private void Redraw() { lock (currentDrawing) { guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } pnlCanvas.Invalidate(); lastRepaint = DateTime.Now; lastSelected = selected; }
private void StartEvolution() { SetupSourceColorMatrix();// Sets up the Mona lisa using x and y cordinates to create an matrix. if (currentDrawing == null) { currentDrawing = GetNewInitializedDrawing(); } lastSelected = 0; while (isRunning) { DnaDrawing newDrawing; lock (currentDrawing) { newDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } newDrawing.Mutate();// Multiple levels: With probability x either adds, removes or moves polygons. Next level changes polygons shape, color if (newDrawing.IsDirty) { generation++; double newErrorLevel = FitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing, sourceColors); if (newErrorLevel <= errorLevel) { selected++; lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; } errorLevel = newErrorLevel; if (selected % 500 == 0) { string local_path_name = "C:\\Users\\raunonaksi\\OneDrive\\Advanced Algorithmics - MTAT.03.238\\Project\\Pildid\\"; string filename = "result"; string dot_filetype = ".png"; FitnessCalculator.b.Save(local_path_name + filename + generation.ToString() + dot_filetype, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); FitnessCalculator.b.Save("C:\\Users\\raunonaksi\\result.png"); } } else if (Settings.Activetemperature > 1 && newErrorLevel * Settings.Activeacceptable < errorLevel && Settings.UseSimulatedAnnealing) { Settings.Activetemperature = Settings.Activetemperature - Settings.Activetemperature * Settings.Activecooling; if (Tools.GetRandomNumber(0, 100000) < Settings.Activetemperature) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; errorLevel = newErrorLevel; } } } } }
private void tmrRedraw_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentDrawing == null) { return; } int polygons = currentDrawing.Polygons.Count; int points = currentDrawing.PointCount; double avg = 0; if (polygons != 0) { avg = points / polygons; } toolStripStatusLabelFitness.Text = errorLevel.ToString(); toolStripStatusLabelGeneration.Text = generation.ToString(); toolStripStatusLabelSelected.Text = selected.ToString(); toolStripStatusLabelPoints.Text = points.ToString(); toolStripStatusLabelPolygons.Text = polygons.ToString(); toolStripStatusLabelAvgPoints.Text = avg.ToString(); bool shouldRepaint = false; if (repaintIntervall.Ticks > 0) { if (lastRepaint < DateTime.Now - repaintIntervall) { shouldRepaint = true; } } if (repaintOnSelectedSteps > 0) { if (lastSelected + repaintOnSelectedSteps < selected) { shouldRepaint = true; } } if (shouldRepaint) { guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); pnlCanvas.Invalidate(); lastRepaint = DateTime.Now; lastSelected = selected; } }
private void RepaintCanvas() { if (currentDrawing == null) { return; } lock (currentDrawing) { guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } pnlCanvas.Invalidate(); lastRepaint = DateTime.Now; lastSelected = Project.Selected; }
public double GetNextErrorLevel() { var drawing = new DnaDrawing(); drawing.SourceImage = sourceImage; drawing.Polygons = new List <DnaPolygon>(); int i = 0; foreach (LayeredWorker worker in workers) { i++; if (i == 1) { continue; } DnaDrawing workerDrawing = worker.GetDrawing(); drawing.Polygons.AddRange(workerDrawing.Clone().Polygons); //drawing = worker.GetDrawing(); } currentDrawing = drawing; currentErrorLevel = FitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(drawing, sourceImage); return(currentErrorLevel); }
private DnaDrawing GetMutatedSeedSyncedDrawing() { DnaDrawing newDrawing = parentDrawing.Clone(); newDrawing.Mutate(info); return(newDrawing); }
private void StartEvolution() { SetupSourceColorMatrix(); if (currentDrawing == null) { currentDrawing = GetNewInitializedDrawing(); } lastSelected = 0; using (var fitnessCalculator = new FitnessCalculator()) { while (isRunning) { DnaDrawing newDrawing; lock (currentDrawing) { newDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } newDrawing.Mutate(); if (newDrawing.IsDirty) { generation++; double newErrorLevel = fitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing, sourcePixels); if (newErrorLevel <= errorLevel) { selected++; lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; } errorLevel = newErrorLevel; } } //else, discard new drawing } } }
private static void SaveDnaDrawingToFile(string fileName, DnaDrawing drawing) { DnaDrawing clone; clone = drawing.Clone(); if (clone != null) { Serializer.Serialize(clone, fileName); } }
private void StartEvolution() { if (_currentDrawing == null) { _currentDrawing = GetNewInitializedDrawing(_sourceBitmap.Width, _sourceBitmap.Height); } while (IsRunning) { DnaDrawing newDrawing; lock (_currentDrawing) { newDrawing = _currentDrawing.Clone(); } newDrawing.Mutate(); _candidates++; if (newDrawing.IsDirty) { _generation++; double newErrorLevel = _fitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing); if (newErrorLevel <= _errorLevel) { _selected++; lock (_currentDrawing) { _currentDrawing = newDrawing; } _errorLevel = newErrorLevel; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", _selected, _generation, _errorLevel); } } //else, discard new drawing } }
