//Sales Budget public void Document_PrintSalesBudget(int?document_id, sales_budget sales_budget) { if (sales_budget.app_document_range != null) { if (sales_budget.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesBudgetReport(sales_budget.id_sales_budget); } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesBudgetReport(sales_budget.id_sales_budget); Window window = new Window { Title = "Document", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesBudgetReport(sales_budget.id_sales_budget); Window window = new Window { Title = "Document", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } }
//Purchase Order public void Document_PrintPurchaseOrder(int document_id, purchase_order purchase_order) { app_document app_document; using (db db = new db()) { app_document = db.app_document.Where(x => x.id_document == document_id).FirstOrDefault(); } if (app_document != null) { if (purchase_order.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadPurchaseOrderReport(purchase_order.id_purchase_order); } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadPurchaseOrderReport(purchase_order.id_purchase_order); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } } }
//Sales order public void Document_PrintOrder(int document_id, sales_order sales_order, bool OverRide_AutoPrint) { try { if (sales_order.app_document_range.printer_name != null && OverRide_AutoPrint == false) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesOrderReport(sales_order.id_sales_order); } else // true { NotSupportedException ex = new NotSupportedException(); throw ex; } } catch { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesOrderReport(sales_order.id_sales_order); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } }
public Normal(object Document, app_document_range app_range, PrintStyles PrintStyle) { if (app_range.app_document != null ? app_range.app_document.style_reciept : false || app_range.app_document != null ? app_range.app_document.id_application == App.Names.PointOfSale:false) { TicketPrint.Document_Print(app_range.app_document.id_document, Document); } else { string DocumentName = string.Empty; if (app_range != null) { DocumentName = app_range.app_document.name; } else { DocumentName = "PurchaseInvoice"; } string PathFull = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\CogntivoERP\\TemplateFiles\\" + app_range.app_document.name + ".rdlc"; if (Directory.Exists(PathFull) == false) { CreateFile(app_range); } DataSource DataSource = new DataSource(); /// if (PrintStyle == PrintStyles.Automatic && !app_range.use_default_printer && app_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport LocalReport = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); LocalReport.ReportPath = PathFull; // Path of the rdlc file LocalReport.DataSources.Add(DataSource.Create(Document)); PrintInvoice.Export(LocalReport); PrintInvoice.Print(app_range.printer_name); } else { DocumentViewr DocumentViewr = new DocumentViewr(); DocumentViewr.reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = PathFull; // Path of the rdlc file DocumentViewr.reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(DataSource.Create(Document)); DocumentViewr.reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = DocumentViewr }; window.ShowDialog(); } } }
public void Document_PrintCarnetContact() { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadCarnetcontactReportall(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); }
public void Document_PrintPaymentReceipt(payment payment) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadPaymentRecieptReport(payment.id_payment); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Print Sales Document /// </summary> /// <param name="app_document"></param> /// <param name="sales_invoice"></param> public void Document_PrintInvoice(app_document app_document, sales_invoice sales_invoice) { if (app_document != null) { if (sales_invoice.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesInvoiceReport(sales_invoice.id_sales_invoice); } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesInvoiceReport(sales_invoice.id_sales_invoice); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesInvoiceReport(sales_invoice.id_sales_invoice); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } }
//packinglist public void Document_PrintPackingList(int document_id, sales_packing sales_packing) { app_document app_document; using (db db = new db()) { app_document = db.app_document.Where(x => x.id_document == document_id).FirstOrDefault(); } if (app_document != null) { if (app_document.style_reciept == true) { string header = app_document.reciept_header; string Mainheader = ""; foreach (sales_packing_detail sales_packing_detail in sales_packing.sales_packing_detail) { Mainheader += header.Replace("<<item>>", sales_packing_detail.item.name); Mainheader += header.Replace("<<debit>>", sales_packing_detail.quantity.ToString()); Mainheader += header.Replace("<<Credit>>", "0"); Mainheader += header.Replace("<<Transcation>>", sales_packing.trans_date.ToString()); Mainheader += "\n"; } string footer = app_document.reciept_footer; string Mainfooter = ""; foreach (sales_packing_detail sales_packing_detail in sales_packing.sales_packing_detail) { Mainfooter += footer.Replace("<<item>>", sales_packing_detail.item.name); Mainfooter += footer.Replace("<<debit>>", sales_packing_detail.quantity.ToString()); Mainfooter += footer.Replace("<<Credit>>", "0"); Mainfooter += footer.Replace("<<Transcation>>", sales_packing.trans_date.ToString()); Mainfooter += "\n"; } string body = app_document.reciept_body; string Mainbody = ""; foreach (sales_packing_detail sales_packing_detail in sales_packing.sales_packing_detail) { Mainbody += body.Replace("<<item>>", sales_packing_detail.item.name); Mainbody += body.Replace("<<debit>>", sales_packing_detail.quantity.ToString()); Mainbody += body.Replace("<<Credit>>", "0"); Mainbody += body.Replace("<<Transcation>>", sales_packing.trans_date.ToString()); Mainbody += "\n"; } PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog(); FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(new Paragraph(new Run(Mainheader + "\n\n" + Mainbody + "\n\n" + Mainfooter))); doc.Name = "FlowDoc"; IDocumentPaginatorSource idpSource = doc; pd.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, Mainheader + "\n\n" + Mainbody + "\n\n" + Mainfooter); } else if (app_document.style_printer == true) { if (sales_packing.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesPackingList(sales_packing.id_sales_packing); } else { DocumentViewr MainWindow = new DocumentViewr(); MainWindow.loadSalesPackingList(sales_packing.id_sales_packing); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = MainWindow }; window.ShowDialog(); } } } }