Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method adds a DispatchTaskResultEntity to _context, but does NOT save the changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dispatchTaskEntity"></param>
        /// <returns>the new DispatchTaskResultEntity</returns>
        private DispatchTaskResultEntity NewDispatchTaskResultEntity(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskEntity)
            var expirationSeconds = dispatchTaskEntity.ExpirationSeconds;

            if (expirationSeconds <= 0)
                expirationSeconds = _options.DispatchTaskProcessMaxWaitSeconds;
            var dispatchTaskResultEntity = new DispatchTaskResultEntity()
                DispatchTaskId    = dispatchTaskEntity.Id,
                ApiUrl            = dispatchTaskEntity.ApiUrl,
                InputString       = dispatchTaskEntity.InputString,
                ExpirationSeconds = expirationSeconds,
                Iterations        = dispatchTaskEntity.Iterations,
                IntervalSeconds   = dispatchTaskEntity.IntervalSeconds,
                Status            = Data.TaskStatus.pending,
                ExpectedOutput    = dispatchTaskEntity.ExpectedOutput,
                SentDate          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                StatusDate        = DateTime.UtcNow,
                DateCreated       = DateTime.UtcNow

        private async Task <DispatchTaskEntity> CopyDispatchTaskEntity(DispatchTaskEntity oldDispatchTaskEntity, Guid?triggerTaskId, Guid?scenarioId, CancellationToken ct)
            var newDispatchTaskEntity = new DispatchTaskEntity()
                ScenarioId        = scenarioId,
                SessionId         = null,
                CreatedBy         = _user.GetId(),
                TriggerTaskId     = triggerTaskId,
                Name              = oldDispatchTaskEntity.Name,
                Description       = oldDispatchTaskEntity.Description,
                Action            = oldDispatchTaskEntity.Action,
                VmMask            = oldDispatchTaskEntity.VmMask,
                ApiUrl            = oldDispatchTaskEntity.ApiUrl,
                InputString       = oldDispatchTaskEntity.InputString,
                ExpectedOutput    = oldDispatchTaskEntity.ExpectedOutput,
                ExpirationSeconds = oldDispatchTaskEntity.ExpirationSeconds,
                DelaySeconds      = oldDispatchTaskEntity.DelaySeconds,
                IntervalSeconds   = oldDispatchTaskEntity.IntervalSeconds,
                Iterations        = oldDispatchTaskEntity.Iterations,
                TriggerCondition  = oldDispatchTaskEntity.TriggerCondition


Exemple #3
        private void VerifyManualTaskAsync(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskToExecute)
            var dispatchTaskResults = _context.DispatchTaskResults.Where(dtr => dtr.DispatchTaskId == dispatchTaskToExecute.Id && dtr.Status == Data.TaskStatus.pending);

            if (dispatchTaskResults.Any())
                var message = $"DispatchTask {dispatchTaskToExecute.Id} has a pending result {dispatchTaskResults.First().Id}, so it cannot be manually executed.";
                throw new ArgumentException(message);
        private async Task <bool> CopySubTasks(Guid oldDispatchTaskEntityId, DispatchTaskEntity newDispatchTaskEntity, CancellationToken ct)
            var oldSubTaskEntities = _context.DispatchTasks.Where(dt => dt.TriggerTaskId == oldDispatchTaskEntityId);

            foreach (var oldSubTaskEntity in oldSubTaskEntities)
                var newSubTaskEntity = await CopyDispatchTaskEntity(oldSubTaskEntity, newDispatchTaskEntity.Id, newDispatchTaskEntity.SessionId, ct);
                await CopySubTasks(oldSubTaskEntity.Id, newSubTaskEntity, ct);

