Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem.Error"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='errorType'>
 /// The error type.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='message'>
 /// The description of the error.
 /// </param>
 public Error(ErrorType errorType, string id, string message)
     this.errorType = errorType;
     this.Id        = id;
     this.message   = message;
     this.region    = DocumentRegion.Empty;
 public override void DisableOnce(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
         document.Editor.LocationToOffset(loc.BeginLine, 1),
         document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.Begin) + "// ReSharper disable once " + attr.ResharperDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem.Error"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='errorType'>
 /// The error type.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='message'>
 /// The description of the error.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='region'>
 /// The region of the error.
 /// </param>
 public Error(ErrorType errorType, string id, string message, DocumentRegion region)
     this.errorType = errorType;
     this.Id        = id;
     this.message   = message;
     this.region    = region;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem.Error"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='errorType'>
 /// The error type.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='message'>
 /// The description of the error.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='location'>
 /// The location of the error.
 /// </param>
 public Error(ErrorType errorType, string id, string message, DocumentLocation location)
     this.errorType = errorType;
     this.Id        = id;
     this.message   = message;
     this.region    = new DocumentRegion(location, location);
Exemple #5
        public ISymbol GetLanguageItem(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, int offset, out DocumentRegion expressionRegion)
            expressionRegion = DocumentRegion.Empty;
            var parsedDocument = document.DocumentContext.AnalysisDocument;

            if (parsedDocument == null)
            var model = parsedDocument.GetSemanticModelAsync().WaitAndGetResult();

            if (model == null)
            foreach (var symbol in model.LookupSymbols(offset))
                var firstDeclaration = symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.FirstOrDefault();
                if (firstDeclaration != null)
                    expressionRegion = new DocumentRegion(
Exemple #6
 void IXmlParserContext.LogWarning(string message, DocumentRegion region)
     if (errors != null || ErrorLogged != null)
         InternalLogError(new Error(ErrorType.Warning, message, region));
 static bool IsInsideMember(this DocumentRegion region, IUnresolvedTypeDefinition cl)
     if (region.IsEmpty || cl == null || !cl.BodyRegion.IsInside(region.Begin.Line, region.Begin.Column))
     foreach (var member in cl.Members)
         if (member.BodyRegion.IsEmpty)
         if (member.BodyRegion.IsInside(region.Begin.Line, region.Begin.Column) && member.BodyRegion.IsInside(region.End.Line, region.End.Column))
     foreach (var inner in cl.NestedTypes)
         if (region.IsInsideMember(inner))
        public void Run(XElement element, MSBuildLanguageElement resolvedElement, string filename, ITextSource textDocument, MSBuildDocument document, int offset = 0, int length = 0)
            Filename  = filename;
            Document  = document;
            Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename);

            //HACK: we should really use the ITextSource directly, but since the XML parser positions are
            //currently line/col, we need a TextDocument to convert to offsets
            TextDocument = textDocument as IReadonlyTextDocument
                           ?? TextEditorFactory.CreateNewReadonlyDocument(
                textDocument, filename, MSBuildTextEditorExtension.MSBuildMimeType

            range = new DocumentRegion(
                length > 0
                                        ? TextDocument.OffsetToLocation(length + offset)
                                        : new DocumentLocation(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue));

            if (resolvedElement != null)
                VisitResolvedElement(element, resolvedElement);
            else if (element != null)
                ResolveAndVisit(element, null);
		protected string GetBufferText (DocumentRegion region)
			int start = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn);
			int end = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);
			if (end > start && start >= 0)
				return Editor.GetTextBetween (start, end);
			return null;
		protected void EditorSelect (DocumentRegion region)
			int s = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn);
			int e = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);
			if (s > -1 && e > s) {
				Editor.SetSelection (s, e);
				Editor.ScrollTo (s);
		public void SelectNode (XNode n)
			var region = n.Region;
			var el = n as XElement;
			if (el != null && el.IsClosed && el.ClosingTag.Region.End > region.End) {
				region = new DocumentRegion (region.Begin, el.ClosingTag.Region.End);
			EditorSelect (region);
		public RazorOutlineNode (XElement el)
			Name = el.Name.FullName;
			string id = el.GetId ();
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (id))
				Name = "<" + Name + "#" + id + ">";
				Name = "<" + Name + ">";

			Location = el.Region;
		public static ISymbol GetLanguageItem (this Document document, int offset, out DocumentRegion expressionRegion)
			if (document == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("document");

			var textEditorResolver = TextEditorResolverService.GetProvider (document.Editor.MimeType);
			if (textEditorResolver != null) {
				return textEditorResolver.GetLanguageItem (document, offset, out expressionRegion);
			expressionRegion = DocumentRegion.Empty;
			return null;
        public static ISymbol GetLanguageItem(this Document document, int offset, out DocumentRegion expressionRegion)
            if (document == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("document");

            var textEditorResolver = TextEditorResolverService.GetProvider(document.Editor.MimeType);

            if (textEditorResolver != null)
                return(textEditorResolver.GetLanguageItem(document, offset, out expressionRegion));
            expressionRegion = DocumentRegion.Empty;
        public RazorOutlineNode(XElement el)
            Name = el.Name.FullName;
            string id = el.GetId();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                Name = "<" + Name + "#" + id + ">";
                Name = "<" + Name + ">";

