public override int ExecuteInsertReturningIdentity(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, DbCommand cmd, IManagedTransaction transaction = null)
            var autoIncrement = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns(transaction).SingleOrDefault(c => c.IsAutoIncrement);

            if (autoIncrement == null)

            var p = discoveredTable.Database.Server.Helper.GetParameter("identityOut");

            p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            p.DbType    = DbType.Int32;


            cmd.CommandText += " RETURNING " + autoIncrement + " INTO :identityOut;";

            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN " + Environment.NewLine + cmd.CommandText + Environment.NewLine + "COMMIT;" + Environment.NewLine + "END;";


        public override void MakeDistinct(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, int timeoutInSeconds)
            string sql =
                @"DELETE f
            FROM (
            FROM {1}
            ) as f
            where RowNum > 1";

            string columnList = string.Join(",", discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()));

            string sqlToExecute = string.Format(sql, columnList, discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName());

            var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server;

            using (var con = server.GetConnection())
                var cmd = server.GetCommand(sqlToExecute, con);
                cmd.CommandTimeout = timeoutInSeconds;
Exemple #3
        public override int Run()
            DiscoveredTable tbl    = GetServer(_opts.DatabaseConnectionString, _opts.DatabaseType, _opts.TableName);
            var             server = tbl.Database.Server;

            _factory = new DatabaseFailureFactory(tbl);

            _columns       = tbl.DiscoverColumns();
            _columnsNames  = _columns.Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();
            _stringColumns = _columns.Select(c => c.GetGuesser().Guess.CSharpType == typeof(string)).ToArray();

            using (var con = server.GetConnection())

                var cmd = server.GetCommand(
                    string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}"
                                  , string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, _columns.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray())
                                  , tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con);

                _logger.Info("About to send command:" + Environment.NewLine + cmd.CommandText);

                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                foreach (Failure failure in reader.Cast <DbDataRecord>().SelectMany(GetFailuresIfAny))

Exemple #4
        private void CheckColumnDefinitionsMatchArchive()
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

            var archiveTableCols = _archiveTable.DiscoverColumns().ToArray();

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn col in _columns)
                var colInArchive = archiveTableCols.SingleOrDefault(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(col.GetRuntimeName()));

                if (colInArchive == null)
                    errors.Add("Column " + col.GetRuntimeName() + " appears in Table '" + _table + "' but not in archive table '" + _archiveTable + "'");
                if (!AreCompatibleDatatypes(col.DataType, colInArchive.DataType))
                    errors.Add("Column " + col.GetRuntimeName() + " has data type '" + col.DataType + "' in '" + _table + "' but in Archive table '" + _archiveTable + "' it is defined as '" + colInArchive.DataType + "'");

            if (errors.Any())
                throw new IrreconcilableColumnDifferencesInArchiveException("The following column mismatch errors were seen:" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors));
Exemple #5
        public override void MakeDistinct(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable discoveredTable)
            var syntax = discoveredTable.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            string sql =
                @"DELETE f
            FROM (
            FROM {1}
            ) as f
            where RowNum > 1";

            string columnList = string.Join(",",
                                            discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => syntax.EnsureWrapped(c.GetRuntimeName())));

            string sqlToExecute = string.Format(sql, columnList, discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName());

            var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server;

            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(server))
                using (var cmd = server.GetCommand(sqlToExecute, con))
Exemple #6
        public void CloneTable(DiscoveredDatabase srcDatabaseInfo, DiscoveredDatabase destDatabaseInfo, DiscoveredTable sourceTable, string destTableName, bool dropHICColumns, bool dropIdentityColumns, bool allowNulls, PreLoadDiscardedColumn[] dillutionColumns)
            if (!sourceTable.Exists())
                throw new Exception("Table " + sourceTable + " does not exist on " + srcDatabaseInfo);

