//-> SelectByID public async Task <AccountViewDTO> SelectByID(int id) { var account = await db.tblAccounts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.acct_Deleted == null && a.acct_AccountID == id); if (account == null) { throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "NotFound"); } var accountView = DoubleHelper.TwoPrecision(MappingHelper.MapDBClassToDTO <tblAccount, AccountViewDTO>(account)); accountView.statusCaption = SelectionHelper.AccountStatusCaption(account.acct_Status); accountView.documents = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(db, ConstantHelper.TABLE_ACCOUNT_ID, account.acct_AccountID); return(accountView); }
public static bool operator >(AnimationRate t1, AnimationRate t2) { if (t1.HasDuration && t2.HasDuration) { return(t1._duration > t2._duration); } if (t1.HasSpeed && t2.HasSpeed) { return((t1._speed > t2._speed) && !DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(t1._speed, t2._speed)); } // arbitrary: assume a Speed is greater than a Duration return(t1.HasSpeed); }
private static object CoerceEndAngleValue(DependencyObject d, object value) { // keep EndAngle in sync with Slice and SweepDirection Pie pie = ( Pie )d; if (pie.IsUpdatingSlice || pie.IsUpdatingSweepDirection || (pie.IsUpdatingStartAngle && pie.Mode == PieMode.Slice)) { double newValue = pie.StartAngle + ((pie.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise) ? 1.0 : -1.0) * pie.Slice * 360; if (!DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(( double )value, newValue)) { value = newValue; } } return(value); }
private static object CoerceSliceValue(DependencyObject d, object value) { // keep Slice in sync with EndAngle, StartAngle, and SweepDirection Pie pie = ( Pie )d; if (pie.IsUpdatingEndAngle || pie.IsUpdatingStartAngle || pie.IsUpdatingSweepDirection) { double slice = Math.Max(-360.0, Math.Min(360.0, (pie.EndAngle - pie.StartAngle))) / ((pie.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise) ? 360.0 : -360.0); double newValue = DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(slice, 0) ? 0 : (slice < 0) ? slice + 1 : slice; if (!DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(( double )value, newValue)) { value = newValue; } } return(value); }
private void UpdateSizeFromRadius() { if (this.FrameType == Toolkit.FrameType.Circle) { double newSize = Radius * 2; if (!DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(Width, newSize)) { Width = newSize; } if (!DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(Height, newSize)) { Height = newSize; } } }
public void Map_CalculatesCorrectSegmentWidth(Tuple <double, double, double> testData) { var area = testData.Item1; var depth = testData.Item2; var expectedWidth = testData.Item3; var panelItem = _gaugingSummaryItem.PanelItems.First(); panelItem.Area = area; panelItem.Depth = depth; var result = _verticalMapper.Map(_gaugingSummaryItem, _deploymentMethod); var firstVertical = result.First(); Assert.That(DoubleHelper.AreEqual(firstVertical.Segment.Width, expectedWidth)); }
public override double ConvertToPercent(object value) { if (value == null) { return(double.NaN); } this.RecalculateIfEmpty(); Range <double> fromRange = new Range <double>(this.ActualMinimum, this.ActualMaximum); double num = Convert.ToDouble(value, (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (DoubleHelper.LessWithPrecision(num, fromRange.Minimum) || DoubleHelper.GreaterWithPrecision(num, fromRange.Maximum)) { return(double.NaN); } return(RangeHelper.Project(fromRange, num, Scale.PercentRange)); }
private void AddReadingComments(Reading reading, double?src, string srcAction, params string[] otherComments) { var comments = otherComments .Concat(new [] { src.HasValue&& !DoubleHelper.AreSame(src, 0.0) ? $"SRC: {src:F3}" : null, srcAction, }) .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) .ToList(); if (comments.Any()) { reading.Comments = string.Join("\r\n", comments); } }
