void OnGUI() { bool bRepaintUpdate = Event.current.ToString() == "Repaint"; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 150, Screen.height - 150, 150, 150), "Save")) { Global.AllData.Save(); } float StartSelectY = 30; float SelectHeight = 30; DivisionCombo.Draw(new Rect(20, StartSelectY, Screen.width * .18f, SelectHeight)); RoundCombo.Draw(new Rect(20 + Screen.width * .2f, StartSelectY, Screen.width * .18f, SelectHeight)); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(20 + Screen.width * .4f, StartSelectY, Screen.width - Screen.width * .4f - 40, SelectHeight)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); List <PoolData> Pools = Global.AllData.AllDivisions[DivisionCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex()].Rounds[RoundCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex()].Pools; for (int PoolIndex = 0; PoolIndex < Pools.Count; ++PoolIndex) { DrawPoolButton("Pool: " + Pools[PoolIndex].PoolName, PoolIndex, SelectHeight); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); float RightRectStartY = Screen.height * .02f + SelectHeight + StartSelectY; Rect RightRect = new Rect(20, RightRectStartY, Screen.width * .3f, Screen.height - RightRectStartY - 20); Rect LeftRect = new Rect(RightRect.x + RightRect.width + Screen.width * .1f, RightRect.y, RightRect.width, Screen.height * .5f); if (CurPoolButtonIndex != -1) { ResultsData RData = TournamentData.FindResultsData((EDivision)DivisionCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex(), (ERound)RoundCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex(), (EPool)CurPoolButtonIndex); if (RData == null) { RData = new ResultsData((EDivision)DivisionCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex(), (ERound)RoundCombo.GetSelectedItemIndex(), (EPool)CurPoolButtonIndex); Pools[CurPoolButtonIndex].JudgersId = RData.Id; Global.AllData.ResultsList.Add(RData); } else if (Pools[CurPoolButtonIndex].JudgersId == -1) { if (RData.Id == -1) { RData.Id = ResultsData.GetUniqueId(); } Pools[CurPoolButtonIndex].JudgersId = RData.Id; } if (RData != null && Global.AllNameData.AllJudges != null) { GUILayout.BeginArea(RightRect); RightScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(RightScroll); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); string NewFilterStr = GUILayout.TextField(JudgeFilterStr); if (NewFilterStr != JudgeFilterStr || AvailableJudges.Count == 0) { JudgeFilterStr = NewFilterStr; AvailableJudges.Clear(); foreach (NameData pd in Global.AllNameData.AllJudges) { if (!IsPlayingInPool(pd, RData) && !RData.ContainsPlayer(pd)) { AvailableJudges.Add(pd); } } FilterAvailableJudges(JudgeFilterStr, ref AvailableJudges); } GUILayout.Space(20); GUIStyle LabelStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); GUIStyle PlayerStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); PlayerStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; foreach (NameData nd in AvailableJudges) { bool bMoving = MovingNameId == nd.Id; PlayerStyle.normal.textColor = bMoving ? Color.grey : LabelStyle.normal.textColor; GUIContent PlayerCont = new GUIContent(nd.DisplayName); Vector2 PlayerSize = PlayerStyle.CalcSize(PlayerCont); if (GUILayout.RepeatButton(PlayerCont, PlayerStyle, GUILayout.Width(RightRect.width * .9f), GUILayout.Height(PlayerSize.y))) { MovingNameId = nd.Id; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); // Left Rect ------------ GUILayout.BeginArea(LeftRect); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUIStyle JudgeStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); JudgeStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("AI Judges:", JudgeStyle); for (int PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < Mathf.Max(RData.AIJudgeIds.Count, 3); ++PlayerIndex) { int PlayerId = -1; bool bMoving = false; string PlayerStr = PlayerIndex < 3 ? (PlayerIndex + 1) + ". " : ""; if (PlayerIndex < RData.AIJudgeIds.Count) { PlayerId = RData.AIJudgeIds[PlayerIndex]; bMoving = PlayerId == MovingNameId; PlayerStr += NameDatabase.FindInDatabase(PlayerId).DisplayName; } JudgeStyle.normal.textColor = bMoving ? Color.grey : LabelStyle.normal.textColor; GUIContent JudgeCont = new GUIContent(PlayerStr); Vector2 JudgeSize = JudgeStyle.CalcSize(JudgeCont); if (GUILayout.RepeatButton(JudgeCont, JudgeStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRect.width * .6f), GUILayout.Height(JudgeSize.y)) && PlayerIndex < RData.AIJudgeIds.Count) { MovingNameId = PlayerId; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (bRepaintUpdate) { JudgeRects[0] = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); JudgeRects[0].x = LeftRect.x; JudgeRects[0].y = LeftRect.y; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Ex Judges:", JudgeStyle); for (int PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < Mathf.Max(RData.ExJudgeIds.Count, 3); ++PlayerIndex) { int PlayerId = -1; bool bMoving = false; string PlayerStr = PlayerIndex < 3 ? (PlayerIndex + 1) + ". " : ""; if (PlayerIndex < RData.ExJudgeIds.Count) { PlayerId = RData.ExJudgeIds[PlayerIndex]; bMoving = PlayerId == MovingNameId; PlayerStr += NameDatabase.FindInDatabase(PlayerId).DisplayName; } JudgeStyle.normal.textColor = bMoving ? Color.grey : LabelStyle.normal.textColor; GUIContent JudgeCont = new GUIContent(PlayerStr); Vector2 JudgeSize = JudgeStyle.CalcSize(JudgeCont); if (GUILayout.RepeatButton(JudgeCont, JudgeStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRect.width * .6f), GUILayout.Height(JudgeSize.y)) && PlayerIndex < RData.ExJudgeIds.Count) { MovingNameId = PlayerId; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (bRepaintUpdate) { JudgeRects[1] = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); JudgeRects[1].x += LeftRect.x; JudgeRects[1].y += LeftRect.y; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Diff Judges:", JudgeStyle); for (int PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < Mathf.Max(RData.DiffJudgeIds.Count, 3); ++PlayerIndex) { int PlayerId = -1; bool bMoving = false; string PlayerStr = PlayerIndex < 3 ? (PlayerIndex + 1) + ". " : ""; if (PlayerIndex < RData.DiffJudgeIds.Count) { PlayerId = RData.DiffJudgeIds[PlayerIndex]; bMoving = PlayerId == MovingNameId; PlayerStr += NameDatabase.FindInDatabase(PlayerId).DisplayName; } JudgeStyle.normal.textColor = bMoving ? Color.grey : LabelStyle.normal.textColor; GUIContent JudgeCont = new GUIContent(PlayerStr); Vector2 JudgeSize = JudgeStyle.CalcSize(JudgeCont); if (GUILayout.RepeatButton(JudgeCont, JudgeStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRect.width * .6f), GUILayout.Height(JudgeSize.y)) && PlayerIndex < RData.DiffJudgeIds.Count) { MovingNameId = PlayerId; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (bRepaintUpdate) { JudgeRects[2] = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); JudgeRects[2].x += LeftRect.x; JudgeRects[2].y += LeftRect.y; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (MovingNameId != -1) { GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y, 500, 30), NameDatabase.FindInDatabase(MovingNameId).DisplayName); } } } float BottomRectX = RightRect.x + RightRect.width + 20; float BottomRectY = LeftRect.y + LeftRect.height; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(BottomRectX, BottomRectY, Screen.width - BottomRectX - 170, Screen.height - BottomRectY - 20)); GUILayout.Label("All Judges Names"); AllJudgesTextScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(AllJudgesTextScrollPos); string NewAllJudgesString = GUILayout.TextArea(AllJudgesString); if (NewAllJudgesString != AllJudgesString) { AllJudgesString = NewAllJudgesString; AvailableJudges.Clear(); Global.AllNameData.AllJudges.Clear(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(AllJudgesString); string line = null; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { AddJudgersFromString(line); } Global.AllNameData.Save(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
void OnGUI() { float SelectButWidth = Screen.width * .25f; float SelectButHeight = Screen.height * .08f; float SelectY = Screen.height * .04f; DivisionCombo.Draw(new Rect(20, SelectY, SelectButWidth, SelectButHeight)); RoundCombo.Draw(new Rect(20 + SelectButWidth + Screen.width * .02f, SelectY, SelectButWidth, SelectButHeight)); ResultsData RData = TournamentData.FindResultsData(CurDivision, CurRound, CurPool); float InfoY = Screen.height * .02f + SelectY + SelectButHeight; GUIStyle InfoStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); InfoStyle.fontSize = 30; GUIContent TimeDate = new GUIContent(DateTime.Now.ToString()); Vector2 TimeDateSize = InfoStyle.CalcSize(TimeDate); GUI.Label(new Rect(20, InfoY, TimeDateSize.x, TimeDateSize.y), TimeDate, InfoStyle); bool