            //new table will start with the same name as the as the old scripted one
            DiscoveredTable newTable = destDatabaseInfo.ExpectTable(destTableName);

            var sql = sourceTable.ScriptTableCreation(allowNulls, allowNulls, false /*False because we want to drop these columns entirely not just flip to int*/, newTable);

            using (var con = destDatabaseInfo.Server.GetConnection())
                var cmd = destDatabaseInfo.Server.GetCommand(sql, con);

            if (!newTable.Exists())
                throw new Exception("Table '" + newTable + "' not found in " + destDatabaseInfo + " despite running table creation SQL!");

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn column in newTable.DiscoverColumns())
                bool drop    = false;
                var  colName = column.GetRuntimeName();

                if (column.IsAutoIncrement)
                    drop = true;

                if (SpecialFieldNames.IsHicPrefixed(colName) && dropHICColumns)
                    drop = true;

                //drop the data load run ID field and validFrom fields, we don't need them in STAGING or RAW, it will be hard coded in the MERGE migration with a fixed value anyway.
                if (colName.Equals(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID) || colName.Equals(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom))
                    drop = true;

                var dillution = dillutionColumns.SingleOrDefault(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(colName));

                if (dillution != null)

                if (drop)
Exemple #7
        protected override void MutilateTable(IDataLoadEventListener job, ITableInfo tableInfo, DiscoveredTable table)
            var server = table.Database.Server;

            job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "About to run Coalese on table " + table));

            var allCols = table.DiscoverColumns();

            var pkColumnInfos = tableInfo.ColumnInfos.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();
            var nonPks        = allCols.Where(c => !pkColumnInfos.Contains(c.GetRuntimeName())).ToArray();
            var pks           = allCols.Except(nonPks).ToArray();

            if (!pkColumnInfos.Any())
                throw new Exception("Table '" + tableInfo + "' has no IsPrimaryKey columns");

            if (allCols.Length == pkColumnInfos.Length)
                job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "Skipping Coalesce on table " + table + " because it has no non primary key columns"));

            //Get an update command for each non primary key column
            Dictionary <string, Task <int> > sqlCommands = new Dictionary <string, Task <int> >();

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn nonPk in nonPks)
                sqlCommands.Add(GetCommand(table, pks, nonPk), null);


            using (var con = table.Database.Server.GetConnection())

                if (CreateIndex)
                    var idxCmd = server.GetCommand(string.Format(@"CREATE INDEX IX_PK_{0} ON {0}({1});", table.GetRuntimeName(), string.Join(",", pks.Select(p => p.GetRuntimeName()))), con);
                    idxCmd.CommandTimeout = Timeout;

                foreach (var sql in sqlCommands.Keys.ToArray())
                    var cmd = server.GetCommand(sql, con);
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = Timeout;
                    sqlCommands[sql]   = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


            int affectedRows = sqlCommands.Values.Sum(t => t.Result);

            job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Coalesce on table '" + table + "' completed (" + affectedRows + " rows affected)"));
Exemple #8
        public TriggerImplementer(DiscoveredTable table, bool createDataLoadRunIDAlso = true)
            _server       = table.Database.Server;
            _table        = table;
            _archiveTable = _table.Database.ExpectTable(table.GetRuntimeName() + "_Archive", table.Schema);
            _columns      = table.DiscoverColumns();
            _primaryKeys  = _columns.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();

            _createDataLoadRunIdAlso = createDataLoadRunIDAlso;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the database <paramref name="server"/> to redact the <paramref name="failure"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">Where to connect to get the data, can be null if <see cref="RulesOnly"/> is true</param>
        /// <param name="failure">The failure to redact/create a rule for</param>
        /// <param name="usingRule">Pass null to create a new rule or give value to reuse an existing rule</param>
        public void Update(DiscoveredServer server, Failure failure, IsIdentifiableRule usingRule)
            //theres no rule yet so create one (and add to RedList.yaml)
            if (usingRule == null)
                usingRule = Add(failure, RuleAction.Report);

