void ClearControls() { #region 清空货架 清空table DataRow[] rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("status = 'occupied'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; if (id != null && id.Length > 0) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(null); df.setBorderWidth(0); df.indexBase = "z" + df.columnNumber.ToString("0000");//重置为基础的排序依据 } } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; rows[i]["epc"] = ""; rows[i]["type"] = ""; rows[i]["status"] = "empty"; } } #endregion #region 初始化饼图 m_panelDrawing.Values = new decimal[] { 0, 0 }; // m_panelDrawing.Values = new decimal[] { 0 }; m_panelDrawing.Colors = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Gray), Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.GreenYellow) }; //m_panelDrawing.SliceRelativeDisplacements = new float[] { 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.2F, 0.2F }; m_panelDrawing.Texts = new string[] { " ", " " }; // m_panelDrawing.Texts = new string[] { "未知", "A", "B", "C", "D" }; m_panelDrawing.ToolTips = new string[] { "", "" }; #endregion }
public void NewTagMessage() { deleControlInvoke dele = delegate(object o) { List <EpcProduct> tagList = current_helper.GetCurrentProductList(); if (tagList.Count > 0) { foreach (EpcProduct ep in tagList) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("epc => {0} antena => {1}", ep.tagInfo.epc, ep.tagInfo.antennaID)); } #region 检查标签是否应该放在放在的正确的货架 //int count4InWrongCarbinet = 0; //foreach (EpcProduct t in tagList) //{ // string tEpc = t.epc; // if (tEpc.Substring(16, 2) != carbinet_epc_flag) // { // count4InWrongCarbinet++; // } //} //if (count4InWrongCarbinet > 0) //{ // this.lblStatus.Text = "有不属于本货架的产品放置在本货架中,请检查!"; //} //else //{ // this.lblStatus.Text = string.Empty; //} #endregion } else { Debug.WriteLine("no products now!!!"); } #region 首先把不再存在的标签从列表中删除 // DataRow[] allRows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select(); for (int j = 0; j < allRows.Length; j++) { DataRow dr = allRows[j]; string epc = (string)dr["epc"]; int floor = int.Parse(dr["floor"].ToString()); if (epc != null && epc.Length > 0) { bool bFinded = false; foreach (EpcProduct ti in tagList) { if ((ti.tagInfo.epc == epc) && (this.getFloorByAntennaID(ti.tagInfo.antennaID) == floor))//这里的不存在应该和位置相关 { bFinded = true; break; } } if (bFinded == false)//如果列表中不再存在这个标签,就把之前标签占据的位置的状态设为delete { dr["action"] = "delete"; MemoryTable.staticsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { epc, "下架", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }); } } } #endregion #region 添加新出现的标签到显示列表中 // for (int i = 0; i < tagList.Count; i++) { EpcProduct ti = tagList[i]; string epc = ti.tagInfo.epc; //if (epc.Substring(16, 2) != carbinet_epc_flag) //{ // continue; //} int anticipatedFloor = 0; try { string strFloor = this.getAnticipatedFloorByEpc(epc);// 18,2 anticipatedFloor = int.Parse(strFloor); } catch { } if (anticipatedFloor == 0) { continue; } int tagFloor = this.getFloorByAntennaID(ti.tagInfo.antennaID); bool bOnWrongFloor = false; //是否放置在错误的货架层上 DataRow[] drs = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("epc='" + epc + "' and floor=" + tagFloor.ToString()); if (drs.Length <= 0) //说明这个标签还不存在 { //Debug.WriteLine("antinna To floor -> antenna = " + ti.antennaID); int antenna = int.Parse(ti.tagInfo.antennaID);//todo 暂时把设备的天线和货架的层数挂钩 int floor = -1; switch (antenna) { case 1: floor = 1; break; case 2: floor = 2; break; case 4: floor = 3; break; case 8: floor = 4; break; } if (floor != anticipatedFloor) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("antinna To floor -> floor = {0} anticipatedFloor = {1}", floor.ToString(), anticipatedFloor.ToString())); bOnWrongFloor = true;//设计放产品的层和实际的层不一致 } if (floor != -1) { DataRow[] emptyRows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("status = 'empty' and floor=" + floor.ToString()); if (emptyRows.Length > 0) { Debug.WriteLine( string.Format("Form1._timer_Tick -> equipID = {0}" , emptyRows[0]["id"])); emptyRows[0]["epc"] = epc; emptyRows[0]["status"] = "occupied"; if (bOnWrongFloor == true) { emptyRows[0]["action"] = "addOnWrongFloor"; } else { emptyRows[0]["action"] = "add"; } if (epc != null && epc.Length >= 23) { string type = epc.Substring(20, 2); emptyRows[0]["type"] = type; } } } MemoryTable.staticsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { epc, "上架", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }); } } #endregion #region 其它逻辑处理 // // 1 搜索某类商品 string productName = this.cmbProductName.Text; // string