private void DrawSpectra(Canvas2 frameImg, SpectrumGraph0001 sg, ShadowSpectraData ss) { using (Graphics g = frameImg.GetGraphics(false)) { int dr_l = 0; int dr_t = MARGIN_TB; int dr_w = frameImg.GetWidth(); int dr_h = frameImg.GetHeight() - MARGIN_TB * 2; for (int index = 0; index < sg.Spectra.Length; index++) { int x = index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_INTERVAL) + BAR_INTERVAL; int w = BAR_WIDTH; double v1 = ss.ShadowSpectra[index]; double v2 = sg.Spectra[index]; v1 *= 0.5; // 要調整 v2 *= 0.5; // 要調整 int h1 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v1 * dr_h); int h2 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v2 * dr_h); int y1 = dr_h - h1; int y2 = dr_h - h2; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)), dr_l + x, dr_t + y1, w, h1); g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), dr_l + x, dr_t + y2, w, h2); } } }
private void DrawSpectra(Canvas2 frameImg, SpectrumGraph0001 sg, ShadowSpectraData ss) { using (Graphics g = frameImg.GetGraphics(false)) { int dr_l = 10; int dr_t = 10; int dr_w = frameImg.GetWidth() - 20; int dr_h = frameImg.GetHeight() - 20; for (int index = 0; index < sg.Spectra.Length; index++) { int x1 = (((index * 3 + 0) * dr_w) / (sg.Spectra.Length * 3 - 2)); int x2 = (((index * 3 + 1) * dr_w) / (sg.Spectra.Length * 3 - 2)); int w = x2 - x1; double v1 = ss.ShadowSpectra[index]; double v2 = sg.Spectra[index]; v1 /= 2.0; // 要調整 v2 /= 2.0; // 要調整 int h1 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v1 * dr_h); int h2 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v2 * dr_h); int y1 = dr_h - h1; int y2 = dr_h - h2; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)), dr_l + x1, dr_t + y1, w, h1); g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), dr_l + x1, dr_t + y2, w, h2); } } }
public void Perform() { DDUtils.SetMouseDispMode(false); DDEngine.FreezeInput(10); double x = DDConsts.Screen_W / 2; double y = DDConsts.Screen_H / 2; double speed = SPEED_DEF; for (; ;) { DDMouse.UpdateMove(); x += DDMouse.MoveX * speed; y += DDMouse.MoveY * speed; DDUtils.ToRange(ref x, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W - 1); DDUtils.ToRange(ref y, 0, DDConsts.Screen_H - 1); int ix = DoubleTools.ToInt(x); int iy = DoubleTools.ToInt(y); if (DDKey.IsPound(DX.KEY_INPUT_Z)) { speed += SPEED_CHANGE_STEP; } if (DDKey.IsPound(DX.KEY_INPUT_X)) { speed -= SPEED_CHANGE_STEP; } DDUtils.ToRange(ref speed, SPEED_MIN, SPEED_MAX); if (DDMouse.L.GetInput() == -1) { break; } DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(); DDPrint.SetPrint(0, 0, 24); DDPrint.PrintLine("★マウスカーソルを奪う"); DDPrint.PrintLine("X=" + x.ToString("F3")); DDPrint.PrintLine("Y=" + y.ToString("F3")); DDPrint.PrintLine("Speed=" + speed); DDPrint.PrintLine("左クリックでメニューに戻る。"); DDPrint.PrintLine("Zキー:速度上げ"); DDPrint.PrintLine("Xキー:速度下げ"); DDDraw.SetBright(new I3Color(255, 128, 0)); DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, ix, iy - CROSS_WH / 2, 1, CROSS_WH); DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, ix - CROSS_WH / 2, iy, CROSS_WH, 1); DDDraw.Reset(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } DDUtils.SetMouseDispMode(true); }
// // copied the source file by // public static void SetAlpha(double a) { int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(a * 255.0); pal = IntTools.ToRange(pal, 0, 255); Extra.A = pal; }
// // copied the source file by // public static void SetBlendAdd(double a) { int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(a * 255.0); pal = IntTools.ToRange(pal, 0, 255); Extra.BlendAdd = pal; }
// // copied the source file by // public static void SetVolume(int handle, double volume) { volume = DoubleTools.ToRange(volume, 0.0, 1.0); int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(volume * 255.0); if (pal < 0 || 255 < pal) throw new DDError(); // 2bs if (DX.ChangeVolumeSoundMem(pal, handle) != 0) // ? 失敗 throw new DDError(); }
// // copied the source file by // public static void SetBright(double r, double g, double b) { int pR = DoubleTools.ToInt(r * 255.0); int pG = DoubleTools.ToInt(g * 255.0); int pB = DoubleTools.ToInt(b * 255.0); pR = IntTools.ToRange(pR, 0, 255); pG = IntTools.ToRange(pG, 0, 255); pB = IntTools.ToRange(pB, 0, 255); Extra.Bright = new I3Color(pR, pG, pB); }
public void MakeVideo(WaveData wave, WorkingDir wd, Action <Canvas2> addImage) { int frameNum = DoubleTools.ToInt((wave.Length * 1.0 / wave.WavHz) * AudioPicMP4Props.FPS); foreach (AbstractVideoImageMaker videoImageMaker in this.VideoImageMakers) { videoImageMaker.FrameNum = frameNum; videoImageMaker.Wave = wave; videoImageMaker.WD = wd; // ---- videoImageMaker.GetImage = EnumerableTools.Supplier(videoImageMaker.GetImageSequence()); } for (int frame = 0; frame < frameNum; frame++) { Canvas2 frameImg = new Canvas2(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); foreach (AbstractVideoImageMaker videoImageMaker in this.VideoImageMakers) { videoImageMaker.FrameImg = frameImg; videoImageMaker.Frame = frame; videoImageMaker.Rate = frame * 1.0 / (frameNum - 1); videoImageMaker.InvRate = 1.0 - videoImageMaker.Rate; { Canvas2 currFrameImg = videoImageMaker.GetImage(); if (currFrameImg != null) { PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, currFrameImg); } } videoImageMaker.FrameImg = null; videoImageMaker.Frame = -1; videoImageMaker.Rate = -1.0; videoImageMaker.InvRate = -1.0; } addImage(frameImg); } foreach (AbstractVideoImageMaker videoImageMaker in this.VideoImageMakers) { videoImageMaker.FrameNum = -1; videoImageMaker.Wave = null; videoImageMaker.WD = null; // ---- videoImageMaker.GetImage = null; } }