            //if we are running in rules only mode we don't need to also update the database
            if (RulesOnly)

            var syntax = server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            //the fully specified name e.g. [mydb]..[mytbl]
            string tableName = failure.Resource;

            var tokens = tableName.Split('.', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            var db = tokens.First();

            tableName = tokens.Last();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(db) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName) || string.Equals(db, tableName))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Could not understand table name {failure.Resource}, maybe it is not full specified with a valid database and table name?");

            db        = syntax.GetRuntimeName(db);
            tableName = syntax.GetRuntimeName(tableName);

            DiscoveredTable table = server.ExpectDatabase(db).ExpectTable(tableName);

            //if we've never seen this table before
            if (!_primaryKeys.ContainsKey(table))
                var pk = table.DiscoverColumns().SingleOrDefault(k => k.IsPrimaryKey);
                _primaryKeys.Add(table, pk);

            using (var con = server.GetConnection())

                foreach (var sql in UpdateStrategy.GetUpdateSql(table, _primaryKeys, failure, usingRule))
                    var cmd = server.GetCommand(sql, con);
        public override void FillDataTableWithTopX(DiscoveredTable table, int topX, DataTable dt, DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction = null)

            var cols = table.DiscoverColumns();

            string sql = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", cols.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray()) + " FROM " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT " + topX + " ROWS ONLY";

            var da = table.Database.Server.GetDataAdapter(sql, connection);

        public override void FillDataTableWithTopX(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, int topX, DataTable dt)
            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(table))

                var cols = table.DiscoverColumns();

                //apparently * doesn't fly with Oracle DataAdapter
                string sql = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", cols.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray()) + " FROM " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT " + topX + " ROWS ONLY";

                using (var cmd = table.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))
                    using (var da = table.Database.Server.GetDataAdapter(cmd))
                        args.Fill(da, cmd, dt);
Exemple #12
        private void CheckCohortDatabaseHasCorrectTables(ICheckNotifier notifier)
                var database = DataAccessPortal.GetInstance().ExpectDatabase(this, DataAccessContext.DataExport);

                DiscoveredTable cohortTable = database.ExpectTable(TableName);
                if (cohortTable.Exists())
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found table " + cohortTable + " in database " + Database, CheckResult.Success, null));

                    var columns = cohortTable.DiscoverColumns();

                    ComplainIfColumnMissing(TableName, columns, PrivateIdentifierField, notifier);
                    ComplainIfColumnMissing(TableName, columns, ReleaseIdentifierField, notifier);
                    ComplainIfColumnMissing(TableName, columns, DefinitionTableForeignKeyField, notifier);
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not find table " + TableName + " in database " + Database, CheckResult.Fail, null));

                DiscoveredTable foundCohortDefinitionTable = database.ExpectTable(DefinitionTableName);

                if (foundCohortDefinitionTable.Exists())
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found table " + DefinitionTableName + " in database " + Database, CheckResult.Success, null));

                    var cols = foundCohortDefinitionTable.DiscoverColumns();

                    foreach (string requiredField in ExternalCohortTable.CohortDefinitionTable_RequiredFields)
                        ComplainIfColumnMissing(DefinitionTableName, cols, requiredField, notifier);
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not find table " + DefinitionTableName + " in database " + Database, CheckResult.Fail, null));
            catch (Exception e)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not check table intactness for ExternalCohortTable '" + Name + "'", CheckResult.Fail, e));
Exemple #13
        public MigrationColumnSet(DiscoveredTable from, DiscoveredTable to, IMigrationFieldProcessor migrationFieldProcessor)
            var fromCols = from.DiscoverColumns();
            var toCols   = to.DiscoverColumns();

            migrationFieldProcessor.ValidateFields(fromCols, toCols);

            SourceTable      = from;
            DestinationTable = to;

            PrimaryKeys    = fromCols.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();
            FieldsToDiff   = new List <DiscoveredColumn>();
            FieldsToUpdate = new List <DiscoveredColumn>();

