {x.Name}, size {x.Size}.");

                case BaseResourceType.Folder:
                        WriteVerboseLine($"Enter folder {x.Name}.");
 private void StartServiceWithAction(DownloadAction action)
     DownloadService.StartWithAction(context, Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(DemoDownloadService)), action, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads specified video.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="video">The video to download.</param>
        /// <param name="queuePos">The position in the queue to auto-play, or -1.</param>
        /// <param name="upgradeAudio">If true, only the audio will be downloaded and it will be merged with the local video file.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The method to call once download is completed.</param>
        public async Task DownloadVideoAsync(Media video, int queuePos, EventHandler <DownloadCompletedEventArgs> callback, DownloadAction action, DownloadOptions options)
            if (video == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(video.DownloadUrl))
                throw new ArgumentException("Video object is null or doesn't contain a valid YouTube URL.");

            // Store in the Temp folder.
            DefaultMediaPath PathCalc     = new DefaultMediaPath(PathManager.TempFilesPath.Substring(Settings.NaturalGroundingFolder.Length));
            string           Destination  = Settings.NaturalGroundingFolder + PathCalc.GetDefaultFileName(video.Artist, video.Title, null, (MediaType)video.MediaTypeId);
            string           DownloadDesc = Path.GetFileName(Destination);


            await DownloadVideoAsync(video.DownloadUrl, Destination, DownloadDesc, callback, action, options ?? Options, new DownloadItemData(video, queuePos)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Start download process
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDownload(ShareFileClient client, PSDriveInfo driveInfo, ICollection<string> resolvedPaths, ActionType actionType)
            int transactionId = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

            ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, string.Empty);
            bool firstIteration = true;

            var shareFileItems = new List<Item>();
            foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);

                if (item == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Source path '{0}' not found on ShareFile server.", path));

                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                if (!target.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Destination '{0}' path not found on local drive.", LocalPath));

                // if create root folder flag is specified then create a container folder first
                // KA - Fix. When CreateRoot is used and the source item is a folder we should NOT create the parent of that folder.
                //      This possibly fixes another unknown scenario when the root folder is specified as the source.
                if (firstIteration && CreateRoot && !(item is Models.Folder))
                    Models.Folder parentFolder = client.Items.GetParent(item.url).Execute() as Folder;

                    target = CreateLocalFolder(target, parentFolder);
                    firstIteration = false;

                if (item is Models.Folder)
                    // if user downloading the root drive then download its root folders
                    // KA - Fix. We should also process only subfolders and files if CreateRoot is not used and source is a folder.
                    //      This prevents DownloadRecursive from creating the parent folder in conditions where CreateRoot is not specified.
                    //      Code adapted from DownloadRecursive function and processes both file sources and folder sources appropriately now.
                    // if ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot.GetValueOrDefault())
                    if ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot.GetValueOrDefault() || !CreateRoot)
                        var children = client.Items.GetChildren(item.url)

                        if (children != null)
                            (item as Folder).Children = children.Feed;

                            foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                                child.Parent = item;

                                if (child is Models.Folder && ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot.GetValueOrDefault() || Recursive))
                                    DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, child, target, actionType);

                                else if (child is Models.File)
                                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, transactionId, (Models.File)child, target, actionType);
                            if (!(item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot.GetValueOrDefault()) { shareFileItems.Add(item); }
                        DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, item, target, actionType);

                else if (item is Models.File)
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, transactionId, (Models.File)item, target, actionType);



            // if strict flag is specified then also clean the target files which are not in source
            if (Strict)
                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);
                var directories = target.GetDirectories();

                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);
                    if (item is Folder)
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
                            if (directory.Name.Equals(item.Name))
                                DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, item, directory);

            // on move remove source files
            if (Move)
                foreach(var item in shareFileItems)
                    // KA - Fix. Replaced 'Recursive' with '!KeepFolders'. This prevents "Move" from deleting folders even when KeepFolders is specified.
                    //      This fixes the bug that causes the source folder to be deleted in all scenarios where "Move" is specified and it does not contain children.
                    // DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, item, Recursive);
                    DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, item, !KeepFolders);
        public DownloadOptionsForm( )
            InitializeComponent( );

            this.SelectedAction = DownloadAction.None;
        private static void DownloadEventAction(DownloadEventArgs args,
                DownloadAction action)
            if (args.DownloadInfo != null)
                lock (downloads.SyncRoot)
                    action (args.DownloadInfo);
            else if (args.Downloads != null)
                lock (downloads.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (DownloadInfo dif in args.Downloads)
                        if (dif != null)
                            action (dif);

            source.Update ();
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a successful result.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plugin">The plugin that was successfully downloaded.</param>
 /// <param name="action">The action that was performed.</param>
 /// <returns>The result.</returns>
 public static DownloadResult FromSuccess(IdeaPlugin plugin, DownloadAction action)
     return(new DownloadResult(plugin, action));
Exemple #23
 public void GivenDownloadFileAction()
     downloadFile = new DownloadAction();
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DownloadResult"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plugin">The plugin that was downloaded.</param>
 /// <param name="action">The action that was performed.</param>
 private DownloadResult(IdeaPlugin plugin, DownloadAction action)
     this.Plugin = plugin;
     this.Action = action;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Start download process
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDownload(ShareFileClient client, PSDriveInfo driveInfo, ICollection <string> resolvedPaths, ActionType actionType)
            int transactionId = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