private void EditMode() { DDEngine.FreezeInput(); DDUtils.SetMouseDispMode(true); for (; ;) { int lastMouseX = DDMouse.X; int lastMouseY = DDMouse.Y; DDMouse.UpdatePos(); if (DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_E) == 1) { break; } if (1 <= DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_LSHIFT) || 1 <= DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_RSHIFT)) // シフト押下 -> 移動モード { if (1 <= DDMouse.L.GetInput()) { DDGround.Camera.X -= DDMouse.X - lastMouseX; DDGround.Camera.Y -= DDMouse.Y - lastMouseY; DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.X, 0.0, this.Map.W * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_W); DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.Y, 0.0, this.Map.H * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_H); DDGround.ICamera.X = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.X); DDGround.ICamera.Y = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.Y); } } else // 編集モード { GameEdit.EachFrame(); } DrawWall(); if (GameEdit.DisplayTileFlag) { DrawMap(); } GameEdit.Draw(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } DDEngine.FreezeInput(); DDUtils.SetMouseDispMode(false); }
private static void SetBlend(int mode, double a) { a = DoubleTools.ToRange(a, 0.0, 1.0); int pal = DoubleTools.ToInt(a * 255.0); if (pal < 0 || 255 < pal) { throw new GameError(); } if (DX.SetDrawBlendMode(mode, pal) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new GameError(); } }
private static void DrawWall() { DDUtils.Approach(ref WallBokashiRate, WallBokashiRateDest, 0.93); DDUtils.Approach(ref WallZRate, WallZRateDest, 0.9); // --- DDSubScreenUtils.ChangeDrawScreen(WorkScreen); DDDraw.DrawBegin(Ground.I.Picture.TitleWall, DDConsts.Screen_W / 2.0, DDConsts.Screen_H / 2.0); DDDraw.DrawZoom(WallZRate); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DX.GraphFilter(WorkScreen.GetHandle(), DX.DX_GRAPH_FILTER_GAUSS, 16, DoubleTools.ToInt(WallBokashiRate * 1000.0)); // 1 DX.GraphFilter(WorkScreen.GetHandle(), DX.DX_GRAPH_FILTER_GAUSS, 16, DoubleTools.ToInt(WallBokashiRate * 1000.0)); // 2 DDSubScreenUtils.RestoreDrawScreen(); DDDraw.DrawSimple(DDPictureLoaders2.Wrapper(WorkScreen), 0, 0); }
private static void SetBright(double cR, double cG, double cB) // (cR, cG, cB): 0.0 - 1.0 == 暗~明 { // 0 - 255 と間違えている etc. // if (cR < -0.5 || 1.5 < cR) { throw new GameError(); } if (cG < -0.5 || 1.5 < cG) { throw new GameError(); } if (cB < -0.5 || 1.5 < cB) { throw new GameError(); } cR = DoubleTools.ToRange(cR, 0.0, 1.0); cG = DoubleTools.ToRange(cG, 0.0, 1.0); cB = DoubleTools.ToRange(cB, 0.0, 1.0); int palR = DoubleTools.ToInt(cR * 255.0); int palG = DoubleTools.ToInt(cG * 255.0); int palB = DoubleTools.ToInt(cB * 255.0); if (palR < 0 || 255 < palR) { throw new GameError(); } if (palG < 0 || 255 < palG) { throw new GameError(); } if (palB < 0 || 255 < palB) { throw new GameError(); } if (DX.SetDrawBright(palR, palG, palB) != 0) // ? 失敗 { throw new GameError(); } }
public override IEnumerable <Canvas2> GetImageSequence() { ShadowSpectraData ss = new ShadowSpectraData(); for (; ;) { this.Wave.SetWavPart(DoubleTools.ToInt((this.Frame * 1.0 / AudioPicMP4Props.FPS + AudioPicMP4Props.AUDIO_DELAY_SEC) * this.Wave.WavHz)); SpectrumGraph0001 sg = new SpectrumGraph0001(hz => this.Wave.GetSpectrum(hz)); ss.Projection(sg.Spectra); int w = sg.Spectra.Length * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_INTERVAL) + BAR_INTERVAL; Canvas2 frameImg = new Canvas2(w, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Fill(frameImg, Color.Transparent); this.DrawSpectra(frameImg, sg, ss); yield return(frameImg); } }
private void Test01_a(string rFile, string wFile) { WaveData wave = new WaveData(rFile); using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(wFile)) { for (double sec = 0.0; sec < wave.Length * 1.0 / wave.WavHz; sec += 0.1) { Console.WriteLine("sec: " + sec); // test wave.SetWavPart(DoubleTools.ToInt(sec * wave.WavHz)); for (int hz = 30; hz < 4200; hz += 10) { writer.WriteCell(wave.GetSpectrum(hz).ToString("F9")); } writer.EndRow(); } } }
public override IEnumerable <Canvas2> GetImageSequence() { ShadowSpectraData ssL = new ShadowSpectraData(); ShadowSpectraData ssR = new ShadowSpectraData(); for (; ;) { this.Wave.SetWavPart(DoubleTools.ToInt((this.Frame * 1.0 / AudioPicMP4Props.FPS + AudioPicMP4Props.AUDIO_DELAY_SEC) * this.Wave.WavHz)); SpectrumGraph0001 sgL = new SpectrumGraph0001(hz => this.Wave.GetSpectrum_L(hz)) { R1 = 0.5, R2 = 0.5 }; SpectrumGraph0001 sgR = new SpectrumGraph0001(hz => this.Wave.GetSpectrum_R(hz)) { R1 = 0.5, R2 = 0.5 }; ssL.Projection(sgL.Spectra); ssR.Projection(sgR.Spectra); int w = sgL.Spectra.Length * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_INTERVAL) + BAR_INTERVAL; Canvas2 frameImg_L = new Canvas2(w, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); Canvas2 frameImg_R = new Canvas2(w, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Fill(frameImg_L, Color.Transparent); PictureUtils.Fill(frameImg_R, Color.Transparent); this.DrawSpectra(frameImg_L, sgL, ssL, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 200), false); this.DrawSpectra(frameImg_R, sgR, ssR, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255), true); Canvas2 frameImg = new Canvas2(w * 2, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, frameImg_L, 0, 0, w, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, frameImg_R, w, 0, w, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); yield return(frameImg); } }
public void Main01() { FileTools.Delete(W_DIR); FileTools.CreateDir(W_DIR); this.SpData = new SpectrumData(Path.Combine(R_DIR, "Spectrum.csv")); while (this.Frame < this.SpData.Rows.Length) { double[] row = this.SpData.Rows[this.Frame]; DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(); DDPrint.SetPrint(0, 20, 23); for (int index = 0; index < 45; index++) { double lv = 0.0; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { lv += row[index * 2 + c]; } int iLv = DoubleTools.ToInt(lv * 145.0); for (int c = 0; c < iLv; c++) { DDPrint.Print("*"); } DDPrint.PrintRet(); } this.MG_EachFrame(); } }