            Location = el.Region;
        private void AddContentPattern_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var cp = (ContentPattern) contentPaternsLst.SelectedValue;

            var region = new DocumentRegion
                                 RegionContent = cp.Id

            region.ContentPattern = cp;

            if (RegionAdded != null)
                RegionAdded(this, new RegionAddedEventArgs(region));

Exemple #17
        new void SelectNode(XNode n)
            var region = n.Region;

            XElement el = n as XElement;

            if (el != null && el.IsClosed && el.ClosingTag.Region.End > region.End)
                region = new DocumentRegion(region.Begin, el.ClosingTag.Region.End);

            int s = Editor.LocationToOffset(region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn);
            int e = Editor.LocationToOffset(region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);

            if (e > s && s > -1)
                Editor.SetSelection(s, e);
		public ISymbol GetLanguageItem (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, int offset, out DocumentRegion expressionRegion)
			expressionRegion = DocumentRegion.Empty;
			var parsedDocument = document.ParsedDocument;
			if (parsedDocument == null)
				return null;
			var model = parsedDocument.GetAst<SemanticModel> ();
			if (model == null)
				return null;
			foreach (var symbol in model.LookupSymbols (offset)) {
				var firstDeclaration = symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.FirstOrDefault ();
				if (firstDeclaration != null) {
					expressionRegion = new DocumentRegion (
						document.Editor.OffsetToLocation (firstDeclaration.Span.Start),
						document.Editor.OffsetToLocation (firstDeclaration.Span.End));
				return symbol;
			return null;
        private void Ok_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

                double d = 0.0;

                var region = new DocumentRegion
                                     Uid = this.txtBoxId.Text,
                                     RegionContent = txtBoxId.Text

                var proxy = new DocumentEditorServiceSoapClient();

                var cp = proxy.CreateContentPattern();

                cp.Id = txtBoxId.Text;
                cp.X = double.Parse(txtBoxPosX.Text);
                cp.Y = double.Parse(txtBoxosY.Text);
                cp.Width = double.Parse(txtBoxWidth.Text);
                cp.Height = double.Parse(txtBoxHeight.Text);


                region.ContentPattern = cp;

                if (RegionCreated != null)
                    RegionCreated(this, new RegionAddedEventArgs(region));
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #20
        internal string GetSdkPath(IRuntimeInformation runtime, string sdk, DocumentRegion loc)
            if (!SdkReference.TryParse(sdk, out SdkReference sdkRef))
                string parseErrorMsg = $"Could not parse SDK '{sdk}'";
                if (IsToplevel)

            //FIXME: filename should be the root project, not this file
            try {
                var sdkPath = runtime.GetSdkPath(sdkRef, Filename, null);
                if (sdk != null)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LoggingService.LogError("Error in SDK resolver", ex);

            string notFoundMsg = $"Did not find SDK '{sdk}'";

            if (IsToplevel)

            void AddError(string msg) => Errors.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, msg, loc));
		public virtual void DisableWithPragma (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			throw new NotSupportedException ();
		public FoldingRegion (DocumentRegion region, FoldType type) : this (null, region, type)
		public FoldingRegion (string name, DocumentRegion region, FoldType type, bool isFoldedByDefault) : this (name, region)
			this.Type = type;
			this.IsFoldedByDefault = isFoldedByDefault;
		public virtual void SuppressWithAttribute (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			throw new NotSupportedException ();
		protected string GetBufferText (DocumentRegion region)
			int start = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn);
			int end = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);
			if (end > start && start >= 0)
				return Editor.GetTextBetween (start, end);
			return null;
		public WebFormsHtmlEncodedExpression (DocumentRegion region) : base (region)
 public RegionAddedEventArgs(DocumentRegion region)
     this.Region = region;
		public WebFormsResourceExpression (DocumentRegion region) : base (region)
Exemple #29
 public FoldingRegion(string name, DocumentRegion region, FoldType type, bool isFoldedByDefault) : this(name, region)
     this.Type = type;
     this.IsFoldedByDefault = isFoldedByDefault;
Exemple #30
 public FoldingRegion(string name, DocumentRegion region)
     this.Name   = name ?? defaultName;
     this.Region = region;
        public override void SuppressWithAttribute(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
            var member = document.ParsedDocument.GetMember(loc.End);