bValidDivisionRoundSettings = Global.AllData.AllDivisions.Length > (int)CurDivision && Global.AllData.AllDivisions[(int)CurDivision].Rounds.Length > (int)CurRound; if (bValidDivisionRoundSettings) { RoundData Round = Global.AllData.AllDivisions[(int)CurDivision].Rounds[(int)CurRound]; int TotalSeconds = bJudging ? (int)(DateTime.Now - RoutineStartTime).TotalSeconds : 0; int Minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(TotalSeconds / 60f); int Seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(TotalSeconds) % 60; int RoundMinutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(Round.RoutineLengthMinutes); int RoundSeconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(Round.RoutineLengthMinutes * 60) % 60; GUIContent RoutineTime = new GUIContent(String.Format("{0}:{1:00} / {2}:{3:00}", Minutes, Seconds, RoundMinutes, RoundSeconds)); Vector2 TimeSize = InfoStyle.CalcSize(RoutineTime); GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 20 - TimeSize.x, InfoY, TimeSize.x, TimeSize.y), RoutineTime, InfoStyle); if (TotalSeconds > Round.RoutineLengthMinutes * 60 && !bRoutineTimeElapsed) { bRoutineTimeElapsed = true; // Send ready to livestream TeamData finishedTeam = Global.GetTeamData(CurDivision, CurRound, CurPool, CurTeam); SendRestMessageAsync(finishedTeam, LiveStream.TeamStates.Finished); } } if (bFestivalJudging) { float PoolButWidth = Screen.width * .09f; RoundData Round = Global.AllData.AllDivisions[(int)CurDivision].Rounds[(int)CurRound]; GUIStyle SelectedStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); SelectedStyle.normal.textColor = Color.green; SelectedStyle.hover.textColor = Color.green; SelectedStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; GUIStyle ButtonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20 + 2f * SelectButWidth + Screen.width * .1f, SelectY, PoolButWidth, SelectButHeight), "Pool: " + Round.Pools[(int)CurFestivalPool].PoolName, CurPool == CurFestivalPool ? SelectedStyle : ButtonStyle)) { SetCurrentPool(CurFestivalPool); InitJudgersNameIds(); ++Global.CurDataState; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20 + 2f * SelectButWidth + Screen.width * .12f + PoolButWidth, SelectY, PoolButWidth, SelectButHeight), "Pool: " + Round.Pools[(int)CurFestivalPool + 2].PoolName, CurPool == CurFestivalPool + 2 ? SelectedStyle : ButtonStyle)) { SetCurrentPool(CurFestivalPool + 2); InitJudgersNameIds(); ++Global.CurDataState; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20 + 2f * SelectButWidth + Screen.width * .14f + 2f * PoolButWidth, SelectY, PoolButWidth, SelectButHeight), "AI Scores", (CurPool > EPool.Max) ? SelectedStyle : ButtonStyle)) { EPool newPool = EPool.None; if (CurPool == EPool.A || CurPool == EPool.C) { newPool = EPool.PostScoresAC; } else if (CurPool == EPool.B || CurPool == EPool.D) { newPool = EPool.PostScoresBD; } else { switch (CurPool) { case EPool.PostScoresAC: newPool = EPool.PostScoresCA; break; case EPool.PostScoresCA: newPool = EPool.PostScoresAC; break; case EPool.PostScoresBD: newPool = EPool.PostScoresDB; break; case EPool.PostScoresDB: newPool = EPool.PostScoresBD; break; } } SetCurrentPool(newPool); InitJudgersNameIds(); ++Global.CurDataState; } } #region Teams if (!DivisionCombo.IsPicking && !RoundCombo.IsPicking && bValidDivisionRoundSettings) { Rect LeftRect = new Rect(20, Screen.height * .22f, Screen.width / 2 - 40, Screen.height * .5f); if (CurPool == EPool.None && !bFestivalJudging) { GUILayout.BeginArea(LeftRect); PoolsScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(PoolsScrollPos); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); RoundData Round = Global.AllData.AllDivisions[(int)CurDivision].Rounds[(int)CurRound]; if (Round.Pools.Count <= 2) { for (int PoolIndex = 0; PoolIndex < Round.Pools.Count; ++PoolIndex) { PoolData Pool = Round.Pools[PoolIndex]; string PoolText = ""; PoolText += Pool.PoolName + "\n"; for (int TeamIndex = 0; TeamIndex < Pool.Teams.Count; ++TeamIndex) { TeamData Team = Pool.Teams[TeamIndex].Data; PoolText += (TeamIndex + 1) + ". " + Team.PlayerNames + "\n"; } GUIStyle ButtonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); GUIStyle PoolStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); PoolStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; PoolStyle.normal.textColor = (EPool)PoolIndex == CurPool ? Color.green : ButtonStyle.normal.textColor; PoolStyle.hover.textColor = (EPool)PoolIndex == CurPool ? Color.green : ButtonStyle.hover.textColor; PoolStyle.fontStyle = (EPool)PoolIndex == CurPool ? FontStyle.Bold : ButtonStyle.fontStyle; Vector2 PoolTextSize = PoolStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(PoolText)); if (GUILayout.Button(PoolText, PoolStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRect.width * .9f), GUILayout.Height(PoolTextSize.y))) { SetCurrentPool((EPool)PoolIndex); InitJudgersNameIds(); ++Global.CurDataState; bFestivalJudging = false; } } } else if (Round.Pools.Count == 4) { for (int ButIndex = 0; ButIndex < 2; ++ButIndex) { string PoolText = ""; for (int PoolIndex = 0; PoolIndex < 2; ++PoolIndex) { PoolData Pool = Round.Pools[2 * PoolIndex + ButIndex]; PoolText += Pool.PoolName + "\n"; for (int TeamIndex = 0; TeamIndex < Pool.Teams.Count; ++TeamIndex) { TeamData Team = Pool.Teams[TeamIndex].Data; PoolText += (TeamIndex + 1) + ". " + Team.PlayerNames + "\n"; } PoolText += "\n"; } GUIStyle ButtonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); GUIStyle PoolStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); PoolStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; PoolStyle.normal.textColor = ButIndex == (int)CurPool ? Color.green : ButtonStyle.normal.textColor; PoolStyle.hover.textColor = ButIndex == (int)CurPool ? Color.green : ButtonStyle.hover.textColor; PoolStyle.fontStyle = ButIndex == (int)CurPool ? FontStyle.Bold : ButtonStyle.fontStyle; Vector2 PoolTextSize = PoolStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(PoolText)); if (GUILayout.Button(PoolText, PoolStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRect.width * .9f), GUILayout.Height(PoolTextSize.y))) { CurFestivalPool = (EPool)ButIndex; bFestivalJudging = true; } } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } else if (!bFestivalJudging || CurPool != EPool.None) { float LeftRectWidth = Screen.width * .45f; //new Rect(Screen.width - RightRectWidth - 20, AreaRect.y, RightRectWidth, Screen.height - AreaRect.y - 20); GUILayout.BeginArea(LeftRect); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUIStyle TeamStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); TeamStyle.fontSize = 17; TeamStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUIStyle BackStyle = new GUIStyle(TeamStyle); List <PoolData> Pools = Global.AllData.AllDivisions[(int)CurDivision].Rounds[(int)CurRound].Pools; if (CurPool >= 0 && (int)CurPool < Pools.Count) { for (int TeamIndex = 0; TeamIndex < Pools[(int)CurPool].Teams.Count; ++TeamIndex) { TeamData Data = Pools[(int)CurPool].Teams[TeamIndex].Data; if (Data != null) { GUIContent TeamContent = new GUIContent((TeamIndex + 1) + ". " + Data.PlayerNames); Vector2 TeamSize = TeamStyle.CalcSize(TeamContent); TeamStyle.fontStyle = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Normal; if (!bLockedForJudging) { TeamStyle.normal.textColor = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? Color.green : new GUIStyle("button").normal.textColor; TeamStyle.hover.textColor = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? Color.green : new GUIStyle("button").hover.textColor; } else { TeamStyle.normal.textColor = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? Color.green : Color.gray; TeamStyle.hover.textColor = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? Color.green : Color.gray; TeamStyle.active.textColor = TeamIndex == CurTeam ? Color.green : Color.gray; } if (GUILayout.Button(TeamContent, TeamStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRectWidth), GUILayout.Height(TeamSize.y))) { if (!bLockedForJudging) { CurTeam = TeamIndex; ++Global.CurDataState; } } } } } GUILayout.Space(Screen.height * .03f); GUIContent BackContent = new GUIContent("<- Back To Pool Selection"); Vector2 BackSize = BackStyle.CalcSize(BackContent); if (GUILayout.Button(BackContent, BackStyle, GUILayout.Width(LeftRectWidth), GUILayout.Height(BackSize.y))) { SetCurrentPool(EPool.None); CurTeam = -1; bFestivalJudging = false; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); // Ready Buttons if (CurTeam >= 0) { DrawControlButtons(); } } } else { SetCurrentPool(EPool.None); bFestivalJudging = false; } #endregion #region Judges if (CurPool != EPool.None && RData != null) { Rect RightRect = new