public void Perform() { this.ReloadEnemies(); // デフォルトのスタート位置 this.Player.X = this.Map.W * MapTile.WH / 2.0; this.Player.Y = this.Map.H * MapTile.WH / 2.0; foreach (EnemyBox enemy in this.Enemies.Iterate()) // スタート位置 { StartPoint sp = enemy.Value as StartPoint; if (sp != null) { if (sp.Index == this.Status.StartPointIndex) { this.Player.X = sp.X; this.Player.Y = sp.Y; break; } } } this.Player.HP = this.Status.CurrHP; this.Player.FacingLeft = this.Status.FacingLeft; this.WallPicture = WallPictureManager.GetPicutre(this.Map.GetProperty("WALL", "09311.jpg")); { double w = DDConsts.Screen_W + (this.Map.W * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_W) * WallPicture_SlideRate; double h = DDConsts.Screen_H + (this.Map.H * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_H) * WallPicture_SlideRate; double zw = w / this.WallPicture.Get_W(); double zh = h / this.WallPicture.Get_H(); double z = Math.Max(zw, zh); z *= 1.01; // margin this.WallPicture_Zoom = z; } DDGround.Camera.X = this.Player.X - DDConsts.Screen_W / 2.0; DDGround.Camera.Y = this.Player.Y - DDConsts.Screen_H / 2.0; DDCurtain.SetCurtain(10); DDEngine.FreezeInput(); // TODO music for (; ; this.Frame++) { { double targCamX = this.Player.X - DDConsts.Screen_W / 2 + (this.CamSlideX * DDConsts.Screen_W / 3); double targCamY = this.Player.Y - DDConsts.Screen_H / 2 + (this.CamSlideY * DDConsts.Screen_H / 3); DDUtils.ToRange(ref targCamX, 0.0, this.Map.W * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_W); DDUtils.ToRange(ref targCamY, 0.0, this.Map.H * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_H); DDUtils.Approach(ref DDGround.Camera.X, targCamX, 0.8); DDUtils.Approach(ref DDGround.Camera.Y, targCamY, 0.8); } DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.X, 0.0, this.Map.W * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_W); DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.Y, 0.0, this.Map.H * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_H); DDGround.ICamera.X = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.X); DDGround.ICamera.Y = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.Y); if (DDConfig.LOG_ENABLED && DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_E) == 1) { this.EditMode(); this.ReloadEnemies(); this.Frame = 0; } // プレイヤー入力 { bool deadOrDamage = this.Player.DeadScene.IsFlaming() || this.Player.DamageScene.IsFlaming(); bool move = false; bool slow = false; bool camSlide = false; int jumpPress = DDInput.A.GetInput(); bool jump = false; bool shagami = false; bool attack = false; if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_2.GetInput()) { shagami = true; } if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_4.GetInput()) { this.Player.FacingLeft = true; move = true; } if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_6.GetInput()) { this.Player.FacingLeft = false; move = true; } if (1 <= DDInput.L.GetInput()) { move = false; camSlide = true; } if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= DDInput.R.GetInput()) { slow = true; } if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= jumpPress) { jump = true; } if (!deadOrDamage && 1 <= DDInput.B.GetInput()) { attack = true; } if (DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_Q) == 1) { break; } if (move) { this.Player.MoveFrame++; shagami = false; } else { this.Player.MoveFrame = 0; } this.Player.MoveSlow = move && slow; if (1 <= this.Player.JumpFrame) { if (jump && this.Player.JumpFrame < 22) { this.Player.JumpFrame++; } else { this.Player.JumpFrame = 0; } } else { //if (jump && jumpPress < 5 && this.Player.TouchGround) if (jump && jumpPress < 5 && this.Player.AirborneFrame < 5) { this.Player.JumpFrame = 1; } } if (camSlide) { if (DDInput.DIR_4.IsPound()) { this.CamSlideCount++; this.CamSlideX--; } if (DDInput.DIR_6.IsPound()) { this.CamSlideCount++; this.CamSlideX++; } if (DDInput.DIR_8.IsPound()) { this.CamSlideCount++; this.CamSlideY--; } if (DDInput.DIR_2.IsPound()) { this.CamSlideCount++; this.CamSlideY++; } DDUtils.ToRange(ref this.CamSlideX, -1, 1); DDUtils.ToRange(ref this.CamSlideY, -1, 1); } else { if (this.CamSlideMode && this.CamSlideCount == 0) { this.CamSlideX = 0; this.CamSlideY = 0; } this.CamSlideCount = 0; } this.CamSlideMode = camSlide; if (this.Player.TouchGround == false) { shagami = false; } if (shagami) { this.Player.ShagamiFrame++; } else { this.Player.ShagamiFrame = 0; } if (attack) { this.Player.AttackFrame++; } else { this.Player.AttackFrame = 0; } } { DDScene scene = this.Player.DeadScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { if (scene.Numer < 30) { double rate = scene.Numer / 30.0; this.Player.X -= 10.0 * (1.0 - rate) * (this.Player.FacingLeft ? -1 : 1); } if (scene.Remaining == 0) { break; } } } { DDScene scene = this.Player.DamageScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { this.Player.X -= (9.0 - 6.0 * scene.Rate) * (this.Player.FacingLeft ? -1 : 1); if (scene.Remaining == 0) { this.Player.MutekiScene.FireDelay(); } } } { DDScene scene = this.Player.MutekiScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { // noop } } // プレイヤー移動 { if (1 <= this.Player.MoveFrame) { double speed = 0.0; if (this.Player.MoveSlow) { speed = this.Player.MoveFrame * 0.2; DDUtils.Minim(ref speed, 2.0); } else { speed = 6.0; } speed *= this.Player.FacingLeft ? -1 : 1; this.Player.X += speed; } else { this.Player.X = (double)DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X); } this.Player.YSpeed += 1.0; // += 重力加速度 if (1 <= this.Player.JumpFrame) { this.Player.YSpeed = -8.0; } DDUtils.Minim(ref this.Player.YSpeed, 8.0); // 落下する最高速度 this.Player.Y += this.Player.YSpeed; } if (this.Player.X < 0.0) // ? マップの左側に出た。 { this.ExitDir = 4; break; } if (this.Map.W * MapTile.WH < this.Player.X) // ? マップの右側に出た。 { this.ExitDir = 6; break; } if (this.Player.Y < 0.0) // ? マップの上側に出た。 { this.ExitDir = 8; break; } if (this.Map.H * MapTile.WH < this.Player.Y) // ? マップの下側に出た。 { this.ExitDir = 2; break; } // プレイヤー位置矯正 { bool touchSide_L = this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X - 10.0, this.Player.Y - MapTile.WH / 2)).Wall || this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X - 10.0, this.Player.Y)).Wall || this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X - 10.0, this.Player.Y + MapTile.WH / 2)).Wall; bool touchSide_R = this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X + 10.0, this.Player.Y - MapTile.WH / 2)).Wall || this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X + 10.0, this.Player.Y)).Wall || this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X + 10.0, this.Player.Y + MapTile.WH / 2)).Wall; if (touchSide_L && touchSide_R) { // noop } else if (touchSide_L) { this.Player.X = (double)DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X / MapTile.WH) * MapTile.WH + 10.0; } else if (touchSide_R) { this.Player.X = (double)DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X / MapTile.WH) * MapTile.WH - 10.0; } bool touchCeiling_L = this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X - 9.0, this.Player.Y - MapTile.WH)).Wall; bool touchCeiling_R = this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X + 9.0, this.Player.Y - MapTile.WH)).Wall; bool touchCeiling = touchCeiling_L && touchCeiling_R; if (touchCeiling_L && touchCeiling_R) { if (this.Player.YSpeed < 0.0) { this.Player.Y = (int)(this.Player.Y / MapTile.WH + 1) * MapTile.WH; this.Player.YSpeed = 0.0; this.Player.JumpFrame = 0; } } else if (touchCeiling_L) { this.Player.X = (double)DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X / MapTile.WH) * MapTile.WH + 9.0; } else if (touchCeiling_R) { this.Player.X = (double)DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X / MapTile.WH) * MapTile.WH - 9.0; } this.Player.TouchGround = this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X - 9.0, this.Player.Y + MapTile.WH)).Wall || this.Map.GetCell(Map.ToTablePoint(this.Player.X + 9.0, this.Player.Y + MapTile.WH)).Wall; if (this.Player.TouchGround) { DDUtils.Minim(ref this.Player.YSpeed, 0.0); double plY = (int)(this.Player.Y / MapTile.WH) * MapTile.WH; DDUtils.Minim(ref this.Player.Y, plY); } if (this.Player.TouchGround) { this.Player.AirborneFrame = 0; } else { this.Player.AirborneFrame++; } } if (this.Frame == 0) // 画面遷移時の微妙なカメラ位置ズレ解消 { DDGround.Camera.X = this.Player.X - DDConsts.Screen_W / 2.0; DDGround.Camera.Y = this.Player.Y - DDConsts.Screen_H / 2.0; DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.X, 0.0, this.Map.W * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_W); DDUtils.ToRange(ref DDGround.Camera.Y, 0.0, this.Map.H * MapTile.WH - DDConsts.Screen_H); DDGround.ICamera.X = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.X); DDGround.ICamera.Y = DoubleTools.ToInt(DDGround.Camera.Y); } if (1 <= this.Player.AttackFrame) { this.Player.Attack(); } this.EnemyEachFrame(); this.WeaponEachFrame(); // Crash { DDCrash playerCrash = DDCrashUtils.Point(new D2Point(this.Player.X, this.Player.Y)); foreach (WeaponBox weapon in this.Weapons.Iterate()) { weapon.Crash = weapon.Value.GetCrash(); } foreach (EnemyBox enemy in this.Enemies.Iterate()) { DDCrash enemyCrash = enemy.Value.GetCrash(); foreach (WeaponBox weapon in this.Weapons.Iterate()) { if (enemyCrash.IsCrashed(weapon.Crash)) { if (enemy.Value.Crashed(weapon.Value) == false) // ? 消滅 { enemy.Dead = true; } if (weapon.Value.Crashed(enemy.Value) == false) // ? 消滅 { weapon.Dead = true; } } } this.Weapons.RemoveAll(weapon => weapon.Dead); if (this.Player.DeadScene.IsFlaming() == false && this.Player.DamageScene.IsFlaming() == false && this.Player.MutekiScene.IsFlaming() == false && enemyCrash.IsCrashed(playerCrash)) { if (enemy.Value.CrashedToPlayer() == false) // ? 消滅 { enemy.Dead = true; } this.Player.Crashed(enemy.Value); } } this.Enemies.RemoveAll(enemy => enemy.Dead); } // 描画ここから this.DrawWall(); this.DrawMap(); this.Player.Draw(); this.DrawEnemies(); this.DrawWeapons(); DDPrint.SetPrint(); DDPrint.Print(DDEngine.FrameProcessingMillis_Worst + " " + this.Player.HP); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } DDEngine.FreezeInput(); if (this.ExitDir == 5) { DDMusicUtils.Fade(); DDCurtain.SetCurtain(30, -1.0); foreach (DDScene scene in DDSceneUtils.Create(40)) { this.DrawWall(); this.DrawMap(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } } else { double destSlideX = 0.0; double destSlideY = 0.0; switch (this.ExitDir) { case 4: destSlideX = DDConsts.Screen_W; break; case 6: destSlideX = -DDConsts.Screen_W; break; case 8: destSlideY = DDConsts.Screen_H; break; case 2: destSlideY = -DDConsts.Screen_H; break; default: throw null; // never } #if true using (DDSubScreen wallScreen = new DDSubScreen(DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H)) { using (wallScreen.Section()) { this.DrawWall(); } foreach (DDScene scene in DDSceneUtils.Create(30)) { this.DrawMap_SlideX = destSlideX * scene.Rate; this.DrawMap_SlideY = destSlideY * scene.Rate; DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(); DDDraw.DrawSimple(wallScreen.ToPicture(), this.DrawMap_SlideX, this.DrawMap_SlideY); this.DrawMap(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } } #else // old foreach (DDScene scene in DDSceneUtils.Create(10)) { this.DrawWall(); DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(-scene.Rate); this.DrawMap(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } foreach (DDScene scene in DDSceneUtils.Create(20)) { this.DrawMap_SlideX = destSlideX * scene.Rate; this.DrawMap_SlideY = destSlideY * scene.Rate; DDCurtain.DrawCurtain(-1.0); this.DrawMap(); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } #endif this.DrawMap_SlideX = 0.0; // 復元 this.DrawMap_SlideY = 0.0; // 復元 DDCurtain.SetCurtain(0, -1.0); } // ここでステータスに反映 this.Status.CurrHP = this.Player.HP; this.Status.FacingLeft = this.Player.FacingLeft; }
