private void DivisibleInput() { if (this.playerNetworkView.isMine) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) && this.ownerSelectable.isSelected && this.isReady && (!this.ownerAttackable.isReadyToAttack || !this.ownerAttackable.isAttacking) && this.canDivide) { Analytics.Instance.AddEvent("S key pressed to split selected units. Count: " + Selectable.selectedObjects.Count.ToString()); for (int j = 0; j < Selectable.selectedObjects.Count; j++) { Selectable ownerSelectable = Selectable.selectedObjects[j]; if (ownerSelectable == null) { continue; } ownerSelectable.Deselect(); Divisible ownerDivisible = ownerSelectable.gameObject.GetComponent <Divisible>(); ownerDivisible.SetDivisibleNotReady(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfUnitsPerSpawn; i++) { Vector3 spawnedLocation = ownerSelectable.gameObject.transform.position; GameObject unit = (GameObject)Network.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Player"), spawnedLocation, Quaternion.identity, 0); //Clones will not have parentheses around the remote node label (client, or server). = (Network.isClient ? "client " : "server ") + System.Guid.NewGuid(); HealthBar foo = unit.GetComponent <HealthBar>(); HealthBar bar = this.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthBar>(); if (foo != null && bar != null) { foo.currentHealth = bar.currentHealth; foo.maxHealth = bar.maxHealth; foo.healthPercentage = bar.healthPercentage; } Selectable spawnedSelectable = unit.GetComponentInChildren <Selectable>(); spawnedSelectable.Deselect(); ownerSelectable.Deselect(); if (!Debugging.debugEnabled) { NetworkView view = unit.GetComponent <NetworkView>(); if (this.playerNetworkView != null && view != null) { float randomValue = Random.Range(-180f, 180f); this.playerNetworkView.RPC("RPC_Add", RPCMode.AllBuffered, ownerSelectable.GetComponent <NetworkView>().viewID, view.viewID, randomValue); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Debug flag is enabled."); } } } } } }
private void RPC_Add(NetworkViewID first, NetworkViewID second, float randomValue) { NetworkView firstView = NetworkView.Find(first); NetworkView secondView = NetworkView.Find(second); Divisible div = firstView.gameObject.GetComponent <Divisible>(); div.SetDivisibleNotReady(); div = secondView.gameObject.GetComponent <Divisible>(); div.SetDivisibleNotReady(); HealthBar foo = firstView.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthBar>(); HealthBar bar = secondView.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthBar>(); foo.Copy(bar); //Debug.Log((Network.isClient ? "(client)" : "(server)") + " is now making SpawnUnit struct object."); this.splitManager.spawnGroups.Add(new SpawnGroup(firstView.gameObject, secondView.gameObject, this.cooldownTimer, randomValue)); }