Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads the Document and file in byte[] to the package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The package id.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the document.</param>
        /// <param name="fileBytes">The file to upload in bytes.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The document object that has field settings.</param>
        internal Document UploadDocument(DocumentPackage package, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes, Document document)
            string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH)
                          .Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id)

            Silanis.ESL.API.Package  internalPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage();
            Silanis.ESL.API.Document internalDoc     = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(internalPackage);

                string json         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(internalDoc, settings);
                byte[] payloadBytes = Converter.ToBytes(json);

                string boundary = GenerateBoundary();
                byte[] content  = CreateMultipartContent(fileName, fileBytes, payloadBytes, boundary);

                string response = restClient.PostMultipartFile(path, content, boundary, json);

                Silanis.ESL.API.Document uploadedDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Silanis.ESL.API.Document>(response);
                return(new DocumentConverter(uploadedDoc, internalPackage).ToSDKDocument());
            catch (EslServerException e)
                throw new EslServerException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the document's data, but not the actually document binary..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The DocumentPackage to update.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The Document to update.</param>
        public void UpdateDocumentMetadata(DocumentPackage package, Document document)
            string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_ID_PATH)
                          .Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id)
                          .Replace("{documentId}", document.Id)

            Silanis.ESL.API.Package  apiPackage  = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage();
            Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDocument = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(apiPackage);

            foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDoc in apiPackage.Documents)
                if (apiDoc.Id.Equals(document.Id))
                    apiDocument = apiDoc;
            if (apiDocument == null)
                throw new EslException("Document is not part of the package.", null);

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings);
                restClient.Post(path, json);
            catch (EslServerException e)
                throw new EslServerException("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new EslException("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);

            IContractResolver prevContractResolver = settings.ContractResolver;

            settings.ContractResolver = DocumentMetadataContractResolver.Instance;

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings);
                restClient.Post(path, json);
            catch (EslServerException e)
                throw new EslServerException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);
                settings.ContractResolver = prevContractResolver;
        public void ConvertAPIToAPI()
            apiPackage1 = CreateTypicalAPIPackage();
            converter   = new DocumentPackageConverter(apiPackage1);
            apiPackage2 = converter.ToAPIPackage();

            Assert.AreEqual(apiPackage2, apiPackage1);
		public void Update(DocumentPackage template)
			if (template.Id == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("template.Id");

			Silanis.ESL.API.Package apiTemplate = new DocumentPackageConverter(template).ToAPIPackage();
			apiTemplate.Type = BasePackageType.TEMPLATE;
Exemple #5
        public void Update(DocumentPackage template)
            if (template.Id == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("template.Id");

            Silanis.ESL.API.Package apiTemplate = new DocumentPackageConverter(template).ToAPIPackage();
            apiTemplate.Type = "TEMPLATE";
Exemple #6
        private Page <DocumentPackage> ConvertToPage(Silanis.ESL.API.Result <Silanis.ESL.API.Package> results, PageRequest request)
            IList <DocumentPackage> converted = new List <DocumentPackage> ();

            foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Package package in results.Results)
                DocumentPackage dp = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToSDKPackage();


            return(new Page <DocumentPackage> (converted, results.Count.Value, request));
 public void ConvertNullAPIToAPI()
     apiPackage1 = null;
     converter   = new DocumentPackageConverter(apiPackage1);
 public void ConvertNullSDKToAPI()
     sdkPackage1 = null;
     converter   = new DocumentPackageConverter(sdkPackage1);
		private Page<DocumentPackage> ConvertToPage (Silanis.ESL.API.Result<Silanis.ESL.API.Package> results, PageRequest request)
			IList<DocumentPackage> converted = new List<DocumentPackage> ();

			foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Package package in results.Results)
                DocumentPackage dp = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToSDKPackage();

				converted.Add (dp);

			return new Page<DocumentPackage> (converted, results.Count.Value, request);
		/// <summary>
		/// Uploads the Document and file in byte[] to the package.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="packageId">The package id.</param>
		/// <param name="fileName">The name of the document.</param>
		/// <param name="fileBytes">The file to upload in bytes.</param>
		/// <param name="document">The document object that has field settings.</param>
		internal Document UploadDocument (DocumentPackage package, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes, Document document)
			string path = template.UrlFor (UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH)
				.Replace ("{packageId}", package.Id.Id)
					.Build ();

			Silanis.ESL.API.Package internalPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage();
			Silanis.ESL.API.Document internalDoc = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(internalPackage);

				string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (internalDoc, settings);
				byte[] payloadBytes = Converter.ToBytes (json);

				string boundary = GenerateBoundary ();
				byte[] content = CreateMultipartContent (fileName, fileBytes, payloadBytes, boundary);

				string response = restClient.PostMultipartFile(path, content, boundary, json);

				Silanis.ESL.API.Document uploadedDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Silanis.ESL.API.Document>(response);
				return new DocumentConverter(uploadedDoc, internalPackage).ToSDKDocument();
            catch (EslServerException e) 
                throw new EslServerException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e) 
				throw new EslException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the document's data, but not the actually document binary..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The DocumentPackage to update.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The Document to update.</param>
		public void UpdateDocumentMetadata(DocumentPackage package, Document document)
            string path = template.UrlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_ID_PATH)
				.Replace("{packageId}", package.Id.Id)
				.Replace("{documentId}", document.Id)

            Silanis.ESL.API.Package apiPackage = new DocumentPackageConverter(package).ToAPIPackage();
            Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDocument = new DocumentConverter(document).ToAPIDocument(apiPackage);

            foreach (Silanis.ESL.API.Document apiDoc in apiPackage.Documents)
                if (apiDoc.Id.Equals(document.Id))
                    apiDocument = apiDoc;
            if (apiDocument == null)
                throw new EslException("Document is not part of the package.", null);
				string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (apiDocument, settings);
				restClient.Post(path, json);
            catch (EslServerException e) 
                throw new EslServerException ("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e) 
                throw new EslException ("Could not update the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);

            IContractResolver prevContractResolver = settings.ContractResolver;
            settings.ContractResolver = DocumentMetadataContractResolver.Instance;            
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiDocument, settings);
                restClient.Post(path, json);
            catch (EslServerException e) 
                throw new EslServerException ("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e.ServerError, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package." + " Exception: " + e.Message, e);
                settings.ContractResolver = prevContractResolver;