productName = this.txtProductName.Text; if (productName != null && productName.Length > 0 && productName != "无") { DataRow[] rowsProduct = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select("productName <>'" + productName + "'"); for (int j = 0; j < rowsProduct.Length; j++) { DataRow dr = rowsProduct[j]; string type = (string)dr["type"]; DataRow[] rowsFilter = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("type = '" + type + "'"); for (int k = 0; k < rowsFilter.Length; k++) { DataRow drFilter = rowsFilter[k]; //drFilter["status"] = "empty"; drFilter["action"] = "delete"; } } } #endregion #region 处理显示 // //需要删除的 DataRow[] rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'delete'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { List <epcInfo> epcList = new List <epcInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string type = (string)rows[i]["type"]; epcInfo epcinfo = new epcInfo(epc, type); epcList.Add(epcinfo); if (id != null && id.Length > 0) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(null); df.setBorderWidth(0); df.indexBase = "z" + df.columnNumber.ToString("0000");//重置为基础的排序依据 } } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; rows[i]["epc"] = ""; rows[i]["type"] = ""; rows[i]["status"] = "empty"; } //TODO 处于防盗模式下需要语音提醒,处于讲解模式下需要对产品进行讲解 if (staticClass.mode == MonitorMode.防盗模式) { this.SpeakAboutSomething(epcList); } //else // if (staticClass.mode == MonitorMode.讲解模式) // { // for (int i = 0; i < epcList.Count; i++) // { // epcInfo ei = epcList[i]; // MemoryTable.staticsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { ei.epc, "下架", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }); // } // } } // 需要增加的 rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'add' OR action = 'addOnWrongFloor'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string action = (string)rows[i]["action"]; bool bOnWrongFloor = false; if (action == "addOnWrongFloor") { bOnWrongFloor = true; } Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; // 不同种类的物品设置成不同的大小 string type = MemoryTable.getProductTypeID(epc); DataRow[] drsType = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select("type='" + type + "'"); if (drsType.Length > 0) { int width = int.Parse(drsType[0]["width"].ToString()); int height = int.Parse(drsType[0]["height"].ToString()); string path = (string)drsType[0]["picname"]; path = PublicConfig.staticClass.PicturePath + path; Image newImage = null; try { newImage = Image.FromFile(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine( string.Format("Form1._timer_Tick -> loadImage error = {0}" , ex.Message)); } DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(newImage); if (bOnWrongFloor == true) { df.setBorderWidth(5); } //df.setBorderWidth(0);//边框重置为0 df.indexBase = type; } //_carbinet.setDocBGImage(id, newImage); _carbinet.setDocSize(id, width, height); //drsType[0]["count"] = ((int)drsType[0]["count"]) + 1; } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; } } #endregion #region 设置饼图 // DataRow[] typeRows = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select(); decimal[] decimals = new decimal[typeRows.Length]; string[] strs = new string[typeRows.Length]; Color[] colors = new Color[typeRows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeRows.Length; i++) { DataRow[] RowsTemp = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("type = '" + (string)typeRows[i]["type"] + "'"); decimals[i] = RowsTemp.Length; typeRows[i]["count"] = RowsTemp.Length; // decimals[i] = (int)typeRows[i]["count"]; strs[i] = RowsTemp.Length.ToString(); // strs[i] = typeRows[i]["count"].ToString(); //strs[i] = typeRows[i]["productName"] + ":" + typeRows[i]["count"].ToString(); colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(alpha, int.Parse(typeRows[i]["red"].ToString()), int.Parse(typeRows[i]["green"].ToString()), int.Parse(typeRows[i]["blue"].ToString())); } m_panelDrawing.Values = decimals; m_panelDrawing.Texts = strs; m_panelDrawing.Colors = colors; #endregion }; this.Invoke(dele, new object()); }
