protected void gvDomains_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "DeleteItem") { // delete domain int domainId = Utils.ParseInt(e.CommandArgument.ToString(), 0); // domain name DomainInfo domain = ES.Services.Servers.GetDomain(domainId); var DomainName = domain.DomainName; try { int result = ES.Services.Organizations.DeleteOrganizationDomain(PanelRequest.ItemID, domainId); if (result < 0) { Response.Redirect(EditUrl("ItemID", PanelRequest.ItemID.ToString(), "check_domain", "SpaceID=" + PanelSecurity.PackageId, "DomainID=" + domainId)); return; } //Delete Domain to Mail Cleaner Knom.Helpers.Net.APIMailCleanerHelper.DomainRemove(DomainName); // rebind domains BindDomainNames(); BindStats(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("EXCHANGE_DELETE_DOMAIN", ex); } } else if (e.CommandName == "Change") { string[] commandArgument = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split('|'); int domainId = Utils.ParseInt(commandArgument[0].ToString(), 0); ExchangeAcceptedDomainType acceptedDomainType = (ExchangeAcceptedDomainType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExchangeAcceptedDomainType), commandArgument[1]); try { ExchangeAcceptedDomainType newDomainType = ExchangeAcceptedDomainType.Authoritative; if (acceptedDomainType == ExchangeAcceptedDomainType.Authoritative) { newDomainType = ExchangeAcceptedDomainType.InternalRelay; } int result = ES.Services.Organizations.ChangeOrganizationDomainType(PanelRequest.ItemID, domainId, newDomainType); if (result < 0) { messageBox.ShowResultMessage(result); return; } // rebind domains BindDomainNames(); BindStats(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("EXCHANGE_CHANGE_DOMAIN", ex); } } if (e.CommandName == "ViewUsage") { int domainId = Utils.ParseInt(e.CommandArgument.ToString(), 0); Response.Redirect(EditUrl("ItemID", PanelRequest.ItemID.ToString(), "check_domain", "SpaceID=" + PanelSecurity.PackageId, "DomainID=" + domainId)); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Save document information /// </summary> /// <param name="Doc"></param> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="isReconstruct"></param> private PdwInfo Save(Document Doc, string filePath, bool isReconstruct = false, bool isToFinal = true) { try { TemplateInfo tempInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetTemplateInfo(Doc.FullName); if (tempInfo == null) { return(null); } PdwInfo pdwInfo = null; tempInfo.IsSaving = true; // markup the document is saving if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { // put where clause into internal bookmark foreach (string domainName in tempInfo.DomainNames) { DomainInfo domainInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetDomainInfo(domainName); InternalBookmarkDomain ibmDomain = tempInfo.InternalBookmark.GetInternalBookmarkDomain(domainName); if (ibmDomain != null) { ibmDomain.WhereClause = domainInfo.DSDomainData.WhereClause.Clause; } } // save pdwinfo (checksum, oslq, xslt) pdwInfo = SavePdwInfo(filePath, Doc, isReconstruct); // save internal bookmark mainManager.MainService.PropertyService.SaveInterBookmark(); // save the document if (isToFinal) { TemplateType type = MarkupUtilities.GetTemplateType(filePath); if (type == TemplateType.Pdm) { mainManager.MainService.PdmService.Save(); } else { // Doc.SaveAs(filePath); Doc.Save(); } } tempInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetTemplateInfo(Doc.FullName); if (tempInfo != null) { tempInfo.IsProntoDoc = true; // markup the document is pronto doc // set autosave option if (!isReconstruct && Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.CommonProfile.App.Options.SaveInterval != ProntoMarkup.SaveInterval) { Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.CommonProfile.App.Options.SaveInterval = ProntoMarkup.SaveInterval; } if (isToFinal) { UpdateStatus(MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipm_SaveSuccessful, filePath)); // update status } } } if (tempInfo != null) { tempInfo.IsSaving = false; // markup the document is saved } return(pdwInfo); } catch (BaseException baseExp) { ManagerException mgrExp = new ManagerException(ErrorCode.ipe_SaveDocumentError); mgrExp.Errors.Add(baseExp); throw mgrExp; } catch (Exception ex) { ManagerException mgrExp = new ManagerException(ErrorCode.ipe_SaveDocumentError, MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipe_SaveDocumentError, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); throw mgrExp; } }
private static void LoadConfig() { lock (SyncObject) { Printer.PrintMessage("Loading config..."); var configInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(ConfigFile); if (!configInfo.Exists) { Printer.PrintError("#x#Error:##\n Can't find config file #b#{0}##! Using default.", ConfigFile); } else { using (var fs = configInfo.OpenText()) { Config = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServerConfig>(fs.ReadToEnd()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.AutoDomains)) { string path = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Config.AutoDomains); var vaultdir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path); if (!vaultdir.Exists) Printer.PrintError("#x#Error:##\n Can't find auto-domain location: {0}.", path); else { foreach (var x in vaultdir.GetDirectories()) { Config.Domains.Add(x.Name, x.FullName); } } } List<string> deletedDomains = new List<string>(); foreach (var z in Domains) { if (z.Key != string.Empty && !Config.Domains.ContainsKey(z.Key)) deletedDomains.Add(z.Key); } foreach (var z in deletedDomains) Domains.Remove(z); foreach (var x in Config.Domains) { System.IO.DirectoryInfo domInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(x.Value); if (domInfo.Exists) { Area dm = null; try { dm = Area.Load(domInfo, true, true); } catch { dm = null; } Printer.PrintMessage("Module: {0} => ./{1} {2}", x.Key, domInfo, dm == null ? "bare" : dm.Domain.ToString()); DomainInfo info = new DomainInfo() { Bare = dm == null, Directory = domInfo }; Domains[x.Key] = info; if (dm != null) dm.Dispose(); } else Printer.PrintError("#x#Error:##\n Can't find domain location {0}!", x.Value); } if ((Config.IncludeRoot.HasValue && Config.IncludeRoot.Value) || (!Config.IncludeRoot.HasValue && Domains.Count != 0)) { using (Area a = Area.Load(BaseDirectory)) { Domains[string.Empty] = new DomainInfo() { Bare = a == null, Directory = BaseDirectory }; Printer.PrintMessage("Root Module {1} {2}", BaseDirectory, a == null ? "bare" : a.Domain.ToString()); } } else if (Config.IncludeRoot.HasValue && Config.IncludeRoot.Value == false) Domains.Remove(string.Empty); if (Config.RequiresAuthentication) Printer.PrintMessage("Configured to use authentication. Unauthenticated read {0}.", (Config.AllowUnauthenticatedRead ? "allowed" : "disabled")); } } }
private async void Domain_RowRemoved(object sender, DomainRowEventArgs e) { this.domainInfo = this.domain.DomainInfo; this.domainState = this.domain.DomainState; await this.RefreshAsync(); }
private async void Domain_DomainInfoChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.domainInfo = this.domain.DomainInfo; await this.RefreshAsync(); }
void IDomainServiceCallback.OnDomainInfoChanged(SignatureDate signatureDate, Guid domainID, DomainInfo domainInfo) { this.InvokeAsync(() => { var domain = this.Domains[domainID]; var authentication = this.userContext.Authenticate(signatureDate); domain.InvokeDomainInfoChanged(authentication, domainInfo); }, nameof(IDomainServiceCallback.OnDomainInfoChanged)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ////////////////////////// // Fill in your details // ////////////////////////// string username = "******"; string password = "******"; string domain = ""; ///////////////////////// // Use a JSON resource // ///////////////////////// string format = "JSON"; string url = "" + "&domainName=" + domain + "&username="******"&password="******"&outputFormat=" + format; // Create our JSON parser JavaScriptSerializer jsc = new JavaScriptSerializer(); jsc.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() }); // Download and parse the JSON into a dynamic object dynamic result = jsc.Deserialize(new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(url), typeof(object)) as dynamic; // Print a nice informative string try { Console.WriteLine("JSON:\n"); result.PrintPairs(); } catch (Exception e) { try { Console.WriteLine("JSON:\nErrorMessage:\n\t{0}", result.ErrorMessage.msg); } catch (Exception e2) { Console.WriteLine("An unkown error has occurred!"); } } ///////////////////////// // Use an XML resource // ///////////////////////// format = "XML"; url = "" + "&domainName=" + domain + "&username="******"&password="******"&outputFormat=" + format; var settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); var reader = XmlReader.Create(url, settings); DomainInfo record = new DomainInfo(); try { var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(DomainInfo)); record = (DomainInfo)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); // Print a nice informative string Console.WriteLine("XML:\n"); record.PrintToConsole(); } catch (Exception e) { try { var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(ErrorMessage)); ErrorMessage errorMessage = (ErrorMessage)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); // Print a nice informative string Console.WriteLine("XML:\nErrorMessage:\n\t{0}", errorMessage.msg); } catch (Exception e2) { Console.WriteLine("XML:\nException: {0}", e2.Message); } } // Prevent command window from automatically closing during debugging Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void AnalyzeTestMethods(DomainInfo domainInfo) { Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); domainInfo.TestClasses = new Dictionary <Type, TestInfo>(); foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) { string assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name; bool isTestAssembly = false; foreach (AssemblyInfo testAssembly in domainInfo.Assemblies) { string testAssemblyName = testAssembly.AssemblyName; if (assemblyName.Equals(testAssemblyName)) { isTestAssembly = true; break; } } if (!isTestAssembly) { continue; } Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in types) { Attribute attribute = type.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(TestClass)); if (attribute == null) { continue; } TestInfo testInfo = new TestInfo() { AssemblyName = type.Assembly.FullName, ClassName = type.Name }; List <MethodInfo> testMethods = new List <MethodInfo>(); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.ExactBinding; MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(flags); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(InitMethod)); if (attribute != null) { testInfo.InitMethod = method; continue; } attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(TestMethod)); if (attribute != null) { testMethods.Add(method); } } testInfo.TestMethods = testMethods; domainInfo.TestClasses.Add(type, testInfo); } } }
private void AddDomain(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context, DomainInfo domain) { foreach (var command in domain.Commands) { this.AddCommand(swaggerDoc, context, domain, command); } foreach (var query in domain.Queries) { this.AddQuery(swaggerDoc, context, domain, query); } }
