Exemple #1
        public void InnerParsingRules()
            CQ res = Dom.Select("script");

            // bug found 10/31/11
            Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Children().Length, "Script cannot have children");
        public void StartsWithOrHyphen()
            CQ res = Dom.Select("[lang|=en]");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Length);

            res = Dom.Select("[lang|=en-uk]");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Length);
Exemple #3
        public void InputCheckbox()
            string ids = String.Empty;
            var    res = Dom.Select("input:checkbox").Each(delegate(IDomObject e)
                ids += (ids == "" ? "" : ",") + e.Id;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, res.Length, "Test input:checkbox");
Exemple #4
        public void AdjacentMultiple()
            var res = Dom.Select("a+*");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("reputation_link", res[0].Id);

            res = Dom.Select("a+span+span");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("13 bronze badges", res[0]["title"]);

            res = Dom.Select("a+*+span");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Length);
Exemple #5
        public void SimpleClone()
            CQ  hlinks    = Dom.Select("#hlinks-user");
            int spanCount = hlinks.Find("span").Length;
            CQ  clone     = hlinks.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(hlinks.Find("*").Length + 1, clone.Select("*").Length, "Clone has same total elements as original");

            CQ newHome = Dom.Select("#hidden-div");

            spanCount = newHome.Find("span").Length;
            int cloneSpanCount = clone.Select("span").Length;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, newHome.Children().Length, "Sanity check - target has 1 child");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, newHome.Children().Length, "Target has 2 children after cloning");
            Assert.AreEqual(spanCount + cloneSpanCount, newHome.Find("span").Length, "Same # of spans in the clone");
Exemple #6
        public void ChangingClones()
            var hlinks    = Dom.Select("#hlinks-user");
            var cloneRoot = Dom["#test-show"].Append(hlinks.Clone());

            Assert.AreEqual("jamietre", hlinks.Find(".profile-link").Text(), "Sanity check: got the correct text");
            var profileLink = cloneRoot.Find(".profile-link");

            Assert.AreEqual("jamietre", profileLink.Text(), "Clone had the correct text");
            Assert.AreEqual("ChangedMyName", profileLink.Text(), "Clone had the correct text after change");
            Assert.AreEqual("jamietre", hlinks.Find(".profile-link").Text(), "Original still had the correct text");

            profileLink.Append("<h2>A Header</h2><div class=\"newstuff\"><span>I'm new</span></div>");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, profileLink.Children().Length, "Added to my clone");
            Assert.AreEqual("ChangedMyNameA HeaderI'm new", profileLink.Text(), "Text was obtained correctly from the clone");
            Assert.AreEqual("jamietre", hlinks.Find(".profile-link").Text(), "Original still had the correct text");
Exemple #7
        public void Element()
            var all = Dom["*"];

            Assert.IsTrue(all.Length >= 30, "Select all");

            var good = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < all.Length; i++)
                if (all[i].NodeType == (NodeType)8)
                    good = false;
            Assert.IsTrue(good, "Select all elements, no comment nodes");

            t("Element Selector", "#qunit-fixture p", Arrays.Create <string>("firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first"));
            t("Element Selector", "body", Arrays.Create <string>("body"));
            t("Element Selector", "html", Arrays.Create <string>("html"));
            t("Parent Element", "div p", Arrays.Create <string>("firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first"));

            Assert.AreEqual(Dom.Select("param", document.GetElementById("object1")).Length, 2, "Object/param as context");

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Dom["select", document.GetElementById("form")], q("select1", "select2", "select3", "select4", "select5"), "Finding selects with a context.");

            // Check for unique-ness and sort order
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Dom["p, div p"], Dom["p"], "Check for duplicates: p, div p");

            t("Checking sort order", "h2, h1", Arrays.Create <string>("qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"));

            t("Checking sort order", "h2:first, h1:first", Arrays.Create <string>("qunit-header", "qunit-banner"));
            t("Checking sort order", "#qunit-fixture p, #qunit-fixture p a", Arrays.Create <string>("firstp", "simon1", "ap", "google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark", "sndp", "en", "yahoo", "sap", "anchor2", "simon", "first"));

            // Test Conflict ID
            var lengthtest = document.GetElementById("lengthtest");

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Dom["#idTest", lengthtest], q("idTest"), "Finding element with id of ID.");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Dom["[name='id']", lengthtest], q("idTest"), "Finding element with id of ID.");
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Dom["input[id='idTest']", lengthtest], q("idTest"), "Finding elements with id of ID.");
Exemple #8
 protected CQ jQueryAny(object parm)
     if (parm == null)
     else if (parm.GetType() == typeof(string))
     else if (typeof(IEnumerable <IDomObject>).IsAssignableFrom(parm.GetType()))
         return(Dom.Select((IEnumerable <IDomObject>)parm));
     else if (typeof(IDomObject).IsAssignableFrom(parm.GetType()))
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameter");
Exemple #9
        public void ComplexSelectors()
            var res = Dom.Select("input:checkbox,li");

            Assert.AreEqual(7, res.Length, "Multiple select (two queries appended)");
Exemple #10
 protected CQ jQuery(string parm, CQ context)
     return(Dom.Select(parm, context));
Exemple #11
        public void ParseHTMLSpec()
            string html;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            var GC_MemoryStart = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            html = Support.GetFile("csquery\\csquery.tests\\resources\\HTML Standard.htm");
            for (int i = 0; i < iterationsLoad; i++)
                Dom = CQ.Create(html);
            var GC_MemoryEnd = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            DateTime loaded = DateTime.Now;

            int divSpan = 0;

            int randomLength = Dom.Select("p").Eq(22).RenderSelection().Length;

            var equation = Equations.CreateEquation <int>("2x+2");

            for (int i = 0; i < iterationsSelect; i++)
                // todo: cache equations once parsed - should speed this up immenseley
                CQ sel = Dom.Select("div:nth-child(2n+1)");
                //CsQuery sel = Dom.Select("div span");

                // get length to force it to iterate through everything
                int len = sel.Length;

                //equation.SetVariable("x", 12);
                // var y = equation.Value;

            CQ selFinal = Dom.Select("div span");

            divSpan = selFinal.Length;

            DateTime selected = DateTime.Now;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterationsClone; i++)
                CQ c = Dom.Clone();
                Assert.AreEqual(divSpan, Dom.Select("div span").Length, "Clone wasn't equal in # of elements");
                string cloneContents = c.Select("p").Eq(22).RenderSelection();
                Assert.AreEqual(randomLength, cloneContents.Length, "Some random text was right");
            DateTime done     = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan loadTime = loaded - start;

            string result = Dom.Select("div").Length + " div elements";

            result += ", " + Dom.Select("*").Length + " total elements";
            result += ", " + loadTime.TotalSeconds / iterationsLoad + " seconds to load domain";
            result += ", " + (selected - loaded).TotalSeconds / iterationsSelect + " seconds to perform select 'div span' - " + Dom.Select("div span").Length + " elements";
            result += ", " + (done - selected).TotalSeconds / iterationsClone + " seconds to cloning";
            result += ", " + (GC_MemoryEnd - GC_MemoryStart) + " bytes used by object";