void _timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.udp_server.Manualstate.WaitOne(); this.udp_server.Manualstate.Reset(); string str = this.udp_server.sbuilder.ToString(); this.udp_server.sbuilder.Remove(0, str.Length); this.udp_server.Manualstate.Set(); helper.ParseDataToTag(str); if (str != null && str.Length >= 0) { //this.txtLog.Text = str + "\r\n" + this.txtLog.Text; //Debug.WriteLine( // string.Format(". _timer_Tick -> string = {0}" // , str)); } //处理列表 List <TagInfo> tagList = helper.getTagList();//先拿到读取到的标签 #region 检查标签是否应该放在放在的正确的货架 int count4InWrongCarbinet = 0; foreach (TagInfo t in tagList) { string tEpc = t.epc; if (tEpc.Substring(16, 2) != "01") { count4InWrongCarbinet++; } } if (count4InWrongCarbinet > 0) { this.lblStatus.Text = "有不属于本货架的产品放置在本货架中,请检查!"; } else { this.lblStatus.Text = string.Empty; } #endregion #region 首先把不再存在的标签从列表中删除 // DataRow[] allRows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select(); for (int j = 0; j < allRows.Length; j++) { DataRow dr = allRows[j]; string epc = (string)dr["epc"]; int floor = int.Parse(dr["floor"].ToString()); if (epc != null && epc.Length > 0) { //int tagFloor = -1; //tagFloor=this.getFloorByAntennaID() bool bFinded = false; foreach (TagInfo ti in tagList) { if ((ti.epc == epc) && (this.getFloorByAntennaID(ti.antennaID) == floor))//这里的不存在应该和位置相关 //if (ti.epc == epc) { bFinded = true; break; } } if (bFinded == false)//如果列表中不再存在这个标签,就把之前标签占据的位置的状态设为delete { //dr["epc"] = ""; //dr["status"] = "empty"; dr["action"] = "delete"; } } } #endregion #region 添加新出现的标签到显示列表中 // for (int i = 0; i < tagList.Count; i++) { TagInfo ti = tagList[i]; string epc = ti.epc; if (epc.Substring(16, 2) != "01") { continue; } int anticipatedFloor = 0; try { string strFloor = this.getAnticipatedFloorByEpc(epc);// 18,2 anticipatedFloor = int.Parse(strFloor); } catch (System.Exception ex) { } if (anticipatedFloor == 0) { continue; } int tagFloor = this.getFloorByAntennaID(ti.antennaID); bool bOnWrongFloor = false; //是否放置在错误的货架层上 DataRow[] drs = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("epc='" + epc + "' and floor=" + tagFloor.ToString()); if (drs.Length <= 0) //说明这个标签还不存在 { Debug.WriteLine("antinna To floor -> antenna = " + ti.antennaID); int antenna = int.Parse(ti.antennaID);//todo 暂时把设备的天线和货架的层数挂钩 int floor = -1; switch (antenna) { case 1: floor = 1; break; case 2: floor = 2; break; case 4: floor = 3; break; case 8: floor = 4; break; } if (floor != anticipatedFloor) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("antinna To floor -> floor = {0} anticipatedFloor = {1}", floor.ToString(), anticipatedFloor.ToString())); bOnWrongFloor = true;//设计放产品的层和实际的层不一致 } if (floor != -1) { DataRow[] emptyRows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("status = 'empty' and floor=" + floor.ToString()); if (emptyRows.Length > 0) { Debug.WriteLine( string.Format("Form1._timer_Tick -> equipID = {0}" , emptyRows[0]["id"])); emptyRows[0]["epc"] = epc; emptyRows[0]["status"] = "occupied"; if (bOnWrongFloor == true) { emptyRows[0]["action"] = "addOnWrongFloor"; } else { emptyRows[0]["action"] = "add"; } if (epc != null && epc.Length >= 23) { string type = epc.Substring(20, 2); emptyRows[0]["type"] = type; } } } } } #endregion #region 其它逻辑处理 // // 1 搜索某类商品 string productName = this.cmbProductName.Text; // string productName = this.txtProductName.Text; if (productName != null && productName.Length > 0 && productName != "无") { DataRow[] rowsProduct = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select("productName <>'" + productName + "'"); for (int j = 0; j < rowsProduct.Length; j++) { DataRow dr = rowsProduct[j]; string type = (string)dr["type"]; DataRow[] rowsFilter = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("type = '" + type + "'"); for (int k = 0; k < rowsFilter.Length; k++) { DataRow drFilter = rowsFilter[k]; //drFilter["status"] = "empty"; drFilter["action"] = "delete"; } } } #endregion #region 处理显示 // //需要删除的 DataRow[] rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'delete'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { List <epcInfo> epcList = new List <epcInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string type = (string)rows[i]["type"]; epcInfo epcinfo = new epcInfo(epc, type); epcList.Add(epcinfo); if (id != null && id.Length > 0) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(null); df.setBorderWidth(0); df.indexBase = "z" + df.columnNumber.ToString("0000");//重置为基础的排序依据 } } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; rows[i]["epc"] = ""; rows[i]["type"] = ""; rows[i]["status"] = "empty"; } //TODO 处于防盗模式下需要语音提醒,处于讲解模式下需要对产品进行讲解 //if (staticClass.mode == MonitorMode.