Exemple #1
        internal void EnableCacheMemoryTimer(bool enable)
            object timerLock = _timerLock;

            lock (timerLock)
                if (enable)
                    if (_timerHandleRef == null)
                        Timer t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.CacheManagerTimerCallback), null, _currentPollInterval, _currentPollInterval);
                        _timerHandleRef = new DisposableGCHandleRef <Timer>(t);
                        _timerHandleRef.Target.Change(_currentPollInterval, _currentPollInterval);
                    DisposableGCHandleRef <Timer> timerHandleRef = _timerHandleRef;
                    if (timerHandleRef != null && Interlocked.CompareExchange <DisposableGCHandleRef <Timer> >(ref _timerHandleRef, null, timerHandleRef) == timerHandleRef)
            if (!enable)
                while (_inCacheManagerThread != 0)
Exemple #2
        internal void EnableCacheMemoryTimer(bool enable) {
            lock (_timerLock) {
#if DBG
                if (Debug.IsTagPresent("Timer") && !Debug.IsTagEnabled("Timer")) {
                    enable = false;
                if (enable) {
                    if (_timerHandleRef == null) {
                        // <cache privateBytesPollTime> has not been read yet
                        Timer timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.CacheManagerTimerCallback), null, _currentPollInterval, _currentPollInterval);
                        _timerHandleRef = new DisposableGCHandleRef<Timer>(timer);
                        Debug.Trace("Cache", "Started CacheMemoryTimers");
                    else {
                        _timerHandleRef.Target.Change(_currentPollInterval, _currentPollInterval);
                else {
                    var timerHandleRef = _timerHandleRef;
                    if (timerHandleRef != null && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _timerHandleRef, null, timerHandleRef) == timerHandleRef) {
                        Debug.Trace("Cache", "Stopped CacheMemoryTimers");

            if (!enable) {
                // wait for CacheManagerTimerCallback to finish
                while(_inCacheManagerThread != 0) {
Exemple #3
        internal CacheMultiple(CacheCommon cacheCommon, int numSingleCaches) : base(cacheCommon) {
            Debug.Assert(numSingleCaches > 1, "numSingleCaches is not greater than 1");
            Debug.Assert((numSingleCaches & (numSingleCaches - 1)) == 0, "numSingleCaches is not a power of 2");
            _cacheIndexMask = numSingleCaches - 1;

            // Each CacheSingle will have its own SRef reporting the size of the data it references.
            // Objects in this CacheSingle may have refs to the root Cache and therefore reference other instances of CacheSingle.
            // This leads to an unbalanced tree of SRefs and makes GC less efficient while calculating multiple SRefs on multiple cores.
            // Using DisposableGCHandleRef here prevents SRefs from calculating data that does not belong to other CacheSingle instances.
            _cachesRefs = new DisposableGCHandleRef<CacheSingle>[numSingleCaches];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSingleCaches; i++) {
                _cachesRefs[i] = new DisposableGCHandleRef<CacheSingle>(new CacheSingle(cacheCommon, this, i));