                document.Editor.LocationToOffset(member.Region.BeginLine, 1),
                document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.Begin) + string.Format("[SuppressMessage(\"{0}\", \"{1}\")]" + document.Editor.EolMarker, attr.SuppressMessageCategory, attr.SuppressMessageCheckId)
Exemple #32
 public WebFormsServerComment(DocumentRegion region) : base(region)
 public override void DisableAndRestore(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
     using (document.Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) {
             document.Editor.LocationToOffset(loc.EndLine + 1, 1),
             document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.End) + "// ReSharper restore " + attr.ResharperDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
             document.Editor.LocationToOffset(loc.BeginLine, 1),
             document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.Begin) + "// ReSharper disable " + attr.ResharperDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
Exemple #34
 public static bool ContainsOuter(this DocumentRegion region, DocumentLocation location)
     return(region.Begin <= location && location <= region.End);
 public override void DisableWithPragma(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
     using (document.Editor.OpenUndoGroup()) {
             document.Editor.LocationToOffset(loc.EndLine + 1, 1),
             document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.End) + "#pragma warning restore " + attr.PragmaWarning + document.Editor.EolMarker
             document.Editor.LocationToOffset(loc.BeginLine, 1),
             document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString(loc.Begin) + "#pragma warning disable " + attr.PragmaWarning + document.Editor.EolMarker
		public RazorComment (DocumentRegion region) : base (region)
Exemple #37
 public FoldingRegion(DocumentRegion region) : this(null, region)
Exemple #38
		public void Remove (DocumentRegion region)
			Remove (region.GetSegment (document));
Exemple #39
 public FoldingRegion(string name, DocumentRegion region, FoldType type) : this(name, region)
     this.Type = type;
		public string GetTextAt (DocumentRegion region)
			return GetTextAt (region.GetSegment (this));
Exemple #41
 public FoldingRegion(DocumentRegion region, FoldType type) : this(null, region, type)
		public override void DisableOnce (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			document.Editor.Insert (
				document.Editor.LocationToOffset (loc.BeginLine, 1), 
				document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.Begin) + "// " + analysisDisableTag + "disable once " + attr.AnalysisDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
		public override void DisableWithPragma (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			using (document.Editor.OpenUndoGroup ()) {
				document.Editor.Insert (
					document.Editor.LocationToOffset (loc.EndLine + 1, 1),
					document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.End) + "#pragma warning restore " + attr.PragmaWarning + document.Editor.EolMarker
				document.Editor.Insert (
					document.Editor.LocationToOffset (loc.BeginLine, 1),
					document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.Begin) + "#pragma warning disable " + attr.PragmaWarning + document.Editor.EolMarker
		new void SelectNode (XNode n)
			var region = n.Region;
			XElement el = n as XElement;
			if (el != null && el.IsClosed && el.ClosingTag.Region.End > region.End) {
				region = new DocumentRegion (region.Begin, el.ClosingTag.Region.End);
			int s = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn );
			int e = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);
			if (e > s && s > -1)
				Editor.SetSelection (s, e);
 public XProcessingInstruction(DocumentRegion region) : base(region)
		public WebFormsRenderBlock (DocumentRegion region) : base (region)
Exemple #47
		public string GetTextAt (DocumentRegion region)
			return document.GetTextAt (region);
		protected XNode (DocumentRegion region) : base (region) {}
		public XProcessingInstruction (DocumentRegion region) : base (region) {}
Exemple #50
 void AddError(ErrorType errorType, string message, DocumentRegion region) => Document.Errors.Add(new Error(errorType, message, region));
Exemple #51
 public NavigationAnnotation(string path, DocumentRegion region)
     Path   = path;
     Region = region;
Exemple #52
 void AddError(string message, DocumentRegion region) => AddError(ErrorType.Error, message, region);
		public override void DisableAndRestore (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			using (document.Editor.OpenUndoGroup ()) {
				document.Editor.Insert (
					document.Editor.LocationToOffset (loc.EndLine + 1, 1),
					document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.End) + "// " + analysisDisableTag + "restore " + attr.AnalysisDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
				document.Editor.Insert (
					document.Editor.LocationToOffset (loc.BeginLine, 1),
					document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.Begin) + "// " + analysisDisableTag + "disable " + attr.AnalysisDisableKeyword + document.Editor.EolMarker
Exemple #54
 void AddWarning(string message, DocumentRegion region) => AddError(ErrorType.Warning, message, region);
		public override void SuppressWithAttribute (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document document, DocumentRegion loc)
			var member = document.ParsedDocument.GetMember (loc.End);
			document.Editor.Insert (
				document.Editor.LocationToOffset (member.Region.BeginLine, 1),
				document.Editor.IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (loc.Begin) + string.Format ("[SuppressMessage(\"{0}\", \"{1}\")]" + document.Editor.EolMarker, attr.SuppressMessageCategory, attr.SuppressMessageCheckId)
		public FoldingRegion (DocumentRegion region) : this (null, region)
		public void SelectNode (XNode n)
			var region = n.Region;
			var el = n as XElement;
			if (el != null && el.IsClosed && el.ClosingTag.Region.End > region.End) {
				region = new DocumentRegion (region.Begin, el.ClosingTag.Region.End);
			EditorSelect (region);
		public FoldingRegion (string name, DocumentRegion region)
			this.Name = name ?? defaultName;
			this.Region = region;
		protected void EditorSelect (DocumentRegion region)
			int s = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.BeginLine, region.BeginColumn);
			int e = Editor.LocationToOffset (region.EndLine, region.EndColumn);
			if (s > -1 && e > s) {
				Editor.SetSelection (s, e);
				Editor.ScrollTo (s);
		public FoldingRegion (string name, DocumentRegion region, FoldType type) : this (name, region)
			this.Type = type;