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn pk in PrimaryKeys)
                if (!toCols.Any(f => f.GetRuntimeName().Equals(pk.GetRuntimeName(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    throw new MissingFieldException("Column " + pk + " is missing from either the destination table");

            if (!PrimaryKeys.Any())
                throw new Exception("There are no primary keys declared in table " + from);

            //figure out things to migrate and whether they matter to diffing
            foreach (DiscoveredColumn field in fromCols)
                if (
                    field.GetRuntimeName().Equals(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                    field.GetRuntimeName().Equals(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                if (!toCols.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(field.GetRuntimeName(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    throw new MissingFieldException("Field " + field + " is missing from destination table");

                migrationFieldProcessor.AssignFieldsForProcessing(field, FieldsToDiff, FieldsToUpdate);
Exemple #14
 protected override void MutilateTable(IDataLoadEventListener job, ITableInfo tableInfo, DiscoveredTable table)
     foreach (var col in table.DiscoverColumns())
         if (AllDataTypes || col.DataType.GetLengthIfString() >= 1)
                 job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "converted column " + col + " to " + DestinationType));
             catch (Exception e)
                 job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "Failed to convert column " + col + " of data type " + col.DataType + " to destination type " + DestinationType, e));
        public override int ExecuteInsertReturningIdentity(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, DbCommand cmd,
                                                           IManagedTransaction transaction = null)
            var autoIncrement = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns(transaction).SingleOrDefault(c => c.IsAutoIncrement);

            if (autoIncrement != null)
                cmd.CommandText += $" RETURNING {autoIncrement.GetFullyQualifiedName()};";

            var result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();

            if (result == DBNull.Value || result == null)

Exemple #16
        private void ValidateIsolationTableSchema(DiscoveredTable toValidate, TableInfo tableInfo, ICheckNotifier notifier)
            var expected = tableInfo.GetColumnsAtStage(LoadStage.AdjustRaw).Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName(LoadStage.AdjustRaw)).Union(new [] { SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID }).ToArray();
            var found    = toValidate.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();

            foreach (var missingFromIsolation in expected.Except(found, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    new CheckEventArgs(
                        "Isolation table '" + toValidate + "' did not contain expected column'" + missingFromIsolation +
                        "'", CheckResult.Fail));

            foreach (var unexpectedInIsolation in found.Except(expected, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    new CheckEventArgs(
                        "Isolation table '" + toValidate + "' contained an unexpected column'" + unexpectedInIsolation +
                        "'", CheckResult.Fail));
Exemple #17
        private void ConfirmFitToDestination(DataTable dt, DiscoveredTable tableToLoad, IDataLoadJob job)
            var columnsAtDestination = tableToLoad.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();

            //see if there is a shape problem between stuff that is on the server and stuff that is in the flat file
            if (dt.Columns.Count != columnsAtDestination.Length)
                job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "There was a mismatch between the number of columns in the flat file (" +
                                                       columnsAtDestination.Aggregate((s, n) => s + Environment.NewLine + n) +
                                                       ") and the number of columns in the RAW database table (" + dt.Columns.Count + ")"));

            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                if (!columnsAtDestination.Contains(column.ColumnName, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    throw new FlatFileLoadException("Column in flat file called " + column.ColumnName +
                                                    " does not appear in the RAW database table (after fixing potentially silly names)");
Exemple #18
        public void DiscoverState()

            //assume no children exist
            foreach (var anticipatedChild in _anticipatedChildren)
                anticipatedChild.State = LoadDiagramState.NotFound;

            //we dont exist either!
            if (!Table.Exists())
                State = LoadDiagramState.NotFound;

            //we do exist
            State = LoadDiagramState.Found;

            //discover children and marry them up to planned/ new unplanned ones
            foreach (var discoveredColumn in Table.DiscoverColumns())
                var match = _anticipatedChildren.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ColumnName.Equals(discoveredColumn.GetRuntimeName(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (match != null)
                    _unplannedChildren.Add(discoveredColumn); //unplanned column

