public override void Render(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle srcRT, RTHandle destRT) { if (_ditherType != ditherType.value || _ditherTexture == null) { CoreUtils.Destroy(_ditherTexture); _ditherType = ditherType.value; _ditherTexture = GenerateDitherTexture(_ditherType); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // In Editor, the gradient will be modified without any hint, // so we have to copy the color keys every frame. if (true) #else // In Player, we assume no one can modify gradients in profiles, // so we update the cache only when the reference was updated. if (_cachedGradient != fillGradient.value) #endif { _cachedGradient = fillGradient.value; _cachedColorKeys = _cachedGradient.colorKeys; } Vector2 edgeThresh; if (edgeSource.value == EdgeSource.Depth) { var thresh = 1 / Mathf.Lerp(1000, 1, edgeThreshold.value); var scaler = 1 + 2 / (1.01f - edgeContrast.value); edgeThresh = new Vector2(thresh, thresh * scaler); } else // Depth & Color { var t1 = edgeThreshold.value; var t2 = t1 + 1.01f - edgeContrast.value; edgeThresh = new Vector2(t1, t2); } _material.SetColor(ShaderIDs.EdgeColor, edgeColor.value); _material.SetVector(ShaderIDs.EdgeThresholds, edgeThresh); _material.SetFloat(ShaderIDs.FillOpacity, fillOpacity.value); GradientUtility.SetColorKeys(_material, _cachedColorKeys); _material.SetTexture(ShaderIDs.DitherTexture, _ditherTexture); _material.SetFloat(ShaderIDs.DitherStrength, ditherStrength.value); var pass = (int)edgeSource.value; if (fillOpacity.value > 0 && _cachedColorKeys.Length > 4) { pass += 3; } if (fillGradient.value.mode == GradientMode.Blend) { pass += 6; } // Blit to destRT with the overlay shader. _material.SetTexture(ShaderIDs.InputTexture, srcRT); HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, _material, destRT, null, pass); }
public static void ChangeTo4bppIndexed(this Bitmap Bmp, PaletteType palettetype = PaletteType.PaletteTypeOptimal, DitherType ditherType = DitherType.DitherTypeErrorDiffusion, int optimalColors = 16) { int Entries; // switch (palettetype) { case PaletteType.PaletteTypeFixedBW: Entries = 2; break; case PaletteType.PaletteTypeFixedHalftone8: Entries = 16; break; case PaletteType.PaletteTypeOptimal: if (optimalColors <= 0 || optimalColors > 16) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Colors should be between 0 (inclusive) and 16 (exclusive)"); Entries = optimalColors; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Error"); } var Pal = new int[2 + Entries]; Pal[0] = (int) PaletteFlags.GrayScale; // Flag Pal[1] = Entries; // Count if (palettetype == PaletteType.PaletteTypeOptimal) GdipInitializePalette(Pal, palettetype, Entries, 0, Bmp.NativeHandle()); else GdipInitializePalette(Pal, palettetype, Entries, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (palettetype == PaletteType.PaletteTypeOptimal) if (ditherType != DitherType.DitherTypeNone && ditherType != DitherType.DitherTypeSolid && ditherType != DitherType.DitherTypeErrorDiffusion) throw new ArgumentException("Arguments error"); GdipBitmapConvertFormat(Bmp.NativeHandle(), Convert.ToInt32(PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed), ditherType, palettetype, Pal, 50f); }
static void DitherWithMethod(MagickImage img, int colors, DitherType type) { if (type != DitherType.Random) { Logger.Log("-> Colors: " + colors + ", Dither Method: " + type.ToString()); } if (type == DitherType.FloydSteinberg) { img.Quantize(new QuantizeSettings { Colors = colors, DitherMethod = DitherMethod.FloydSteinberg }); } if (type == DitherType.Riemersma) { img.Quantize(new QuantizeSettings { Colors = colors, DitherMethod = DitherMethod.Riemersma }); } if (type == DitherType.Ordered4x4) { img.OrderedDither("o4x4"); } if (type == DitherType.Halftone4x4) { img.OrderedDither("h4x4a"); } var random = new Random(); int i = random.Next(0, 4); if (type == DitherType.Random) { if (i == 0) { DitherWithMethod(img, colors, DitherType.FloydSteinberg); } if (i == 1) { DitherWithMethod(img, colors, DitherType.Riemersma); } if (i == 2) { DitherWithMethod(img, colors, DitherType.Ordered4x4); } if (i == 3) { DitherWithMethod(img, colors, DitherType.Halftone4x4); } } }
