public void TestNestedSelectMany()
            DocumentClient             client   = TestCommon.CreateClient(true);
            IOrderedQueryable <Family> families = new DocumentQuery <Family>(client, ResourceType.Document, typeof(Document), null, null);

            IQueryable query = families.SelectMany(family => family.Children
                                                   .SelectMany(child => child.Pets
                                                               .Where(pet => pet.GivenName == "Fluffy")
                                                               .Select(pet => pet

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE pet FROM root JOIN child IN root[\"Children\"] JOIN pet IN child[\"Pets\"] WHERE (pet[\"GivenName\"] = \"Fluffy\") ");

            query = families.SelectMany(family => family.Children
                                        .SelectMany(child => child.Pets
                                                    .Where(pet => pet.GivenName == "Fluffy")
                                                    .Select(pet => new
                family = family.FamilyId,
                child  = child.GivenName,
                pet    = pet.GivenName

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(query.ToString(), "SELECT VALUE {\"family\": root[\"id\"], \"child\": child[\"GivenName\"], \"pet\": pet[\"GivenName\"]} FROM root JOIN child IN root[\"Children\"] JOIN pet IN child[\"Pets\"] WHERE (pet[\"GivenName\"] = \"Fluffy\") ");
        public void ValidateDynamicDocumentQuery() //Ensure query on custom property of document.
            DocumentClient client = TestCommon.CreateClient(true);

            Book myDocument = new Book();

            myDocument.Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            myDocument.Title     = "My Book"; //Simple Property.
            myDocument.Languages = new Language[] { new Language {
                                                        Name = "English", Copyright = "London Publication"
                                                    }, new Language {
                                                        Name = "French", Copyright = "Paris Publication"
                                                    } };                                                                                                                                      //Array Property
            myDocument.Author = new Author {
                Name = "Don", Location = "France"
            };                                                                    //Complex Property
            myDocument.Price    = 9.99;
            myDocument.Editions = new List <Edition>()
                new Edition()
                    Name = "First", Year = 2001
                }, new Edition()
                    Name = "Second", Year = 2005

            //Create second document to make sure we have atleast one document which are filtered out of query.
            Book secondDocument = new Book
                Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Title     = "My Second Book",
                Languages = new Language[] { new Language {
                                                 Name = "Spanish", Copyright = "Mexico Publication"
                                             } },
                Author = new Author {
                    Name = "Carlos", Location = "Cancun"
                Price    = 25,
                Editions = new List <Edition>()
                    new Edition()
                        Name = "First", Year = 1970

            //Unfiltered execution.
            DocumentQuery <Book> bookDocQuery = new DocumentQuery <Book>(client, ResourceType.Document, typeof(Document), null, null);

            //Simple Equality on custom property.
            IQueryable <dynamic> docQuery = from book in bookDocQuery
                                            where book.Title == "My Book"
                                            select book;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT * FROM root WHERE (root[\"title\"] = \"My Book\") ");

            //Nested Property access
            docQuery = from book in bookDocQuery
                       where book.Author.Name == "Don"
                       select book;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT * FROM root WHERE (root[\"Author\"][\"id\"] = \"Don\") ");

            //Array references & Project Author out..
            docQuery = from book in bookDocQuery
                       where book.Languages[0].Name == "English"
                       select book.Author;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE root[\"Author\"] FROM root WHERE (root[\"Languages\"][0][\"Name\"] = \"English\") ");

            docQuery = bookDocQuery.SelectMany(
                book => book.Languages).Where(lang => lang.Name == "French").Select(lang => lang.Copyright);
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE tmp[\"Copyright\"] FROM root JOIN tmp IN root[\"Languages\"] WHERE (tmp[\"Name\"] = \"French\") ");

            //NumericRange query
            docQuery = from book in bookDocQuery
                       where book.Price < 10
                       select book.Author;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE root[\"Author\"] FROM root WHERE (root[\"Price\"] < 10.0) ");

            //Or query
            docQuery = from book in bookDocQuery
                       where book.Title == "My Book" || book.Author.Name == "Don"
                       select book;

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT * FROM root WHERE ((root[\"title\"] = \"My Book\") OR (root[\"Author\"][\"id\"] = \"Don\")) ");

            //SelectMany query on a List type.
            docQuery = bookDocQuery
                       .SelectMany(book => book.Editions)
                       .Select(ed => ed.Name);

            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE tmp[\"Name\"] FROM root JOIN tmp IN root[\"Editions\"] ");

            // Below samples are strictly speaking not Any equivalent. But they join and filter "all"
            // subchildren which match predicate. When SQL BE supports ANY, we can replace these with Any Flavor.
            docQuery = bookDocQuery
                       .SelectMany(book =>
                                   .Where(lng => lng.Name == "English")
                                   .Select(lng => book.Author));
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE root[\"Author\"] FROM root JOIN lng IN root[\"Languages\"] WHERE (lng[\"Name\"] = \"English\") ");

            //Any query on a List type.
            docQuery = bookDocQuery
                       .SelectMany(book =>
                                   .Where(edition => edition.Year == 2001)
                                   .Select(lng => book.Author));
            this.VerifyQueryTranslation(docQuery, "SELECT VALUE root[\"Author\"] FROM root JOIN edition IN root[\"Editions\"] WHERE (edition[\"Year\"] = 2001) ");