Exemple #1
        private static void Main()
            using (var img = new Array2D <byte>(400, 400))
                using (var ht = new DlibDotNet.HoughTransform(300))
                    using (var win = new ImageWindow())
                        using (var win2 = new ImageWindow())
                            var angle1 = 0d;
                            var angle2 = 0d;

                            while (true)
                                angle1 += Math.PI / 130;
                                angle2 += Math.PI / 400;

                                var rect = img.Rect;
                                var cent = rect.Center;
                                var arc  = Point.Rotate(cent, cent + new Point(90, 0), angle1 * 180 / Math.PI);
                                var tmp2 = arc + new Point(500, 0);
                                var tmp3 = arc - new Point(500, 0);
                                var l    = Point.Rotate(arc, tmp2, angle2 * 180 / Math.PI);
                                var r    = Point.Rotate(arc, tmp3, angle2 * 180 / Math.PI);

                                Dlib.AssignAllPixels(img, 0);
                                Dlib.DrawLine(img, l, r, 255);

                                using (var himg = new Array2D <int>())
                                    var offset = new Point(50, 50);
                                    var hrect  = Dlib.GetRect(ht);
                                    var box    = Rectangle.Translate(hrect, offset);

                                    // Now let's compute the hough transform for a subwindow in the image.  In
                                    // particular, we run it on the 300x300 subwindow with an upper left corner at the
                                    // pixel point(50,50).  The output is stored in himg.
                                    ht.Operator(img, box, himg);

                                    // Now that we have the transformed image, the Hough image pixel with the largest
                                    // value should indicate where the line is.  So we find the coordinates of the
                                    // largest pixel:
                                    using (var mat = Dlib.Mat(himg))
                                        var p = Dlib.MaxPoint(mat);

                                        // And then ask the ht object for the line segment in the original image that
                                        // corresponds to this point in Hough transform space.
                                        var line = ht.GetLine(p);

                                        // Finally, let's display all these things on the screen.  We copy the original
                                        // input image into a color image and then draw the detected line on top in red.
                                        using (var temp = new Array2D <RgbPixel>())
                                            Dlib.AssignImage(img, temp);

                                            var p1 = line.Item1 + offset;
                                            var p2 = line.Item2 + offset;

                                            Dlib.DrawLine(temp, p1, p2, new RgbPixel
                                                Red = 255

                                            // Also show the subwindow we ran the Hough transform on as a green box.  You will
                                            // see that the detected line is exactly contained within this box and also
                                            // overlaps the original line.
                                            win.AddOverlay(box, new RgbPixel
                                                Green = 255

                                            using (var jet = Dlib.Jet(himg))
Exemple #2
        private void BackgroundWorkerOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
            var path = doWorkEventArgs.Argument as string;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) || !File.Exists(path))

            using (var faceDetector = Dlib.GetFrontalFaceDetector())
                using (var img = Dlib.LoadImage <RgbPixel>(path))

                    var dets = faceDetector.Operator(img);

                    var shapes = new List <FullObjectDetection>();
                    foreach (var rect in dets)
                        var shape = this._ShapePredictor.Detect(img, rect);
                        if (shape.Parts <= 2)

                    if (shapes.Any())
                        var lines = Dlib.RenderFaceDetections(shapes);
                        foreach (var line in lines)
                            Dlib.DrawLine(img, line.Point1, line.Point2, new RgbPixel
                                Green = 255

                        var wb = img.ToBitmap();
                        this.pictureBoxImage.Image = wb;

                        foreach (var l in lines)

                        var chipLocations = Dlib.GetFaceChipDetails(shapes);
                        using (var faceChips = Dlib.ExtractImageChips <RgbPixel>(img, chipLocations))
                            using (var tileImage = Dlib.TileImages(faceChips))
                                // It is NOT necessary to re-convert WriteableBitmap to Matrix.
                                // This sample demonstrate converting managed image class to
                                // dlib class and vice versa.
                                using (var tile = tileImage.ToBitmap())
                                    using (var mat = tile.ToMatrix <RgbPixel>())
                                        var tile2 = mat.ToBitmap();
                                        this.pictureBoxTileImage.Image = tile2;

                        foreach (var c in chipLocations)

                    foreach (var s in shapes)