/// <summary> /// check internal bookmark is match with domain data in datasegment or no /// = 0: match (that mean same where clause and all field (biz name and unique name)) /// > 0: number of field in internal not match with datasegment /// < 0: where clause is not match /// </summary> /// <param name="ibmDomain"></param> /// <param name="domainName"></param> /// <returns> /// </returns> private DomainMatchItem IsMatchWithDataSegment(InternalBookmarkDomain ibmDomain, string domainName) { DataSegmentHelper.LoadDomainData(domainName); DomainMatchItem matchResult = new DomainMatchItem(domainName); matchResult.IsMatchWhereClause = true; DomainInfo domainInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetDomainInfo(domainName); if (domainInfo == null || domainInfo.DSDomainData == null) { return(null); } #region 1. Compare fields #region 1.2. get internal bookmark item collection from internal bookmark object List <InternalBookmarkItem> iItems = GetInternalBookmarkItemCollection(ibmDomain); #endregion #region 1.3. compare datasegment's field collection with internal bookmark's field collection foreach (InternalBookmarkItem item in iItems) { if (IsMatchWithDataSegment(item, domainInfo.Fields)) { matchResult.MatchedFields.Add(item.BizName); } else { matchResult.NotMatchFields.Add(item.BizName); if (item.Type == XsltType.Select) { matchResult.SetSingleBiz(item.Key); } else { matchResult.SetDoubleBiz(item.Key); } } } #endregion if (!matchResult.IsMatch) { return(matchResult); } #endregion #region 2. Compare RelationOn foreach (RelationOn relationOn in ibmDomain.RelationOns) { DSOnClause item = domainInfo.DSDomainData.OnClauses.Items.FirstOrDefault(c => string.Equals(relationOn.UniqueName, c.UniqueName) && string.Equals(relationOn.OnClause, c.ExClause)); if (item == null) { matchResult.IsMatchRelationOn = false; return(matchResult); } } #endregion #region 3. compare where clause if (ibmDomain.WhereClause != domainInfo.DSDomainData.WhereClause.Clause) { matchResult.IsMatchWhereClause = false; } #endregion return(matchResult); }
public List <ClassTestResult> Run(DomainInfo domainInfo) { AnalyzeTestMethods(domainInfo); return(Execute(domainInfo)); }
private void OnGUI() { if (_gameSettingData == null) { GetGameSettingData(); } _scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPos); { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("ProductName : " + PlayerSettings.productName); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bundle Identifier : " + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bundle Version : " + PlayerSettings.bundleVersion); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bundle Version Code: " + PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("HttpRoot: " + _gameSettingData.httpRoot); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("BuildToFile: " + _buildToFileName); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("projmods: " + _buildProjmods); EditorGUILayout.Space(); //GameType选项 int selectGameTypeIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("GameType :", _lastSelectGameTypeIndex, _gameTypeValues, _gameTypeKeys); if (_lastSelectGameTypeIndex != selectGameTypeIndex) { _lastSelectGameTypeIndex = selectGameTypeIndex; _gameSettingData.gameType = _gameTypeValues[_lastSelectGameTypeIndex]; GameInfo gameInfo = _gameInfoDic[_gameSettingData.gameType]; _gameSettingData.gamename = gameInfo.gamename; _gameSettingData.configSuffix = gameInfo.configSuffix; LoadSPChannelConfig(_gameSettingData.configSuffix, true); } if (_gameInfoDic.ContainsKey(_gameSettingData.gameType) == false) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("GameType {0} no support!!!", _gameSettingData.gameType)); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); return; } //Domain类型选项 UpdateDomainList(_gameSettingData.gameType, _gameSettingData.domainType); _lastSelectDomainIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("DomainType : ", _lastSelectDomainIndex, _domainValues, _domainKeys); _gameSettingData.domainType = GetDomianType(_gameSettingData.gameType, _lastSelectDomainIndex); DomainInfo domainInfo = GetDomainInfo(_gameSettingData.gameType, _gameSettingData.domainType); if (domainInfo == null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("DomainType {0} no support!!!", _gameSettingData.domainType)); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); return; } _gameSettingData.httpRoot = domainInfo.url; _gameSettingData.resdir = domainInfo.resdir; //Platform类型选项 _gameSettingData.platformType = (GameSetting.PlatformType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("PlatformType :", _gameSettingData.platformType); //Channel类型选项 UpdateSpSdkList(_gameSettingData.domainType, _gameSettingData.platformType,; if (_channelKeys != null && _channelValues != null) { _lastSelectChannelIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Channel : ", _lastSelectChannelIndex, _channelValues, _channelKeys); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Channel : Load channel Info Failed!!!"); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); return; } if (_channelValues.Length > _lastSelectChannelIndex) { = _channelValues[_lastSelectChannelIndex]; } //资源加载配置选项 EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("注意:加载模式的更改只对编辑器运行时有效,打包手机包时选择Mobile模式"); _resLoadMode = (AssetPipeline.AssetManager.LoadMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("资源加载模式 :", _resLoadMode); //调试选项 EditorGUILayout.Space(); _gameSettingData.release = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Client Release : ", _gameSettingData.release); _gameSettingData.testServerMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("压测模式 : ", _gameSettingData.testServerMode); _gameSettingData.gmMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("GM模式 : ", _gameSettingData.gmMode); developmentBuild = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Development Build : ", developmentBuild); EditorGUILayout.Toggle("MinRes Build : ", _minResBuild); _enableJSB = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable JSB: ", _enableJSB); _useJsz = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Jsz: ", _useJsz); _gameSettingData.logType = (GameSetting.DebugInfoType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("调试信息类型 :", _gameSettingData.logType); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.color = Color.yellow; if (GUILayout.Button("保存配置", GUILayout.Height(40))) { if (!CheckIsCompiling()) { SaveComeFromConfig(); } } #if UNITY_ANDROID EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("导出Android Project", GUILayout.Height(40))) { string outPutPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("导出Android工程目录", "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outPutPath)) { EditorHelper.Run(() => ExportAndroidProject(outPutPath), true, false); } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("打包当前渠道", GUILayout.Height(40))) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("打包确认", "是否确认打包当前渠道?", "确认打包", "取消")) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => BuildAndroid(); } } // EditorGUILayout.Space (); // if (GUILayout.Button ("打包所有商务渠道", GUILayout.Height (40))) { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("打包确认", "是否确认打包所有渠道?", "确认打包", "取消")) { // // } // } #endif #if UNITY_IPHONE EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Expor2XCODE", GUILayout.Height(40))) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("导出确认", "是否确认导出XCODE?", "确认", "取消")) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { string applicationPath = Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", "/../.."); string target_dir = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("导出目录", applicationPath, "xcode"); BuildIOS(target_dir); }; } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("ExportAllIpa", GUILayout.Height(40))) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => BuildAllIpa(); } #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN && !UNITY_IPHONE EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("一按键打包PC", GUILayout.Height(40))) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("打包确认", "是否确认打包PC版?", "确认打包", "取消")) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => BuildPC(); } } #endif EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.color =; if (GUILayout.Button("清除本地数据和PlayerPrefs", GUILayout.Height(40))) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { Debug.Log("清除本地数据和PlayerPrefs"); PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath); }; } GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("上传Dlls", GUILayout.Height(40))) { GameResVersionManager.UploadDllsPatch(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("一键打包", GUILayout.Height(40))) { OneKeyBuildStep1(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. Subscribes to parent panel events and /// loads target domain file. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentPanel"></param> public FeedbackMechanism(SketchPanel parentPanel, string domainFilePath) : base(parentPanel) { this.mDomain = LoadDomainInfo(domainFilePath); }
private void BindDomain() { try { // load domain DomainInfo domain = ES.Services.Servers.GetDomain(PanelRequest.DomainID); if (domain == null) { RedirectToBrowsePage(); } // load package context PackageContext cntx = PackagesHelper.GetCachedPackageContext(domain.PackageId); DomainName.Text = domain.DomainName; bool webEnabled = cntx.Groups.ContainsKey(ResourceGroups.Web); bool mailEnabled = cntx.Groups.ContainsKey(ResourceGroups.Mail); bool dnsEnabled = cntx.Groups.ContainsKey(ResourceGroups.Dns); // web site if (webEnabled && domain.WebSiteId > 0) { WebSitePanel.Visible = true; WebSiteAliasPanel.Visible = true; WebSiteName.Text = domain.WebSiteName; WebSiteParkedPanel.Visible = (String.Compare(domain.WebSiteName, domain.DomainName, true) == 0); WebSitePointedPanel.Visible = !WebSiteParkedPanel.Visible; BrowseWebSite.NavigateUrl = "http://" + domain.DomainName; } // mail domain if (mailEnabled && domain.MailDomainId > 0) { MailDomainPanel.Visible = true; MailDomainAliasPanel.Visible = true; MailDomainName.Text = domain.MailDomainName; MailEnabledPanel.Visible = (String.Compare(domain.MailDomainName, domain.DomainName, true) == 0); PointMailDomainPanel.Visible = !MailEnabledPanel.Visible; } // DNS if (dnsEnabled) { DnsPanel.Visible = true; DnsEnabledPanel.Visible = (domain.ZoneItemId > 0); DnsDisabledPanel.Visible = !DnsEnabledPanel.Visible; // dns editor EditDnsRecords.Visible = (cntx.Quotas.ContainsKey(Quotas.DNS_EDITOR) && cntx.Quotas[Quotas.DNS_EDITOR].QuotaAllocatedValue != 0) || PanelSecurity.LoggedUser.Role == UserRole.Administrator; } // instant alias bool instantAliasAllowed = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(domain.InstantAliasName); bool instantAliasExists = (domain.InstantAliasId > 0); if (instantAliasAllowed && !domain.IsDomainPointer && !domain.IsInstantAlias) { InstantAliasPanel.Visible = true; InstantAliasEnabled.Visible = instantAliasExists; InstantAliasDisabled.Visible = !instantAliasExists; // load instant alias DomainInfo instantAlias = ES.Services.Servers.GetDomain(domain.InstantAliasId); if (instantAlias != null) { WebSiteAliasPanel.Visible = (instantAlias.WebSiteId > 0); MailDomainAliasPanel.Visible = (instantAlias.MailDomainId > 0); } // instant alias InstantAliasName.Text = domain.InstantAliasName; // web site alias WebSiteAlias.Text = WebSiteAlias.NavigateUrl = "http://" + domain.InstantAliasName; // mail domain alias MailDomainAlias.Text = "@" + domain.InstantAliasName; } // resellers AllowSubDomains.Checked = domain.HostingAllowed; if (PanelSecurity.EffectiveUser.Role != UserRole.User && !(domain.IsDomainPointer || domain.IsSubDomain || domain.IsInstantAlias)) { ResellersPanel.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("DOMAIN_GET_DOMAIN", ex); return; } }
public TableContentDomain(DomainInfo domainInfo, CremaDispatcher dispatcher) : base(domainInfo, dispatcher) { }
private void AddCommand(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context, DomainInfo domain, CommandInfo command) { swaggerDoc.Paths.Add($"/{this._teclyn.Configuration.CommandEndpointPrefix}/{this._translater.ExportDomainId(domain)}/{this._translater.ExportCommandId(command)}", new PathItem { Post = new Operation { Tags = new List <string> { domain.Name }, Consumes = new List <string> { "application/json", }, Parameters = new IParameter[] { new BodyParameter { Name = "command", Schema = context.SchemaRegistry.GetOrRegister(command.CommandType), In = "body", } }, Responses = new Dictionary <string, Response> { { "200", new Response { Description = "Success" } } } } }); }