// // copied the source file by // private static void DrawPic_Main(DDPicture picture, ILayoutInfo layout) { // app > @ enter DrawPic // < app if (Extra.A != -1) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, Extra.A); } else if (Extra.BlendAdd != -1) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ADD, Extra.BlendAdd); } else if (Extra.BlendInv) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_INVSRC, 255); } if (Extra.Mosaic) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_NEAREST); } if (Extra.Bright.R != -1) { SetBright(Extra.Bright.R, Extra.Bright.G, Extra.Bright.B); } { FreeInfo u = layout as FreeInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawModiGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBY), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawModiGraphF( (float)u.LTX, (float)u.LTY, (float)u.RTX, (float)u.RTY, (float)u.RBX, (float)u.RBY, (float)u.LBX, (float)u.LBY, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } { RectInfo u = layout as RectInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawExtendGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.L), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.T), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.R), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.B), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawExtendGraphF( (float)u.L, (float)u.T, (float)u.R, (float)u.B, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } { SimpleInfo u = layout as SimpleInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.X), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.Y), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawGraphF( (float)u.X, (float)u.Y, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } throw new DDError(); // ? 不明なレイアウト endDraw: if (Extra.A != -1 || Extra.BlendAdd != -1 || Extra.BlendInv) { ResetBlend(); } if (Extra.Mosaic) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_BILINEAR); } if (Extra.Bright.R != -1) { ResetBright(); } // app > @ leave DrawPic // < app }
public void Draw(double[] spectra) { if (spectra.Length != 90) { throw null; // souteigai !!! } if (this.ShadowSpectra == null) { this.ShadowSpectra = new ShadowSpectraData(); } this.ShadowSpectra.Projection(spectra); DDSubScreenUtils.ChangeDrawScreen(this.GraphScreen); DX.ClearDrawScreen(); for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { double v = this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 0] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 1] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 2] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 3] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 4] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 5] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 6] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 7] + this.ShadowSpectra.ShadowSpectra[c * 9 + 8]; v /= 9.0; v *= 10.0; int iv = DoubleTools.ToInt(v); for (int d = 0; d < iv; d++) { int x1 = (c + 0) * 160; int x2 = (c + 1) * 160; int y1 = (d + 0) * 40; int y2 = (d + 1) * 40; x1 += 5; x2 -= 5; y1 += 3; y2 -= 3; DDDraw.SetBright(0.6, 0.4, 0.4); DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); DDDraw.Reset(); } } for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { double v = spectra[c * 9 + 0] + spectra[c * 9 + 1] + spectra[c * 9 + 2] + spectra[c * 9 + 3] + spectra[c * 9 + 4] + spectra[c * 9 + 5] + spectra[c * 9 + 6] + spectra[c * 9 + 7] + spectra[c * 9 + 8]; v /= 9.0; v *= 10.0; int iv = DoubleTools.ToInt(v); for (int d = 0; d < iv; d++) { int x1 = (c + 0) * 160; int x2 = (c + 1) * 160; int y1 = (d + 0) * 40; int y2 = (d + 1) * 40; x1 += 5; x2 -= 5; y1 += 3; y2 -= 3; DDDraw.SetBright(1.0, 0.8, 0.8); DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); DDDraw.Reset(); } } DDSubScreenUtils.ChangeDrawScreen(this.Screen); DX.ClearDrawScreen(); DDDraw.DrawBegin(DDPictureLoaders2.Wrapper(this.GraphScreen), this.Screen.GetSize().W / 2, this.Screen.GetSize().H / 2); DDDraw.SetBright(0, 0, 0); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DDDraw.Reset(); DX.GraphFilter(this.Screen.GetHandle(), DX.DX_GRAPH_FILTER_GAUSS, 16, 1000); DDDraw.DrawCenter(DDPictureLoaders2.Wrapper(this.GraphScreen), this.Screen.GetSize().W / 2, this.Screen.GetSize().H / 2); DDSubScreenUtils.RestoreDrawScreen(); }
// // copied the source file by // private static void DrawPic_Main(DDPicture picture, ILayoutInfo layout) { // app > @ enter DrawPic // < app if (Extra.A != -1) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, Extra.A); } else if (Extra.BlendAdd != -1) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ADD, Extra.BlendAdd); } else if (Extra.BlendInv) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_INVSRC, 255); } if (Extra.Mosaic) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_NEAREST); } if (Extra.Bright.R != -1) { SetBright(Extra.Bright.R, Extra.Bright.G, Extra.Bright.B); } { FreeInfo u = layout as FreeInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawModiGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBY), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawModiGraphF( (float)u.LTX, (float)u.LTY, (float)u.RTX, (float)u.RTY, (float)u.RBX, (float)u.RBY, (float)u.LBX, (float)u.LBY, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } { RectInfo u = layout as RectInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawExtendGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.L), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.T), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.R), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.B), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawExtendGraphF( (float)u.L, (float)u.T, (float)u.R, (float)u.B, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } { SimpleInfo u = layout as SimpleInfo; if (u != null) { // ? 失敗 if ( Extra.IntPos ? DX.DrawGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.X), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.Y), picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawGraphF( (float)u.X, (float)u.Y, picture.GetHandle(), 1 ) != 0 ) { if (Extra.IgnoreError == false) { throw new DDError(); } } goto endDraw; } } throw new DDError(); // ? 不明なレイアウト endDraw: if (Extra.A != -1 || Extra.BlendAdd != -1 || Extra.BlendInv) { ResetBlend(); } if (Extra.Mosaic) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_BILINEAR); } if (Extra.Bright.R != -1) { ResetBright(); } // app > @ leave DrawPic { FreeInfo u = layout as FreeInfo; if (u != null) { double l = u.LTX; double t = u.LTY; double r = u.LTX; double b = u.LTY; l = Math.Min(l, u.RTX); l = Math.Min(l, u.RBX); l = Math.Min(l, u.LBX); t = Math.Min(t, u.RTY); t = Math.Min(t, u.RBY); t = Math.Min(t, u.LBY); r = Math.Max(r, u.RTX); r = Math.Max(r, u.RBX); r = Math.Max(r, u.LBX); b = Math.Max(b, u.RTY); b = Math.Max(b, u.RBY); b = Math.Max(b, u.LBY); Charlotte.Games.NamedCrashMgr.LastDrawedCrash = Charlotte.Common.Options.DDCrashUtils.Rect(new D4Rect( l, t, r - l, b - t )); goto endPostDraw; } } { RectInfo u = layout as RectInfo; if (u != null) { double l = u.L; double t = u.T; double r = u.R; double b = u.B; Charlotte.Games.NamedCrashMgr.LastDrawedCrash = Charlotte.Common.Options.DDCrashUtils.Rect(new D4Rect( l, t, r - l, b - t )); goto endPostDraw; } } { SimpleInfo u = layout as SimpleInfo; if (u != null) { Charlotte.Games.NamedCrashMgr.LastDrawedCrash = Charlotte.Common.Options.DDCrashUtils.Rect(new D4Rect( u.X, u.Y, picture.Get_W(), picture.Get_H() )); goto endPostDraw; } } throw new DDError(); // ? 不明なレイアウト endPostDraw: ; // < app }