public static bool ScrollLeastAmount(Rect physViewRect, Rect itemRect, out Vector newPhysOffset) { bool scrollNeeded = false; newPhysOffset = new Vector(); if (physViewRect.Contains(itemRect) == false) { // Check if child is inside the view horizontially. if (itemRect.Left > physViewRect.Left && itemRect.Right < physViewRect.Right || DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(itemRect.Left, physViewRect.Left) == true) { newPhysOffset.X = itemRect.Left; } // Child is to the left of the view or is it bigger than the view else if (itemRect.Left < physViewRect.Left || itemRect.Width > physViewRect.Width) { newPhysOffset.X = itemRect.Left; } // Child is to the right of the view else { newPhysOffset.X = Math.Max(0, physViewRect.Left + (itemRect.Right - physViewRect.Right)); } // Check if child is inside the view vertically. if (itemRect.Top > physViewRect.Top && itemRect.Bottom < physViewRect.Bottom || DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(itemRect.Top, physViewRect.Top) == true) { newPhysOffset.Y = itemRect.Top; } // Child is the above the view or is it bigger than the view else if (itemRect.Top < physViewRect.Top || itemRect.Height > physViewRect.Height) { newPhysOffset.Y = itemRect.Top; } // Child is below the view else { newPhysOffset.Y = Math.Max(0, physViewRect.Top + (itemRect.Bottom - physViewRect.Bottom)); } scrollNeeded = true; } return(scrollNeeded); }
public static ValueRange CheckValue(double value, ValueRange[] ranges) { if (double.IsNaN(value) || DoubleHelper.Equals(value, 0.0d, 0.0000000001d) || ranges == null) { return(null); } foreach (var bounds in ranges) { if (value >= bounds.Min && value <= bounds.Max) { return(bounds); } } return(null); }
/** * Gets the binary data for writing to the output file * * @return the binary data */ public override byte[] getData() { DoubleHelper.getIEEEBytes(iterationValue, data, 0); /* long val = Double.doubleToLongBits(iterationValue); * data[0] = (byte) (val & 0xff); * data[1] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00) >> 8); * data[2] = (byte) ((val & 0xff0000) >> 16); * data[3] = (byte) ((val & 0xff000000) >> 24); * data[4] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00000000L) >> 32); * data[5] = (byte) ((val & 0xff0000000000L) >> 40); * data[6] = (byte) ((val & 0xff000000000000L) >> 48); * data[7] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00000000000000L) >> 56) ; */ return(data); }
private static Expression <Func <TModel, bool> > ToDoubleValueExpression <TModel>(FilterItemModel filterItem, bool isNullable) where TModel : class { var nullableFilterValue = DoubleHelper.ToDoubleOrNull(filterItem.Value); if (!nullableFilterValue.HasValue) { throw new ArgumentException($"{filterItem.Value} is not of type {typeof(double)}."); } var filterValue = nullableFilterValue.Value; if (isNullable) { var entityParamSelector = ReflectionHelper.MemberSelector <TModel, double?>(filterItem.Column); if (filterItem.Filter == FilterType.In) { var result = filterItem.CollectionExpression(entityParamSelector, DoubleHelper.ToDoubleOrNull); if (result != null) { return(result); } } var expression = FilterExpressionHelper.GetNullableExpression(filterItem.Filter, filterValue); return(entityParamSelector.CombineSelectorParamExpression(expression)); } else { var entityParamSelector = ReflectionHelper.MemberSelector <TModel, double>(filterItem.Column); if (filterItem.Filter == FilterType.In) { var result = filterItem.CollectionExpression(entityParamSelector, DoubleHelper.ToDouble); if (result != null) { return(result); } } var expression = FilterExpressionHelper.GetExpression(filterItem.Filter, filterValue); return(entityParamSelector.CombineSelectorParamExpression(expression)); } }
public override double ConvertToPercent(object value) { if (value == null) { return(double.NaN); } double num = Convert.ToDouble(value, (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Range <double> fromRange = new Range <double>(this.ActualMinimum, this.ActualMaximum); double precision1 = DoubleHelper.GetPrecision(num, fromRange.Minimum, fromRange.Maximum); if (DoubleHelper.LessWithPrecision(num, fromRange.Minimum, precision1) || DoubleHelper.GreaterWithPrecision(num, fromRange.Maximum, precision1)) { return(double.NaN); } double precision2 = DoubleHelper.GetPrecision(1, new double[0]); return(DoubleHelper.RoundWithPrecision(RangeHelper.Project(fromRange, num, Scale.PercentRange), precision2)); }
/** * Constructs this object from the raw data * * @param t the raw data * @param fr the formatting record * @param es the external sheet * @param nt the name table * @param si the sheet */ public NumberFormulaRecord(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, ExternalSheet es, WorkbookMethods nt, SheetImpl si) : base(t, fr, si) { externalSheet = es; nameTable = nt; data = getRecord().getData(); format = fr.getNumberFormat(getXFIndex()); if (format == null) { format = defaultFormat; } value = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 6); }