private int SetArguments(IReadOnlyList <string> args) { int domainCount = 0; int passwordCount = 0; for (int aC = 0; aC < args.Count; aC++) { switch (args[aC]) { case "-h": case "--help": this.PrintUsage(); return(-1); case "-d": case "--domain": if (!Common.CheckArgument(args, aC)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("domainid has not been specified"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (domainCount < this._DomainInfos.Count) { this._DomainInfos[domainCount].DomainIdRoute = args[aC + 1]; } else { this._DomainInfos.Add(new DomainInfo { DomainIdRoute = args[aC + 1] }); } domainCount++; aC++; break; case "-p": case "--password": if (!Common.CheckArgument(args, aC)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("password has not been specified"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (passwordCount < this._DomainInfos.Count) { this._DomainInfos[passwordCount].Password = args[aC + 1]; } else { this._DomainInfos.Add(new DomainInfo { Password = args[aC + 1] }); } passwordCount++; aC++; break; case "-o": case "--output": if (!Common.CheckArgument(args, aC)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("output path has not been specified"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } this._OutputLocation = args[aC + 1]; aC++; break; case "-r": case "--recursive": this._Recursive = true; break; case "-x": case "--external": this._ExternalContent = true; break; case "-u": case "--publish": this._Publish = true; break; case "-y": this._AutoApprove = true; break; default: if (aC + 1 < args.Count) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("unrecognizable argument"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } this._XeoraProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(args[aC]); if (!Directory.Exists(this._XeoraProjectPath)) { Console.WriteLine("xeora project path is not exists"); return(1); } break; } } if (this._Publish && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._OutputLocation)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("output location is required when publish argument is used"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (this._ExternalContent && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._OutputLocation)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("output location is required when external content argument is used"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._XeoraProjectPath)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("xeora project path is required"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (domainCount == passwordCount) { return(0); } for (int i = 0; i < this._DomainInfos.Count; i++) { DomainInfo domainInfo = this._DomainInfos[i]; if (domainInfo.HasDomainIdRoute) { continue; } if (!domainInfo.PasswordEnabled) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("faulty definition of domainidroutes and passwords"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._GenericPassword)) { this.PrintUsage(); Console.WriteLine("detected more than one generic password assignment"); Console.WriteLine(); return(2); } this._GenericPassword = domainInfo.Password; this._DomainInfos.RemoveAt(i); i--; } if (this._DomainInfos.Count == 0) { return(0); } Console.WriteLine("DomainIdRoute and Password quantity does not match. Please"); Console.WriteLine("approve the following list;"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (DomainInfo domainInfo in this._DomainInfos) { Console.WriteLine($"{domainInfo.DomainIdRoute}: {(domainInfo.PasswordEnabled || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._GenericPassword) ? "ENCRYPTED" : "PLAIN")}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Do you approve the list? (y/N) "); if (this._AutoApprove) { Console.WriteLine("y"); } else { string answer = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLowerInvariant(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) || string.CompareOrdinal(answer, "y") != 0 && string.CompareOrdinal(answer, "yes") != 0) { return(2); } } return(0); }
private void AddQuery(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context, DomainInfo domain, QueryInfo query) { swaggerDoc.Paths.Add($"/{this._teclyn.Configuration.CommandEndpointPrefix}/{this._translater.ExportDomainId(domain)}/{this._translater.ExportQueryId(query)}", new PathItem { Get = new Operation { Tags = new List <string> { domain.Name }, Consumes = new List <string> { "application/json", }, Parameters = query.Parameters.Select(p => this.BuildParameter(p.Key, p.Value)).ToList(), Responses = new Dictionary <string, Response> { { "200", new Response { Description = "Success", Schema = this.GetSchema(context, query.ResultType) } } } } }); }
public GenericSvcResult ActivateService(ProvisioningContext context) { GenericSvcResult result = new GenericSvcResult(); // remeber svc state SaveObjectState(SERVICE_INFO, context.ServiceInfo); // concretize service to be provisioned DomainNameSvc domainSvc = (DomainNameSvc)context.ServiceInfo; // concretize parent service HostingPackageSvc packageSvc = (HostingPackageSvc)context.ParentSvcInfo; try { // LOG INFO TaskManager.StartTask(SystemTasks.SOURCE_ECOMMERCE, SystemTasks.SVC_ACTIVATE); TaskManager.WriteParameter(CONTRACT_PARAM, domainSvc.ContractId); TaskManager.WriteParameter(SVC_PARAM, domainSvc.ServiceName); TaskManager.WriteParameter(SVC_ID_PARAM, domainSvc.ServiceId); // 0. Do security checks if (!CheckOperationClientPermissions(result)) { // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(ERROR_CLIENT_OPERATION_PERMISSIONS); TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); // EXIT return(result); } // if (!CheckOperationClientStatus(result)) { // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(ERROR_CLIENT_OPERATION_STATUS); TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); // EXIT return(result); } // error: hosting addon should have parent svc assigned if (packageSvc == null || packageSvc.PackageId == 0) { result.Succeed = false; // result.Error = PARENT_SVC_NOT_FOUND_MSG; // result.ResultCode = EcommerceErrorCodes.ERROR_PARENT_SVC_NOT_FOUND; // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(result.Error); TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); // EXIT return(result); } // first of all - create internal domain in WebsitePanel if (domainSvc.Status == ServiceStatus.Ordered) { // create domain info object DomainInfo domain = ServerController.GetDomain(domainSvc.Fqdn); // if (domain != null) { domainSvc.DomainId = domain.DomainId; } // if (domain == null) { domain = new DomainInfo(); domain.DomainName = domainSvc.Fqdn; domain.HostingAllowed = false; domain.PackageId = packageSvc.PackageId; // add internal domain domainSvc.DomainId = ServerController.AddDomain(domain); // check API result if (domainSvc.DomainId < 1) { // ASSEMBLE ERROR result.Succeed = false; // try to find corresponding error code->error message mapping if (ApiErrorCodesMap.ContainsKey(domainSvc.DomainId)) { result.Error = ApiErrorCodesMap[domainSvc.DomainId]; } else { result.Error = ERROR_ADD_INTERNAL_DOMAIN; } // copy result code result.ResultCode = domainSvc.DomainId; // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(result.Error); TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); // EXIT return(result); } } } // update nameservers only if (domainSvc["SPF_ACTION"] == "UPDATE_NS") { // remove service here... ServiceController.DeleteCustomerService(domainSvc.ServiceId); // result.Succeed = true; // EXIT return(result); } // load registrar wrapper IDomainRegistrar registrar = (IDomainRegistrar)SystemPluginController.GetSystemPluginInstance( domainSvc.ContractId, domainSvc.PluginId, true); #region Commented operations // prepare consumer account information /*CommandParams cmdParams = PrepeareAccountParams(context.ConsumerInfo); * // copy svc properties * foreach (string keyName in domainSvc.GetAllKeys()) * cmdParams[keyName] = domainSvc[keyName]; * * // check registrar requires sub-account to be created * if (registrar.SubAccountRequired) * { * // 1. Load user's settings * UserSettings userSettings = LoadUserSettings(context.ConsumerInfo.UserId, registrar.PluginName); * // 2. Ensure user has account on registrar's side * if (userSettings.SettingsArray == null || userSettings.SettingsArray.Length == 0) * { * // 3. Check account exists * bool exists = registrar.CheckSubAccountExists(context.ConsumerInfo.Username, context.ConsumerInfo.Email); * // * AccountResult accResult = null; * // * if (!exists) * { * // 4. Create user account * accResult = registrar.CreateSubAccount(cmdParams); * // copy keys & values * foreach (string keyName in accResult.AllKeys) * { * userSettings[keyName] = accResult[keyName]; * } * } * else * { * // 4a. Get sub-account info * accResult = registrar.GetSubAccount(context.ConsumerInfo.Username, * context.ConsumerInfo.Email); * // * foreach (string keyName in accResult.AllKeys) * userSettings[keyName] = accResult[keyName]; * } * // 5. Update user settings * int apiResult = UserController.UpdateUserSettings(userSettings); * // check API result * if (apiResult < 0) * { * // BUILD ERROR * result.Error = ERROR_UPDATE_USR_SETTINGS_MSG; * result.Succeed = false; * result.ResultCode = apiResult; * // LOG ERROR * TaskManager.WriteError(result.Error); * TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); * // ROLLBACK * RollbackOperation(domainSvc.DomainId); * // EXIT * return result; * } * } * // copy registrar-specific data * foreach (string[] pair in userSettings.SettingsArray) * { * // copy 2 * cmdParams[pair[0]] = pair[1]; * } * }*/ #endregion // load NS settings PackageSettings nsSettings = PackageController.GetPackageSettings(packageSvc.PackageId, PackageSettings.NAME_SERVERS); // build name servers array string[] nameServers = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSettings[PackageSettings.NAME_SERVERS])) { nameServers = nsSettings[PackageSettings.NAME_SERVERS].Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } // register or renew domain if (domainSvc.Status == ServiceStatus.Ordered) { // try to register domain registrar.RegisterDomain(domainSvc, context.ConsumerInfo, nameServers); } else { // try to renew domain registrar.RenewDomain(domainSvc, context.ConsumerInfo, nameServers); } // change svc status to active domainSvc.Status = ServiceStatus.Active; // update service info int updResult = UpdateServiceInfo(domainSvc); // check update result for errors if (updResult < 0) { // BUILD ERROR result.ResultCode = updResult; result.Succeed = false; result.Error = ERROR_SVC_UPDATE_MSG; // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(result.Error); TaskManager.WriteParameter(RESULT_CODE_PARAM, result.ResultCode); // ROLLBACK RollbackOperation(domainSvc.DomainId); // EXIT return(result); } // result.Succeed = true; // SetOutboundParameters(context); } catch (Exception ex) { // LOG ERROR TaskManager.WriteError(ex); result.Succeed = false; // ROLLBACK RollbackOperation(result.ResultCode); } finally { TaskManager.CompleteTask(); } // return(result); }
private void DeleteDomainFiles(DomainInfo domainInfo) { }
