Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the <see cref="sourceValue" /> parameter to the <see cref="destinationType" /> parameter using <see cref="formatProvider"
 /// /> and <see cref="ignoreCase" />
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceValue">the <see cref="System.Object"/> to convert from</param>
 /// <param name="destinationType">the <see cref="System.Type" /> to convert to</param>
 /// <param name="formatProvider">not used by this TypeConverter.</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreCase">when set to <c>true</c>, will ignore the case when converting.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// an instance of <see cref="DiskCreateOptionTypes" />, or <c>null</c> if there is no suitable conversion.
 /// </returns>
 public override object ConvertFrom(object sourceValue, global::System.Type destinationType, global::System.IFormatProvider formatProvider, bool ignoreCase) => DiskCreateOptionTypes.CreateFrom(sourceValue);
 internal VirtualMachineScaleSetDataDisk(string name, int lun, CachingTypes?caching, bool?writeAcceleratorEnabled, DiskCreateOptionTypes createOption, int?diskSizeGB, VirtualMachineScaleSetManagedDiskParameters managedDisk, long?diskIopsReadWrite, long?diskMBpsReadWrite)
     Name    = name;
     Lun     = lun;
     Caching = caching;
     WriteAcceleratorEnabled = writeAcceleratorEnabled;
     CreateOption            = createOption;
     DiskSizeGB        = diskSizeGB;
     ManagedDisk       = managedDisk;
     DiskIopsReadWrite = diskIopsReadWrite;
     DiskMBpsReadWrite = diskMBpsReadWrite;
Exemple #3
 internal OSDisk(OperatingSystemTypes?osType, DiskEncryptionSettings encryptionSettings, string name, VirtualHardDisk vhd, VirtualHardDisk image, CachingTypes?caching, bool?writeAcceleratorEnabled, DiffDiskSettings diffDiskSettings, DiskCreateOptionTypes createOption, int?diskSizeGB, ManagedDiskParameters managedDisk)
     OsType             = osType;
     EncryptionSettings = encryptionSettings;
     Name    = name;
     Vhd     = vhd;
     Image   = image;
     Caching = caching;
     WriteAcceleratorEnabled = writeAcceleratorEnabled;
     DiffDiskSettings        = diffDiskSettings;
     CreateOption            = createOption;
     DiskSizeGB  = diskSizeGB;
     ManagedDisk = managedDisk;
 public VirtualMachineScaleSetDataDisk(int lun, DiskCreateOptionTypes createOption)
     Lun          = lun;
     CreateOption = createOption;
Exemple #5
 public OSDisk(DiskCreateOptionTypes createOption)
     CreateOption = createOption;