private void CallInitialisationRoutines(DllReason reason)
            if (_mappingFlags.HasFlag(MappingFlags.SkipInitialisationRoutines))

            // Call the entry point of any TLS callbacks

            foreach (var tlsCallBack in _peImage.TlsDirectory.TlsCallBacks)
                var tlsCallBackAddress = DllBaseAddress + tlsCallBack.Rva;

                _processManager.CallRoutine(tlsCallBackAddress, DllBaseAddress, reason, 0);

            // Call the entry point of the DLL

            if (_peImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint == 0)

            var entryPointAddress = DllBaseAddress + _peImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;

            if (!_processManager.CallRoutine <bool>(entryPointAddress, DllBaseAddress, reason, 0))
                throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to call the entry point of the DLL with {reason:G}");
Exemple #2
        private void CallInitialisationRoutines(DllReason reason)
            // Call the entry point of any TLS callbacks

            if (_peImage.TlsDirectory.Value.TlsCallbackOffsets.Any(tlsCallbackOffset => !_processManager.CallRoutine <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + tlsCallbackOffset, DllBaseAddress.ToInt64(), (long)reason, 0)))
                throw ExceptionBuilder.BuildRemoteRoutineCallException($"the entry point of a TLS callback with {reason:G}");

            // Call the entry point of the DLL

            if (_peImage.PeHeaders.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint != 0 && !_processManager.CallRoutine <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + _peImage.PeHeaders.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint, DllBaseAddress.ToInt64(), (long)reason, 0))
                throw ExceptionBuilder.BuildRemoteRoutineCallException($"the entry point of the DLL with {reason:G}");
Exemple #3
        private void CallInitialisationRoutines(DllReason reason)
            // Call any TLS callbacks

            if (_peImage.TlsCallbacks.Any(tlsCallback => !_processManager.CallFunction <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + tlsCallback.Offset, DllBaseAddress.ToInt64(), (long)reason, 0)))
                throw new Win32Exception($"Failed to call the entry point of a TLS callback with {reason.ToString()} in the remote process");

            // Call the entry point of the DLL

            if (_peImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint == 0)

            if (!_processManager.CallFunction <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + _peImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint, DllBaseAddress.ToInt64(), (long)reason, 0))
                throw new Win32Exception($"Failed to call the entry point of the DLL with {reason.ToString()} in the remote process");
Exemple #4
        private void CallInitRoutines(DllReason dllReason)
            // Call any TLS callbacks with dllReason

            if (PeImage.TlsCallbacks.Any(tlsCallback => !ProcessManager.CallFunction <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + tlsCallback.Offset, (long)DllBaseAddress, (long)dllReason, 0)))
                throw new Win32Exception($"Failed to call the entry point of a TLS callback with {dllReason.ToString()}");

            // Call the entry point of the DLL with dllReason

            if (PeImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint == 0)

            if (!ProcessManager.CallFunction <bool>(CallingConvention.StdCall, DllBaseAddress + PeImage.Headers.PEHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint, (long)DllBaseAddress, (long)dllReason, 0))
                throw new Win32Exception($"Failed to call the entry point of the DLL with {dllReason.ToString()}");
Exemple #5
        private void CallInitialisationRoutines(DllReason reason)
            // Call the entry point of any TLS callbacks

            foreach (var callbackAddress in _peImage.TlsDirectory.GetTlsCallbacks().Select(callBack => DllBaseAddress + callBack.RelativeAddress))
                _processContext.CallRoutine(callbackAddress, DllBaseAddress, reason, 0);

            if (_peImage.Headers.PEHeader !.AddressOfEntryPoint == 0)

            // Call the entry point of the DLL

            var entryPointAddress = DllBaseAddress + _peImage.Headers.PEHeader !.AddressOfEntryPoint;

            if (!_processContext.CallRoutine <bool>(entryPointAddress, DllBaseAddress, reason, 0))
                throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to call the entry point of the DLL with {reason:G}");