public bool RunDetection() { logWriter.AddLog("===== Start detecting =====", LogLevel.Normal, false); DomainInfo domainInfo = new DomainInfo() { Admin = ptfcfg.KdcAdminUser, AdminPassword = ptfcfg.KdcAdminPwd, Name = ptfcfg.KdcDomainName }; //local dc01 Server dc01 = new Server() { ComputerName = ptfcfg.KdcName, IPv4 = ptfcfg.KDCIP }; if (!ServerHelper.DetectDC(domainInfo, dc01, logWriter)) { return(false); } var dc02 = new Server() { ComputerName = ptfcfg.KdcName, IPv4 = ptfcfg.KDCIP }; if (!ServerHelper.DetectDC(domainInfo, dc02, logWriter)) { return(false); } var ap01 = new Server() { ComputerName = ptfcfg.ApplicationServerName, IPv4 = ptfcfg.ApplicationServerIP, FQDN = ptfcfg.ApplicationServerName }; if (!DetectAP(domainInfo, ap01)) { return(false); } var ap02 = new Server() { ComputerName = ptfcfg.CrossForestApplicationServerName, IPv4 = ptfcfg.CrossForestApplicationServerIP, FQDN = ptfcfg.CrossForestApplicationServerName }; if (!DetectAP(domainInfo, ap02)) { return(false); } ComputerInfo client = new ComputerInfo() { ComputerName = ptfcfg.ClientComputerName, IPv4 = ptfcfg.ClientComputerIp, Password = ptfcfg.ClientAdminPwd }; //local client if (!ServerHelper.DetectClient(domainInfo, client, logWriter)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private static int AddOrganizationDomain(int itemId, string domainName) { Log.WriteStart(string.Format("Importing domain {0}...", domainName)); // load organization Organization org = (Organization)PackageController.GetPackageItem(itemId); if (org == null) { return(-1); } // check package int packageCheck = SecurityContext.CheckPackage(org.PackageId, DemandPackage.IsActive); if (packageCheck < 0) { return(packageCheck); } DomainInfo domain = null; // check if the domain already exists int checkResult = ServerController.CheckDomain(domainName); if (checkResult == BusinessErrorCodes.ERROR_DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // domain exists // check if it belongs to the same space domain = ServerController.GetDomain(domainName); if (domain == null) { return(checkResult); } if (domain.PackageId != org.PackageId) { return(checkResult); } if (DataProvider.ExchangeOrganizationDomainExists(domain.DomainId)) { return(BusinessErrorCodes.ERROR_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN_IS_IN_USE); } } else if (checkResult == BusinessErrorCodes.ERROR_RESTRICTED_DOMAIN) { return(checkResult); } // create domain if required if (domain == null) { domain = new DomainInfo(); domain.PackageId = org.PackageId; domain.DomainName = domainName; domain.IsInstantAlias = false; domain.IsSubDomain = false; // add domain domain.DomainId = ServerController.AddDomain(domain); } // register domain DataProvider.AddExchangeOrganizationDomain(itemId, domain.DomainId, false); // register service item OrganizationDomain exchDomain = new OrganizationDomain(); exchDomain.Name = domainName; exchDomain.PackageId = org.PackageId; exchDomain.ServiceId = org.ServiceId; PackageController.AddPackageItem(exchDomain); Log.WriteEnd("Domain imported"); return(0); }
private async void Domain_PropertyChanged(object sender, DomainPropertyEventArgs e) { this.domainInfo = this.domain.DomainInfo; this.domainState = this.domain.DomainState; await this.RefreshAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Upon loading this Feedback Mechanism, read domain info from /// domain file. <see cref="Labeler.Form1.loadDomain()"/> /// </summary> public DomainAwareFeedbackMechanism() { this.domain = loadDomain(); }
public static LyncUserResult CreateLyncUser(int itemId, int accountId, int lyncUserPlanId) { LyncUserResult res = TaskManager.StartResultTask <LyncUserResult>("LYNC", "CREATE_LYNC_USER"); int accountCheck = SecurityContext.CheckAccount(DemandAccount.NotDemo | DemandAccount.IsActive); if (accountCheck < 0) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.NOT_AUTHORIZED); return(res); } LyncUser retLyncUser = new LyncUser(); bool isLyncUser; isLyncUser = DataProvider.CheckLyncUserExists(accountId); if (isLyncUser) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.USER_IS_ALREADY_LYNC_USER); return(res); } OrganizationUser user; user = OrganizationController.GetAccount(itemId, accountId); if (user == null) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, ErrorCodes.CANNOT_GET_ACCOUNT); return(res); } user = OrganizationController.GetUserGeneralSettings(itemId, accountId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.FirstName)) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.USER_FIRST_NAME_IS_NOT_SPECIFIED); return(res); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.LastName)) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.USER_LAST_NAME_IS_NOT_SPECIFIED); return(res); } bool quota = CheckQuota(itemId); if (!quota) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.USER_QUOTA_HAS_BEEN_REACHED); return(res); } LyncServer lync; try { bool bReloadConfiguration = false; Organization org = (Organization)PackageController.GetPackageItem(itemId); if (org == null) { throw new ApplicationException( string.Format("Organization is null. ItemId={0}", itemId)); } int lyncServiceId = GetLyncServiceID(org.PackageId); lync = GetLyncServer(lyncServiceId, org.ServiceId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(org.LyncTenantId)) { PackageContext cntx = PackageController.GetPackageContext(org.PackageId); org.LyncTenantId = lync.CreateOrganization(org.OrganizationId, org.DefaultDomain, Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_CONFERENCING].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_ALLOWVIDEO].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToInt32(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_MAXPARTICIPANTS].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_FEDERATION].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_ENTERPRISEVOICE].QuotaAllocatedValue)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(org.LyncTenantId)) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.CANNOT_ENABLE_ORG); return(res); } else { DomainInfo domain = ServerController.GetDomain(org.DefaultDomain); //Add the service records if (domain != null) { if (domain.ZoneItemId != 0) { ServerController.AddServiceDNSRecords(org.PackageId, ResourceGroups.Lync, domain, ""); } } PackageController.UpdatePackageItem(org); bReloadConfiguration = true; } } if (lync.GetOrganizationTenantId(org.OrganizationId) == string.Empty) { PackageContext cntx = PackageController.GetPackageContext(org.PackageId); org.LyncTenantId = lync.CreateOrganization(org.OrganizationId, org.DefaultDomain, Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_CONFERENCING].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_ALLOWVIDEO].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToInt32(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_MAXPARTICIPANTS].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_FEDERATION].QuotaAllocatedValue), Convert.ToBoolean(cntx.Quotas[Quotas.LYNC_ENTERPRISEVOICE].QuotaAllocatedValue)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(org.LyncTenantId)) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.CANNOT_ENABLE_ORG); return(res); } else { PackageController.UpdatePackageItem(org); bReloadConfiguration = true; } } LyncUserPlan plan = GetLyncUserPlan(itemId, lyncUserPlanId); if (!lync.CreateUser(org.OrganizationId, user.UserPrincipalName, plan)) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.CANNOT_ADD_LYNC_USER); return(res); } if (bReloadConfiguration) { LyncControllerAsync userWorker = new LyncControllerAsync(); userWorker.LyncServiceId = lyncServiceId; userWorker.OrganizationServiceId = org.ServiceId; userWorker.Enable_CsComputerAsync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.CANNOT_ADD_LYNC_USER, ex); return(res); } try { DataProvider.AddLyncUser(accountId, lyncUserPlanId, user.UserPrincipalName); } catch (Exception ex) { TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(res, LyncErrorCodes.CANNOT_ADD_LYNC_USER_TO_DATABASE, ex); return(res); } res.IsSuccess = true; TaskManager.CompleteResultTask(); return(res); }
public void CRUDTest() { var domainName = "sdk-dotnet-crud-" + DateTime.Now.Ticks; var regRequest = new RegisterDomainRequest() { Name = domainName, Description = "A Description", WorkflowExecutionRetentionPeriodInDays = "3" }; var regResponse = Client.RegisterDomainAsync(regRequest).Result; try { Sleep(); // Sleep for the eventual consistency Assert.IsNotNull(regResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestId); var descRequest = new DescribeDomainRequest() { Name = domainName }; var descResponse = Client.DescribeDomainAsync(descRequest).Result; Assert.AreEqual(domainName, descResponse.DomainDetail.DomainInfo.Name); Assert.AreEqual("A Description", descResponse.DomainDetail.DomainInfo.Description); Assert.AreEqual("3", descResponse.DomainDetail.Configuration.WorkflowExecutionRetentionPeriodInDays); Assert.IsNotNull(descResponse.DomainDetail.DomainInfo.Status); DomainInfo info = null; for (int i = 0; i < MaxRetries; i++) { Sleep(); // Sleep for the eventual consistency var listDomainResponse = Client.ListDomainsAsync( new ListDomainsRequest() { RegistrationStatus = descResponse.DomainDetail.DomainInfo.Status }).Result; Assert.IsTrue(listDomainResponse.DomainInfos.Infos.Count > 0); info = listDomainResponse.DomainInfos.Infos.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, domainName)); if (info != null) { break; } } Assert.IsNotNull(info); Assert.IsNotNull(info.Status); var activityDescription = "My Description Activity" + DateTime.Now.Ticks; var regActivityRequest = new RegisterActivityTypeRequest() { Name = "My Activity", Domain = domainName, Description = activityDescription, Version = "1.0", DefaultTaskList = new TaskList() { Name = "ImportantTasks" }, DefaultTaskHeartbeatTimeout = ONE_HOUR_DURATION, DefaultTaskScheduleToCloseTimeout = TWO_HOUR_DURATION, DefaultTaskScheduleToStartTimeout = THREE_HOUR_DURATION, DefaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout = FOUR_HOUR_DURATION }; var regActivityResponse = Client.RegisterActivityTypeAsync(regActivityRequest).Result; Assert.IsNotNull(regActivityResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestId); try { Sleep(); // Sleep for the eventual consistency var descActivityTypeRequest = new DescribeActivityTypeRequest() { Domain = domainName, ActivityType = new ActivityType() { Name = "My Activity", Version = "1.0" } }; var descActivityTypeResponse = Client.DescribeActivityTypeAsync(descActivityTypeRequest).Result; Assert.AreEqual(ONE_HOUR_DURATION, descActivityTypeResponse.ActivityTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskHeartbeatTimeout); Assert.AreEqual(TWO_HOUR_DURATION, descActivityTypeResponse.ActivityTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskScheduleToCloseTimeout); Assert.AreEqual(THREE_HOUR_DURATION, descActivityTypeResponse.ActivityTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskScheduleToStartTimeout); Assert.AreEqual(FOUR_HOUR_DURATION, descActivityTypeResponse.ActivityTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout); ListActivityTypesResponse listActivityResponse = null; for (int i = 0; i < MaxRetries; i++) { Sleep(); // Sleep for the eventual consistency listActivityResponse = Client.ListActivityTypesAsync( new ListActivityTypesRequest() { Domain = domainName, RegistrationStatus = descActivityTypeResponse.ActivityTypeDetail.TypeInfo.Status }).Result; if (listActivityResponse.ActivityTypeInfos.TypeInfos.Count > 0) { break; } } Assert.IsNotNull(listActivityResponse); Assert.IsTrue(listActivityResponse.ActivityTypeInfos.TypeInfos.Count > 0); var acInfo = listActivityResponse.ActivityTypeInfos.TypeInfos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Description == activityDescription); Assert.IsNotNull(acInfo); } finally { var depActivityRequest = new DeprecateActivityTypeRequest() { Domain = domainName, ActivityType = new ActivityType() { Name = "My Activity", Version = "1.0" } }; var depActivityTypeResponse = Client.DeprecateActivityTypeAsync(depActivityRequest).Result; } var workflowDescription = "My Workflow Description" + DateTime.Now.Ticks; var regWorkflowRequest = new RegisterWorkflowTypeRequest() { Name = "My Workflow", Domain = domainName, Description = workflowDescription, Version = "1.0", DefaultTaskList = new TaskList() { Name = "ImportantTasks" }, DefaultExecutionStartToCloseTimeout = THREE_HOUR_DURATION, DefaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout = FOUR_HOUR_DURATION }; var regWorkflowResponse = Client.RegisterWorkflowTypeAsync(regWorkflowRequest).Result; try { Sleep(); // Sleep for the eventual consistency var descWorkFlowRequest = new DescribeWorkflowTypeRequest() { Domain = domainName, WorkflowType = new WorkflowType() { Name = "My Workflow", Version = "1.0" } }; var descWorkflowResponse = Client.DescribeWorkflowTypeAsync(descWorkFlowRequest).Result; Assert.AreEqual("My Workflow", descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.TypeInfo.WorkflowType.Name); Assert.AreEqual("1.0", descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.TypeInfo.WorkflowType.Version); Assert.AreEqual(THREE_HOUR_DURATION, descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultExecutionStartToCloseTimeout); Assert.AreEqual(FOUR_HOUR_DURATION, descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout); Assert.AreEqual("ImportantTasks", descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.Configuration.DefaultTaskList.Name); ListWorkflowTypesResponse listWorkflowResponse = null; for (int retries = 0; retries < 5; retries++) { UtilityMethods.