            Logger.Instance.Info("Downloading files from ShareFile server.");

            ActionManager actionManager  = new ActionManager();
            bool          firstIteration = true;

            foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                var item = ShareFileProvider.GetShareFileItem((ShareFileDriveInfo)driveInfo, path, null, null);

                // if user didn't specify the Sharefile HomeFolder in path then append in path
                // e.g. if user tries sf:/Folder1 as sharefile source then resolve this path to sf:/My Files & Folders/Folder1
                if (item == null && !path.StartsWith(String.Format(@"\{0}\", DefaultSharefileFolder)))
                    string updatedPath = String.Format(@"\{0}\{1}", DefaultSharefileFolder, path);
                    item = ShareFileProvider.GetShareFileItem((ShareFileDriveInfo)driveInfo, updatedPath, null, null);

                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                // if create root folder flag is specified then create a container folder first
                if (firstIteration && CreateRoot)
                    Models.Folder parentFolder = client.Items.GetParent(item.url).Execute() as Folder;

                    target         = CreateLocalFolder(target, parentFolder);
                    firstIteration = false;

                if (item is Models.Folder)
                    // if user downloading the root drive then download its root folders
                    if ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot == true)
                        var children = client.Items.GetChildren(item.url).Execute();
                        foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                            if (child is Models.Folder)
                                DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, child, target, actionType);
                        DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, item, target, actionType);
                else if (item is Models.File)
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, transactionId, (Models.File)item, target, actionType);


            // on move remove source files
            if (Move)
                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    var item   = ShareFileProvider.GetShareFileItem((ShareFileDriveInfo)driveInfo, path, null, null);
                    var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                    // if strict flag is specified then also clean the target files which are not in source
                    if (Strict)
                        DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, item, target);

                    DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, item, CreateRoot && Recursive);
 public DownloadItem(string url, string destination, string destinationNoExt, string title, DownloadAction action, EventHandler <DownloadCompletedEventArgs> callback, DownloadOptions options, object data)
     this.Url              = url;
     this.Status           = DownloadStatus.Waiting;
     this.Destination      = destination;
     this.DestinationNoExt = destinationNoExt;
     this.Title            = title;
     this.Status           = DownloadStatus.Waiting;
     this.Action   = action;
     this.Callback = callback;
     this.Options  = options;
     this.Data     = data;
     this.Files    = new List <FileProgress>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Start download process
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDownload(ShareFileClient client, PSDriveInfo driveInfo, ICollection <string> resolvedPaths, ActionType actionType)
            int transactionId = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

            ActionManager actionManager  = new ActionManager(this, string.Empty);
            bool          firstIteration = true;

            var shareFileItems = new List <Item>();

            foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);

                if (item == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Source path '{0}' not found on ShareFile server.", path));

                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                if (!target.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Destination '{0}' path not found on local drive.", LocalPath));

                // if create root folder flag is specified then create a container folder first
                if (firstIteration && CreateRoot)
                    Models.Folder parentFolder = client.Items.GetParent(item.url).Execute() as Folder;

                    target         = CreateLocalFolder(target, parentFolder);
                    firstIteration = false;

                if (item is Models.Folder)
                    // if user downloading the root drive then download its root folders
                    if ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot.GetValueOrDefault())
                        var children = client.Items.GetChildren(item.url)

                        foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                            if (child is Models.Folder)
                                DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, child, target, actionType);

                        DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, item, target, actionType);

                else if (item is Models.File)
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, transactionId, (Models.File)item, target, actionType);



            // if strict flag is specified then also clean the target files which are not in source
            if (Strict)
                var target      = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);
                var directories = target.GetDirectories();

                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);

                    if (item is Folder)
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
                            if (directory.Name.Equals(item.Name))
                                DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, item, directory);

            // on move remove source files
            if (Move)
                foreach (var item in shareFileItems)
                    DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, item, Recursive);
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads specified video.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="video">The video to download.</param>
        /// <param name="upgradeAudio">If true, only the audio will be downloaded and it will be merged with the local video file.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The method to call once download is completed.</param>
        public async Task DownloadVideoAsync(string url, string destination, string description, EventHandler <DownloadCompletedEventArgs> callback, DownloadAction action, DownloadOptions options, object data)
            if (IsDownloadDuplicate(url))


            // Add DownloadItem right away before doing any async work.
            string       DestinationNoExt = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(destination), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destination));
            DownloadItem DownloadInfo     = new DownloadItem(url, destination, DestinationNoExt, description, action, callback, options, data);

            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                downloadsList.Insert(0, DownloadInfo);
                // Notify UI of new download to show window.
                DownloadAdded?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (downloadsList.Where(d => d.Status == DownloadStatus.Downloading || d.Status == DownloadStatus.Initializing).Count() < Options.SimultaneousDownloads)
                await StartDownloadAsync(DownloadInfo).ConfigureAwait(false);