Exemple #1
        private string GetDefaultToml()
            var doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                Tables =
                    new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("config"))
                        Items =
                            { "schemaVersion", "0.0.1" }
                    new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("auth"))
                        Items =
                            { "defaultToken", ""       }
                    new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("auth", "authorTokens"))
                        Items =
                            { "ExampleAuthor", ""      }

        /// <summary>
        /// Save the document syntax to the root file
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task SerializeAsync(DocumentSyntax documentSyntax, System.IO.Stream stream)
            // Write out the entire root table
            var content = documentSyntax.ToString();

            using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(stream))
                await writer.WriteAsync(content);
Exemple #3
        public void TestDocument()
            var doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                Tables =
                    new TableSyntax("test")
                        Items =
                            { "a",                                                       1 },
                            { "b",              true                                       },
                            { "c",              "Check"                                    },
                            { "d",              "ToEscape\nWithAnotherChar\t"              },
                            { "e",                                                    12.5 },
                            { "f",              new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4                     } },
                            { "g",              new string[] { "0", "1", "2"               } },
                            { "key with space",                                          2 }

            var docStr = doc.ToString();

            var expected = @"[test]
a = 1
b = true
c = ""Check""
d = ""ToEscape\nWithAnotherChar\t""
e = 12.5
f = [1, 2, 3, 4]
g = [""0"", ""1"", ""2""]
""key with space"" = 2

            AssertHelper.AreEqualNormalizeNewLine(expected, docStr);

            // Reparse the result and compare it again
            var newDoc = Toml.Parse(docStr);

            AssertHelper.AreEqualNormalizeNewLine(expected, newDoc.ToString());
Exemple #4
        public void Save(string path)
            var doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                Tables =
                    new TableSyntax("AssemblyGenerator")
                        Items =
                            { "UnityVersion",      (UnityVersion == null) ? "" : UnityVersion                    },
                            { "GameAssemblyHash",  (GameAssemblyHash == null) ? "" : GameAssemblyHash            },
                            { "DumperVersion",     (DumperVersion == null) ? "" : DumperVersion                  },
                            { "UnhollowerVersion", (UnhollowerVersion == null) ? "" : UnhollowerVersion          },
                            { "OldFiles",          OldFiles.ToArray()                                            }

            File.WriteAllText(path, doc.ToString());
        internal static void Save()
            DocumentSyntax doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                Tables =
                    new TableSyntax("AssemblyGenerator")
                        Items =
                            { "UnityVersion",             (UnityVersion == null) ? "" : UnityVersion                                                         },
                            { "Cpp2IL",                   (Cpp2ILVersion == null) ? "" : Cpp2ILVersion                                                       },
                            { "Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower", (Il2CppAssemblyUnhollowerVersion == null) ? "" : Il2CppAssemblyUnhollowerVersion                   },
                            { "GameAssemblyHash",         (GameAssemblyHash == null) ? "" : GameAssemblyHash                                                 },
                            { "OldFiles",                 OldFiles.ToArray()                                                                                 }

            File.WriteAllText(FilePath, doc.ToString());
        internal void Write()
            var doc = new DocumentSyntax();

            foreach (var credential in credentials.Values)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(credential.token))
                    credential.token = "";

                doc.Tables.Add(new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("npmAuth", credential.url))
                    Items =
                        { "token",      credential.token      },
                        { "alwaysAuth", credential.alwaysAuth }

            File.WriteAllText(upmconfigFile, doc.ToString());
        public static void WriteDefault()
            var path = GetFilepath();

            if (File.Exists(path))
                Console.WriteLine($"Project configuration already exists at {path}, skipping creation");
                var doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                    Tables =
                        new TableSyntax("config")
                            Items =
                                { "schemaVersion", "0.0.1"                }
                        new TableSyntax("package")
                            Items =
                                { "author",        "AuthorName"                    },
                                { "name",          "PackageName"                   },
                                { "versionNumber", "1.0.0"                         },
                                { "description",   ""                              },
                                { "websiteUrl",    ""                              },
                        new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("package", "dependencies"))
                            Items =
                                { "Example-Dependency", "1.0.0"           },
                        new TableSyntax("build")
                            Items =
                                { "icon",   "./icon.png"                    },
                                { "readme", "./README.md"                   },
                                { "outdir", "./build"                       },
                        new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("build", "copy"))
                            Items =
                                { "./dist", "./"                          }
                        new TableSyntax(new KeySyntax("publish"))
                            Items =
                                { "repository", "thunderstore.io"         }
                File.WriteAllText(path, doc.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine($"Wrote project configuration to {path}");
Exemple #8
        public void TestDocument()
            var table = new TableSyntax("test")
                Items =
                    { "a",                                          1 },
                    { "b",              true                          },
                    { "c",              "Check"                       },
                    { "d",              "ToEscape\nWithAnotherChar\t" },
                    { "e",                                       12.5 },
                    { "f",              new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4        } },
                    { "g",              new string[] { "0", "1", "2"  } },
                    { "key with space",                             2 }

            var doc = new DocumentSyntax()
                Tables =

            table.AddLeadingComment("This is a comment");

            var firstElement = table.Items.GetChildren(0);

            firstElement.AddTrailingComment("This is an item comment");

            var secondElement = table.Items.GetChildren(2);

            secondElement.AddLeadingComment("This is a comment in a middle of a table");

            var docStr = doc.ToString();

            var expected = @"# This is a comment
a = 1 # This is an item comment
b = true

# This is a comment in a middle of a table

c = ""Check""
d = ""ToEscape\nWithAnotherChar\t""
e = 12.5
f = [1, 2, 3, 4]
g = [""0"", ""1"", ""2""]
""key with space"" = 2

            AssertHelper.AreEqualNormalizeNewLine(expected, docStr);

            // Reparse the result and compare it again
            var newDoc = Toml.Parse(docStr);

            AssertHelper.AreEqualNormalizeNewLine(expected, newDoc.ToString());
Exemple #9
 public void CreateConfig(DocumentSyntax initialConfig = null)
     File.WriteAllText(ConfigPath, (initialConfig?.ToString() ?? "") + "\n");
Exemple #10
 public void CreateConfig(DocumentSyntax initialConfig = null)
     File.WriteAllText(ConfigPath, (initialConfig?.ToString() ?? "") + "\n");
     Logger.Warn($"Created new config at {ConfigPath}.");