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retries)); listWorkflowResponse = Client.ListWorkflowTypesAsync( new ListWorkflowTypesRequest() { Domain = domainName, RegistrationStatus = descWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeDetail.TypeInfo.Status }).Result; if (listWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeInfos.TypeInfos.Count > 0) { break; } } Assert.IsTrue(listWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeInfos.TypeInfos.Count > 0); var wfInfo = listWorkflowResponse.WorkflowTypeInfos.TypeInfos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Description == workflowDescription); Assert.IsNotNull(wfInfo); } finally { var depWorkflowRequest = new DeprecateWorkflowTypeRequest() { Domain = domainName, WorkflowType = new WorkflowType() { Name = "My Workflow", Version = "1.0" } }; var depWorkflowTypeResponse = Client.DeprecateWorkflowTypeAsync(depWorkflowRequest).Result; Assert.IsNotNull(depWorkflowTypeResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestId); } } finally { var depRequest = new DeprecateDomainRequest() { Name = domainName }; var depResponse = Client.DeprecateDomainAsync(depRequest).Result; Assert.IsNotNull(depResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestId); } }
public static DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(string domainController, string port, string userName, string password, string searchBase, RtContextValue _context) { int ldapPort = ConvertPort(port); if (ldapPort == 0) { ldapPort = 389; } DomainInfo domainInfo = new DomainInfo(); if (domains != null && domains.Contains(domainController)) { domainInfo.DomainName = domainController; domainInfo.Users = (ArrayList)domains[domainController]; domainInfo.DistiguishNames = (Hashtable)domains[domainController + "1"]; return(domainInfo); } if (domains == null) { domains = new Hashtable(); } ArrayList users = new ArrayList(); if (_context.Equals(RtContextValue.JVCACHE)) { Hashtable distinguishNames = new Hashtable(); //Connection Build for Ldap Authentication _ldapConnection = GetLdapConnection(domainController, ldapPort, userName, password); string filter = "(objectClass=*)"; String[] attribsToReturn; string attribs = "cn"; // split the single string expression from the string argument into an array of strings attribsToReturn = attribs.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(searchBase, filter, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Subtree, attribsToReturn); try { SearchResponse searchResponse = (SearchResponse)_ldapConnection.SendRequest(searchRequest); if (searchResponse.Entries.Count > 0) { foreach (SearchResultEntry entry in searchResponse.Entries) { // retrieve a specific attribute SearchResultAttributeCollection attributes = entry.Attributes; foreach (DirectoryAttribute attribute in attributes.Values) { users.Add(attribute[0].ToString()); distinguishNames.Add(attribute[0].ToString(), entry.DistinguishedName); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } domainInfo.Users = users; domainInfo.DistiguishNames = distinguishNames; domains[domainController] = users; domains[domainController + "1"] = distinguishNames; } else { #region --- Previous Code ---- DirectoryEntry adRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domainController, userName, password); DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(adRoot); searcher.SearchScope = System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree; searcher.ReferralChasing = ReferralChasingOption.All; searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))"; searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("SAMAccountname"); searcher.PageSize = 1000; try { SearchResultCollection result = searcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult a in result) { DirectoryEntry entry = a.GetDirectoryEntry(); string UserName = a.Properties["SAMAccountname"][0].ToString(); users.Add(UserName); } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { adRoot.Dispose(); searcher.Dispose(); } domainInfo.Users = users; domains[domainController] = users; #endregion } return(domainInfo); }
public virtual void GenOsql(DomainInfo domain, InternalBookmark ibm, int domainIndex) { }
static void HandleConnection(System.IO.DirectoryInfo info, TcpClient client) { Area ws = null; ClientStateInfo clientInfo = new ClientStateInfo(); using (client) using (SharedNetwork.SharedNetworkInfo sharedInfo = new SharedNetwork.SharedNetworkInfo()) { try { var stream = client.GetStream(); Handshake hs = ProtoBuf.Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<Handshake>(stream, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); DomainInfo domainInfo = null; lock (SyncObject) { if (hs.RequestedModule == null) hs.RequestedModule = string.Empty; if (!Domains.TryGetValue(hs.RequestedModule, out domainInfo)) { domainInfo = Domains.Where(x => x.Key.Equals(hs.RequestedModule, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault(); } if (domainInfo == null) { if (!Config.AllowVaultCreation || !Config.RequiresAuthentication || string.IsNullOrEmpty(hs.RequestedModule) || System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(info.FullName, hs.RequestedModule))) { Network.StartTransaction startSequence = Network.StartTransaction.CreateRejection(); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Rejecting client due to invalid domain: \"{0}\".", hs.RequestedModule); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<Network.StartTransaction>(stream, startSequence, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); return; } domainInfo = new DomainInfo() { Bare = true, Directory = null }; } } try { ws = Area.Load(domainInfo.Directory, true, true); if (domainInfo.Bare) throw new Exception("Domain is bare, but workspace could be loaded!"); } catch { if (!domainInfo.Bare) throw new Exception("Domain not bare, but couldn't load workspace!"); } Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Received handshake - protocol: {0}", hs.VersionrProtocol); SharedNetwork.Protocol? clientProtocol = hs.CheckProtocol(); bool valid = true; if (clientProtocol == null) valid = false; else { valid = SharedNetwork.AllowedProtocols.Contains(clientProtocol.Value); if (Config.RequiresAuthentication && !SharedNetwork.SupportsAuthentication(clientProtocol.Value)) valid = false; } if (valid) { sharedInfo.CommunicationProtocol = clientProtocol.Value; Network.StartTransaction startSequence = null; clientInfo.Access = Rights.Read | Rights.Write; clientInfo.BareAccessRequired = domainInfo.Bare; if (PrivateKey != null) { startSequence = Network.StartTransaction.Create(domainInfo.Bare ? string.Empty : ws.Domain.ToString(), PublicKey, clientProtocol.Value); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Sending RSA key..."); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<Network.StartTransaction>(stream, startSequence, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (!HandleAuthentication(clientInfo, client, sharedInfo)) throw new Exception("Authentication failed."); StartClientTransaction clientKey = ProtoBuf.Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<StartClientTransaction>(stream, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter exch = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter(PrivateKey); byte[] aesKey = exch.DecryptKeyExchange(clientKey.Key); byte[] aesIV = exch.DecryptKeyExchange(clientKey.IV); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Got client key: {0}", System.Convert.ToBase64String(aesKey)); var aesCSP = System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.Create(); sharedInfo.DecryptorFunction = () => { return aesCSP.CreateDecryptor(aesKey, aesIV); }; sharedInfo.EncryptorFunction = () => { return aesCSP.CreateEncryptor(aesKey, aesIV); }; } else { startSequence = Network.StartTransaction.Create(domainInfo.Bare ? string.Empty : ws.Domain.ToString(), clientProtocol.Value); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<Network.StartTransaction>(stream, startSequence, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (!HandleAuthentication(clientInfo, client, sharedInfo)) throw new Exception("Authentication failed."); StartClientTransaction clientKey = ProtoBuf.Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<StartClientTransaction>(stream, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } sharedInfo.Stream = stream; sharedInfo.Workspace = ws; sharedInfo.ChecksumType = Config.ChecksumType; clientInfo.SharedInfo = sharedInfo; while (true) { NetCommand command = ProtoBuf.Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (command.Type == NetCommandType.Close) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client closing connection."); break; } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushInitialVersion) { bool fresh = false; if (domainInfo.Directory == null) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Create)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); fresh = true; System.IO.DirectoryInfo newDirectory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(info.FullName, hs.RequestedModule)); newDirectory.Create(); domainInfo.Directory = newDirectory; if (!newDirectory.Exists) throw new Exception("Access denied."); } if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); lock (SyncObject) { ws = Area.InitRemote(domainInfo.Directory, Utilities.ReceiveEncrypted<ClonePayload>(clientInfo.SharedInfo)); clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace = ws; domainInfo.Bare = false; if (fresh) Domains[hs.RequestedModule] = domainInfo; } } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushBranchJournal) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); SharedNetwork.ReceiveBranchJournal(sharedInfo); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.QueryBranchID) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client is requesting a branch info for {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.AdditionalPayload) ? "<root>" : "\"" + command.AdditionalPayload + "\""); bool multiple = false; Objects.Branch branch = string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.AdditionalPayload) ? ws.RootBranch : ws.GetBranchByPartialName(command.AdditionalPayload, out multiple); if (branch != null) { ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Acknowledge, AdditionalPayload = branch.ID.ToString() }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } else if (!multiple) { ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Error, AdditionalPayload = "branch not recognized" }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } else { ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Error, AdditionalPayload = "multiple branches with that