Exemple #1
        /** Initialize Display Module elements */
        static void InitDisplayModule()
            _leftY  = new VerticalGauge(_DisplayModule, 5, 5, 30, 10, DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, DisplayModule.Color.Blue);
            _rightY = new VerticalGauge(_DisplayModule, 135, 5, 30, 10, DisplayModule.Color.Yellow, DisplayModule.Color.Red);

            _leftX  = new HorizGauge(_DisplayModule, 35, 30, 10, 30, DisplayModule.Color.Green, DisplayModule.Color.Magenta);
            _rightX = new HorizGauge(_DisplayModule, 85, 30, 10, 30, DisplayModule.Color.Blue, DisplayModule.Color.Orange);

            _leftCrossHair = _DisplayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(
                30, 100);

            _rightCrossHair = _DisplayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(
                100, 100);

            _labelTitle = _DisplayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 40, 0, 80, 16);

            _labelRow1 = _DisplayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 30, 46, 100, 15);
            _labelRow2 = _DisplayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 30, 58, 100, 15);
            _labelRow3 = _DisplayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 30, 70, 100, 15);
Exemple #2
 public void DisplayInit()
     if (displayModeRefresh == false)
         image = display.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager, Properties.Resources.BinaryResources.img, Bitmap.BitmapImageType.Jpeg, 44, 16);
         title = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 36, 99, 100, 30);
         title.SetText("TAS Robotics");
         displayModeRefresh = true;
        public Display()
            cd_connected    = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_enabled      = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_voltage      = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_limit        = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_barrelStatus = new ChangeDetector[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            cd_barrelPSI    = new ChangeDetector[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS; i++)
                cd_barrelStatus[i] = new ChangeDetector();
                cd_barrelPSI[i]    = new ChangeDetector();

            DisplayModule _displayModule = new DisplayModule(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1, DisplayModule.OrientationType.Portrait);

            /* lets pick a font */
            Font _bigFont = Properties.Resources.GetFont(Properties.Resources.FontResources.Freesans_bold_18);
            int  size     = 20;
            int  f_y      = 0;

            _labelConnected = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _labelEnabled   = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _labelVoltage   = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _label_limit    = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);

            _labelBarrelStatus = new DisplayModule.LabelSprite[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            _labelBarrelPSI    = new DisplayModule.LabelSprite[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];

            f_y = 80;
            _labelBarrelStatus[0] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 64, size);
            _labelBarrelStatus[1] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 64, f_y, 64, size);
            f_y += size;
            _labelBarrelPSI[0] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 64, size);
            _labelBarrelPSI[1] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 64, f_y, 64, size);

            if (false)
                // if we are Landscape, then DisplayHeight is the X screen dimension, and DisplayWidth is the Y dimension
                for (int x = 0; x < _displayModule.DisplayWidth; x += 16)
                    _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, x, 0, 1, _displayModule.DisplayHeight);
                for (int y = 0; y < _displayModule.DisplayHeight; y += 16)
                    _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, y, _displayModule.DisplayWidth, 1);

            RSL_1 = new OutputPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port5.Pin6, false);
Exemple #4
        public void DisplayMotion()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 38, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 72, 130, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 92, 130, 15);
                rect1              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 52, 120, 10);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || rect1 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 38, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 72, 130, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 92, 130, 15);
                rect1  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 52, 120, 10);
            string colorString = "0x00";
            string red, blue, green;
            int    colorInt = (int)System.Math.Round(output / 4096 / analog0 * 100);

            if (colorInt > 0)
                blue  = (100 - colorInt).ToString("X2");
                green = "ff";
                red   = (100 - colorInt).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorInt < 0)
                blue  = (100 + colorInt).ToString("X2");
                green = (100 + colorInt).ToString("X2");
                red   = "ff";
                blue  = "ff";
                green = "ff";
                red   = "ff";
            colorString = colorString + blue + green + red;

            rect1.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorString, 16));
            label1.SetText("Ticks: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(output)).ToString());
            label2.SetText("Rotations: " + ((double)(output / 4096)).ToString());
            title.SetText("Motion Magic");
        public static void Main()
            //CSK 10/22/2019 .Follow method tells the follower motor to do whatever the lead motor does
            //Simplifies code a little bit
            leftdrive2.Follow(leftdrive1, FollowerType.PercentOutput);
            rightdrive2.Follow(rightdrive1, FollowerType.PercentOutput);
            //brushlessTest.Follow(rightdrive1, FollowerType.PercentOutput);

            _AMLogo = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                    0, 0);

            _labelTitle = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, 28, 160, 15);

            _labelBtn = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, 30, 60, 100, 10);

            _leftCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                   lftCrossHairOrigin, 100);

            _rightCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                    rtCrossHairOrigin, 100);

            _labelThrottle = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, 45, 75, 15);
            _labelSteering = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 45, 75, 15);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    /* feed watchdog to keep Talon's enabled */
                /* drive robot using gamepad */
        /* main functions */
        private static void runForever() //runs forever
            byte [] readData = new byte[4];
            eeprom.ReadBytes(eepromAddr, readData, 4);
            uint selectedAuton = (uint)(readData[0] % autonList.Length);                                      //inialize the selected auton to 0
            uint lastSelect    = 0;                                                                           //last selected auton
            bool pressed       = false;                                                                       //button debounce stuff
            bool lastPress     = false;                                                                       //button debounce stuff

            DisplayModule.LabelSprite header = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(SMALLFONT, WHITE, 5, 5, 118, 16); //Makes text object for headers
            header.SetText("Selected              Actual");                                                   //spaces for spacing
            DisplayModule.LabelSprite[] list = new DisplayModule.LabelSprite[autonList.Length];               //array of text objects
            for (int i = 0; i < autonList.Length; i++)
                list[i] = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(SMALLFONT, WHITE, 18, 26 + 13 * i, 91, 13); //Makes text object for list of autons
                list[i].SetText(autonList[i]);                                                     //sets text to the string on top

            check = displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                         Bitmap.BitmapImageType.Jpeg, 5, 29 + 13 * (int)selectedAuton); //generates a cursor arrow
            retcheck = displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                            Bitmap.BitmapImageType.Jpeg, 110, 29 + 13 * (int)selectedAuton); //generates a green check from RIO

            while (true)                                                                                                     //loop forever
                pressed = HeroButton.Read();                                                                                 //checks for button press
                if (pressed != lastPress && pressed == true)
                    selectedAuton++;                                   //move to next auton
                    selectedAuton = selectedAuton % (uint)list.Length; //wraps the cursor around
                    byte [] toWrite = new byte[4];
                    toWrite[0] = (byte)selectedAuton;
                    eeprom.WriteBytes(eepromAddr, toWrite, 4);
                lastPress = pressed;                //debounce

                sendAuton(selectedAuton, 1, 100);   //send 1 byte every 100ms, 0-255 auton mode
                uint rioAuton = (uint)loadAuton(1); //get 1 byte for RIO auton return

                disp(list, selectedAuton, lastSelect, rioAuton);
                lastSelect = selectedAuton;
Exemple #7
        public void DisplaySettings()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 28, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 52, 140, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 72, 140, 15);
                label3             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 92, 140, 15);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || label3 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 28, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 52, 140, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 72, 140, 15);
                label3 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 14, 92, 140, 15);

            label1.SetText("Max Rotations: " + analog0.ToString());
            label2.SetText("Velocity: " + analog1.ToString());
            label3.SetText("Acceleration: " + analog2.ToString());
            title.SetText("Motion Settings");
        public static void Main()
            // Game Controller
            GameController gamepad = new GameController(UsbHostDevice.GetInstance());

            // NinaB Font
            Font ninaB = Properties.Resources.GetFont(Properties.Resources.FontResources.NinaB);

            // Initializing a display module: DisplayModule(port, orientation)
            DisplayModule displayModule = new DisplayModule(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port8, DisplayModule.OrientationType.Landscape);

            while (true)
                // Connect the game controller first so that the sprites show up
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    // Erases everything on the display

                    // Adding labels: [Display Module Name].AddLabelSprite(font, colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite title   = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 27, 17, 120, 15);
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite x_label = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 65, 80, 15);
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite y_label = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 85, 80, 15);

                    // Adding rectangles: [Display Module Name].AddRectSprite(colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.RectSprite x_rect = displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                    DisplayModule.RectSprite y_rect = displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);

                    // Everything gets cleared when the game controller is unplugged
                    while (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                        // Declares and resets the joystick
                        double x_value = gamepad.GetAxis(0);
                        double y_value = -gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                        if (x_value < 0.05 && x_value > -0.05)
                            x_value = 0;
                        if (y_value < 0.05 && y_value > -0.05)
                            y_value = 0;

                        // Changes the color of the rectangle (x-value of the left joystick): [Rectangle Name].SetColor(colour)
                        if (x_value > 0.05)
                        else if (x_value < -0.05)

                        // Changes the color of the rectangle (y-value of the left joystick): [Rectangle Name].SetColor(colour)
                        if (y_value > 0.05)
                        else if (y_value < -0.05)

                        // Sets the text that the label displays: [Label Name].SetText(text: string)
                        title.SetText("Joystick Control");
                        x_label.SetText("X: " + x_value.ToString());
                        y_label.SetText("Y: " + y_value.ToString());
                    // Erases everything on the display

                    // Adding images: [Display Module Name].AddResourceImageSprite(resource_manager, img_ID, img_type, x_pos, y_pos)
                    DisplayModule.ResourceImageSprite image = displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager, Properties.Resources.BinaryResources.img, Bitmap.BitmapImageType.Jpeg, 44, 16);

                    // Adding labels: [Display Module Name].AddLabelSprite(font, colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite text = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 36, 99, 100, 30);

                    // Sets the text that the label displays: [Label Name].SetText(text: string)
                    text.SetText("TAS Robotics");

                    // Keeps the image and text while the gamepad is unplugged
                    while (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.NotConnected)
Exemple #9
        public void RunForever()
            _leftY  = new VerticalGauge(_displayModule, 5, 5, 30, 10, DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, DisplayModule.Color.Blue);
            _rightY = new VerticalGauge(_displayModule, 135, 5, 30, 10, DisplayModule.Color.Yellow, DisplayModule.Color.Red);

            _leftX  = new HorizGauge(_displayModule, 35, 30, 10, 30, DisplayModule.Color.Green, DisplayModule.Color.Magenta);
            _rightX = new HorizGauge(_displayModule, 85, 30, 10, 30, DisplayModule.Color.Blue, DisplayModule.Color.Orange);

            _leftCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(
                30, 100);

            _rightCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(
                100, 100);

            _labelTitle = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 40, 0, 80, 16);

            _labelBtn = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 30, 50, 100, 15);

            while (true)
                UpdateGauge(_leftX, _gamepad.GetAxis(0));
                UpdateGauge(_leftY, _gamepad.GetAxis(1));
                UpdateGauge(_rightX, _gamepad.GetAxis(2));
                UpdateGauge(_rightY, _gamepad.GetAxis(5));

                _leftCrossHair.SetPosition((int)(30 + 15 * _gamepad.GetAxis(0)), 100 + (int)(15 * _gamepad.GetAxis(1)));
                _rightCrossHair.SetPosition((int)(100 + 15 * _gamepad.GetAxis(2)), 100 + (int)(15 * _gamepad.GetAxis(5)));

                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    _labelTitle.SetText("No Gamepad");

                int idx = GetFirstButton(_gamepad);
                if (idx < 0)
                    _labelBtn.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color) 0xA0A0A0); // gray RGB
                    _labelBtn.SetText("No Buttons");
                    switch (idx % 4)
                    case 0: _labelBtn.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Cyan); break;

                    case 1: _labelBtn.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Green); break;

                    case 2: _labelBtn.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Red); break;

                    case 3: _labelBtn.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Yellow); break;
                    _labelBtn.SetText("Pressed Button " + idx);

Exemple #10
        public static void Main()
            /* Start the compressor */

            /* Tracking variables */
            bool lastCompState  = false;
            bool CompState      = false;
            int  compStartCount = 0;

            long now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            /* Display Module Elements */
            DisplayModule.LabelSprite _labelTitle = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, 0, 120, 16);
            DisplayModule.LabelSprite _labelCnt   = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, 16, 120, 16);

            while (true)
                /* Always enable actuators during this test */

                /* Simple gamepad control */
                if (_gamepad.GetButton(2))
                    _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1.0f);
                else if (_gamepad.GetButton(4))
                    _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, +1.0f);
                    float y = _gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref y);
                    _talon.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, y);

#if false
                //Switch the compressor on/off
                //now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                //switch (switchState)
                //    case true:
                //        if (now - lastSwitch > kOnTime)
                //        {
                //            switchState = false;
                //            lastSwitch = now;
                //        }
                //        break;
                //    case false:
                //        if (now - lastSwitch > kOffTime)
                //        {
                //            switchState = true;
                //            lastSwitch = now;
                //        }
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        break;
                //_pcm.SetSolenoidOutput(0, switchState);
                /* Compressor Control */
                _pcm.SetSolenoidOutput(0, _pcm.GetPressureSwitchValue());
                //Debug.Print("" + _pcm.GetPressureSwitchValue());

                /* Compressor Check */
                _pcm.GetLowLevelObject().GetCompressorOn(out CompState);
                if (CompState && !lastCompState)
                lastCompState = CompState;

                /* Display Module Output */
                _labelTitle.SetText("Comp Start Count:");
                _labelCnt.SetText("" + compStartCount);

Exemple #11
        public static void Main()
            //vvvCSK 10/28/2019 Copied from CTRE HeroPixyDrive examplevvv
            /* Forword/Backward Scalor */
            const float kScalarX = 0.50f;
            /* Left/Right Scalor */
            const float kScalarY = 0.50f;
            /* Turning Scalor */
            const float kScalarTwist = 0.30f;
            /* Ramp Rate */
            const float kVoltageRampSec = 0.25f;
            //^^^CSK 10/28/2019 Copied from CTRE HeroPixyDrive example^^^

            /* Configure Talons to operate in percentage VBus mode, and Ramp Up Voltage*/
            foreach (TalonSRX temp in Talons)
            foreach (VictorSPX temp in Victors)
                temp.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);
            //^^^CSK 10/28/2019 Copied from CTRE HeroPixyDrive example^^^

            _AMLogo = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                    0, 0);

            _labelTitle = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, 28, 160, 15);

            _labelBtn = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_smallFont, DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, 30, 60, 100, 10);

            _leftCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                   lftCrossHairOrigin, 100);

            _rightCrossHair = _displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager,
                                                                    rtCrossHairOrigin, 100);
            //CSK 10/29/2019 This tells the display where to put the motor "speed" info on the screen 
            _labelFrontMotors = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 2, 30, 134, 15);
            _labelRearMotors = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 7, 45, 128, 15);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    /* feed watchdog to keep Talon's enabled */
                /* Regular mecanum drive that is scaled and Gamepad joysticks have been adjusted */
                //CSK 10/30/2019 With "standard" AM FRC wiring (M+ to redline terminal with bump) rotation is counter clockwise
                //Based on this wiring signs have been applied to make motion match the joystick control expectations
                float X = -1 * _gamepad.GetAxis(LEFT_JOY_X);
                float Y = _gamepad.GetAxis(LEFT_JOY_Y);
                float Twist = -1 * _gamepad.GetAxis(RIGHT_JOY_X);
                MecanumDrive(Y * kScalarY, X * kScalarX, Twist * kScalarTwist);
Exemple #12
        public void DisplayPiston()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 36, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 56, 80, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 76, 80, 15);
                label3             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 96, 80, 15);
                rect1              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 10, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 37, 55, 18, 55);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || label3 == null || rect1 == null || rect2 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 36, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 56, 80, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 76, 80, 15);
                label3 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 70, 96, 80, 15);
                rect1  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 10, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 37, 55, 18, 55);

            if (pistonState == true)
                label1.SetText("State: Out");
                label1.SetText("State: In");

            string colorString = "0x00";
            string red, blue, green;
            int    colorInt = (int)System.Math.Round(yAxisB * 100);

            if (colorInt > 0)
                blue  = (100 - colorInt).ToString("X2");
                green = "ff";
                red   = (100 - colorInt).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorInt < 0)
                blue  = (100 + colorInt).ToString("X2");
                green = (100 + colorInt).ToString("X2");
                red   = "ff";
                blue  = "ff";
                green = "ff";
                red   = "ff";
            colorString = colorString + blue + green + red;
            rect2.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorString, 16));

            label2.SetText("Speed: " + (int)System.Math.Round(yAxisB * 1000));
            label3.SetText("Sleep: " + tSleep.ToString() + "ms");
            title.SetText("Pneumatic Control");
Exemple #13
        public void DisplayValues()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 37, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 44, 120, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 64, 120, 15);
                label3             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 84, 120, 15);
                label4             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 104, 120, 15);
                rect1              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 44, 15, 15);
                rect2              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 64, 15, 15);
                rect3              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 84, 15, 15);
                rect4              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 104, 15, 15);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || label3 == null || label4 == null || rect1 == null || rect2 == null || rect3 == null || rect4 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 37, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 44, 120, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 64, 120, 15);
                label3 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 84, 120, 15);
                label4 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 15, 104, 120, 15);
                rect1  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 44, 15, 15);
                rect2  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 64, 15, 15);
                rect3  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 84, 15, 15);
                rect4  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 128, 104, 15, 15);

            if (xState == true)
            if (yState == true)
            if (aState == true)
            if (bState == true)

            label1.SetText("Button X: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(xSave)).ToString());
            label2.SetText("Button Y: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(ySave)).ToString());
            label3.SetText("Button B: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(bSave)).ToString());
            label4.SetText("Button A: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(aSave)).ToString());
            title.SetText("Motion Values");
Exemple #14
        public void DisplayOutput()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 34, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 56, 80, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 76, 80, 15);
                label3             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 96, 80, 15);
                rect1              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || label3 == null || rect1 == null || rect2 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 34, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 55, 80, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 75, 80, 15);
                label3 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 95, 80, 15);
                rect1  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);

            string colorStringX = "0x00";
            string colorStringY = "0x00";
            string redX, blueX, greenX;
            string redY, blueY, greenY;
            int    colorIntX = (int)System.Math.Round(xAxisA * 100);
            int    colorIntY = (int)System.Math.Round(yAxisA * 100);

            if (colorIntX > 0)
                blueX  = (100 - colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                greenX = "ff";
                redX   = (100 - colorIntX).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorIntX < 0)
                blueX  = (100 + colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                greenX = (100 + colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                redX   = "ff";
                blueX  = "ff";
                greenX = "ff";
                redX   = "ff";
            if (colorIntY > 0)
                blueY  = (100 - colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                greenY = "ff";
                redY   = (100 - colorIntY).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorIntY < 0)
                blueY  = (100 + colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                greenY = (100 + colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                redY   = "ff";
                blueY  = "ff";
                greenY = "ff";
                redY   = "ff";
            colorStringX = colorStringX + blueX + greenX + redX;
            colorStringY = colorStringY + blueY + greenY + redY;
            rect1.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorStringX, 16));
            rect2.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorStringY, 16));

            label1.SetText("X: " + xAxisA.ToString());
            label2.SetText("Y: " + yAxisA.ToString());
            label3.SetText("Angle: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(angle)).ToString());
            title.SetText("Motor Control");