Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string      strResult    = "";
            string      strError     = "";
            Servers     oServer      = new Servers(0, dsn);
            OnDemand    oOnDemand    = new OnDemand(0, dsn);
            IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn);

            oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn);
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(999);

            string strName          = "healyTest";
            string strCluster       = "CLESVTLAB01";
            double dblDriveC        = 60.00;
            string strDatastore     = "CTVXN00007";
            double dblDrive2        = 10.00;
            double dblDrive3        = 10.00;
            string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5";  // DHCP enabled
            string strMDTos         = "WABEx64";
            string strMDTtask       = "W2K8R2_STD";
            string strMDTbuildDB    = "ServerShare";
            string strVMguestOS     = "windows7Server64Guest";
            string strMACAddress    = "";
            string strResourcePool  = "";

            string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", 999, "PNC-TestLab");

            if (strConnect == "")
                VimService             _service            = oVMWare.GetService();
                ServiceContent         _sic                = oVMWare.GetSic();
                ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef       = oVMWare.GetDataCenter();
                ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef         = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef);
                ManagedObjectReference clusterRef          = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster);
                ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool");
                if (strResourcePool != "")
                    resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool);
                VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();

                // Create computer
                ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null;
                oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line";
                oConfig.guestId    = strVMguestOS;
                string strRamConfig = "2048";
                oConfig.memoryMB          = long.Parse(strRamConfig);
                oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true;
                int intCpuConfig = 1;
                oConfig.numCPUs          = intCpuConfig;
                oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true;
                oConfig.name             = strName.ToLower();
                oConfig.files            = new VirtualMachineFileInfo();
                oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx";

                ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null);
                TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info");
                while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                    oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info");
                if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                    oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result;
                    VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config");
                    strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>";
                    strError = "Virtual Machine was not created";

                if (strError == "")
                    // 2) SCSI Controller 1
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi      = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec  controlVMSpec = Controller(0, 2, 1000);
                    _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi);
                    TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>";
                        strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created";

                if (strError == "")
                    // 3) Create Hard Disk 1
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00;
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, 1000, "");
                    _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1);
                    TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Hard Drive # 1 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>";
                        strError = "Hard Drive # 1 Was Not Created";

                if (strError == "")
                    // 4) Create Hard Disk 2
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00;
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, 1000, "_2");
                    _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1);
                    TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>";
                        strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created";

                if (strError == "")
                    // 5) SCSI Controller 2
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi      = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec  controlVMSpec = Controller(1, 3, 1001);
                    _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi);
                    TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "SCSI Controller # 1 Created<br/>";
                        strError = "SCSI Controller # 1 Was Not Created";

                if (strError == "")
                    // 6) Create Hard Disk 3
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    dblDrive3 = dblDrive3 * 1024.00 * 1024.00;
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore, dblDrive3.ToString(), 0, 1001, "_3");
                    _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1);
                    TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Hard Drive # 3 Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>";
                        strError = "Hard Drive # 3 Was Not Created";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["build"]) == false)
                    if (strError == "")
                        bool   boolCompleted               = false;
                        string strPortGroupKey             = "";
                        ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network");
                        foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks)
                            if (boolCompleted == true)
                                if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString())
                                    object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config");
                                    if (oPortConfig != null)
                                        DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig;
                                        if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey)
                                            strPortGroupKey = oPort.key;
                                            ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch;
                                            string strSwitchUUID           = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid");
                                            Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>");

                                            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1];
                                            VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo();
                                            DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection             = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection();
                                            connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey;
                                            connection.switchUuid   = strSwitchUUID;
                                            vecdvpbi.port           = connection;
                                            //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000();
                                            VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3();
                                            //      ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32();
                                            newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi;
                                            newethdev.key     = 5000;
                                            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                                            newethdevicespec.device             = newethdev;
                                            newethdevicespec.operation          = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
                                            newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true;
                                            configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec;
                                            VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                                            vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr;
                                            ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec);
                                            TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                                            while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                                                _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                                            if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                                                strResult    += "Network Adapter Created<br/>";
                                                boolCompleted = true;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object)
                        if (boolCompleted == false)
                            strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group";

                    if (strError == "")
                        // 7) Boot Delay
                        VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions();
                        oBootOptions.bootDelay          = 10000;
                        oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true;
                        VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                        _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions;
                        ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options);
                        TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info");
                        while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info");
                        if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>";
                            strError = "Boot delay NOT changed";