name!" }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.ListBranches) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client is requesting a branch list."); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Acknowledge }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (command.Identifier == 1) // send extra data { BranchList bl = new BranchList(); bl.Branches = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.Branches.ToArray(); Dictionary<Guid, Objects.Version> importantVersions = new Dictionary<Guid, Objects.Version>(); List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>> allHeads = new List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>>(); foreach (var x in bl.Branches) { if (x.Terminus.HasValue && !importantVersions.ContainsKey(x.Terminus.Value)) { importantVersions[x.Terminus.Value] = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.GetVersion(x.Terminus.Value); continue; } var heads = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.GetBranchHeads(x); foreach (var head in heads) { if (!importantVersions.ContainsKey(head.Version)) importantVersions[head.Version] = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.GetVersion(head.Version); } allHeads.AddRange(heads.Select(y => new KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>(y.Branch, y.Version))); } bl.Heads = allHeads.ToArray(); bl.ImportantVersions = importantVersions.Values.ToArray(); Utilities.SendEncrypted<BranchList>(clientInfo.SharedInfo, bl); } else { BranchList bl = new BranchList(); bl.Branches = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.Branches.ToArray(); List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>> allHeads = new List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>>(); foreach (var x in bl.Branches) { if (x.Terminus.HasValue) continue; var heads = clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.GetBranchHeads(x); if (heads.Count == 1) allHeads.Add(new KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>(x.ID, heads[0].Version)); } bl.Heads = allHeads.ToArray(); Utilities.SendEncrypted<BranchList>(clientInfo.SharedInfo, bl); } } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.RequestRecordUnmapped) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client is requesting specific record data blobs."); SharedNetwork.SendRecordDataUnmapped(sharedInfo); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.Clone) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client is requesting to clone the vault."); Objects.Version initialRevision = ws.GetVersion(ws.Domain); Objects.Branch initialBranch = ws.GetBranch(initialRevision.Branch); Utilities.SendEncrypted<ClonePayload>(sharedInfo, new ClonePayload() { InitialBranch = initialBranch, RootVersion = initialRevision }); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PullVersions) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client asking for remote version information."); Branch branch = ws.GetBranch(new Guid(command.AdditionalPayload)); if (branch == null) ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Error, AdditionalPayload = string.Format("Unknown branch {0}", command.AdditionalPayload) }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); else ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Acknowledge }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); Stack<Objects.Branch> branchesToSend = new Stack<Branch>(); Stack<Objects.Version> versionsToSend = new Stack<Objects.Version>(); if (!SharedNetwork.SendBranchJournal(sharedInfo)) throw new Exception(); if (!SharedNetwork.GetVersionList(sharedInfo, sharedInfo.Workspace.GetBranchHeadVersion(branch), out branchesToSend, out versionsToSend)) throw new Exception(); if (!SharedNetwork.SendBranches(sharedInfo, branchesToSend)) throw new Exception(); if (!SharedNetwork.SendVersions(sharedInfo, versionsToSend)) throw new Exception(); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushObjectQuery) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client asking about objects on the server..."); SharedNetwork.ProcesPushObjectQuery(sharedInfo); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushBranch) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client attempting to send branch data..."); SharedNetwork.ReceiveBranches(sharedInfo); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushVersions) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client attempting to send version data..."); SharedNetwork.ReceiveVersions(sharedInfo); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.PushHead) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Write)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Determining head information."); string errorData; lock (ws) { clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.RunLocked(() => { try { clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.BeginDatabaseTransaction(); if (!SharedNetwork.ImportBranchJournal(clientInfo.SharedInfo, false)) { clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.RollbackDatabaseTransaction(); return false; } if (AcceptHeads(clientInfo, ws, out errorData)) { ImportVersions(ws, clientInfo); clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.CommitDatabaseTransaction(); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.AcceptPush }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); return true; } else ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.RejectPush, AdditionalPayload = errorData }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.RollbackDatabaseTransaction(); return false; } catch { clientInfo.SharedInfo.Workspace.RollbackDatabaseTransaction(); return false; } }, false); } } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.SynchronizeRecords) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Received {0} versions in version pack, but need {1} records to commit data.", sharedInfo.PushedVersions.Count, sharedInfo.UnknownRecords.Count); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Beginning record synchronization..."); if (sharedInfo.UnknownRecords.Count > 0) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Requesting record metadata..."); SharedNetwork.RequestRecordMetadata(clientInfo.SharedInfo); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Requesting record data..."); SharedNetwork.RequestRecordData(sharedInfo); if (!sharedInfo.Workspace.RunLocked(() => { return SharedNetwork.ImportRecords(sharedInfo); }, false)) { throw new Exception("Unable to import records!"); } } ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Synchronized }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } else if (command.Type == NetCommandType.FullClone) { if (!clientInfo.Access.HasFlag(Rights.Read)) throw new Exception("Access denied."); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Acknowledge, Identifier = (int)ws.DatabaseVersion }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); command = ProtoBuf.Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (command.Type == NetCommandType.Acknowledge) { bool accept = false; BackupInfo backupInfo = null; lock (domainInfo) { string backupKey = ws.LastVersion + "-" + ws.LastBranch + "-" + ws.BranchJournalTipID.ToString(); backupInfo = domainInfo.Backup; if (backupKey != backupInfo.Key) { Printer.PrintMessage("Backup key out of date for domain DB[{0}] - {1}", domainInfo.Directory, backupKey); if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref backupInfo.Refs) == 0) backupInfo.Backup.Delete(); backupInfo = new BackupInfo(); domainInfo.Backup = backupInfo; var directory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(ws.AdministrationFolder.FullName, "backups")); directory.Create(); backupInfo.Backup = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(directory.FullName, System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName())); if (ws.BackupDB(backupInfo.Backup)) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref backupInfo.Refs); accept = true; backupInfo.Key = backupKey; } } else { accept = true; } if (accept) System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref backupInfo.Refs); } if (accept) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Backup complete. Sending data."); byte[] blob = new byte[256 * 1024]; long filesize = backupInfo.Backup.Length; long position = 0; using (System.IO.FileStream reader = backupInfo.Backup.OpenRead()) { while (true) { long remainder = filesize - position; int count = blob.Length; if (count > remainder) count = (int)remainder; reader.Read(blob, 0, count); position += count; Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Sent {0}/{1} bytes.", position, filesize); if (count == remainder) { Utilities.SendEncrypted(sharedInfo, new DataPayload() { Data = blob.Take(count).ToArray(), EndOfStream = true }); break; } else { Utilities.SendEncrypted(sharedInfo, new DataPayload() { Data = blob, EndOfStream = false }); } } } ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Acknowledge }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); lock (domainInfo) { if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref backupInfo.Refs) == 0) backupInfo.Backup.Delete(); } } else { Utilities.SendEncrypted<DataPayload>(sharedInfo, new DataPayload() { Data = new byte[0], EndOfStream = true }); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<NetCommand>(stream, new NetCommand() { Type = NetCommandType.Error }, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } } } else { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client sent invalid command: {0}", command.Type); throw new Exception(); } } } else { Network.StartTransaction startSequence = Network.StartTransaction.CreateRejection(); Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Rejecting client due to protocol mismatch."); ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix<Network.StartTransaction>(stream, startSequence, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Fixed32); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Client was a terrible person, because: {0}", e); } finally { if (ws != null) ws.Dispose(); } } Printer.PrintDiagnostics("Ended client processor task!"); }
private static Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DomainState GetDomainStateFromDomainInfo(DomainInfo domainInfo) { if (domainInfo != null) { switch (domainInfo.DomainState) { case Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ManageDelegation1.DomainState.PendingActivation: return(Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DomainState.PendingActivation); case Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ManageDelegation1.DomainState.Active: return(Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DomainState.Active); case Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ManageDelegation1.DomainState.PendingRelease: return(Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DomainState.PendingRelease); } } return(Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.DomainState.Unknown); }
public ReturnMethod DeleteHostingDomain(DomainInfo model) { return(this.Call <ReturnMethod, DomainInfo>(model, "DeleteHostingDomain")); }
public Domain AddDomain(Authentication authentication, DomainInfo domainInfo) { return(this.Domains.AddDomain(authentication, domainInfo)); }
private void TestDomainInfo() { var domainInfo = new DomainInfo("") { Password = "******", Hosts = "all" }; domainInfo.ToXml().Save(Console.OpenStandardOutput()); }
