public IActionResult AddPhoto(PhotoModel model, int?albumId) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var photo = new Domain.Photo() { AlbumId = albumId, PostId = null, MIMEType = model.Binar.ContentType }; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { model.Binar.CopyTo(memoryStream); photo.Binary = memoryStream.ToArray(); } photoService.AddPhoto(photo); return(RedirectToAction("Album", "Profile", new { albumId = model.AlbumId })); } if (albumId == null) { return(NotFound()); } AlbumViewerModel albumViewerModel = new AlbumViewerModel() { PhotoModel = model, HasThisAlbum = albumService.HasThisAlbum(albumId.Value), Id = albumId.Value, Name = albumService.GetAlbum(albumId.Value).Name }; return(View("Album", albumViewerModel)); }
public void AddPhoto(Domain.Photo photo) { var isBanned = unitOfWork.Users.Query.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == currentUser.Id)?.IsBanned ?? false; if (isBanned) { return; } unitOfWork.Photos.Add(photo); if (photo.PostId.HasValue) { var post = unitOfWork.Posts.Query .Include(e => e.Photo) .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == photo.PostId); post.Photo = photo; unitOfWork.Posts.Update(post); } else { photo.Position = unitOfWork.Photos.Query .Where(e => e.AlbumId == photo.AlbumId) .Count() + 1; } unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); }
public PhotoModel Build(Domain.Photo photo) { return(new PhotoModel { Title = photo.Title, ThumbnailUrl = photo.ThumbnailUrl, Url = photo.Url }); }
public async Task <CreatePhotoResponse> CreatePhoto(CreatePhotoRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (request.Photo.Length > 5242880) { throw new OverflowMaxSizePhotoException(); } var photo = new Domain.Photo() { KodBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(request.Photo, 0, request.Photo.Length) }; await _repository.Save(photo, cancellationToken); return(_mapper.Map <CreatePhotoResponse>(photo)); }
public static PhotoBlock GetVideoSize(Domain.Photo photo, VideoSize size) { switch (size) { default: case VideoSize.Small: return(photo.Small); case VideoSize.Medium: return(photo.Medium); case VideoSize.Standard: return(photo.Standard); case VideoSize.Large: return(photo.Large); } }
public override bool ApplyChanges() { // Make sure that all is set up EnsureChildControls(); // Update the web part VisualEmbed webPart = (VisualEmbed)WebPartToEdit; if (webPart != null) { // Get the token for the photo first if (Videos != null) { IPhotoService photoService = new PhotoService(Utilities.ApiProvider); Domain.Photo photo = photoService.Get(Convert.ToInt32(Videos.SelectedValue), false); webPart.PhotoId = Videos.SelectedValue; webPart.PhotoToken = photo.Token; } } return(true); }