Exemple #1
        public const ushort PspSeg       = ImageLoadSeg - 16; // 0x192

        public RawProgramMain(
            Processor.x86.CSharpExecutor.Cpu implementation,
            ConfigurationDto configuration,
            MethodInfoCollection methodInfoCollection,
            DefinitionCollection definitionCollection,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            : base(implementation)
            MethodInfoCollection = methodInfoCollection;
            Configuration        = configuration;
            Implementation       = implementation;
            DefinitionCollection = definitionCollection;
            ServiceProvider      = serviceProvider;

            DosMemory    = new DosMemory(implementation, this);
            DosInterrupt = new DosInterrupt(implementation, this);
            DosTimer     = new DosTimer(implementation, this);
            DosPort      = new DosPort(implementation, this);
            DosDma       = new DosDma(implementation, this);
            DosPic       = new DosPic(implementation, this);

            Implementation.MethodInfoCollection     = MethodInfoCollection;
            implementation.CompiledMethodCollection = this;
            implementation.runIrqs += (sender, args) => DosPic.RunIrqs();
Exemple #2
        public void InitializeX86DosProgram()
            cr0.UInt32 = 0x0010;

            var exeBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Configuration.Program.WorkingDirectory, Configuration.Program.ExeFileName));
            var dosMz    = new DosMz(exeBytes);

            if (!dosMz.IsCorrect)
                throw new Exception();


            // Alloc dos - dummy.

            bx = PspSeg - 2; // internal alloc logic
            if (eflags.cf)
                throw new Exception();

            // Alloc image.

            var exe_image_off = dosMz.ExeDataStart;
            var image_size    = dosMz.ExeDataLength;

            bx = (image_size + 15) / 16 + 16; // psp_size
            if (eflags.cf)
                throw new Exception();

            if (ax.UInt16 != PspSeg)
                throw new Exception();

            ds.Selector = (ImageLoadSeg);

            var image = Implementation.Memory.GetFixSize(ds, 0, image_size);

            // Upload image of program.

            exeBytes.AsSpan().Slice(exe_image_off, image_size).CopyTo(image);

            // Apply realoc.

            foreach (var relocation in dosMz.Relocations)
                var addr = relocation.Seg * 16 + relocation.Ofs;

                if (image_size <= addr + 1)
                    throw new Exception();

                image.Ref <ushort>(addr) += ImageLoadSeg;

            // set psp

            var evnseg   = PspSeg - 0xa; // 0x188
            var evn_init = new byte[]
                // PATH=Z:\\
                0x50, 0x41, 0x54, 0x48, 0x3d, 0x5a, 0x3a, 0x5c, 0x0,

                // COMSPEC=Z:\\COMMAND.COM
                0x43, 0x4f, 0x4d, 0x53, 0x50, 0x45, 0x43, 0x3d, 0x5a, 0x3a, 0x5c, 0x43,
                0x4f, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x41, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x2e, 0x43, 0x4f, 0x4d, 0x0,

                // BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6 // Port Address - 220, Interrupt - 7, DMA Channel - 1, "High" DMA Channel - 5, Type of Card - 6.
                0x42, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x54, 0x45, 0x52, 0x3d, 0x41, 0x32, 0x32,
                0x30, 0x20, 0x49, 0x37, 0x20, 0x44, 0x31, 0x20, 0x48, 0x35, 0x20,
                0x54, 0x36, 0x0,

                0x0, 0x1, 0x0,

                // C:\\MAXRUN.EXE
                0x43, 0x3a, 0x5c, 0x4d, 0x41, 0x58, 0x52, 0x55, 0x4e, 0x2e, 0x45,
                0x58, 0x45, 0x0

            ds.Selector = (evnseg);
                .GetFixSize(ds, 0, evn_init.Length));

            ds.Selector        = (PspSeg); // 0x192
            memb_a16[ds, 0x81] = 0xd;      // Empty command-line (terminated by a 0x0D).
            memw_a16[ds, 0x2c] = evnseg;

            // Terminate address of previous program.
            // memw_a16(ds, 0xa) = 0x20c8;
            // memw_a16(ds, 0xa + 2) = 0xf000;

            ds.Selector     = (evnseg - 1); // 0x187
            memb_a16[ds, 0] = 0x4d;         // Не знаю, что это.
            memw_a16[ds, 1] = PspSeg;
            memw_a16[ds, 3] = 0x9;

            ds.Selector = (PspSeg - 1); // 0x191
            // memw_a16(ds, 0x3) = 0x1346 - 0x191;
            memw_a16[ds, 0x3] = 0xc02 - 0x191;

            // Устанавливаем начальные значения в регистры.

            ds.Selector = PspSeg;
            es          = ds;

            ss.Selector = (ImageLoadSeg + dosMz.Hdr.InitialSs);
            sp          = dosMz.Hdr.InitialSp;

            cs.Selector = (ImageLoadSeg + dosMz.Hdr.InitialCs);
            eip         = dosMz.Hdr.InitialIp;
            CurrentInstructionAddress = dosMz.Hdr.InitialIp;

            eax = 0;
            ebx = 0;
            ecx = 0xff;
            edx = PspSeg;

            esi = 0x2382;
            edi = 0x340;
            ebp = 0x91c;

            eflags.UInt32 = 0x7202;