private void CiraTecnicalTest() { var tcpTransport = new TcpTransport("", 700, new X509Certificate("cert.pfx", "password"), true); var service = new Service(tcpTransport); //1. SSL connection establishment Console.WriteLine("TEST: 1"); service.Connect(); //2. EPP <login> command with your ‘a’ account Console.WriteLine("TEST: 2"); var logingCmd = new Login("username", "password"); var response = service.Execute(logingCmd); PrintResponse(response); //3. Using the correct EPP call, get the latest CIRA Registrant Agreement Console.WriteLine("TEST: 3"); var agreementCmd = new GetAgreement(); var getAgreementResponse = service.Execute(agreementCmd); var agreementVersion = getAgreementResponse.AgreementVersion; var agreementText = getAgreementResponse.Agreement; var agreementLanguage = getAgreementResponse.Language; PrintResponse(response); Console.WriteLine("Agreement Version:{0}", agreementVersion); /* 4. Create a Registrant contact using: -the same ID as your Registrar Number prefixed with the word ‘rant’ (e.g. rant75) -CPR category CCT -Full postal information, phone number, fax number, and email address -Agreed to latest CIRA Registrant Agreement version */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 4"); var registrantContact = new Contact("rant" + registrarNumber, "Registrant Step Four", "Example Inc.", "Toronto", "301 La Fanfan Ave.", "ON", "M5V 3T1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913606", Extension = "333" }, new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913607" }); var registrantContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(registrantContact); registrantContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCT; registrantContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; registrantContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; registrantContactCmd.Language = "en"; registrantContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; registrantContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response1 = service.Execute(registrantContactCmd); PrintResponse(response1); /* 5. Create an administrative contact -the same ID as your Registrar Number prefixed with the word ‘admin’ (e.g. admin75) -using all mandatory elements required for a Canadian administrative contact -omit CPR category (he have not agreed to the CIRA agreement) */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 5"); var adminContact = new Contact("admin" + registrarNumber, "Administrative Step Five", "Example Inc.", "Toronto", "301 La Fanfan Ave.", "ON", "M5V 3T1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913606", Extension = "333" }, new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913607" }); var adminContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(adminContact); adminContactCmd.CprCategory = null; adminContactCmd.AgreementVersion = null; adminContactCmd.AggreementValue = null; adminContactCmd.Language = "en"; adminContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; adminContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; const string adminContactId = "admin" + registrarNumber; var loginresponse = service.Execute(adminContactCmd); PrintResponse(loginresponse); //6. Get information for the contact created in operation #4 Console.WriteLine("TEST: 6"); var getContactInfo = new ContactInfo(registrantContact.Id); var contactInfoResponse = service.Execute(getContactInfo); PrintResponse(contactInfoResponse); //7. Do a Registrant transfer for domain <registrar number> to the Registrant created in operation #4 Console.WriteLine("TEST: 7"); //NOTE: registrant transfers are domain updates var registrantTransferCmd = new DomainUpdate(registrarNumber + ""); //var registrantTransferCmd = new DomainUpdate(""); var domainChange = new DomainChange { RegistrantContactId = registrantContact.Id }; registrantTransferCmd.DomainChange = domainChange; var response2 = service.Execute(registrantTransferCmd); PrintResponse(response2); //8. Update the contact created in operation #4 to no longer have a fax number Console.WriteLine("TEST: 8"); var contactUpdateCmd = new ContactUpdate(registrantContact.Id); var contactChange = new ContactChange(registrantContact); contactChange.Fax = new Telephone("", ""); contactUpdateCmd.ContactChange = contactChange; //NOTE:the docs say that the cpr category is update for domain contact //but they show a sample of a contact update request that does not include the extension //NOTE: Organization cannot be entered when CPR Category indicates a non individual - see documentation contactUpdateCmd.Extensions.Add(new CiraContactUpdateExtension { CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCT }); var response3 = service.Execute(contactUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response3); //8.1 Get contact info and check the fax number dissapeared var contactInfoCmd1 = new ContactInfo(registrantContact.Id); var contactInfoResponse1 = service.Execute(contactInfoCmd1); PrintResponse(contactInfoResponse1); //9. Do a domain:check on <registrar number> Console.WriteLine("TEST: 9"); const string domainStep10 = registrarNumber + ""; var domainCheckCmd = new DomainCheck(domainStep10); var response4 = service.Execute(domainCheckCmd); PrintResponse(response4); /* 10. Create a domain using: -a domain name set to <registrar number> -a Registrant who is a Permanent Resident -the same administrative contact as the Registrant -0 hosts -the minimum registration period */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 10"); //NOTE: CPR categories CCT and RES where merged into CCR //BUG: the registrant needs to be a Permanent Resident //TODO: create a new contact that is a permanent resident //10.1 var registrantContact10 = new Contact("ten" + registrarNumber, "Registrant Step Ten", "Example Inc.", "Toronto", "301 La Fanfan Ave.", "ON", "M5V 3T1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913606", Extension = "333" }, new Telephone { Value = "+1.6478913607" }); registrantContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(registrantContact10); registrantContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.RES; registrantContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; registrantContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; registrantContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; registrantContactCmd.Language = "en"; registrantContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; //ContactCreate.MakeContact(registrantContact10, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var response5 = service.Execute(registrantContactCmd); PrintResponse(response5); //10.2 var domainCreateCmd = new DomainCreate(domainStep10, registrantContact10.Id); domainCreateCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(registrantContact10.Id, "admin")); //NOTE: password is compulsory domainCreateCmd.Password = "******"; var response6 = service.Execute(domainCreateCmd); PrintResponse(response6); /*11. Do a host:check on hosts <registrar number> and <registrar number>*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 11"); var hostCheckCmd = new HostCheck(new List<string> { registrarNumber + "", registrarNumber + "" }); var response7 = service.Execute(hostCheckCmd); PrintResponse(response7); /* 12. Create 2 hosts with the following name formats: <registrar number> <registrar number> */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 12"); //CIRA only creates a host at a time //12.1 var hostCreateCmd = new HostCreate(new Host(registrarNumber + "")); var response8 = service.Execute(hostCreateCmd); PrintResponse(response8); //12.2 hostCreateCmd = new HostCreate(new Host(registrarNumber + "")); var response9 = service.Execute(hostCreateCmd); PrintResponse(response9); /* 13. Create a domain using: -a domain name set to <registrar number> -the pre-populated contact id <registrar number> as the administrative contact -a Registrant who is a Corporation -2 hosts created in operation #12 <- the nameservers -a maximum registration period (10 years) */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 13"); //13.1 - Create a corporation //If it is a corporation you can not provide company name var corporation = new Contact("corp" + registrarNumber, "Acme Corp.", null, "Toronto", "some where 22", "ON", "M6G2L1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null), new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null)); //var createCorporationContactCmd = ContactCreate.MakeContact(corporation, CiraCprCategories.CCO, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var createCorporationContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(corporation); createCorporationContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCO; createCorporationContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; createCorporationContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; createCorporationContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; createCorporationContactCmd.Language = "en"; createCorporationContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response10 = service.Execute(createCorporationContactCmd); PrintResponse(response10); /* var domainUpdateCmd = new DomainUpdate(registrarNumber + ""); domainUpdateCmd.ToRemove.Status.Add(new Status("", "serverDeleteProhibited")); response = service.Execute(domainUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response);*/ //13.2 - Create the domain //var createDomainCmd = new DomainCreate(registrarNumber + "", corporation.Id); var createDomainCmd = new DomainCreate(registrarNumber + "", "corp" + registrarNumber); createDomainCmd.Period = new DomainPeriod(10, "y"); //NOTE:The administrative or technical contact must be an Individual //BUG: admin contact needs be the prepopulated 3406310 createDomainCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(registrarNumber, "admin")); //NOTE:Create the host on the Registry system before you assign it to a domain createDomainCmd.NameServers.Add(registrarNumber + ""); createDomainCmd.NameServers.Add(registrarNumber + ""); createDomainCmd.Password = "******"; var response11 = service.Execute(createDomainCmd); PrintResponse(response11); /* 14. Create a domain using: - a domain name set to <registrar number> - a Registrant who is an Association - the administrative contact set to the contact created in operation #5 - maximum number of technical contacts assigned to it (max is 3) - 0 hosts - a 2-year term */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 14"); var association = new Contact("assoc" + registrarNumber, "Beer Producers Association", null, "Toronto", "some where 22", "ON", "M6G2L1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null), new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null)); //var createAssociationContactCmd = ContactCreate.MakeContact(association, CiraCprCategories.ASS, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var createAssociationContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(association); createAssociationContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.ASS; createAssociationContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; createAssociationContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; createAssociationContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; createAssociationContactCmd.Language = "en"; createAssociationContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response12 = service.Execute(createAssociationContactCmd); PrintResponse(response12); //tech1 var tech1 = new Contact("tech1" + registrarNumber, "Technician #1", "Beer Producers Association", "Toronto", "some where 22", "ON", "M6G2L1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null), new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null)); //var createTech1ContactCmd = ContactCreate.MakeContact(tech1, CiraCprCategories.CCT, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var createTech1ContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(tech1); createTech1ContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCT; createTech1ContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; createTech1ContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; createTech1ContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; createTech1ContactCmd.Language = "en"; createTech1ContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response13 = service.Execute(createTech1ContactCmd); PrintResponse(response13); //tech2 var tech2 = new Contact("tech2" + registrarNumber, "Technician #2", "Beer Producers Association", "Toronto", "some where 22", "ON", "M6G2L1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null), new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null)); //var createTech2ContactCmd = ContactCreate.MakeContact(tech2, CiraCprCategories.CCT, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var createTech2ContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(tech2); createTech2ContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCT; createTech2ContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; createTech2ContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; createTech2ContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; createTech2ContactCmd.Language = "en"; createTech2ContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response14 = service.Execute(createTech2ContactCmd); PrintResponse(response14); //tech1 var tech3 = new Contact("tech3" + registrarNumber, "Technician #3", "Beer Producers Association", "Toronto", "some where 22", "ON", "M6G2L1", "CA", "*****@*****.