// // copied the source file by // private static int RateToVolumeValue(double rate, int minval, int maxval) { return(minval + DoubleTools.ToInt(rate * (maxval - minval))); }
public void DrawTo(PictureData picture, int frame, int frameNum) { double sec = frame * 1.0 / VideoData.FPS; this.Wave.SetWavPart((int)((sec + AUDIO_DELAY_SEC) * this.Wave.WavHz)); List <double> spectra = new List <double>(); int hz = 10; for (int c = 1; c <= 9; c++) { for (int d = 0; d < 10; d++) { double spectrum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { spectrum = Math.Max(spectrum, this.Wave.GetSpectrum(hz)); hz += 10; } spectrum /= 30.0; // 要調整 spectrum = Vf(spectrum); spectra.Add(spectrum); } } for (int i = 0; i < spectra.Count; i++) { double v = this.ShadowSpectra[i]; v -= 0.01; v = Math.Max(v, spectra[i]); this.ShadowSpectra[i] = v; } Canvas2 dest = new Canvas2(picture.GetFrame().GetWidth(), picture.GetFrame().GetHeight()); using (Graphics g = dest.GetGraphics(false)) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(64, 0, 0, 0)), 0, 0, dest.GetWidth(), dest.GetHeight()); int dr_l = 10; int dr_t = 10; int dr_w = dest.GetWidth() - 20; int dr_h = dest.GetHeight() - 20; for (int i = 0; i < spectra.Count; i++) { int x1 = (((i * 3 + 0) * dr_w) / (spectra.Count * 3 - 2)); int x2 = (((i * 3 + 1) * dr_w) / (spectra.Count * 3 - 2)); int w = x2 - x1; double v1 = this.ShadowSpectra[i]; double v2 = spectra[i]; v1 /= 2.0; // 要調整 v2 /= 2.0; // 要調整 int h1 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v1 * dr_h); int h2 = DoubleTools.ToInt(v2 * dr_h); int y1 = dr_h - h1; int y2 = dr_h - h2; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)), dr_l + x1, dr_t + y1, w, h1); g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), dr_l + x1, dr_t + y2, w, h2); } } using (Graphics g = picture.GetFrame().GetGraphics(false)) { g.DrawImage(dest.GetImage(), 0, 0); } }
private static bool DrawPicFunc(ParamInfo i) { if (i.Extra.PicRes != null) { GamePicture.SetPicRes(i.Extra.PicRes); } if (i.Extra.AlphaOn) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, i.Extra.A); } else if (i.Extra.BlendAddOn) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_ADD, i.Extra.A); } else if (i.Extra.BlendInvOn) { SetBlend(DX.DX_BLENDMODE_INVSRC, 1.0); } if (i.Extra.MosaicOn) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_NEAREST); } if (i.Extra.BrightOn) { SetBright(i.Extra.R, i.Extra.G, i.Extra.B); } int grphHdl; if (i.Extra.GraphicHandleFlag) { grphHdl = i.PicId; } else { grphHdl = GamePicture.Pic(i.PicId); } switch (i.Layout.Mode) { case 'F': { LayoutInfo.FreeInfo u = (LayoutInfo.FreeInfo)i.Layout.Entity; const double F_ZURE = 0.0; if (i.Extra.IntPosOn ? DX.DrawModiGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RTY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.RBY), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBX), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.LBY), grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawModiGraphF( (float)(u.LTX + F_ZURE), (float)(u.LTY + F_ZURE), (float)(u.RTX + F_ZURE), (float)(u.RTY + F_ZURE), (float)(u.RBX + F_ZURE), (float)(u.RBY + F_ZURE), (float)(u.LBX + F_ZURE), (float)(u.LBY + F_ZURE), grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 ) // ? 失敗 { if (i.Extra.IgnoreError == false) { ProcMain.WriteLog(u.LTX); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.LTY); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.RTX); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.RTY); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.RBX); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.RBY); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.LBX); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.LBY); ProcMain.WriteLog(i.PicId); ProcMain.WriteLog(grphHdl); throw new GameError(); } } } break; case 'R': { LayoutInfo.RectInfo u = (LayoutInfo.RectInfo)i.Layout.Entity; if (i.Extra.IntPosOn ? DX.DrawExtendGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.L), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.T), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.R), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.B), grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawExtendGraphF( (float)u.L, (float)u.T, (float)u.R, (float)u.B, grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 ) // ? 失敗 { if (i.Extra.IgnoreError == false) { ProcMain.WriteLog(u.L); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.T); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.R); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.B); ProcMain.WriteLog(i.PicId); ProcMain.WriteLog(grphHdl); throw new GameError(); } } } break; case 'S': { LayoutInfo.SimpleInfo u = (LayoutInfo.SimpleInfo)i.Layout.Entity; if (i.Extra.IntPosOn ? DX.DrawGraph( DoubleTools.ToInt(u.X), DoubleTools.ToInt(u.Y), grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 : DX.DrawGraphF( (float)u.X, (float)u.Y, grphHdl, 1 ) != 0 ) // ? 失敗 { if (i.Extra.IgnoreError == false) { ProcMain.WriteLog(u.X); ProcMain.WriteLog(u.Y); ProcMain.WriteLog(i.PicId); ProcMain.WriteLog(grphHdl); throw new GameError(); } } } break; default: throw new GameError(); } if (i.Extra.PicRes != null) { GamePicture.ResetPicRes(); } if (i.Extra.AlphaOn || i.Extra.BlendAddOn || i.Extra.BlendInvOn) { ResetBlend(); } if (i.Extra.MosaicOn) { DX.SetDrawMode(DX.DX_DRAWMODE_BILINEAR); } if (i.Extra.BrightOn) { ResetBright(); } return(false); }