Exemple #5
        private async Task <bool> ScheduleSubtask(DispatchTaskEntity subtaskEntity)
            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(subtaskEntity.DelaySeconds).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffK");
            var endTime   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(subtaskEntity.DelaySeconds + (subtaskEntity.Iterations * subtaskEntity.IntervalSeconds)).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffK");
            var workorder = new {
                groupName  = "steamfitter",
                start      = startTime,
                end        = endTime,
                job        = "WebHook",
                webhookid  = _options.ForemanWebhookId,
                woTriggers = new[] {
                    new {
                        groupName = "steamfitter",
                        interval  = subtaskEntity.IntervalSeconds
                woParams = new [] {
                    new {
                        name  = "[task.id]",
                        value = subtaskEntity.Id
            var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(workorder);

            jsonString = jsonString.Replace("woTriggers", "triggers").Replace("woParams", "params");
            var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient();

            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_options.ForemanUrl);
            var relativeAddress = $"api/WorkOrders/";

            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("authorization", new List <string>()
            var httpContent = new StringContent(jsonString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json-patch+json");

                var scheduleResponse = await client.PostAsync(relativeAddress, httpContent);

                if (!scheduleResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    _logger.LogError($"Error scheduling DispatchTask {subtaskEntity.Id}! Response was {scheduleResponse.StatusCode}: {scheduleResponse.ReasonPhrase} - {scheduleResponse.RequestMessage}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Error scheduling DispatchTask {subtaskEntity.Id}! {ex.Message}.  Check to make sure that the Foreman DispatchTask Scheduler is up and running.");
Exemple #6
        private async Task VerifySessionTaskAsync(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskToExecute, CancellationToken ct)
            var session = await _context.Sessions.FindAsync(dispatchTaskToExecute.SessionId);

            if (session.Status != SessionStatus.active)
                var message = $"DispatchTask {dispatchTaskToExecute.Id} is part of session {session.Id}, which is not currently active.  A Session must be active in order to execute its DispatchTask.";
                throw new ArgumentException(message);
                // TODO: add session specific restraints on whether or not this task can run
Exemple #7
        private async Task CreateDispatchTaskResultsAsync(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskToExecute, CancellationToken ct)
            var dispatchTaskResultEntities = new List <DispatchTaskResultEntity>();
            var sessionEntity = dispatchTaskToExecute.SessionId == null ? null : _context.Sessions.First(s => s.Id == dispatchTaskToExecute.SessionId);

            if (sessionEntity != null && sessionEntity.ExerciseId != null)
                // if this task has a Session associated to an Exercise, create a VmList from the VmMask
                var exerciseVms = await _playerVmService.GetExerciseVmsAsync((Guid)sessionEntity.ExerciseId, ct);

                foreach (var vm in exerciseVms)
                    if (vm.Name.ToLower().Contains(dispatchTaskToExecute.VmMask.ToLower()))
                        var dispatchTaskResultEntity = NewDispatchTaskResultEntity(dispatchTaskToExecute);
                        dispatchTaskResultEntity.VmId   = vm.Id;
                        dispatchTaskResultEntity.VmName = vm.Name;
            else if (dispatchTaskToExecute.VmMask.Count() > 0)
                var vmIdList = dispatchTaskToExecute.VmMask.Split(",").ToList().ConvertAll(Guid.Parse);
                // if this task has no Session check the VmMask for a list of VM ID's
                foreach (var id in vmIdList)
                    var dispatchTaskResultEntity = NewDispatchTaskResultEntity(dispatchTaskToExecute);
                    dispatchTaskResultEntity.VmId = id;
                // this task has no VM's associated. Create one result entity
                var dispatchTaskResultEntity = NewDispatchTaskResultEntity(dispatchTaskToExecute);
            await _context.DispatchTaskResults.AddRangeAsync(dispatchTaskResultEntities);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync(ct);