            //any NotFound or Different etc cols or any unplanned children
            if (_anticipatedChildren.Any(c => c.State > LoadDiagramState.Found) || _unplannedChildren.Any())
                State = LoadDiagramState.Different;//elevate our state to Different
Exemple #19
        public void Add(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable)
            if (items.Any(i => i.Tag.Equals(discoveredTable)))

            var snip = new SubstringAutocompleteItem(discoveredTable.GetRuntimeName());

            snip.MenuText   = discoveredTable.GetRuntimeName();        //name of table
            snip.Text       = discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName(); //full SQL
            snip.Tag        = discoveredTable;                         //record object for future reference
            snip.ImageIndex = GetIndexFor(discoveredTable, RDMPConcept.TableInfo.ToString());


            DiscoveredColumn[] columns = null;
                if (discoveredTable.Exists())
                    columns = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns();
            catch (Exception)
                //couldn't load nevermind

            if (columns != null)
                foreach (var col in columns)
        public void CloneTable(DiscoveredDatabase srcDatabaseInfo, DiscoveredDatabase destDatabaseInfo, DiscoveredTable sourceTable, string destTableName, bool dropHICColumns, bool dropIdentityColumns, bool allowNulls, PreLoadDiscardedColumn[] dilutionColumns)
            if (!sourceTable.Exists())
                throw new Exception("Table " + sourceTable + " does not exist on " + srcDatabaseInfo);

            //new table will start with the same name as the as the old scripted one
            DiscoveredTable newTable = destDatabaseInfo.ExpectTable(destTableName);

            var sql = sourceTable.ScriptTableCreation(allowNulls, allowNulls, false /*False because we want to drop these columns entirely not just flip to int*/, newTable);

            _listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Creating table with SQL:" + sql));

            using (var con = destDatabaseInfo.Server.GetConnection())
                using (var cmd = destDatabaseInfo.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))

            if (!newTable.Exists())
                throw new Exception("Table '" + newTable + "' not found in " + destDatabaseInfo + " despite running table creation SQL!");

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn column in newTable.DiscoverColumns())
                bool drop    = false;
                var  colName = column.GetRuntimeName();

                if (column.IsAutoIncrement)
                    drop = true;

                //drop hic_ columns
                if (SpecialFieldNames.IsHicPrefixed(colName) && dropHICColumns)
                    drop = true;

                //if the ColumnInfo is explicitly marked to be ignored
                if (_tableInfo.ColumnInfos.Any(c => c.IgnoreInLoads && c.GetRuntimeName(_copyToBubble.ToLoadStage()).Equals(colName)))
                    _listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, $"{colName} will be dropped because it is marked IgnoreInLoads"));
                    drop = true;

                //also drop any columns we have specifically been told to ignore in the DLE configuration
                if (_hicDatabaseConfiguration.IgnoreColumns != null && _hicDatabaseConfiguration.IgnoreColumns.IsMatch(colName))
                    _listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, $"{colName} will be dropped because it is matches the gloabl ignores pattern ({_hicDatabaseConfiguration.IgnoreColumns})"));
                    drop = true;

                //drop the data load run ID field and validFrom fields, we don't need them in STAGING or RAW, it will be hard coded in the MERGE migration with a fixed value anyway.
                if (colName.Equals(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID) || colName.Equals(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom))
                    drop = true;

                var dilution = dilutionColumns.SingleOrDefault(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(colName));

                if (dilution != null)
                    _listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, $"Altering diluted column {colName} to {dilution.Data_type}"));

                if (drop)
Exemple #21
 public UnplannedTable(DiscoveredTable table)
     Table   = table;
     Columns = table.DiscoverColumns();
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the object representation (Type) is perfectly synched with the underlying database (table must exist with matching name and all parameters must be column names with no unmapped fields)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifier"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="tables"></param>
        private void CheckEntities(ICheckNotifier notifier, Type type, DiscoveredTable[] tables)
            if (type.IsInterface)

            if (type.IsAbstract)

            if (typeof(SpontaneousObject).IsAssignableFrom(type))

            if (type.Name.StartsWith("Spontaneous"))

