Exemple #1
 internal void RunApplication(DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner runner)
     EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_DocObjHostRunApplicationStart);
     PresentationAppDomainManager.SaveAppDomain = true;
     if (runner())
         Invariant.Assert(PresentationAppDomainManager.NewAppDomain != null, "Failed to start the application in a new AppDomain");
         Invariant.Assert(ApplicationProxyInternal.Current != null, "Unexpected reentrant PostShutdown?");
         PresentationAppDomainManager presentationAppDomainManager = PresentationAppDomainManager.NewAppDomain.DomainManager as PresentationAppDomainManager;
         Invariant.Assert(ApplicationProxyInternal.Current == this._appProxyInternal, "AppProxyInternal has shut down unexpectedly.");
         this._appProxyInternal = presentationAppDomainManager.CreateApplicationProxyInternal();
         PresentationAppDomainManager.SaveAppDomain = false;
         ApplicationProxyInternal.InitData value = this._initData.Value;
         value.HandleHistoryLoad = true;
         this._initData.Value = null;
         PresentationAppDomainManager.SaveAppDomain = false;
     EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_DocObjHostRunApplicationEnd);
Exemple #2
        private object DoDownloadApplicationCompleted(object e)
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_DownloadApplicationEnd);
            DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs args = (DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs)e;
            // Shutdown may have started and IBrowserCallbackServices may have become unavailable.
            // In particular, making calls to the browser, just like above, could cause a pending shutdown 
            // call to be dispatched.
            if (IsShuttingDown)
                return null;
            if (args.Error != null)
                // Synchronizing with AssertApplicationRequirementsAsync(). (If no error here, AAR must have 
                // succeeded too.) IPHM could throw exceptions on both threads, in any order. We should
                // handle only one, and we prefer the one from AAR as it tends to be more meaningful, except 
                // in the case when it's InvalidOperationException due to an error already encountered during
                // application download and IPHM getting set to a dead state internally.
                if (!_assertAppRequirementsFailed) 
                    HandleError(args.Error, args.LogFilePath, _getManifestCompletedEventArgs.SupportUri, null); 
                return null;

            // Race condition: UserStop() can be called after InPlaceHostingManager has completed
            // the downloading but before our callback is called.
            bool canceled = _canceled || args.Cancelled; 
            if (canceled)
                return null;

            // This is the last progress message set. It is cleared by
            // IBrowserCallbackServices.OnBeforeShowNavigationWindow() (in CColeDocument). 

            // Go through the Dispatcher at a lower priority to allow the above status message to render. 
            // There can be a signficant delay between the end of downloading and the rendering of the first 
            // application page, especially on cold start.
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback( 
                delegate(object unused)
                    if (!IsCanceledOrShuttingDown)
                        _applicationRunner = new DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner(ExecuteDownloadedApplication);
                        _runApplication = true; 
                        // The Application.Exit event handler will continue...
                    return null;
                }), null);

            return null; 
Exemple #3
        private object DoDirectActivation(object unused)
            if (IsCanceledOrShuttingDown)
                return null; 

                // Verify that this app is actually cached. This is because the call to
                // CreatePartialActivationContext can succeed when we don't want it to; 
                // it appears to be insensitive to some parts of the ApplicationIdentity,
                // or it tries to make things work when they really should fail. Looking
                // at the UserApplicationTrusts does a better comparison.
                if (ApplicationSecurityManager.UserApplicationTrusts[_identity.ToString()] != null) 
                    _context = System.ActivationContext.CreatePartialActivationContext(_identity); 
                    _applicationRunner = new DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner(ExecuteDirectApplication); 
                    _runApplication = true;
            catch(Exception exception) 
                // Delete the cached trust decision to force going down the full ClickOnce path next time 

                // Fatal error like NullReferenceException and SEHException should not be ignored.
                if (exception is NullReferenceException || exception is SEHException) 
            return null;