Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to create the DNS request group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dnsRequestGroupModel">The DNS request group model.</param>
        /// <returns>The Http response message object.</returns>
        private static async Task <string> CreateDnsRequestGroup(DnsRequestGroupModel dnsRequestGroupModel)
            string id = string.Empty;

                HttpClient client = await CreateHttpClient();

                string              json     = "=" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dnsRequestGroupModel);
                StringContent       content  = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync("DnsRequestGroups", content).Result;

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    id = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    // The http response message will contain the error messages.
                    string errorResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

                    // Parse the string result into a list of error messages.
                    List <string> errors = errorResult.Split('|').ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// The executing program.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The array of string arguments.</param>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     DnsRequestGroupModel dnsRequestGroupModel = CreateDnsRequestGroupModel();
     string requestGroupId = CreateDnsRequestGroup(dnsRequestGroupModel).Result;
     string status         = GetStatus(requestGroupId).Result;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the DNS request group model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The DNS request group model.</returns>
        private static DnsRequestGroupModel CreateDnsRequestGroupModel()
            // Set request group model properties.
            DnsRequestGroupModel dnsRequestGroupModel = new DnsRequestGroupModel();

            // List to hold the DNS requst models.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels = new List <DnsRequestModel>();

            // Set the action - Add: 0, Modify: 1, Delete: 2, ChangeOwner: 3, ChangeTimeToLive: 4
            dnsRequestGroupModel.Action = (byte)DnsAction.Add;

            // Set the priority - Low: 0, Medium: 1, High: 2
            dnsRequestGroupModel.Priority = (byte)DnsPriority.Low;

            // Set the DNS environment - Internet/Public-Facing: 0, Sovereign Cloud: 1, AD Integrated: 2
            dnsRequestGroupModel.Environment = (byte)DnsEnvironment.InternetPublicFacing;

            // Set timed event if needed.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.IsTimedEvent = true;

            // If timed event, the date and time should be set in pacific standard time (PST).
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DateToExecute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);

            // Time to execute format has to be 'hh:MM AM|PM'.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.TimeToExecute = "12:00 PM";

            // If environment is Internet/Public-Facing, set the zone.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.Zone = "kevsm.tst";

            // If environment is Internet/Public-Facing, set the manual flag.
            // The manual flag is set to true, if you want manual submission of DNS records (No automation of DNS changes).
            // For Sovereign Cloud and Ad-Integrated records, manual is always true and this property is ignored.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.Manual = true;

            // If environment is sovereign cloud, set child environment.
            //dnsRequestGroupModel.Environment = (byte)DnsEnvironment.SovereignCloud;
            //dnsRequestGroupModel.ChildEnvironment = (byte)SovereignCloudEnvironment.DEME;

            // If environment is AD-Integrated, set child environment.
            //dnsRequestGroupModel.Environment = (byte)DnsEnvironment.ADIntegrated;
            //dnsRequestGroupModel.ChildEnvironment = (byte)AdIntegratedEnvironment.AME;

            // Replace the string values below with the real values.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.RequestorAlias        = "v-kevsm";
            dnsRequestGroupModel.PrimaryContactAlias   = "v-kevsm";
            dnsRequestGroupModel.BusinessJustification = "Business Justification";
            dnsRequestGroupModel.OwnerGroupAlias       = "DMAdminTest";

            // Add the DNS requests and set the model properties.
            // A record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay1",
                RecordType = "A",
                Data       = ""

            // AAAA record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay2",
                RecordType = "AAAA",
                Data       = "A123:B345:C567:D321:E456:43DD:Y7TR:SS39"

            // NS record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay3",
                RecordType = "NS",
                Data       = "test.nameserver.com."

            // CNAME record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay4",
                RecordType = "CNAME",
                Data       = "test.cname.com."

            // SRV record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay5",
                RecordType = "SRV",
                Data       = "test.srv.com.",
                Priority   = 1,
                Weight     = 1,
                Port       = 300

            // MX record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay6",
                RecordType = "MX",
                Data       = "test.mx.com.",
                Preference = 100

            // TXT record.
            dnsRequestGroupModel.DnsRequestModels.Add(new DnsRequestModel
                Name       = "goodDay7",
                RecordType = "TXT",
                Data       = "This is the text record data"