防盗模式) //{ // this.SpeakAboutSomething(epcList); //} } // 需要增加的 rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'add' OR action = 'addOnWrongFloor'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string action = (string)rows[i]["action"]; bool bOnWrongFloor = false; if (action == "addOnWrongFloor") { bOnWrongFloor = true; } Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; // 不同种类的物品设置成不同的大小 string type = MemoryTable.getProductTypeID(epc); DataRow[] drsType = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select("type='" + type + "'"); if (drsType.Length > 0) { int width = int.Parse(drsType[0]["width"].ToString()); int height = int.Parse(drsType[0]["height"].ToString()); string path = (string)drsType[0]["picname"]; path = PublicConfig.staticClass.PicturePath + path; Image newImage = null; try { newImage = Image.FromFile(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine( string.Format("Form1._timer_Tick -> loadImage error = {0}" , ex.Message)); } DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(newImage); if (bOnWrongFloor == true) { df.setBorderWidth(5); } //df.setBorderWidth(0);//边框重置为0 df.indexBase = type; } //_carbinet.setDocBGImage(id, newImage); _carbinet.setDocSize(id, width, height); //drsType[0]["count"] = ((int)drsType[0]["count"]) + 1; } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; } } #endregion }
//string strClickedType = string.Empty; void _timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.update_cabinet_data(this.udp_server1, this.helper1, 0); this.update_cabinet_data(this.udp_server2, this.helper2, 1); #region 处理显示 // //需要删除的 DataRow[] rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'delete'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { List <epcInfo> epcList = new List <epcInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string type = (string)rows[i]["type"]; epcInfo epcinfo = new epcInfo(epc, type); epcList.Add(epcinfo); if (id != null && id.Length > 0) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(null); df.setBorderWidth(0); df.indexBase = "z" + df.columnNumber.ToString("0000");//重置为基础的排序依据 } } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; rows[i]["epc"] = ""; rows[i]["type"] = ""; rows[i]["status"] = "empty"; } //TODO 处于防盗模式下需要语音提醒,处于讲解模式下需要对产品进行讲解 //if (staticClass.mode == MonitorMode.防盗模式) //{ // this.SpeakAboutSomething(epcList); //} } // 需要增加的 rows = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("action = 'add' OR action = 'addOnWrongFloor'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { int groupIndex = int.Parse(rows[i]["group"].ToString()); string id = (string)rows[i]["id"]; string epc = (string)rows[i]["epc"]; string action = (string)rows[i]["action"]; bool bOnWrongFloor = false; if (action == "addOnWrongFloor") { bOnWrongFloor = true; } Carbinet _carbinet = this.groups[groupIndex]; // 不同种类的物品设置成不同的大小 string type = MemoryTable.getProductTypeID(epc); DataRow[] drsType = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select("type='" + type + "'"); if (drsType.Length > 0) { int width = int.Parse(drsType[0]["width"].ToString()); int height = int.Parse(drsType[0]["height"].ToString()); string path = (string)drsType[0]["picname"]; path = PublicConfig.staticClass.PicturePath + path; Image newImage = null; try { newImage = Image.FromFile(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine( string.Format("Form1._timer_Tick -> loadImage error = {0}" , ex.Message)); } DocumentFile df = _carbinet.getDoc(id); if (df != null) { df.setBackgroundImage(newImage); if (bOnWrongFloor == true) { df.setBorderWidth(5); } //df.setBorderWidth(0);//边框重置为0 df.indexBase = type; } //_carbinet.setDocBGImage(id, newImage); _carbinet.setDocSize(id, width, height); //drsType[0]["count"] = ((int)drsType[0]["count"]) + 1; } rows[i]["action"] = "normal"; } } #endregion #region 设置饼图 // DataRow[] typeRows = MemoryTable.typeMapTable.Select(); decimal[] decimals = new decimal[typeRows.Length]; string[] strs = new string[typeRows.Length]; Color[] colors = new Color[typeRows.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeRows.Length; i++) { DataRow[] RowsTemp = MemoryTable.unitTable.Select("type = '" + (string)typeRows[i]["type"] + "'"); decimals[i] = RowsTemp.Length; typeRows[i]["count"] = RowsTemp.Length; // decimals[i] = (int)typeRows[i]["count"]; strs[i] = RowsTemp.Length.ToString(); // strs[i] = typeRows[i]["count"].ToString(); //strs[i] = typeRows[i]["productName"] + ":" + typeRows[i]["count"].ToString(); colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(alpha, int.Parse(typeRows[i]["red"].ToString()), int.Parse(typeRows[i]["green"].ToString()), int.Parse(typeRows[i]["blue"].ToString())); } m_panelDrawing.Values = decimals; m_panelDrawing.Texts = strs; m_panelDrawing.Colors = colors; #endregion }