protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object

            DoReauthorizationRequestType request =
                new DoReauthorizationRequestType();

            // (Required) Value of a previously authorized transaction identification number returned by PayPal.
            request.AuthorizationID = authorizationId.Value;

            // (Required) Amount to reauthorize.
            CurrencyCodeType currency = (CurrencyCodeType)
                                        Enum.Parse(typeof(CurrencyCodeType), currencyCode.SelectedValue);

            request.Amount = new BasicAmountType(currency, amount.Value);

            // Invoke the API
            DoReauthorizationReq wrapper = new DoReauthorizationReq();

            wrapper.DoReauthorizationRequest = request;

            // Configuration map containing signature credentials and other required configuration.
            // For a full list of configuration parameters refer in wiki page
            // []
            Dictionary <string, string> configurationMap = Configuration.GetAcctAndConfig();

            // Create the PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service object to make the API call
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(configurationMap);

            // # API call
            // Invoke the DoReauthorization method in service wrapper object
            DoReauthorizationResponseType doReauthorizationResponse =

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, doReauthorizationResponse);
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object

            DoReauthorizationRequestType request =
                new DoReauthorizationRequestType();

            request.AuthorizationID = authorizationId.Value;
            CurrencyCodeType currency = (CurrencyCodeType)
                                        Enum.Parse(typeof(CurrencyCodeType), currencyCode.SelectedValue);

            request.Amount = new BasicAmountType(currency, amount.Value);

            // Invoke the API
            DoReauthorizationReq wrapper = new DoReauthorizationReq();

            wrapper.DoReauthorizationRequest = request;
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
            DoReauthorizationResponseType    doReauthorizationResponse =

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, doReauthorizationResponse);
Exemple #3
        public String ReAuthorizeOrder(int OrderNumber)
            // Once the PayPal honor period (3 days) is over, PayPal no longer ensures that 100%
            // of the funds will be available. A ReAuthorize will start a new settle period.

            String result = String.Empty;

            String  PNREF      = String.Empty;
            String  TransID    = String.Empty;
            Decimal OrderTotal = 0;

            using (var con = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))
                using (var rs = DB.GetRS("select * from orders   with (NOLOCK)  where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString(), con))
                    if (rs.Read())
                        PNREF      = DB.RSField(rs, "AuthorizationPNREF");
                        TransID    = Regex.Match(PNREF, "(?<=AUTH=)[0-9A-Z]+", RegexOptions.Compiled).ToString();
                        OrderTotal = DB.RSFieldDecimal(rs, "OrderTotal");

            if (TransID.Length == 0 || TransID == "0")
                result = "Invalid or Empty Transaction ID";
                    BasicAmountType totalAmount = new BasicAmountType();
                    totalAmount.Value      = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(OrderTotal);
                    totalAmount.currencyID = (CurrencyCodeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CurrencyCodeType), AppLogic.AppConfig("Localization.StoreCurrency"), true);

                    DoReauthorizationRequestType Reauth = new DoReauthorizationRequestType();
                    Reauth.Amount          = totalAmount;
                    Reauth.AuthorizationID = TransID;
                    Reauth.Version         = API_VER;

                    DoReauthorizationReq ReauthReq = new DoReauthorizationReq();

                    ReauthReq.DoReauthorizationRequest = Reauth;

                    DoReauthorizationResponseType ReauthResponse;
                    ReauthResponse = (DoReauthorizationResponseType)IPayPal.DoReauthorization(ReauthReq);

                    //if (LogToErrorTable)
                    //    PayPalController.Log(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(ReauthReq, ReauthReq.GetType()), "DoReauthorization Request");
                    //    PayPalController.Log(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(ReauthResponse, ReauthResponse.GetType()), "DoReauthorization Response");

                    if (ReauthResponse != null && ReauthResponse.Ack.ToString().StartsWith("success", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        result = AppLogic.ro_OK;
                        DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set AuthorizedOn=getdate(), AuthorizationPNREF=AuthorizationPNREF+'|REAU=" + ReauthResponse.AuthorizationID + "' where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString());
                        if (ReauthResponse.Errors != null)
                            bool first = true;
                            for (int ix = 0; ix < ReauthResponse.Errors.Length; ix++)
                                if (!first)
                                    result += ", ";
                                result += "Error: [" + ReauthResponse.Errors[ix].ErrorCode + "] " + ReauthResponse.Errors[ix].LongMessage;
                                first   = false;
                    result = "NO RESPONSE FROM GATEWAY!";
Exemple #4
    // # DoReauthorization API Operation
    // Authorize a payment
    public DoReauthorizationResponseType DoReauthorizationAPIOperation()
        // Create the DoReauthorizationResponseType object
        DoReauthorizationResponseType responseDoReauthorizationResponseType = new DoReauthorizationResponseType();

            // Create the DoAuthorizationReq object
            DoReauthorizationReq requestDoReauthorization = new DoReauthorizationReq();

            // `Amount` to reauthorize which takes mandatory params:
            // * `currencyCode`
            // * `amount`
            BasicAmountType amount = new BasicAmountType(CurrencyCodeType.USD, "3.00");

            // `DoReauthorizationRequest` which takes mandatory params:
            // * `Authorization Id` - Value of a previously authorized transaction
            // identification number returned by PayPal.
            // * `amount`
            DoReauthorizationRequestType doReauthorizationRequest = new DoReauthorizationRequestType("9B2288061E685550E", amount);
            requestDoReauthorization.DoReauthorizationRequest = doReauthorizationRequest;

            // Create the service wrapper object to make the API call
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();

            // # API call
            // Invoke the DoReauthorization method in service wrapper object
            responseDoReauthorizationResponseType = service.DoReauthorization(requestDoReauthorization);

            if (responseDoReauthorizationResponseType != null)
                // Response envelope acknowledgement
                string acknowledgement = "DoReauthorization API Operation - ";
                acknowledgement += responseDoReauthorizationResponseType.Ack.ToString();
                logger.Info(acknowledgement + "\n");
                Console.WriteLine(acknowledgement + "\n");

                // # Success values
                if (responseDoReauthorizationResponseType.Ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS"))
                    // Authorization identification number
                    logger.Info("Authorization ID : " + responseDoReauthorizationResponseType.AuthorizationID + "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Authorization ID : " + responseDoReauthorizationResponseType.AuthorizationID + "\n");
                // # Error Values
                    List <ErrorType> errorMessages = responseDoReauthorizationResponseType.Errors;
                    foreach (ErrorType error in errorMessages)
                        logger.Debug("API Error Message : " + error.LongMessage);
                        Console.WriteLine("API Error Message : " + error.LongMessage + "\n");
        // # Exception log
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            // Log the exception message
            logger.Debug("Error Message : " + ex.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("Error Message : " + ex.Message);