protected virtual void RunAreaWithCurrentDisplay(bool isReload)

            //first the buttons.
            currentDisplay.AddButton(0, new ButtonData(ExploreString(), true, DoExplore));
            currentDisplay.AddButton(1, new ButtonData(PlaceString(), placeMenuUnlocked, DoPlaceMenu));
            currentDisplay.AddButton(2, new ButtonData(InventoryString(), true, DoInventory));
            currentDisplay.AddButton(3, new ButtonData(StashString(), anyStashesUnlocked, DoStashMenu));
            currentDisplay.AddButton(4, new ButtonData(CampActionString(), true, DoCampActions));
            if (anyLoversUnlocked)
                currentDisplay.AddButton(5, new ButtonData(LoversString(), true, DoLoversMenu));
            if (anyFollowersUnlocked)
                currentDisplay.AddButton(6, new ButtonData(FollowersString(), true, DoFollowersMenu));
            if (anySlavesUnlocked)
                currentDisplay.AddButton(7, new ButtonData(SlavesString(), true, DoSlavesMenu));

            //add the m********e button.

            //add the sleep button.

            //then the display data.
Exemple #2
        private void CreateButtonsPrivate(ButtonData returnButton, ButtonData cancelButton)
            int maxButtonsPerPage = rowCount * columnCount;

            if (!(returnButton is null))
            if (!(cancelButton is null))

            if (numberOfButtons > maxButtonsPerPage)
                ButtonData[][] buttonGroups = new ButtonData[(int)Math.Ceiling(numberOfButtons * 1.0 / maxButtonsPerPage)][];

                int remainingButtons = numberOfButtons;
                for (int x = 0; x < buttonGroups.Length; x++)
                    var iter = numberOfButtons - remainingButtons;
                    if (remainingButtons >= maxButtonsPerPage)
                        buttonGroups[x]   = new ButtonData[rowCount * columnCount];
                        remainingButtons -= maxButtonsPerPage;
                        buttonGroups[x] = new ButtonData[remainingButtons];

                    for (int y = 0; y < buttonGroups[x].Length; y++)
                        buttonGroups[x][y] = buttons[iter];

                generatePageCallback = new Action[buttonGroups.Length];

                for (int x = 0; x < generatePageCallback.Length; x++)
                    int q = x;
                    generatePageCallback[q] = () =>
                        GenerateButtons(buttonGroups[q], returnButton, cancelButton);
                        if (x > 0)
                            display.AddButton((byte)((rowCount - 1) * columnCount), new ButtonData(GlobalStrings.PREVIOUS_PAGE(), true,
                                                                                                   () => GenerateButtons(buttonGroups[q - 1], returnButton, cancelButton)), true);
                        if (x < generatePageCallback.Length - 1)
                            display.AddButton((byte)((rowCount - 1) * columnCount + 1), new ButtonData(GlobalStrings.NEXT_PAGE(), true,
                                                                                                       () => GenerateButtons(buttonGroups[q + 1], returnButton, cancelButton)), true);
                GenerateButtons(buttons, returnButton, cancelButton);