public static void SetValueWithAnimation(this DataPoint dataPoint, DependencyProperty dp, string propertyName, double value) { double num = (double)dataPoint.GetValue(dp); if (num == value) { return; } Series series = dataPoint.Series; if (series == null || series.ChartArea == null || (DoubleHelper.IsNaN(num) || DoubleHelper.IsNaN(value))) { dataPoint.SetValue(dp, (object)value); } else { DependencyPropertyAnimationHelper.BeginAnimation(series.ChartArea, propertyName, (object)num, (object)value, (Action <object, object>)((current, next) => dataPoint.SetValue(dp, next)), dataPoint.Storyboards, series.ActualTransitionDuration, series.ActualTransitionEasingFunction); } }
private static object CoerceSweepDirectionValue(DependencyObject d, object value) { // keep SweepDirection in sync with EndAngle and StartAngle Pie pie = ( Pie )d; if (pie.IsUpdatingEndAngle || pie.IsUpdatingStartAngle || pie.IsUpdatingMode) { if (DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(pie.StartAngle, pie.EndAngle)) { // if the values are equal, use previously coerced value value = pie.SweepDirection; } else { value = (pie.EndAngle < pie.StartAngle) ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SweepDirection.Clockwise; } } return(value); }
public void Map_CalculatesCorrectTotalDischargePortionValues(Tuple <double[], double[]> testData) { var inputDischargeValues = testData.Item1; var panelItems = _gaugingSummaryItem.PanelItems.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < panelItems.Count; i++) { panelItems[i].Flow = inputDischargeValues[i]; } var result = _verticalMapper.Map(_gaugingSummaryItem, _deploymentMethod); var expectedTotalDischargePortionValues = testData.Item2; for (var i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { Assert.That(DoubleHelper.AreEqual(result[i].Segment.TotalDischargePortion, expectedTotalDischargePortionValues[i])); } }
private void ZoomPlotArea(bool isZoomIn, double xCenterValue, double yCenterValue) { double delta = isZoomIn ? 1.2 : 5.0 / 6.0; foreach (Axis axis in (Collection <Axis>) this.Axes) { if (axis.ActualIsZoomEnabled) { if (this.IsHorizontalAxis(axis)) { axis.Scale.ZoomBy(xCenterValue, delta); } else { axis.Scale.ZoomBy(yCenterValue, delta); } axis.ShowScrollZoomBar = DoubleHelper.GreaterWithPrecision(axis.Scale.ActualZoom, 1.0); } } }
public static Triangle CreateTriangleFromConsole() { double a, b, c; Console.WriteLine("Давайте создадим треугольник! Введите длинны сторон треугольника!"); while (true) { a = DoubleHelper.ReadDoubleFormConsole("A = ", true); b = DoubleHelper.ReadDoubleFormConsole("B = ", true); c = DoubleHelper.ReadDoubleFormConsole("C = ", true); if (CheckingExistenceTriangle(a, b, c)) { break; } Console.WriteLine( "К сожалению треугольника с такими сторонами не существует :( Попробуйте заново! (Сумма двух сторон больше третьей)"); } return(new Triangle(a, b, c)); }
//-> SelectByID public async Task <CheckLoanRequestViewDTO> SelectByID(int id) { var accountHandler = new AccountHandler(); var checkLoanRequest = new CheckLoanRequestViewDTO(); checkLoanRequest.account = DoubleHelper.TwoPrecision(await accountHandler.SelectByID(id)); var loanRequest = await db.tblLoanRequests.FirstOrDefaultAsync(l => (l.loan_Status.ToLower() != "approved" && l.loan_Status.ToLower() != "rejected") && l.loan_Deleted == null && l.loan_AccountID == id); if (loanRequest == null) { loanRequest = new tblLoanRequest(); } checkLoanRequest.loanRequest = DoubleHelper.TwoPrecision(MappingHelper.MapDBClassToDTO <tblLoanRequest, LoanRequestViewDTO>(loanRequest)); //checkLoanRequest.loanRequest = MappingHelper.MapDBClassToDTO<tblLoanRequest, LoanRequestViewDTO>(loanRequest); return(DoubleHelper.TwoPrecision(checkLoanRequest)); }
public static Employee AddNewEployeeFromConsole() { Console.Write("Добавить нового сотрудника.\nВведите фамилию: "); var surname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Введите имя: "); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Введите отчество: "); var patronymic = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Теперь разберемся с датой рождения!"); var birthday = DateHelper.ReadDateOfBirthdayFormConsole(); Console.Write("Занимаемая должность: "); var position = Console.ReadLine(); var experience = DoubleHelper.ReadDoubleFormConsole("Стаж работы: ", true); return(new Employee(surname, name, patronymic, birthday, position, experience)); }