public void Perform() { this.Player.X = DDConsts.Screen_W / 4; this.Player.Y = DDConsts.Screen_H / 2; this.Player.BornScene.Fire(); DDCurtain.SetCurtain(10); for (; ; this.Frame++) { // プレイヤー行動 { bool bornOrDead = this.Player.BornScene.IsFlaming() || this.Player.DeadScene.IsFlaming(); bool dead = this.Player.DeadScene.IsFlaming(); double xa = 0.0; double ya = 0.0; if (!dead && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_4.GetInput()) // 左移動 { xa = -1.0; } if (!dead && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_6.GetInput()) // 右移動 { xa = 1.0; } if (!dead && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_8.GetInput()) // 上移動 { ya = -1.0; } if (!dead && 1 <= DDInput.DIR_2.GetInput()) // 下移動 { ya = 1.0; } double speed; if (1 <= DDInput.A.GetInput()) // 低速ボタン押下中 { speed = (double)this.Player.SpeedLevel; } else { speed = (double)(this.Player.SpeedLevel * 2); } this.Player.X += xa * speed; this.Player.Y += ya * speed; DDUtils.ToRange(ref this.Player.X, 0.0, DDConsts.Screen_W); DDUtils.ToRange(ref this.Player.Y, 0.0, DDConsts.Screen_H); if (!bornOrDead && 1 <= DDInput.B.GetInput()) // 攻撃ボタン押下中 { this.Player.Shoot(); } if (DDInput.L.GetInput() == 1) { this.Player.SpeedLevel--; } if (DDInput.R.GetInput() == 1) { this.Player.SpeedLevel++; } DDUtils.ToRange(ref this.Player.SpeedLevel, Player.SPEED_LEVEL_MIN, Player.SPEED_LEVEL_MAX); } { DDScene scene = this.Player.BornScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { if (scene.Remaining == 0) { this.Player.MutekiScene.FireDelay(); } } } { DDScene scene = this.Player.DeadScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { if (scene.Remaining == 0) { if (this.Status.RemainingLiveCount <= 0) { break; } this.Status.RemainingLiveCount--; this.Player.BornScene.FireDelay(); } } } { DDScene scene = this.Player.MutekiScene.GetScene(); if (scene.Numer != -1) { // noop } } if (this.Scenario.EachFrame() == false) { break; } this.EnemyEachFrame(); this.WeaponEachFrame(); DDCrashView cv = DDKey.GetInput(DX.KEY_INPUT_LSHIFT) == 0 ? null : new DDCrashView(); // Crash { DDCrash playerCrash = DDCrashUtils.Point(new D2Point(this.Player.X, this.Player.Y)); foreach (WeaponBox weapon in this.Weapons.Iterate()) { weapon.Crash = weapon.Value.GetCrash(); } foreach (EnemyBox enemy in this.Enemies.Iterate()) { DDCrash enemyCrash = enemy.Value.GetCrash(); if (cv != null) { cv.Draw(enemyCrash); } foreach (WeaponBox weapon in this.Weapons.Iterate()) { if (enemyCrash.IsCrashed(weapon.Crash)) { if (enemy.Value.Crashed(weapon.Value) == false) // ? 消滅 { enemy.Dead = true; } if (weapon.Value.Crashed(enemy.Value) == false) // ? 消滅 { weapon.Dead = true; } } } this.Weapons.RemoveAll(weapon => weapon.Dead); if (this.Player.BornScene.IsFlaming() == false && this.Player.DeadScene.IsFlaming() == false && this.Player.MutekiScene.IsFlaming() == false && enemyCrash.IsCrashed(playerCrash)) { foreach (DDScene scene in DDSceneUtils.Create(30)) // プレイヤ死亡効果 { this.DrawWall(); this.Player.Draw(); this.DrawEnemies(); DDDraw.SetAlpha(0.3); DDDraw.SetBright(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); DDDraw.DrawRect(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, 0, 0, DDConsts.Screen_W, DDConsts.Screen_H); DDDraw.Reset(); { int ix = DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.X); int iy = DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Player.Y); DDDraw.SetBright(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); DDDraw.SetAlpha(scene.Rate); DDDraw.DrawRect_LTRB(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, ix - 1, 0, ix + 1, DDConsts.Screen_H); DDDraw.SetAlpha(scene.RemainingRate); DDDraw.DrawRect_LTRB(DDGround.GeneralResource.WhiteBox, 0, iy - 1, DDConsts.Screen_W, iy + 1); DDDraw.Reset(); } DDEngine.EachFrame(); } this.Player.DeadScene.Fire(); } } this.Enemies.RemoveAll(enemy => enemy.Dead); } // ここから描画 this.DrawWall(); this.Player.Draw(); this.DrawEnemies(); this.DrawWeapons(); if (cv != null) { cv.DrawToScreen(0.8); cv.Dispose(); cv = null; } DDPrint.SetPrint(); DDPrint.Print(DDEngine.FrameProcessingMillis_Worst + " " + this.Enemies.Count + " SPEED=" + this.Player.SpeedLevel); DDEngine.EachFrame(); } }
private void MakeMovie_Main() { this.DiscJacket = new Canvas2(this.DiscJacketFile); this.BluredDiscJacket = PictureUtils.Blur(this.DiscJacket, 5); // 要調整 this.MarginedDiscJacket = PictureUtils.PutMargin(this.DiscJacket); { string wavFile = this.WD.GetPath("audio.wav"); string masterWavFile = this.WD.GetPath("audio2.wav"); FFmpegConv.MakeWavFile(this.SourceMediaFile, wavFile); if (this.MasterFlag && MasterUtils.Mastering(wavFile, masterWavFile)) { this.Wave = new WaveData(masterWavFile); this.FFmpeg.Audio.PutAudioFile(masterWavFile); } else { this.Wave = new WaveData(wavFile); this.FFmpeg.Audio.PutAudioFile(this.SourceMediaFile); } } ShadowSpectraData ss = new ShadowSpectraData(); FadeInOutData f1 = new FadeInOutData() { MaxValue = 20 }; FadeInOutData f2 = new FadeInOutData(); f1.Rate = 1.0; int frameNum = DoubleTools.ToInt((this.Wave.Length * 1.0 / this.Wave.WavHz) * AudioPicMP4Props.FPS); for (int frame = 0; frame < frameNum; frame++) { if (frame == 2 * AudioPicMP4Props.FPS) { f1.TargetRate = 0.0; } if (frame == frameNum - 10 - f2.MaxValue) { f2.TargetRate = 1.0; } f1.Approach(); f2.Approach(); double rate = frame * 1.0 / (frameNum - 1); double invRate = 1.0 - rate; double r1 = 1.0 + 0.2 * rate; double r2 = 1.0 + 0.1 * invRate; D4Rect wallRect; D4Rect frntRect; { D2Size size = Utils.TangentSize( new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), new D2Size(this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(), this.DiscJacket.GetHeight()), false ); size.W *= r1; size.H *= r1; wallRect = Utils.Centering(new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), size); } { D2Size size = Utils.TangentSize( new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), new D2Size(this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(), this.DiscJacket.GetHeight()), true ); size.W *= r2; size.H *= r2; // マージン分 size.W *= this.MarginedDiscJacket.GetWidth() * 1.0 / this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(); size.H *= this.MarginedDiscJacket.GetHeight() * 