Exemple #8
 private async Task VerifyDispatchTaskToExecuteAsync(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskToExecute, CancellationToken ct)
     if (dispatchTaskToExecute == null)
         throw new EntityNotFoundException <DispatchTask>();
     else if (dispatchTaskToExecute.ScenarioId != null)
         throw new ArgumentException($"DispatchTask {dispatchTaskToExecute.Id} is part of a scenario {dispatchTaskToExecute.ScenarioId} and cannot be executed.");
     else if (dispatchTaskToExecute.SessionId != null)
         await VerifySessionTaskAsync(dispatchTaskToExecute, ct);
Exemple #9
        private async Task <Data.TaskStatus> ExecuteStackstormTaskAsync(DispatchTaskEntity dispatchTaskToExecute, List <DispatchTaskResultEntity> resultEntityList, CancellationToken ct)
            var overallStatus = Data.TaskStatus.succeeded;

            foreach (var resultEntity in resultEntityList)
                Task <string> task = null;
                resultEntity.InputString = resultEntity.InputString.Replace("VmGuid", "Moid").Replace("{moid}", resultEntity.VmId.ToString());
                resultEntity.VmName      = _stackStormService.GetVmName((Guid)resultEntity.VmId);
                switch (dispatchTaskToExecute.Action)
                case TaskAction.guest_file_read:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.GuestReadFile(resultEntity.InputString));

                case TaskAction.guest_process_run:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.GuestCommand(resultEntity.InputString));

                case TaskAction.vm_hw_power_on:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.VmPowerOn(resultEntity.InputString));

                case TaskAction.vm_hw_power_off:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.VmPowerOff(resultEntity.InputString));

                case TaskAction.vm_create_from_template:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.CreateVmFromTemplate(resultEntity.InputString));

                case TaskAction.vm_hw_remove:
                    task = Task.Run(() => _stackStormService.VmRemove(resultEntity.InputString));

                    var message = $"Task Action {dispatchTaskToExecute.Action} has not been implemented.";
                    resultEntity.Status     = Data.TaskStatus.failed;
                    resultEntity.StatusDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(resultEntity.ExpirationSeconds)))
                    resultEntity.ActualOutput = task.Result.ToString();
                    resultEntity.Status       = ProcessDispatchTaskResult(resultEntity, ct);
                    resultEntity.ActualOutput = task.Result.ToString();
                    resultEntity.Status       = Data.TaskStatus.expired;
                resultEntity.StatusDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (resultEntity.Status != Data.TaskStatus.succeeded)
                    if (overallStatus != Data.TaskStatus.failed)
                        overallStatus = resultEntity.Status;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #10
        public static void Run(SteamfitterContext context)
            // sketch users
            var uAdministrator = new UserEntity {
                Id = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), Name = "admin user"


            // scenarios
            var scenario1 = new ScenarioEntity {
                Name = "First Scenario", Description = "My first scenario", CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DurationHours = 1

            var scenario2 = new ScenarioEntity {
                Name = "Second Scenario", Description = "My second scenario", CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DurationHours = 2

            var scenario3 = new ScenarioEntity {
                Name = "Third Scenario", Description = "My third scenario", CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DurationHours = 3

            // sessions
            var session1 = new SessionEntity {
                Name = "Session001", Description = "Session #1", ScenarioId = scenario1.Id, StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow, EndDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), ExerciseId = Guid.Parse("453d394e-bf18-499b-9786-149b0f8d69ec"), Exercise = "RCC -E EM 2018", Status = SessionStatus.ready, OnDemand = false

            var session2 = new SessionEntity {
                Name = "Session002", Description = "Session #2", ScenarioId = scenario1.Id, StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow, EndDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(2), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), ExerciseId = Guid.Parse("453d394e-bf18-499b-9786-149b0f8d69ec"), Exercise = "RCC -E EM 2018", Status = SessionStatus.ready, OnDemand = false


            // //sessionVms  (or 5209fff8-8098-f1de-40c3-ac0eb1c8d515?)
            // var vm1 = new SessionVmEntity {SessionId =session1.Id, Vm = Guid.Parse("0539a863-ece6-4ca7-ae8d-f46a909526e9")};
            // context.SessionVms.Add(vm1);
            // context.SaveChanges();
            // VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9")