/// <summary> Constructor which creates this object from the binary data /// /// </summary> /// <param name="t">the record /// </param> internal SetupRecord(Record t) : base(NExcel.Biff.Type.SETUP) { data = t.Data; paperSize = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0], data[1]); scaleFactor = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[2], data[3]); pageStart = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4], data[5]); fitWidth = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6], data[7]); fitHeight = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[8], data[9]); horizontalPrintResolution = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[12], data[13]); verticalPrintResolution = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[14], data[15]); copies = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[32], data[33]); headerMargin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 16); footerMargin = DoubleHelper.getIEEEDouble(data, 24); int grbit = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[10], data[11]); portraitOrientation = ((grbit & 0x02) != 0); }
private void ParseValue(string value) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { string[] parts = value.Split('-'); if (parts.Length == 2) { double val; if (DoubleHelper.TryParseCultureInvariant(parts[0], out val)) { _width = val; } if (DoubleHelper.TryParseCultureInvariant(parts[1], out val)) { _height = val; } } } }
// // Convert a Number to a double. // internal static bool NumberBufferToDouble(ref NumberBuffer number, out double value) { double d = NumberToDouble(ref number); uint e = DoubleHelper.Exponent(d); ulong m = DoubleHelper.Mantissa(d); if (e == 0x7FF) { value = default; return(false); } if (e == 0 && m == 0) { d = 0; } value = d; return(true); }
private static int GetCentreX(int canvasWidth, int factoredRadius, bool lefthand) { var halfCanvasWidth = (int)DoubleHelper.GetMax((int)Math.Floor(canvasWidth * 0.5), 1); if (factoredRadius >= halfCanvasWidth) { return(lefthand ? (int)Math.Floor(canvasWidth * 0.45) - factoredRadius : (int)Math.Floor(canvasWidth * 0.55) + factoredRadius); } if (factoredRadius * 2 < halfCanvasWidth) { return(lefthand ? (int)Math.Floor(canvasWidth * 0.25) : (int)Math.Floor(canvasWidth * 0.75)); } return(lefthand ? 0 : canvasWidth); }
/** * Error formula specific exception handling. Can't really create * a formula (as it will look for a cell of that name, so just * create a STRING record containing the contents * * @return the bodged data */ public override byte[] handleFormulaException() { byte[] expressiondata = null; byte[] celldata = base.getCellData(); // Generate an appropriate dummy formula WritableWorkbookImpl w = getSheet().getWorkbook(); FormulaParser parser = new FormulaParser(getValue().ToString(), w, w, w.getSettings()); // Get the bytes for the dummy formula try { parser.parse(); } catch (FormulaException e2) { //logger.warn(e2.Message); } byte[] formulaBytes = parser.getBytes(); expressiondata = new byte[formulaBytes.Length + 16]; IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(formulaBytes.Length, expressiondata, 14); System.Array.Copy(formulaBytes, 0, expressiondata, 16, formulaBytes.Length); // Set the recalculate on load bit expressiondata[8] |= 0x02; byte[] data = new byte[celldata.Length + expressiondata.Length]; System.Array.Copy(celldata, 0, data, 0, celldata.Length); System.Array.Copy(expressiondata, 0, data, celldata.Length, expressiondata.Length); // Store the value in the formula DoubleHelper.getIEEEBytes(getValue(), data, 6); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// オプション項目を初期化する /// </summary> private void InitOptionItems() { if (Researches.DateMode == ResearchDateMode.Historical) { historicalRadioButton.Checked = true; yearNumericUpDown.Enabled = false; monthNumericUpDown.Enabled = false; dayNumericUpDown.Enabled = false; } else { specifiedRadioButton.Checked = true; yearNumericUpDown.Enabled = true; monthNumericUpDown.Enabled = true; dayNumericUpDown.Enabled = true; } yearNumericUpDown.Value = Researches.SpecifiedDate.Year; monthNumericUpDown.Value = Researches.SpecifiedDate.Month; dayNumericUpDown.Value = Researches.SpecifiedDate.Day; rocketNumericUpDown.Value = Researches.RocketTestingSites; nuclearNumericUpDown.Value = Researches.NuclearReactors; blueprintCheckBox.Checked = Researches.Blueprint; modifierTextBox.Text = DoubleHelper.ToString(Researches.Modifier); }
public void Serialize_ValueIsNull_ReturnsEmptyString() { var result = DoubleHelper.Serialize(null); Assert.That(result, Is.Null); }
internal bool IsSizeEmptyOrUndefined(Size size) { return(DoubleHelper.IsNaN(size.Width) || DoubleHelper.IsNaN(size.Height) || size.IsEmpty); }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) // From string to double { return((value != null) ? DoubleHelper.ToDouble(value.ToString()) : null); }