1.0 / this.DiscJacket.GetHeight(); frntRect = Utils.Centering(new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), size); } Canvas2 frameImg = new Canvas2(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, this.BluredDiscJacket, wallRect); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, 0.5); // 要調整 PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, this.MarginedDiscJacket, frntRect); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, 0.1); // 要調整 PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, f1.Rate); // 背景カーテン this.Wave.SetWavPart(DoubleTools.ToInt((frame * 1.0 / AudioPicMP4Props.FPS + AudioPicMP4Props.AUDIO_DELAY_SEC) * this.Wave.WavHz)); SpectrumGraph0001 sg = new SpectrumGraph0001(hz => this.Wave.GetSpectrum(hz)); ss.Projection(sg.Spectra); this.DrawSpectra(frameImg, sg, ss); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, f2.Rate); // 前景カーテン frameImg.Save(this.FFmpeg.GetImageFile(frame), ImageFormat.Jpeg, AudioPicMP4Props.JPEG_QUALITY); GC.Collect(); } this.FFmpeg.MakeMovie(); File.Copy(this.FFmpeg.GetMovieFile(), this.DestMP4File); }
public void MakeVideo(WaveData wave, WorkingDir wd, Action <Canvas2> addImage) { this.DiscJacket = new Canvas2(this.DiscJacketFile); this.BluredDiscJacket = PictureUtils.Blur(this.DiscJacket, 5); // 要調整 this.MarginedDiscJacket = PictureUtils.PutMargin(this.DiscJacket); ShadowSpectraData ss = new ShadowSpectraData(); FadeInOutData f1 = new FadeInOutData() { MaxValue = 20 }; FadeInOutData f2 = new FadeInOutData(); f1.Rate = 1.0; int frameNum = DoubleTools.ToInt((wave.Length * 1.0 / wave.WavHz) * AudioPicMP4Props.FPS); for (int frame = 0; frame < frameNum; frame++) { if (frame == 2 * AudioPicMP4Props.FPS) { f1.TargetRate = 0.0; } if (frame == frameNum - 10 - f2.MaxValue) { f2.TargetRate = 1.0; } f1.Approach(); f2.Approach(); double rate = frame * 1.0 / (frameNum - 1); double invRate = 1.0 - rate; double r1 = 1.0 + 0.2 * rate; double r2 = 1.0 + 0.1 * invRate; D4Rect wallRect; D4Rect frntRect; { D2Size size = Utils.TangentSize( new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), new D2Size(this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(), this.DiscJacket.GetHeight()), false ); size.W *= r1; size.H *= r1; wallRect = Utils.Centering(new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), size); } { D2Size size = Utils.TangentSize( new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), new D2Size(this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(), this.DiscJacket.GetHeight()), true ); size.W *= r2; size.H *= r2; // マージン分 size.W *= this.MarginedDiscJacket.GetWidth() * 1.0 / this.DiscJacket.GetWidth(); size.H *= this.MarginedDiscJacket.GetHeight() * 1.0 / this.DiscJacket.GetHeight(); frntRect = Utils.Centering(new D2Size(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H), size); } Canvas2 frameImg = new Canvas2(AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_W, AudioPicMP4Props.VIDEO_H); PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, this.BluredDiscJacket, wallRect); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, 0.5); // 要調整 PictureUtils.Paste(frameImg, this.MarginedDiscJacket, frntRect); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, 0.1); // 要調整 PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, f1.Rate); // 背景カーテン wave.SetWavPart(DoubleTools.ToInt((frame * 1.0 / AudioPicMP4Props.FPS + AudioPicMP4Props.AUDIO_DELAY_SEC) * wave.WavHz)); SpectrumGraph0001 sg = new SpectrumGraph0001(hz => wave.GetSpectrum(hz)); ss.Projection(sg.Spectra); this.DrawSpectra(frameImg, sg, ss); PictureUtils.Filter(frameImg, Color.Black, f2.Rate); // 前景カーテン addImage(frameImg); } }
public void Draw() { if (PlayerLookLeftFrm == 0 && DDUtils.Random.Real2() < 0.002) // キョロキョロするレート { PlayerLookLeftFrm = 150 + (int)(DDUtils.Random.Real2() * 90.0); } DDUtils.CountDown(ref PlayerLookLeftFrm); double xZoom = this.FacingLeft ? -1 : 1; // 立ち > DDPicture picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerStands[120 < PlayerLookLeftFrm ? 1 : 0][(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 20) % 2]; if (1 <= this.MoveFrame) { if (this.MoveSlow) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerWalk[(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 10) % 2]; } else { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerDash[(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 5) % 2]; } } if (this.TouchGround == false) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerJump[0]; } if (1 <= this.ShagamiFrame) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerShagami; } // < 立ち // 攻撃中 > if (1 <= this.AttackFrame) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerAttack; if (1 <= this.MoveFrame) { if (this.MoveSlow) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerAttackWalk[(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 10) % 2]; } else { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerAttackDash[(DDEngine.ProcFrame / 5) % 2]; } } if (this.TouchGround == false) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerAttackJump; } if (1 <= this.ShagamiFrame) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerAttackShagami; } } // < 攻撃中 if (this.DeadScene.IsFlaming()) { int koma = IntTools.ToRange(this.DeadScene.Count / 20, 0, 1); if (this.TouchGround) { koma *= 2; } koma *= 2; koma++; picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerDamage[koma]; DDDraw.SetTaskList(DDGround.EL); } if (this.DamageScene.IsFlaming()) { picture = Ground.I.Picture.PlayerDamage[0]; xZoom *= -1; } if (this.DamageScene.IsFlaming() || this.MutekiScene.IsFlaming()) { DDDraw.SetTaskList(DDGround.EL); DDDraw.SetAlpha(0.5); } DDDraw.DrawBegin( picture, DoubleTools.ToInt(this.X - DDGround.ICamera.X), DoubleTools.ToInt(this.Y - DDGround.ICamera.Y) - 16 ); DDDraw.DrawZoom_X(xZoom); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); DDDraw.Reset(); // debug { DDDraw.DrawBegin(DDGround.GeneralResource.Dummy, this.X - DDGround.ICamera.X, this.Y - DDGround.ICamera.Y); DDDraw.DrawZoom(0.1); DDDraw.DrawRotate(DDEngine.ProcFrame * 0.01); DDDraw.DrawEnd(); } }