                    if (strError == "")
                        // 8) Get MAC Address
                        VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config");
                        VirtualDevice[]          _device = _vminfo.hardware.device;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++)
                            // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC
                            if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1")
                                VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii];
                                strMACAddress = nic.macAddress;
                        if (strMACAddress != "")
                            strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>";
                            strError = "No MAC Address";

                    if (strError == "")
                        // 9) Configure WebService
                        System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain());
                        BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit();
                        oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials;
                        oMDT.Url         = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx";
                        string[] strExtendedMDT  = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" };
                        string   strExtendedMDTs = "";
                        foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT)
                            if (strExtendedMDTs != "")
                                strExtendedMDTs += ", ";
                            strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT;
                        string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT);
                        strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>";

                    if (strError == "")
                        // 10) Power On
                        GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest");
                        if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN")
                            ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null);
                            TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                            while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                                _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                            if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                                strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On";
                                strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On";
                            strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")";

                // Logout
                if (_service != null)
                    if (_service.Container != null)
                    catch { }
                    _service = null;
                    _sic     = null;

                Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult);
                Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError);
                Response.Write("LOGIN error");
Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string      strResult    = "";
            string      strError     = "";
            Servers     oServer      = new Servers(0, dsn);
            OnDemand    oOnDemand    = new OnDemand(0, dsn);
            IPAddresses oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(0, dsnIP, dsn);

            oVMWare = new VMWare(0, dsn);

            string strName          = "healytest2";
            string strCluster       = "CDALVMTEST01";
            string strDatastore1    = "dt01-ibm-lun1";
            string strDatastore2    = "";
            string strVLAN          = "VLAN52";
            string strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup255";
            string strMACAddress    = "";
            string strResourcePool  = "";
            string strMDTos         = "WABEx64";
            string strMDTtask       = "W2K8R2_ENT";
            string strMDTbuildDB    = "ServerShare";
            double dblDriveC        = 27.5;
            double dblDrive2        = 2.5;
            string strVMguestOS     = "winNetEnterprise64Guest";

            intEnvironment = 999;
            string strConnect = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wdsvt100a/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC");

            if (Request.QueryString["old"] != null)
                strName        = "healytest";
                strCluster     = "ohcinxcv4003";
                strDatastore1  = "CINDSSVCN40063";
                strVLAN        = "vlan250net";
                intEnvironment = 3;
                strConnect     = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://ohcinutl4003/sdk", intEnvironment, "Dalton");
            if (Request.QueryString["w"] != null)
                strName          = "healytest2";
                strCluster       = "CLEVDTLAB01";
                strDatastore1    = "VDItest";
                strDatastore2    = "pagefile01";
                strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup";
                strResourcePool  = "VDI";
                strMDTos         = "DesktopWABEx86";
                strMDTtask       = "VDIXP";
                strMDTbuildDB    = "DesktopDeploymentShare";
                strVMguestOS     = "windows7_64Guest";
                strConnect       = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://vwsvt102/sdk", intEnvironment, "PNC-TestLab");
            if (Request.QueryString["t"] != null)
                strName          = "healyTest2012";
                strCluster       = "CLESVTLAB01";
                dblDriveC        = 45.00;
                strDatastore1    = "CTVXN00008";
                strDatastore2    = "CTVXN00008";
                dblDrive2        = 10.00;
                strPortGroupName = "dvPortGroup5";  // DHCP enabled
                strMDTos         = "WABEx64";
                strMDTtask       = "W2K8R2_STD";
                strMDTbuildDB    = "ServerShare";
                strVMguestOS     = "windows8Server64Guest";
                strConnect       = oVMWare.ConnectDEBUG("https://wcsvt013a.pnceng.pvt/sdk", (int)CurrentEnvironment.PNCENG, "PNC");
            Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment);

            if (strConnect == "")
                VimService             _service            = oVMWare.GetService();
                ServiceContent         _sic                = oVMWare.GetSic();
                ManagedObjectReference datacenterRef       = oVMWare.GetDataCenter();
                ManagedObjectReference vmFolderRef         = oVMWare.GetVMFolder(datacenterRef);
                ManagedObjectReference clusterRef          = oVMWare.GetCluster(strCluster);
                ManagedObjectReference resourcePoolRootRef = (ManagedObjectReference)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(clusterRef, "resourcePool");
                if (strResourcePool != "")
                    resourcePoolRootRef = oVMWare.GetResourcePool(clusterRef, strResourcePool);
                VirtualMachineConfigSpec oConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();