public DefaultEvolutionJob(DnaDrawing drawing, JobInfo info) { = info; if (drawing == null) { drawing = GetNewInitializedDrawing(info); } lock (drawing) { currentDrawing = drawing.Clone(); } currentErrorLevel = FitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(currentDrawing, info.SourceImage); }
private static Tuple <DnaDrawing, double> Work(DnaDrawing drawing, Color[,] originColors) { var newDrawing = drawing.Clone(); newDrawing.Mutate(); if (!newDrawing.IsDirty) { return(new Tuple <DnaDrawing, double>(null, 0.0)); } var newErrorLevel = FitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing, originColors); return(new Tuple <DnaDrawing, double>(newDrawing, newErrorLevel)); }
private void OpenDNA() { Stop(); DnaDrawing drawing = Serializer.DeserializeDnaDrawing(FileUtil.GetOpenFileName(FileUtil.DnaExtension)); if (drawing != null) { lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = drawing; guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } pnlCanvas.Invalidate(); lastRepaint = DateTime.Now; } }
private void SaveDNA() { string fileName = FileUtil.GetSaveFileName(FileUtil.DnaExtension); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) == false && guiDrawing != null) { DnaDrawing clone = null; lock (guiDrawing) { clone = guiDrawing.Clone(); } if (clone != null) { Serializer.Serialize(clone, fileName); } } }
private void StartEvolution() { if (currentDrawing == null) { currentDrawing = GetNewInitializedDrawing(); } lastSelected = 0; NewFitnessCalculator calc = new NewFitnessCalculator(); readyToBreed = false; while (isRunning) { DnaDrawing newDrawing; lock (currentDrawing) { newDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } newDrawing.Mutate(); if (newDrawing.IsDirty) { generation++; double newErrorLevel = calc.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing, sourceColours); if (newErrorLevel <= _errorLevel) { selected++; selectedThisGeneration++; lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; } _errorLevel = newErrorLevel; } } if (metCompletionCritera) { readyToBreed = true; } } }
public double GetNextErrorLevel() { Generations = 0; DnaDrawing newDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); while (newDrawing.IsDirty == false) { newDrawing.Mutate(info); Generations++; } double newErrorLevel = FitnessCalculator.GetDrawingFitness(newDrawing, info.SourceImage); if (newErrorLevel <= currentErrorLevel) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; currentErrorLevel = newErrorLevel; } return(newErrorLevel); }
private void OpenDNA() { Stop(); DnaDrawing drawing = Serializer.DeserializeDnaDrawing(FileUtil.GetOpenFileName(FileUtil.DnaExtension)); if (drawing != null) { if (currentDrawing == null) { currentDrawing = new DnaDrawing(); } lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = drawing; guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); Project.Drawing = currentDrawing; } ResetProjectLevels(); RepaintCanvas(); } }
private void OpenProject() { Stop(); string fileName = FileUtil.GetOpenFileName(FileUtil.ProjectExtension); DnaProject project = Serializer.DeserializeDnaProject(fileName); if (project != null) { Project = project; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Project.ImagePath)) { OpenImage(Project.ImagePath); } if (Project.Drawing != null) { if (currentDrawing == null) { currentDrawing = new DnaDrawing(); } lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = Project.Drawing; guiDrawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } } ActivateProjectSettings(); ResetProjectLevels(); RepaintCanvas(); projectFileName = fileName; } SetTitleBar(); }
private void StartEvolution() { var sourceImage = new SourceImage { Pixels = SetupSourceColorMatrix(picPattern.Image as Bitmap), Width = picPattern.Width, Height = picPattern.Height }; var info = new JobInfo { Settings = Project.Settings, SourceImage = sourceImage, }; //IEvolutionJob job = new LayeredEvolutionJob(sourceImage, 4); //DefaultEvolutionJob job = new DefaultEvolutionJob(sourceImage, currentDrawing); //IEvolutionJob job = new DefaultEvolutionJob(info); IEvolutionJob job = new ClusteredEvolutionJob(info); while (Project.IsRunning) { double newErrorLevel = job.GetNextErrorLevel(); var defJob = job as DefaultEvolutionJob; if (defJob != null) { Project.Generations += defJob.Generations; } Project.Mutations++; if (newErrorLevel <= Project.ErrorLevel) { Project.Selected++; if (newErrorLevel < Project.ErrorLevel) { Project.Positive++; } else { Project.Neutral++; } DnaDrawing newDrawing = job.GetDrawing(); if (currentDrawing == null) // to make always lockable... { currentDrawing = new DnaDrawing(); } lock (currentDrawing) { currentDrawing = newDrawing; Project.Drawing = currentDrawing.Clone(); } Project.ErrorLevel = newErrorLevel; SaveAnimationImage(newDrawing); } } }