public void Add_MissingOPropertyNamePassed_ReturnsBadRequest()
            // Arrange
            var theItem = new Domain.Entities.Property
                PropertyNumber = 105,
                Area           = 100,
                LandlordId     = 1,
                PropertyID     = 5,
                Address        = "Address5",
                PropertyStatus = Domain.Enums.Status.North

            var createdDto = mapper.Map <PropertyDto>(theItem);

            // Act

            //See how the ValidateViewModel extension method in the Helper class is useful here
            //I have used the above useful extension method to simulate validation instead of adding customly like below
            //_controller.ModelState.AddModelError("PropertyName", "Required");

            var badResponse = _controller.Post(1, createdDto);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <BadRequestObjectResult>(badResponse);
        public async Task <bool> Handle(InsertPropertyCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var newProperty = new Domain.Entities.Property
                Id          = request.Id,
                Address1    = request.Address1,
                Address2    = request.Address2,
                City        = request.City,
                State       = request.State,
                ZipCode     = request.Zip,
                ZipPlus4    = request.ZipPlus4,
                YearBuilt   = request.YearBuilt,
                ListPrice   = request.ListPrice,
                MonthlyRent = request.MonthlyRent

            await _context.Properties.AddAsync(newProperty);

            return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken) > 0);
            public async Task <int> Handle(CreatePropertyCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var propertyObj = request.PropertyDto;

                Domain.Entities.Property property = new Domain.Entities.Property
                    PropertyType    = propertyObj.PropertyType,
                    AddressPremises = propertyObj.AddressPremises,
                    AddressLine1    = propertyObj.AddressLine1,
                    AddressLine2    = propertyObj.AddressLine2,
                    City            = propertyObj.City,
                    PinCode         = propertyObj.PinCode,
                    LateFeeDay      = propertyObj.LateFeeDay,
                    TdsInterestRate = propertyObj.TdsInterestRate,
                    StateID         = propertyObj.StateID,
                    GstTaxCode      = propertyObj.GstTaxCode,
                    TDSTaxCode      = propertyObj.TDSTaxCode

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

 private void MoqSetupAdd(Domain.Entities.Property testItem)
     _mockRepo.Setup(x => x.Add(It.Is <Domain.Entities.Property>(y => y == testItem)))
     .Callback <Domain.Entities.Property>(s => MockData.Current.Properties.Add(s));