                int intStep = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["s"], out intStep);

                string strUUID = "";
                ManagedObjectReference oComputer = null;
                if (intStep == 100 || intStep == 1)
                    if (oComputer != null && oComputer.Value != "")
                        // Destroy computer
                        ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.Destroy_Task(oComputer);
                        TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                        while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                        if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Destroyed<br/>";
                            strError = "Virtual Machine was not destroyed";
                    if (strError == "")
                        // Create computer
                        oConfig.annotation = "Blah, Blah, Blah" + Environment.NewLine + "Next Line";
                        oConfig.guestId    = strVMguestOS;
                        oConfig.firmware   = "efi";
                        string strRamConfig = "2048";
                        oConfig.memoryMB          = long.Parse(strRamConfig);
                        oConfig.memoryMBSpecified = true;
                        int intCpuConfig = 1;
                        oConfig.numCPUs          = intCpuConfig;
                        oConfig.numCPUsSpecified = true;
                        oConfig.name             = strName.ToLower();
                        oConfig.files            = new VirtualMachineFileInfo();
                        oConfig.files.vmPathName = "[" + strDatastore1 + "] " + strName.ToLower() + "/" + strName.ToLower() + ".vmx";

                        ManagedObjectReference _task = _service.CreateVM_Task(vmFolderRef, oConfig, resourcePoolRootRef, null);
                        TaskInfo oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info");
                        while (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            oInfo = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task, "info");
                        if (oInfo.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            oComputer = (ManagedObjectReference)oInfo.result;
                            VirtualMachineConfigInfo _temp = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config");
                            strResult += "Virtual Machine " + strName.ToUpper() + " Created (" + _temp.uuid + ")<br/>";
                            strError = "Virtual Machine was not created";

                if (intStep > 1)
                    oComputer = oVMWare.GetVM(strName);

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 2) && strError == "")
                    // 2) SCSI Controller
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_scsi      = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec  controlVMSpec = Controller(true);
                    _cs_scsi.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { controlVMSpec };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_scsi = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_scsi);
                    TaskInfo _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    while (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _inf_scsi = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_scsi, "info");
                    if (_inf_scsi.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "SCSI Controller Created<br/>";
                        strError = "SCSI Controller Was Not Created";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 3) && strError == "")
                    // 3) Create Hard Disk 1
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    dblDriveC = dblDriveC * 1024.00 * 1024.00;
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore1, dblDriveC.ToString(), 0, "");    // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024
                    _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1);
                    TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                    if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Hard Drive Created (" + dblDriveC.ToString() + ")<br/>";
                        strError = "Hard Drive Was Not Created";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 33) && strError == "")
                    if (strDatastore2 != "")
                        // 33) Create Hard Disk 2
                        VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_hdd1 = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                        dblDrive2 = dblDrive2 * 1024.00 * 1024.00;
                        VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskVMSpec1 = Disk(oVMWare, strName, strDatastore2, dblDrive2.ToString(), 1, (strDatastore1 == strDatastore2 ? "_1" : ""));    // 10485760 KB = 10 GB = 10 x 1024 x 1024
                        _cs_hdd1.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { diskVMSpec1 };
                        ManagedObjectReference _task_hdd1 = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_hdd1);
                        TaskInfo _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                        while (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            _info_hdd1 = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_hdd1, "info");
                        if (_info_hdd1.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            strResult += "Hard Drive # 2 Created (" + dblDrive2.ToString() + ")<br/>";
                            strError = "Hard Drive # 2 Was Not Created";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 4) && strError == "")
                    // 4) Create Network Adapter
                    bool boolISVmware4 = true;
                    if (boolISVmware4 == false)
                        VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[]             configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1];
                        VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo vecnbi        = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo();
                        vecnbi.deviceName = strVLAN;
                        VirtualEthernetCard newethdev;
                        //newethdev = new VirtualE1000();
                        newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3();
                        //      ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32();
                        newethdev.backing = vecnbi;
                        newethdev.key     = 5000;
                        VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                        newethdevicespec.device             = newethdev;
                        newethdevicespec.operation          = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
                        newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true;
                        configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec;
                        VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                        vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr;
                        ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec);
                        TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                        while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                        if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            strResult += "Network Adapter Created<br/>";
                            strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created";
                        bool   boolCompleted               = false;
                        string strPortGroupKey             = "";
                        ManagedObjectReference[] oNetworks = (ManagedObjectReference[])oVMWare.getObjectProperty(datacenterRef, "network");
                        foreach (ManagedObjectReference oNetwork in oNetworks)
                            if (boolCompleted == true)
                                if (strPortGroupName == "" || strPortGroupName == oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "name").ToString())
                                    object oPortConfig = oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oNetwork, "config");
                                    if (oPortConfig != null)
                                        DVPortgroupConfigInfo oPort = (DVPortgroupConfigInfo)oPortConfig;
                                        if (oPort.key != strPortGroupKey)
                                            strPortGroupKey = oPort.key;
                                            ManagedObjectReference oSwitch = oPort.distributedVirtualSwitch;
                                            string strSwitchUUID           = (string)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oSwitch, "uuid");
                                            Response.Write("Trying..." + strPortGroupKey + "(" + strSwitchUUID + ")" + "<br/>");