**", new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null), new Telephone("+1.1234567890", null)); //var createTech3ContactCmd = ContactCreate.MakeContact(tech3, CiraCprCategories.CCT, agreementVersion, "Y", "", "en", registrarNumber); var createTech3ContactCmd = new CiraContactCreate(tech3); createTech3ContactCmd.CprCategory = CiraCprCategories.CCT; createTech3ContactCmd.AgreementVersion = agreementVersion; createTech3ContactCmd.AggreementValue = "Y"; createTech3ContactCmd.OriginatingIpAddress = ""; createTech3ContactCmd.Language = "en"; createTech3ContactCmd.CreatedByResellerId = registrarNumber; var response15 = service.Execute(createTech3ContactCmd); PrintResponse(response15); const string step14domain = registrarNumber + ""; createDomainCmd = new DomainCreate(step14domain, association.Id); createDomainCmd.Period = new DomainPeriod(2, "y"); createDomainCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(adminContactId, "admin")); createDomainCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(tech1.Id, "tech")); createDomainCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(tech2.Id, "tech")); createDomainCmd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(tech3.Id, "tech")); createDomainCmd.Password = "******"; var response16 = service.Execute(createDomainCmd); PrintResponse(response16); /* 15. Do a host:check for a host which the dot-ca domain name is registered */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 15"); hostCheckCmd = new HostCheck("any." + registrarNumber + ""); var response17 = service.Execute(hostCheckCmd); PrintResponse(response17); /* 16. Create 2 subordinate hosts for the domain created in operation #14: - with format ns1.<domain> and ns2.<domain> - with IPv4 address information */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 16"); var host1 = new Host("ns1." + step14domain); host1.Addresses.Add(new HostAddress("", "v4")); var host2 = new Host("ns2." + step14domain); host2.Addresses.Add(new HostAddress("", "v4")); var createHostCmd = new HostCreate(host1); var response18 = service.Execute(createHostCmd); PrintResponse(response18); createHostCmd = new HostCreate(host2); response18 = service.Execute(createHostCmd); PrintResponse(response18); /* 17. Using the correct EPP call, get information on a host */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 17"); var hostInfoCmd = new HostInfo(host1.HostName); var response19 = service.Execute(hostInfoCmd); PrintResponse(response19); /*18. Update the domain created in operation #14 such that the hosts created in operation #16 are delegated to the domain explicitly*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 18"); var domainUpdateCmd = new DomainUpdate(step14domain); //NOTE: Nameservers need different IP addresses domainUpdateCmd.ToAdd.NameServers = new List<string> { host1.HostName, host2.HostName }; var response20 = service.Execute(domainUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response20); //19. Update host ns1.<domain> created in operation #16 such that an IPv6 address is added Console.WriteLine("TEST: 19"); var hostUpdateCmd = new HostUpdate(host1.HostName); var eppHostUpdateAddRemove = new EppHostUpdateAddRemove(); eppHostUpdateAddRemove.Adresses = new List<HostAddress> { new HostAddress("1080:0:0:0:8:800:2004:17A", "v6") }; hostUpdateCmd.ToAdd = eppHostUpdateAddRemove; var response21 = service.Execute(hostUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response21); //20. Update host ns1.<domain> created in operation #16 such that an IPv4 address is removed Console.WriteLine("TEST: 20"); hostUpdateCmd = new HostUpdate(host1.HostName); eppHostUpdateAddRemove = new EppHostUpdateAddRemove(); eppHostUpdateAddRemove.Adresses = new List<HostAddress> { new HostAddress("", "v4") }; hostUpdateCmd.ToRemove = eppHostUpdateAddRemove; var response22 = service.Execute(hostUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response22); //21. Update the status of ns1.<domain> such that it can no longer be updated Console.WriteLine("TEST: 21"); hostUpdateCmd = new HostUpdate(host1.HostName); eppHostUpdateAddRemove = new EppHostUpdateAddRemove(); eppHostUpdateAddRemove.Status = new List<Status> { new Status("", "clientUpdateProhibited") }; hostUpdateCmd.ToAdd = eppHostUpdateAddRemove; response22 = service.Execute(hostUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response22); //22. Using the correct EPP call, get information on a domain name without using WHOIS Console.WriteLine("TEST: 22"); //const string domainStep10 = registrarNumber + ""; var domainInfoCmd = new DomainInfo(domainStep10); var domainInfo = service.Execute(domainInfoCmd); PrintResponse(domainInfo); //23. Renew the domain created in operation #10 such that the domain’s total length of term becomes 3 years Console.WriteLine("TEST: 23"); var renewCmd = new DomainRenew(domainStep10, domainInfo.Domain.ExDate, new DomainPeriod(2, "y")); var response23 = service.Execute(renewCmd); PrintResponse(response23); /* 24. Do a Registrar transfer: - Domain name <registrar number>, from your ‘e’ Registrar account - Have the system auto-generate the contacts so that their information is identical to the contacts in the ‘e’ account */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 24"); var transferCmd = new CiraDomainTransfer(registrarNumber + "", null, null, new List<string>()); //var transferCmd = new DomainTransfer("", null, null, new List<string>()); transferCmd.Password = "******"; var response24 = service.Execute(transferCmd); PrintResponse(response24); /*25. Do a Registrar transfer: - Domain name, <registrar number>, from your ‘e’ Registrar account - Specify the same Registrant, administrative, and technical contacts used for the domain created in operation #14 */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 25"); //BUG: did not use all the technical contacts. transferCmd = new CiraDomainTransfer(registrarNumber + "", association.Id, adminContactId, new List<string> { tech1.Id, tech2.Id, tech3.Id }); //transferCmd = new DomainTransfer("", association.Id, adminContactId, new List<string> { tech1.Id, tech2.Id, tech3.Id }); //Password is mandatory //TODO: find it in the control panel transferCmd.Password = "******"; response24 = service.Execute(transferCmd); PrintResponse(response24); /* 26. Do an update to the domain created in operation #14 to change the administrative contact to the pre-populated contact whose id is of format <registrar number> */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 26"); domainUpdateCmd = new DomainUpdate(step14domain); //remove the previous admin domainUpdateCmd.ToRemove.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(adminContactId, "admin")); domainUpdateCmd.ToAdd.DomainContacts.Add(new DomainContact(registrarNumber, "admin")); var response25 = service.Execute(domainUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response25); /*27. Do an update to the status of the domain created in operation #14 such that it cannot be deleted*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 27"); domainUpdateCmd = new DomainUpdate(step14domain); domainUpdateCmd.ToAdd.Status.Add(new Status("", "clientDeleteProhibited")); var response26 = service.Execute(domainUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response26); /*28. Do an update to the email address of the pre-populated contact whose id is of format <registrar number> to "*****@*****.**" */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 28"); //28.1 get the contact //var contactInfoCmd = new ContactInfo("rant" + registrarNumber); var contactInfoCmd = new ContactInfo(registrarNumber); contactInfoResponse = service.Execute(contactInfoCmd); PrintResponse(contactInfoResponse); if (contactInfoResponse.Contact != null) { //28.2 update the email address //ASSERT: contactInfoResponse.Contact != null contactUpdateCmd = new ContactUpdate(contactInfoResponse.Contact.Id); var contactchage = new ContactChange(contactInfoResponse.Contact); contactchage.Email = "*****@*****.**"; contactUpdateCmd.ContactChange = contactchage; //the extensions are compulsory contactUpdateCmd.Extensions.Add(new CiraContactUpdateExtension { CprCategory = contactInfoResponse.Contact.CprCategory }); var response27 = service.Execute(contactUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response27); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: contact does not exist?"); } /* 29. Do an update to the privacy status for Registrant contact created in operation #4 to now show full detail */ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 29"); contactUpdateCmd = new ContactUpdate("rant" + registrarNumber); //Invalid WHOIS display setting - valid values are PRIVATE or FULL contactUpdateCmd.Extensions.Add(new CiraContactUpdateExtension { WhoisDisplaySetting = "FULL" }); var response28 = service.Execute(contactUpdateCmd); PrintResponse(response28); /*30. Delete the domain <registrar number>*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 30"); //NOTE:check this domain status var deleteDomainCmd = new DomainDelete(registrarNumber + ""); //var deleteDomainCmd = new DomainDelete(registrarNumber + ""); var response29 = service.Execute(deleteDomainCmd); PrintResponse(response29); /*31. EPP <logout> command*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST:31"); var logOutCmd = new Logout(); service.Execute(logOutCmd); /*32. Disconnect SSL connection*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 32"); service.Disconnect(); /*33. SSL connection establishment*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 33"); service.Connect(); /*34. EPP <login> command with your ‘e’ account*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 34"); logingCmd = new Login("username", "password"); response = service.Execute(logingCmd); PrintResponse(response); /*35. Acknowledge all poll messages*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 35"); var thereAreMessages = true; while (thereAreMessages) { //request var poll = new Poll { Type = PollType.Request }; var pollResponse = (PollResponse)service.Execute(poll); PrintResponse(pollResponse); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pollResponse.Id)) { //acknowledge poll = new Poll { Type = PollType.Acknowledge, MessageId = pollResponse.Id }; pollResponse = (PollResponse)service.Execute(poll); PrintResponse(pollResponse); } Console.WriteLine("Messages left in the queue:" + pollResponse.Count); thereAreMessages = pollResponse.Count != 0; } /*36. EPP <logout> command*/ Console.WriteLine("TEST: 36"); logOutCmd = new Logout(); service.Execute(logOutCmd); }