            // scenario #1 dispatchTasks
            var dispatchTask2 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Get host name", Description = "For scenario #1 get the host name from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_process_run, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"CommandText\": \"CMD.EXE\", \"CommandArgs\": \"/c hostname\"}", ExpectedOutput = "DESKTOP-OM1GOK7", TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Manual, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask2b = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Run netstat -an", Description = "For sceanrion #1 run netstat -an against all of the vm's", ScenarioId = scenario1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_process_run, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"CommandText\": \"CMD.EXE\", \"CommandArgs\": \"/c netstat -an\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This will never work!", TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Manual, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            // sceanrio #2 dispatchTasks
            var dispatchTaskC1 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Parent Task #1", Description = "Read the test file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testGet.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the TEST file.", TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Manual, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTaskC1b = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Success Task", Description = "Read the success file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testSuccess.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the SUCCESS file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTaskC1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Success, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTaskC3 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Failure Task", Description = "Read the failure file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testFailure.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the FAILURE file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTaskC1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Failure, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTaskC4 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Completion Task", Description = "Read the completion file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testCompletion.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the COMPLETION file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTaskC1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Completion, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTaskC5 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Expiration Task", Description = "Read the expiration file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testExpiration.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the EXPIRATION file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTaskC1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Expiration, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTaskC6 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Delayed Task", Description = "Read the delay file from s3-vm", ScenarioId = scenario2.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testDelay.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the DELAY file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTaskC4, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Completion, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, DelaySeconds = 10, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            // session #1 dispatchTasks
            var dispatchTask1 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Parent Task", Description = "Parent Task #1a", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testGet.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the TEST file.", TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Manual, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask1b = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Success Task", Description = "Success Task #1b", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testSuccess.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the SUCCESS file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTask1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Success, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask3 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Failure Task", Description = "Failure Task #3", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testFailure.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the FAILURE file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTask1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Failure, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask4 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Completion Task", Description = "Completion Task #4", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testCompletion.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the COMPLETION file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTask1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Completion, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask5 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Expiration Task", Description = "Expiration Task #5", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testExpiration.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the EXPIRATION file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTask1, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Expiration, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var dispatchTask6 = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Delayed Task", Description = "Delayed Task #6", SessionId = session1.Id, ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testDelay.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the DELAY file.", TriggerTask = dispatchTask4, TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Completion, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, DelaySeconds = 10, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            // independent task
            var dispatchTask1c = new DispatchTaskEntity {
                Name = "Independent Task", Description = "Independent Task #1c", ApiUrl = "stackstorm", Action = TaskAction.guest_file_read, InputString = "{\"VmGuid\": \"42313053-c2e6-42af-cf2a-6db9f791794a\", \"Username\": \"Developer\", \"Password\": \"develop@1\", \"GuestFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Users\\\\Developer\\\\testGet.txt\"}", ExpectedOutput = "This is the text from the TEST file.", TriggerCondition = TaskTrigger.Manual, ExpirationSeconds = 0, IntervalSeconds = 0, Iterations = 0, CreatedBy = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), UserId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow


            // // DispatchTaskResults
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask1.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("0539a863-ece6-4ca7-ae8d-f46a909526e9"), VmName = "S3-VM2", Status = TaskStatus.queued, InputString = "copy test1.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Copied", ExpirationSeconds = 61, Iterations = 1, IntervalSeconds = 0, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-33)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.queued, InputString = "copy test2.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Oh boy!", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-43)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.succeeded, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ActualOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-53)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.failed, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ActualOutput = "Failure", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-55)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.succeeded, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ActualOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-153)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.sent, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-155)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.error, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-156)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.queued, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-157)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.expired, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-158)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.pending, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-159)
            context.DispatchTaskResults.Add(new DispatchTaskResultEntity {
                DispatchTaskId = dispatchTask2.Id, VmId = Guid.Parse("9fd3c38e-58b0-4af1-80d1-1895af91f1f9"), VmName = "S3-VM3", Status = TaskStatus.cancelled, InputString = "copy test.txt success.txt", ExpectedOutput = "Completed", ExpirationSeconds = 62, Iterations = 2, IntervalSeconds = 120, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-175)

            Console.WriteLine("Seed data completed");