                                            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] configspecarr = configspecarr = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1];
                                            VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo vecdvpbi = new VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo();
                                            DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection connection             = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection();
                                            connection.portgroupKey = strPortGroupKey;
                                            connection.switchUuid   = strSwitchUUID;
                                            vecdvpbi.port           = connection;
                                            //VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualE1000();
                                            VirtualEthernetCard newethdev = new VirtualVmxnet3();
                                            //      ******** OTHER WAY = newethdev = new VirtualPCNet32();
                                            newethdev.backing = vecdvpbi;
                                            newethdev.key     = 5000;
                                            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec newethdevicespec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                                            newethdevicespec.device             = newethdev;
                                            newethdevicespec.operation          = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
                                            newethdevicespec.operationSpecified = true;
                                            configspecarr[0] = newethdevicespec;
                                            VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmconfigspec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                                            vmconfigspec.deviceChange = configspecarr;
                                            ManagedObjectReference _task_net = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, vmconfigspec);
                                            TaskInfo _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                                            while (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                                                _info_net = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_net, "info");
                                            if (_info_net.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                                                strResult    += "Network Adapter Created<br/>";
                                                boolCompleted = true;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Only hits here if it is not a "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" (meaning it is a standard NETWORK object)
                        if (boolCompleted == false)
                            strError = "Network Adapter Was Not Created ~ Could not find a port group";
                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 5) && strError == "")
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_swap = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    _cs_swap.swapPlacement = "hostLocal";
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_swap = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_swap);
                    TaskInfo _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info");
                    while (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_swap = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_swap, "info");
                    if (_info_swap.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Swap File Configured<br/>";
                        strError = "Swap File Was Not Configured";