Rect(Screen.width * .5f + 20, Screen.height * .22f, Screen.width / 2 - 40, Screen.height * .88f - 20); GUILayout.BeginArea(RightRect); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUIStyle CatHeaderStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); CatHeaderStyle.fontSize = 17; CatHeaderStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; GUILayout.Label("AI Judges:", CatHeaderStyle); foreach (int id in RData.AIJudgeIds) { DrawJudgeLabel(RData, id); } GUILayout.Label("Ex Judges:", CatHeaderStyle); foreach (int id in RData.ExJudgeIds) { DrawJudgeLabel(RData, id); } GUILayout.Label("Diff Judges:", CatHeaderStyle); foreach (int id in RData.DiffJudgeIds) { DrawJudgeLabel(RData, id); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } #endregion }
void OnGUI() { bool bLayoutUpdate = Event.current.ToString() == "Layout"; bool bRepaintUpdate = Event.current.ToString() == "Repaint"; RankingURL = GUI.TextField(new Rect(20, 20, Screen.width - 270, 30), RankingURL); //if (!bGetRankings && !bWaitingForRankings) // bGetRankings = GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 70, 200, 40), "Fetch Rankings"); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(20, 70, 500, 40)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Number of Pools:"); PoolCountString = GUILayout.TextField(PoolCountString); int NewPoolCount = PoolCount; if (int.TryParse(PoolCountString, out NewPoolCount) && NewPoolCount != PoolCount) { PoolCount = NewPoolCount; InputTeamsTextChanged = true; } GUILayout.Label("Pool Cut:"); PoolCutString = GUILayout.TextField(PoolCutString); if (int.TryParse(PoolCutString, out PoolCut) && GUILayout.Button("Cut")) { CutPools(); } GUILayout.Label("Routine Minutes:"); RoutineMinutesString = GUILayout.TextField(RoutineMinutesString); GUILayout.Space(20); bool bNewSortTeams = GUILayout.Toggle(bSortTeams, "Sort Teams"); InputTeamsTextChanged |= bNewSortTeams != bSortTeams; bSortTeams = bNewSortTeams; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (FetchStatus.Length > 0) { GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 240, 20, 200, 40), FetchStatus); } DrawLeftPane(); if (bFixingNameError) { Rect AreaRect = new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 20, 130, Screen.width / 2 - 40, Screen.height - 150 - 50); GUILayout.BeginArea(AreaRect); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); ErrorFirstSearchStr = GUILayout.TextField(ErrorFirstSearchStr); ErrorLastSearchStr = GUILayout.TextField(ErrorLastSearchStr); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Player Name")) { PlayerData NewData = new PlayerData(); NewData.RankingPoints = 0; NewData.Rank = -1; NameData NewName = NameDatabase.TryAddNewName(ErrorFirstSearchStr, ErrorLastSearchStr); NewData.NameId = NewName.Id; AllPlayers.Add(NewData); } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { bFixingNameError = false; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); CloseScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(CloseScrollPos); List <MatchData> CloseNames = NameDatabase.GetCloseNames(ErrorFirstSearchStr, ErrorLastSearchStr); foreach (MatchData md in CloseNames) { if (GUILayout.Button(md.Name.DisplayName)) { StringReader InputReader = new StringReader(InputTeamsText); string InputLine = null; string NewInputText = ""; while ((InputLine = InputReader.ReadLine()) != null) { foreach (ErrorLine el in ErrorList) { if (InputLine == el.OriginalLine) { foreach (ErrorData ed in el.ErrorList) { if (EditingErrorData == ed) { InputLine = ReplaceWholeWord(el.OriginalLine, EditingErrorData.PlayerName, md.Name.DisplayName); InputTeamsTextChanged = true; bFixingNameError = false; break; } } } } NewInputText += InputLine + "\n"; } InputReader.Close(); InputTeamsText = NewInputText; } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } else { DrawRightPane(bLayoutUpdate, bRepaintUpdate); } if (MovingTeam != null) { GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y, 500, 30), MovingTeam.Data.PlayerNames + " : " + MovingTeam.Data.TotalRankPoints); } DivisionCombo.Draw(new Rect(Screen.width * .57f, 70, Screen.width * .18f, 30)); RoundCombo.Draw(new Rect(Screen.width * .77f, 70, Screen.width * .18f, 30)); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 20, Screen.height - 50, Screen.width / 2 - 40, 30), "Create Round")) { CreateRoundData(); } }