public static void ChangeTo1bppIndexed(this Bitmap Bmp, DitherType ditherType = DitherType.DitherTypeErrorDiffusion) { if (ditherType != DitherType.DitherTypeSolid && ditherType != DitherType.DitherTypeErrorDiffusion) throw new ArgumentException("Arguments error."); var Pal = new int[4]; Pal[0] = (int) PaletteFlags.GrayScale; // Flag Pal[1] = 2; // Count GdipInitializePalette(Pal, PaletteType.PaletteTypeFixedBW, 2, 0, IntPtr.Zero); GdipBitmapConvertFormat(Bmp.NativeHandle(), Convert.ToInt32(PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed), ditherType, PaletteType.PaletteTypeFixedBW, Pal, 50f); }
public override void Render(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle srcRT, RTHandle destRT) { if (_ditherType != ditherType.value) { CoreUtils.Destroy(_ditherTexture); _ditherType = ditherType.value; _ditherTexture = GenerateDitherTexture(_ditherType); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // In editor, copy gradient color keys every frame. _gradientCache = fillGradient.value.colorKeys; #endif Vector2 edgeThresh; if (edgeSource == EdgeSource.Depth) { var thresh = 1 / Mathf.Lerp(1000, 1, edgeThreshold.value); var scaler = 1 + 2 / (1.01f - edgeContrast.value); edgeThresh = new Vector2(thresh, thresh * scaler); } else // Depth & Color { var t1 = edgeThreshold.value; var t2 = t1 + 1.01f - edgeContrast.value; edgeThresh = new Vector2(t1, t2); } _material.SetColor(ShaderIDs.EdgeColor, edgeColor.value); _material.SetVector(ShaderIDs.EdgeThresholds, edgeThresh); _material.SetFloat(ShaderIDs.FillOpacity, fillOpacity.value); GradientUtility.SetColorKeys(_material, _gradientCache); _material.SetTexture(ShaderIDs.DitherTexture, _ditherTexture); _material.SetFloat(ShaderIDs.DitherStrength, ditherStrength.value); var pass = (int)edgeSource.value; if (fillOpacity.value > 0 && _gradientCache.Length > 3) { pass += 3; } if (fillGradient.value.mode == GradientMode.Blend) { pass += 6; } // Blit to destRT with the overlay shader. _material.SetTexture(ShaderIDs.InputTexture, srcRT); HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, _material, destRT, null, pass); }
private void Initialize(Stream output, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither, WaveFormat format) { NumChannels = numChannels; SampleRate = sampleRate; BitsPerSample = bitsPerSample; _audioFormat = format; _dither = dither; _sampleCount = 0; _doneHeader = false; _fs = null; _bs = new BufferedStream(output); _w = new BinaryWriter(_bs); }
static Texture2D GenerateDitherTexture(DitherType type) { if (type == DitherType.Bayer2x2) { var tex = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); tex.LoadRawTextureData(new byte [] { 0, 170, 255, 85 }); tex.Apply(); return(tex); } if (type == DitherType.Bayer3x3) { var tex = new Texture2D(3, 3, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); tex.LoadRawTextureData(new byte [] { 0, 223, 95, 191, 159, 63, 127, 31, 255 }); tex.Apply(); return(tex); } if (type == DitherType.Bayer4x4) { var tex = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); tex.LoadRawTextureData(new byte [] { 0, 136, 34, 170, 204, 68, 238, 102, 51, 187, 17, 153, 255, 119, 221, 85 }); tex.Apply(); return(tex); } if (type == DitherType.Bayer8x8) { var tex = new Texture2D(8, 8, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); tex.LoadRawTextureData(new byte [] { 0, 194, 48, 242, 12, 206, 60, 255, 129, 64, 178, 113, 141, 76, 190, 125, 32, 226, 16, 210, 44, 238, 28, 222, 161, 97, 145, 80, 174, 109, 157, 93, 8, 202, 56, 250, 4, 198, 52, 246, 137, 72, 186, 121, 133, 68, 182, 117, 40, 234, 24, 218, 36, 230, 20, 214, 170, 105, 153, 89, 165, 101, 149, 85 }); tex.Apply(); return(tex); } return(null); }
public static Texture2D DitherTexture(DitherType type) { switch (type) { case DitherType.Bayer2x2: return(bayer2x2Texture); case DitherType.Bayer3x3: return(bayer3x3Texture); case DitherType.Bayer4x4: return(bayer4x4Texture); case DitherType.Bayer8x8: return(bayer8x8Texture); default: return(bnoise64x64Texture); } }
public static void Dither(string path, int colorsMin, int colorsMax, DitherType type) { MagickImage img = IOUtils.ReadImage(path); if (img == null) { return; } int colors = new Random().Next(colorsMin, colorsMax); //Program.Print("-> Colors: " + colors + ", Dither Method: " + quantSettings.DitherMethod.ToString()); DitherWithMethod(img, colors, type); img.Quality = Program.GetDefaultQuality(img); img.Write(path); }
static private double[] FilterArray(DitherType type) { switch (type) { case DitherType.SHAPED: return(_Wannamaker); case DitherType.SBM: return(_SBM); case DitherType.NONE: case DitherType.TRIANGULAR: default: return(new double[0]); } }
public Dither(DitherType type, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample) { _type = type; _sampleRate = sampleRate; _bitsPerSample = bitsPerSample; _minv = MinValue(_bitsPerSample); _maxv = MaxValue(_bitsPerSample); _filter = FilterArray(type); _EH = new double[2 * _filter.Length]; _HistPos = _filter.Length - 1; // Tweak the random number source _random = new Random(); }
public static async Task Dither(string path, int colorsMin, int colorsMax, DitherType type) { MagickImage img = IOUtils.ReadImage(path); if (img == null) { return; } int colors = new Random().Next(colorsMin, colorsMax); //Logger.Log("-> Colors: " + colors + ", Dither Method: " + quantSettings.DitherMethod.ToString()); DitherWithMethod(img, colors, type); img.Quality = await Program.GetFormatQuality(img); img.Write(path); }
public static int ChangeTo1bppIndexed(this Bitmap Bmp, DitherType ditherType = DitherType.ErrorDiffusion) { if (ditherType != DitherType.Solid && ditherType != DitherType.ErrorDiffusion) { return(2); } var Pal = new int[4]; Pal[0] = (int)PaletteFlags.GrayScale; // Flag Pal[1] = 2; // Count GdipInitializePalette(Pal, PaletteType.FixedBW, 2, 0, IntPtr.Zero); return(GdipBitmapConvertFormat(Bmp.NativeHandle(), Convert.ToInt32(PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed), ditherType, PaletteType.FixedBW, Pal, 50f)); }
public static (int, int) GetQualityRange(DitherType dither) { // Returns valid ranges for FXAA_QUALITY__PRESET (as in FXAAShader.xksl) switch (dither) { case DitherType.Medium: return(0, 5); case DitherType.Low: return(0, 9); case DitherType.None: return(9, 9); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Dither)); } }
public static async void DitherDir(int colorsMin, int colorsMax, DitherType type) { int counter = 1; FileInfo[] files = IOUtils.GetFiles(); Program.PreProcessing(); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { Program.ShowProgress("Dithering Image ", counter, files.Length); counter++; Dither(file.FullName, colorsMin, colorsMax, type); if (counter % 2 == 0) { await Program.PutTaskDelay(); } } Program.PostProcessing(files.Length); }
public override void Render(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, RTHandle srcRT, RTHandle destRT) { if (_ditherType != ditherType.value || _ditherTexture == null) { CoreUtils.Destroy(_ditherTexture); _ditherType = ditherType.value; _ditherTexture = GenerateDitherTexture(_ditherType); } if (_material == null) { return; } _material.SetFloat(IDs.Dithering, dithering.value); _material.SetFloat(IDs.Levels, colorLevels.value); _material.SetFloat(IDs.Downsampling, downsampling.value); _material.SetTexture(IDs.InputTexture, srcRT); _material.SetTexture(IDs.DitherTexture, _ditherTexture); HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, _material, destRT); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void Initialize(string fileName, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither, WaveFormat format, bool rewrite) { NumChannels = numChannels; SampleRate = sampleRate; BitsPerSample = bitsPerSample; _audioFormat = format; _dither = dither; _sampleCount = 0; _doneHeader = false; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { if (rewrite == false) { throw (new Exception("File already exists: " + fileName)); } } _fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); _bs = new BufferedStream(_fs); _w = new BinaryWriter(_bs); }
public async void SaveGIFAsync(string filepath, PaletteType paletteType, DitherType dithertype, int colorCount = 256) { if (FCaptureState != CaptureState.Idle) { return; } FCaptureState = CaptureState.Writing; FSaveFilePath = filepath; DoReportProgress(); foreach (var frame in FFrames) { FGIF.AddFrame(frame.Image, FDelayInMilliseconds / 10); } try { var fileStream = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); FGIF.Save(fileStream, paletteType, dithertype, colorCount); fileStream.Dispose(); } catch { //silently fail } finally { FFrames.Clear(); FGIF.Clear(); FCaptureState = CaptureState.Idle; DoReportProgress(); } }
internal static extern int /* HRESULT */ Initialize( System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICFormatConverter */ THIS_PTR, System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ source, ref Guid dstFormat, DitherType dither, System.Windows.Media.SafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapPalette */ bitmapPalette, double alphaThreshold, WICPaletteType paletteTranslate );
public WaveWriter(string fileName, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither) { Initialize(fileName, numChannels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, dither, WaveFormat.ANY, true); }
private static extern int GdipBitmapConvertFormat(IntPtr bitmap, int pixelFormat, DitherType dithertype, PaletteType palettetype, IntPtr Pal, float alphaThresholdPercent);
public static int ChangeTo8bppIndexed(this Bitmap Bmp, PaletteType palettetype = PaletteType.Optimal, DitherType ditherType = DitherType.ErrorDiffusion, int optimalColors = 256) { int Entries; // switch (palettetype) { case PaletteType.FixedBW: Entries = 2; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone8: Entries = 16; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone27: Entries = 36; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone64: Entries = 73; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone125: Entries = 134; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone216: Entries = 225; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone252: Entries = 253; break; case PaletteType.FixedHalftone256: Entries = 256; break; case PaletteType.Optimal: Entries = Math.Min(Math.Max(optimalColors, 1), 256); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Error"); } var Pal = new int[2 + Entries]; Pal[0] = (int)PaletteFlags.GrayScale; // Flag Pal[1] = Entries; // Count if (palettetype == PaletteType.Optimal) { GdipInitializePalette(Pal, palettetype, Entries, 0, Bmp.NativeHandle()); } else { GdipInitializePalette(Pal, palettetype, Entries, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } if (palettetype == PaletteType.Optimal) { if (ditherType != DitherType.None && ditherType != DitherType.Solid && ditherType != DitherType.ErrorDiffusion) { return(2); } } return(GdipBitmapConvertFormat(Bmp.NativeHandle(), Convert.ToInt32(PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed), ditherType, palettetype, Pal, 0)); }
// ----- static bool LoadConfig1() { // Some settings are basically obsolete // - never configurable by the client-settings document // - but we still allow override from app.config // Load them here (rather than in ReadConfig) because the appsettings is always cached anyway... // even if we watched it, it would never change... System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader rdr; try { rdr = new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader(); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("AppSettings error: {0}", e.Message); return true; } try { _debug |= (bool)rdr.GetValue("debug", typeof(bool)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _inPath = (string)rdr.GetValue("input", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _isRawIn = (bool)rdr.GetValue("rawIn", typeof(bool)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _rawtype = (WaveFormat)rdr.GetValue("rawtype", typeof(int)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _rawbits = (ushort)rdr.GetValue("rawbits", typeof(ushort)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _rawchan = (ushort)rdr.GetValue("rawchan", typeof(ushort)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _outPath = (string)rdr.GetValue("output", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _outBits = (ushort)rdr.GetValue("outbits", typeof(ushort)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _dither = (DitherType)rdr.GetValue("dither", typeof(int)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _isRawOut = (bool)rdr.GetValue("rawOut", typeof(bool)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _partitions = (int)rdr.GetValue("partitions", typeof(int)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _maxImpulseLength = (int)rdr.GetValue("maximpulse", typeof(int)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _tail = (bool)rdr.GetValue("tail", typeof(bool)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _slow = (bool)rdr.GetValue("slow", typeof(bool)); } catch (Exception) { } // sox settings try { _soxExe = (string)rdr.GetValue("soxExe", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _soxFmt = (string)rdr.GetValue("soxFmt", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } // aften (or other output device) settings try { _aftenExe = (string)rdr.GetValue("aftenExe", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _aftenFmt = (string)rdr.GetValue("aftenFmt", typeof(string)); } catch (Exception) { } // Ambisonic settings try { _ambiDistance = (double)rdr.GetValue("ambiDistance", typeof(double)); } catch (Exception) { } try { _ambiShelfFreq = (double)rdr.GetValue("ambiShelfFreq", typeof(double)); } catch (Exception) { } return true; }
public static int ChangeTo16bppRgb555(this Bitmap Bmp, DitherType ditherType = DitherType.ErrorDiffusion) { return(GdipBitmapConvertFormat(Bmp.NativeHandle(), Convert.ToInt32(PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555), ditherType, PaletteType.Custom, IntPtr.Zero, 50f)); }
private static double[] FilterArray(DitherType type) { switch (type) { case DitherType.SHAPED: return _Wannamaker; case DitherType.SBM: return _SBM; case DitherType.NONE: case DitherType.TRIANGULAR: default: return new double[0]; } }
public WaveWriter(Stream output, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither, WaveFormat format) { Initialize(output, numChannels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, dither, format); }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public WaveWriter(string fileName, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither, WaveFormat format, bool rewrite) { Initialize(fileName, numChannels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, dither, format, rewrite); }
public WaveWriter(Stream output, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither) { Initialize(output, numChannels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, dither, WaveFormat.ANY); }
static void InguzDSP(bool doRun) { DateTime dtStartRun = DateTime.Now; string sigdesc = null; // We need a few convolvers, of course if (_slow) { _MatrixConvolver = new SlowConvolver(); _MainConvolver = new SlowConvolver(); _EQConvolver = new SlowConvolver(); } else { _MatrixConvolver = new FastConvolver(); _MainConvolver = new FastConvolver(); _EQConvolver = new FastConvolver(); } // Shuffler _widthShuffler = new Shuffler(); // Two skewers _depthSkewer = new Skewer(true); _skewSkewer = new Skewer(true); // Writer if (_outPath == null) { _writer = new WaveWriter(); // stdout } else { _writer = new WaveWriter(_outPath); } _writer.NumChannels = _outChannels; if (_debug) { TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStartRun); Trace.WriteLine("Setup " + ts.TotalMilliseconds); } /* DateTime exp = DSPUtil.DSPUtil.EXPIRY; if (exp != null) { if (DateTime.Now.CompareTo(exp) >= 0) { Trace.WriteLine("**** THIS EVALUATION VERSION EXPIRED {0}", DSPUtil.DSPUtil.EXPIRY); Trace.WriteLine("**** SEE FOR DETAILS"); _MatrixConvolver.Enabled = false; _MainConvolver.Enabled = false; _EQConvolver.Enabled = false; Show("", "InguzDSP has expired.", 2); } else { Trace.WriteLine("This evaluation version will expire {0}", DSPUtil.DSPUtil.EXPIRY); } } */ // Read the configuration file doRun = LoadConfig2(); // Do any cleanup required before we start CleanUp(); // The main convolver should persist and re-use its leftovers between invocations // under this user's (=squeezebox's) ID _MainConvolver.partitions = _partitions; if (_tail && !IsSigGenNonEQ()) { _MainConvolver.PersistPath = _tempFolder; _MainConvolver.PersistTail = _userID; } // Construct a second convolver for the "tone" (EQ) control. _EQConvolver.partitions = _partitions; if (_tail && !IsSigGenNonEQ()) { _EQConvolver.PersistPath = _tempFolder; _EQConvolver.PersistTail = _userID + ".eq"; } // Make a reader // _inPath is the data stream WaveReader inputReader = null; bool ok = false; try { if (_inStream != null) { inputReader = new WaveReader(_inStream); } else if (_isRawIn) { inputReader = new WaveReader(_inPath, _rawtype, _rawbits, _rawchan, _startTime); } else { inputReader = new WaveReader(_inPath, _startTime); } inputReader.BigEndian = _bigEndian; ok = true; } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Unable to read: " + e.Message); // Just stop (no need to report the stack) } if (ok) { if (inputReader.IsSPDIF) { // The wave file is just a SPDIF (IEC61937) stream, we shouldn't touch it _inputSPDIF = true; _isBypass = true; } if (_isBypass) { // The settings file says bypass, we shouldn't touch it _gain = 0; _dither = DitherType.NONE; } uint sr = _inputSampleRate; // Yes, the commandline overrides the source-file... if (sr == 0) { sr = inputReader.SampleRate; } if (sr == 0) { sr = 44100; } _inputSampleRate = sr; if (WaveFormatEx.AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT.Equals(inputReader.FormatEx) || WaveFormatEx.AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT_PCM.Equals(inputReader.FormatEx)) { _isBFormat = true; } } ISoundObj source = inputReader; if (IsSigGen()) { // Signal-generator source instead of music. _isBFormat = false; source = GetSignalGenerator(-12, out sigdesc); Show("Test signal", sigdesc, 20); } if (IsSigGenNonEQ() || _isBypass) { // Signal-generator mode. Overrides everything else! _writer.Input = source; } else { if (ok) { // Load the room correction impulse to the convolver // (NB: don't do this until we've created the reader, otherwise we can't be user of the samplerate yet...) LoadImpulse(); GC.Collect(); } if (ok && _isBFormat) { source = DecodeBFormat(source); } if (ok) { ISoundObj nextSrc; // Perform width (matrix) processing on the signal // - Shuffle the channels // - Convolve if there's a filter // - Apply gain to boost or cut the 'side' channel // - Shuffle back _widthShuffler.Input = source; nextSrc = _widthShuffler; // Use a convolver for the matrix filter if (_matrixFilter != null) { LoadMatrixFilter(); _MatrixConvolver.Input = TwoChannel(nextSrc); nextSrc = _MatrixConvolver as ISoundObj; } // if (_depth != 0) // { // // Time-alignment between the LR and MS // _depthSkewer.Input = nextSrc; // nextSrc = _depthSkewer; // } // Shuffle back again Shuffler shMSLR = new Shuffler(); shMSLR.Input = nextSrc; nextSrc = shMSLR; // Do the room-correction convolution _MainConvolver.Input = TwoChannel(shMSLR); nextSrc = _MainConvolver; if (_skew != 0) { // time-alignment between left and right _skewSkewer.Input = nextSrc; nextSrc = _skewSkewer; } // Splice EQ and non-EQ channels if (IsSigGenEQ()) { ChannelSplicer splice = new ChannelSplicer(); if (IsSigGenEQL()) { splice.Add(new SingleChannel(nextSrc, 0)); } else { splice.Add(new SingleChannel(source, 0)); } if (IsSigGenEQR()) { splice.Add(new SingleChannel(nextSrc, 1)); } else { splice.Add(new SingleChannel(source, 1)); } nextSrc = splice; } // Process externally with aften or equivalent? if (_aftenNeeded && !_isBypass) { nextSrc = AftenProcess(nextSrc); _outFormat = WaveFormat.PCM; _outBits = 16; _dither = DitherType.NONE; } // Finally pipe this to the writer _writer.Input = nextSrc; } } if (ok) { //dt = System.DateTime.Now; // time to here is approx 300ms // Dither and output raw-format override anything earlier in the chain _writer.Dither = _isBypass ? DitherType.NONE : _dither; _writer.Raw = _isRawOut; _writer.Format = (_outFormat == WaveFormat.ANY) ? inputReader.Format : _outFormat; _writer.BitsPerSample = (_outBits == 0 || _isBypass) ? inputReader.BitsPerSample : _outBits; _writer.SampleRate = (_outRate == 0 || _isBypass) ? _inputSampleRate : _outRate; SetWriterGain(); if (IsSigGen()) { Trace.WriteLine("Test signal: {0}, -12dBfs, {1}/{2} {3} {4}", sigdesc, _writer.BitsPerSample, _writer.SampleRate, _writer.Format, _writer.Dither); } string amb1 = ""; string amb2 = ""; if(_isBFormat) { amb1 = "B-Format "; amb2 = _ambiType + " "; } string big = inputReader.BigEndian ? "(Big-Endian) " : ""; if (_inputSPDIF) { Trace.WriteLine("Stream is SPDIF-wrapped; passing through"); } else if (_isBypass) { Trace.WriteLine("Processing is disabled; passing through"); } Trace.WriteLine("{0}/{1} {2}{3} {4}=> {5}/{6} {7}{8} {9}, gain {10} dB", inputReader.BitsPerSample, _inputSampleRate, amb1, inputReader.Format, big, _writer.BitsPerSample, _writer.SampleRate, amb2, _writer.Format, _writer.Dither, _gain); TimeSpan elapsedInit = System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStartRun); int n = _writer.Run(); TimeSpan elapsedTotal = System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStartRun); double realtime = n / _writer.SampleRate; double runtime = elapsedTotal.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Trace.WriteLine("{0} samples, {1} ms ({2} init), {3} * realtime, peak {4} dBfs", n, elapsedTotal.TotalMilliseconds, elapsedInit.TotalMilliseconds, Math.Round(realtime / runtime, 4), Math.Round(_writer.dbfsPeak, 4)); StopConfigListening(); _writer.Close(); } }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void Initialize(string fileName, ushort numChannels, uint sampleRate, ushort bitsPerSample, DitherType dither, WaveFormat format, bool rewrite) { NumChannels = numChannels; SampleRate = sampleRate; BitsPerSample = bitsPerSample; _audioFormat = format; _dither = dither; _sampleCount = 0; _doneHeader = false; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { if (rewrite == false) throw (new Exception("File already exists: " + fileName)); } _fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); _bs = new BufferedStream(_fs); _w = new BinaryWriter(_bs); }
public void Save(Stream OutStream, PaletteType paletteType, DitherType ditherType, int colorCount) { using (var Writer = new BinaryWriter(OutStream)) { //Header Writer.Write(FileType.ToCharArray()); Writer.Write(FileVersion.ToCharArray()); //Logical Screen Descriptor var w = Frames[0].Image.Width; var h = Frames[0].Image.Height; Writer.Write((short)(DefaultWidth == 0 ? w : DefaultWidth)); // Initial Logical Width Writer.Write((short)(DefaultHeight == 0 ? h : DefaultHeight)); // Initial Logical Height byte gctInfo = 0; if (paletteType != PaletteType.Optimal) //use a global colortable { using (var gifStream = new MemoryStream()) { var bitmap = new Bitmap(Frames[0].Image); bitmap.ChangeTo8bppIndexed(paletteType, ditherType, colorCount); bitmap.Save(gifStream, ImageFormat.Gif); gifStream.Position = SourceGlobalColorInfoPosition; gctInfo = (byte)gifStream.ReadByte(); var bv = new BitVector32(gctInfo); var sizeSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(7); SourceColorBlockLength = (1 << (bv[sizeSection] + 1)) * 3; SourceGraphicControlExtensionPosition = SourceColorBlockLength + 13; SourceImageBlockPosition = SourceGraphicControlExtensionPosition; Writer.Write(gctInfo); // Global Color Table Info Writer.Write((byte)0); // Background Color Index Writer.Write((byte)0); // Pixel aspect ratio WriteColorTable(gifStream, Writer); } } else //local colortables will be used for each frame { Writer.Write(gctInfo); // Global Color Table Info Writer.Write((byte)0); // Background Color Index Writer.Write((byte)0); // Pixel aspect ratio } //Netscape extension for looping animations unchecked { Writer.Write((short)ApplicationExtensionBlockIdentifier); }; Writer.Write((byte)ApplicationBlockSize); Writer.Write(NetscapeIdentification.ToCharArray()); Writer.Write((byte)3); // Application block length Writer.Write((byte)1); Writer.Write((short)Repeat); // Repeat count for images. Writer.Write((byte)0); // terminator // vvvv Extension Header unchecked { Writer.Write((short)ApplicationExtensionBlockIdentifier); }; Writer.Write((byte)ApplicationBlockSize); Writer.Write(VVVVIdentification.ToCharArray()); Writer.Write((byte)1); // Application block length Writer.Write((byte)0); // dummy Writer.Write((byte)0); // terminator //individual frames for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) { var frame = Frames[i]; { using (var gifStream = new MemoryStream()) { var bitmap = new Bitmap(frame.Image); if (bitmap.ChangeTo8bppIndexed(paletteType, ditherType, colorCount) == 0) { bitmap.Save(gifStream, ImageFormat.Gif); } else { frame.Image.Save(gifStream, ImageFormat.Gif); } WriteGraphicControlBlock(gifStream, Writer, frame.Delay); WriteImageBlock(gifStream, Writer, paletteType == PaletteType.Optimal, frame.XOffset, frame.YOffset, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); } } } // Complete File Writer.Write(FileTrailer); } }