/// <returns>Returns not started courses of student.</returns> public ActionResult NotStartedCourses() { Domain.Core.Student user = _studentRepository.GetWithCourses(User.Identity.Name); if (user != null) { var courses = user.Courses.Where(course => course.StartDate.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) == 1).ToList(); if (courses.Count == 0) { return(new ContentResult { Content = "<p>There are no such courses.</p>" }); } foreach (var course in courses) { course.Lecturer = _courseRepository.GetWithLecturer(course.CourseId)?.Lecturer; } return(PartialView("CoursesList", courses)); } return(new ContentResult { Content = "<p>There are no such courses.</p>" }); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(StudentViewModel studentView) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ApplicationUser student = new Domain.Core.Student { BirthDate = studentView.BirthDate, FirstName = studentView.FirstName, Gender = studentView.Gender, Group = studentView.Group, LastName = studentView.LastName, MiddleName = studentView.MiddleName, PhoneNumber = studentView.PhoneNumber, UserName = studentView.UserName, YearOfStudy = studentView.YearOfStudy, Email = studentView.Email }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(student, studentView.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { UserManager.AddToRoles(student.Id, "student", "active"); _logger.Info($"New student {student.UserName} register in the system."); return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { area = "" })); } foreach (string error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error); _logger.Error("Register method of controller Student: Error creating a user.", error); } } return(View(studentView)); }
/// <summary> /// View info about student and his courses. View contains partialView. /// </summary> public ActionResult Index() { Domain.Core.Student user = (Domain.Core.Student)UserManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name).Result; if (user != null) { if (User.IsInRole("active")) { ViewBag.Active = "Profile is active"; return(View(user)); } ViewBag.Active = "Profile is blocked by Admin"; return(View(user)); } _logger.Warn("Index method of controller Student: user=null, user received HttpNotFound"); return(HttpNotFound()); }
public ActionResult EnrollForCourse(int id) { Domain.Core.Student user = (Domain.Core.Student)UserManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name).Result; if (User.IsInRole("active")) { if (user != null) { var course = _courseRepository.Get(id); if (course != null) { _courseRepository.AddStudentToCourse(user.UserName, id); UserManager.Update(user); } } else { _logger.Warn("EnrollForCourse method of controller Student: user=null, user received HttpUnauthorizedResult"); return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }