Exemple #1
        private void ExtractCommandGroupInfo(Type cmdGroupType, ISldWorks app, Action <TCmdEnum> callback,
                                             EnableMethodDelegate <TCmdEnum> enable, int nextGroupId, IEnumerable <ICommandGroupSpec> groups)
            CommandGroupInfoAttribute grpInfoAtt;

            if (cmdGroupType.TryGetAttribute(out grpInfoAtt))
                if (grpInfoAtt.UserId != -1)
                    Id = grpInfoAtt.UserId;
                    Id = nextGroupId;

                if (grpInfoAtt.ParentGroupType != null)
                    var parentGrpSpec = groups.OfType <EnumCommandGroupSpecBase>()
                                        .FirstOrDefault(g => g.CmdGrpEnumType == grpInfoAtt.ParentGroupType);

                    if (parentGrpSpec == null)
                        //TODO: create a specific exception
                        throw new NullReferenceException("Parent group is not created");

                    if (grpInfoAtt.ParentGroupType == cmdGroupType)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Group cannot be a parent of itself");

                    Parent = parentGrpSpec;
                Id = nextGroupId;

            Icon = DisplayInfoExtractor.ExtractCommandDisplayIcon <CommandIconAttribute, CommandGroupIcon>(
                cmdGroupType, i => new MasterIcon(i), a => a.Icon);

            if (!cmdGroupType.TryGetAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>(a => Title = a.DisplayName))
                Title = cmdGroupType.ToString();

            if (!cmdGroupType.TryGetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(a => Tooltip = a.Description))
                Tooltip = cmdGroupType.ToString();

            Commands = Enum.GetValues(cmdGroupType).Cast <TCmdEnum>().Select(
                c => new EnumCommandSpec <TCmdEnum>(app, c, callback, enable)).ToArray();
Exemple #2
        private void ExtractCommandInfo(TCmdEnum cmd)
            var cmdEnum = cmd as Enum;

            UserId = Convert.ToInt32(cmdEnum);

            if (!cmdEnum.TryGetAttribute <CommandItemInfoAttribute>(
                    att =>
                HasMenu = att.HasMenu;
                HasToolbar = att.HasToolbar;
                SupportedWorkspace = att.SupportedWorkspaces;
                HasTabBox = att.ShowInCommandTabBox;
                TabBoxStyle = att.CommandTabBoxDisplayStyle;
                HasMenu            = true;
                HasToolbar         = true;
                SupportedWorkspace = swWorkspaceTypes_e.All;
                HasTabBox          = false;
                TabBoxStyle        = swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e.swCommandTabButton_TextBelow;

            HasSpacer = cmdEnum.TryGetAttribute <CommandSpacerAttribute>() != null;

            if (!cmdEnum.TryGetAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>(
                    att => Title = att.DisplayName))
                Title = cmd.ToString();

            if (!cmdEnum.TryGetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(
                    att => Tooltip = att.Description))
                Tooltip = cmd.ToString();

            Icon = DisplayInfoExtractor.ExtractCommandDisplayIcon <CommandIconAttribute, CommandGroupIcon>(
                i => new MasterIcon(i),
                a => a.Icon);
Exemple #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public ITaskpaneView CreateTaskPane <TControl, TCmdEnum>(Action <TCmdEnum> cmdHandler, out TControl ctrl)
            where TControl : UserControl, new()
            where TCmdEnum : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
            var tooltip = "";
            CommandGroupIcon taskPaneIcon = null;

            var getTaskPaneDisplayData = new Action <Type, bool>((t, d) =>
                if (taskPaneIcon == null)
                    taskPaneIcon = DisplayInfoExtractor.ExtractCommandDisplayIcon <TaskPaneIconAttribute, CommandGroupIcon>(
                        t, i => new TaskPaneMasterIcon(i), a => a.Icon, d);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip))
                    if (!t.TryGetAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>(a => tooltip = a.DisplayName))
                        t.TryGetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(a => tooltip = a.Description);

            if (typeof(TCmdEnum) != typeof(EmptyTaskPaneCommands_e))
                getTaskPaneDisplayData.Invoke(typeof(TCmdEnum), false);

            getTaskPaneDisplayData.Invoke(typeof(TControl), true);

            ITaskpaneView    taskPaneView    = null;
            ITaskPaneHandler taskPaneHandler = null;

            m_Logger.Log($"Creating task pane for {typeof(TControl).FullName} type");

            using (var iconConv = new IconsConverter())
                if (App.SupportsHighResIcons(SldWorksExtension.HighResIconsScope_e.TaskPane))
                    var taskPaneIconImages = iconConv.ConvertIcon(taskPaneIcon, true);
                    taskPaneView = App.CreateTaskpaneView3(taskPaneIconImages, tooltip);
                    var taskPaneIconImage = iconConv.ConvertIcon(taskPaneIcon, false)[0];
                    taskPaneView = App.CreateTaskpaneView2(taskPaneIconImage, tooltip);

                taskPaneHandler = new TaskPaneHandler <TCmdEnum>(App, taskPaneView, cmdHandler, iconConv, m_Logger);

            if (typeof(TControl).IsComVisible())
                var progId = typeof(TControl).GetProgId();
                ctrl = taskPaneView.AddControl(progId, "") as TControl;

                if (ctrl == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(
                              $"Failed to create COM control from {progId}. Make sure that COM component is properly registered");
                ctrl = new TControl();
                var handle = ctrl.Handle;

                if (!taskPaneView.DisplayWindowFromHandle(handle.ToInt32()))
                    throw new NullReferenceException($"Failed to host .NET control (handle {handle}) in task pane");

            taskPaneHandler.Disposed += OnTaskPaneHandlerDisposed;