                     * // 5) Attach Floppy Drive
                     * VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_floppy = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                     * VirtualDeviceConfigSpec _dcs_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                     * _dcs_floppy.operation = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
                     * _dcs_floppy.operationSpecified = true;
                     * VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_floppy = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
                     * _ci_floppy.startConnected = false;
                     * VirtualFloppy floppy = new VirtualFloppy();
                     * VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo floppyBack = new VirtualFloppyRemoteDeviceBackingInfo();
                     * floppyBack.deviceName = "";
                     * floppy.backing = floppyBack;
                     * floppy.key = 8000;
                     * floppy.controllerKey = 400;
                     * floppy.controllerKeySpecified = true;
                     * floppy.connectable = _ci_floppy;
                     * _dcs_floppy.device = floppy;
                     * _cs_floppy.deviceChange = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_floppy };
                     * ManagedObjectReference _task_floppy = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_floppy);
                     * TaskInfo _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info");
                     * while (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                     *  _info_floppy = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_floppy, "info");
                     * if (_info_floppy.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                     *  strResult += "Floppy Drive Created<br/>";
                     * else
                     *  strError = "Floppy Drive Was Not Created";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 6) && strError == "")
                    // 6) Attach CD-ROM Drive
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_cd  = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    VirtualDeviceConfigSpec  _dcs_cd = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                    _dcs_cd.operation          = VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
                    _dcs_cd.operationSpecified = true;
                    VirtualDeviceConnectInfo _ci_cd = new VirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
                    _ci_cd.startConnected = false;
                    VirtualCdrom cd = new VirtualCdrom();
                    VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo cdBack = new VirtualCdromRemotePassthroughBackingInfo();
                    cdBack.exclusive          = false;
                    cdBack.deviceName         = "";
                    cd.backing                = cdBack;
                    cd.key                    = 3000;
                    cd.controllerKey          = 200;
                    cd.controllerKeySpecified = true;
                    cd.connectable            = _ci_cd;
                    _dcs_cd.device            = cd;
                    _cs_cd.deviceChange       = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] { _dcs_cd };
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_cd = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_cd);
                    TaskInfo _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info");
                    while (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_cd = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_cd, "info");
                    if (_info_cd.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "CD-ROM Was Created<br/>";
                        strError = "CD-ROM Was Not Created";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 7) && strError == "")
                    // 7) Boot Delay
                    VirtualMachineBootOptions oBootOptions = new VirtualMachineBootOptions();
                    oBootOptions.bootDelay          = 10000;
                    oBootOptions.bootDelaySpecified = true;
                    VirtualMachineConfigSpec _cs_boot_options = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
                    _cs_boot_options.bootOptions = oBootOptions;
                    ManagedObjectReference _task_boot_options = _service.ReconfigVM_Task(oComputer, _cs_boot_options);
                    TaskInfo _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info");
                    while (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                        _info_boot_options = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_boot_options, "info");
                    if (_info_boot_options.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                        strResult += "Boot delay changed to 10 seconds<br/>";
                        strError = "Boot delay NOT changed";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 8) && strError == "")
                    // 8) Get MAC Address
                    VirtualMachineConfigInfo _vminfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "config");
                    VirtualDevice[]          _device = _vminfo.hardware.device;
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _device.Length; ii++)
                        // 4/29/2009: Change to only one NIC for PNC
                        if (_device[ii].deviceInfo.label.ToUpper() == "NETWORK ADAPTER 1")
                            VirtualEthernetCard nic = (VirtualEthernetCard)_device[ii];
                            strMACAddress = nic.macAddress;
                    if (strMACAddress != "")
                        strResult += "MAC Address = " + strMACAddress + "<br/>";
                        strError = "No MAC Address";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 9) && strError == "")
                    // 9) Configure WebService
                    System.Net.NetworkCredential oCredentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(oVariable.ADUser(), oVariable.ADPassword(), oVariable.Domain());
                    BuildSubmit oMDT = new BuildSubmit();
                    oMDT.Credentials = oCredentials;
                    oMDT.Url         = "http://wcrdp100a.pnceng.pvt/wabebuild/BuildSubmit.asmx";
                    string[] strExtendedMDT  = new string[] { "PNCBACKUPSOFTWARE:NONE", "IISInstall:NO", "HWConfig:DEFAULT", "ESMInstall:NO", "ClearViewInstall:YES", "Teamed2:DEFAULT", "HIDSInstall:NO" };
                    string   strExtendedMDTs = "";
                    foreach (string extendedMDT in strExtendedMDT)
                        if (strExtendedMDTs != "")
                            strExtendedMDTs += ", ";
                        strExtendedMDTs += extendedMDT;
                    string strOutput = oMDT.automatedBuild2(strName.ToUpper(), strMACAddress, strMDTos, "provision", "PNCNT", strMDTtask, strMDTbuildDB, strExtendedMDT);
                    strResult += "WebService Configured " + strOutput + "<br/>";

                if ((intStep == 100 || intStep == 10) && strError == "")
                    // 10) Power On
                    GuestInfo ginfo_power = (GuestInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(oComputer, "guest");
                    if (ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "NOTRUNNING" || ginfo_power.guestState.ToUpper() == "UNKNOWN")
                        ManagedObjectReference _task_power = _service.PowerOnVM_Task(oComputer, null);
                        TaskInfo _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                        while (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.running)
                            _info_power = (TaskInfo)oVMWare.getObjectProperty(_task_power, "info");
                        if (_info_power.state == TaskInfoState.success)
                            strResult += "Virtual Machine Powered On";
                            strError = "Virtual Machine Was Not Powered On";
                        strResult += "Virtual Machine Was Already Powered On (" + ginfo_power.guestState + ")";

                // Logout
                if (_service != null)
                    if (_service.Container != null)
                    catch { }
                    _service = null;
                    _sic     = null;

                Response.Write("RESULT(s): " + strResult);
                Response.Write("ERROR: " + strError);
                Response.Write("LOGIN error");