            //make sure argument was IMaps..
            if (!typeof(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new ArgumentException("Type " + type.Name + " passed into method was not an IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable");

            //make sure table exists with exact same name as class
            DiscoveredTable table = tables.SingleOrDefault(t => t.GetRuntimeName().Equals(type.Name));

            if (table == null)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not find Table called " + type.Name + " (which implements IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable)", CheckResult.Fail, null));

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found Table " + type.Name, CheckResult.Success, null));

            //get columns from underlying database table
            DiscoveredColumn[] columns = table.DiscoverColumns();

            //get the properties that are not explicitly set as not mapping to database
            PropertyInfo[] properties = TableRepository.GetPropertyInfos(type);

            //this is part of the interface and hence doesnt exist in the underlying data table
            properties = properties.Where(p => !p.Name.Equals("UpdateCommand")).ToArray();

            //find columns in database where there are no properties with the same name
            IEnumerable <DiscoveredColumn> missingProperties     = columns.Where(col => !properties.Any(p => p.Name.Equals(col.GetRuntimeName())));
            IEnumerable <PropertyInfo>     missingDatabaseFields = properties.Where(p => !columns.Any(col => col.GetRuntimeName().Equals(p.Name)));

            bool problems = false;

            foreach (DiscoveredColumn missingProperty in missingProperties)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(
                                              "Missing property " + missingProperty + " on class definition " + type.FullName + ", the underlying table contains this field but the class does not", CheckResult.Fail,
                problems = true;

            foreach (PropertyInfo missingDatabaseField in missingDatabaseFields)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(
                                              "Missing field in database table " + table + " when compared to class definition " + type.FullName
                                              + " property was called " + missingDatabaseField.Name
                                              + " and was of type " + missingDatabaseField.PropertyType
                                              + ((typeof(Enum).IsAssignableFrom(missingDatabaseField.PropertyType)?"(An Enum)":""))
                                              , CheckResult.Warning,
                problems = true;

            //Check nullability
            foreach (PropertyInfo nonNullableProperty in properties.Where(property => property.PropertyType.IsEnum || property.PropertyType.IsValueType))
                //it is something like int? i.e. a nullable value type
                if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(nonNullableProperty.PropertyType) != null)

                    var col = table.DiscoverColumn(nonNullableProperty.Name);

                    if (col.AllowNulls)
                        notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Column " + nonNullableProperty.Name + " in table " + table + " allows nulls but is mapped to a ValueType or Enum", CheckResult.Warning, null));
                catch (Exception e)
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not check nullability of column " + nonNullableProperty.Name + " in table " + table, CheckResult.Fail, e));

            if (!problems)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("All fields present and correct in Type/Table " + table, CheckResult.Success, null));
Exemple #23
 public DatabaseFailureFactory(DiscoveredTable table)
     _table      = table;
     _tableName  = _table.GetFullyQualifiedName();
     PrimaryKeys = _table.DiscoverColumns().Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();
        public void DumpAllIdentifiersInTable_UnexpectedColumnFoundInIdentifierDumpTable()
            var preDiscardedColumn1 = new PreLoadDiscardedColumn(CatalogueRepository, tableInfoCreated, "surname");

            preDiscardedColumn1.Destination = DiscardedColumnDestination.StoreInIdentifiersDump;
            preDiscardedColumn1.SqlDataType = "varchar(20)";

            var preDiscardedColumn2 = new PreLoadDiscardedColumn(CatalogueRepository, tableInfoCreated, "forename");

            preDiscardedColumn2.Destination = DiscardedColumnDestination.StoreInIdentifiersDump;
            preDiscardedColumn2.SqlDataType = "varchar(50)";

            //give it the correct server
            tableInfoCreated.IdentifierDumpServer_ID = IdentifierDump_ExternalDatabaseServer.ID;

            IdentifierDumper dumper = new IdentifierDumper(tableInfoCreated);

            dumper.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            DiscoveredTable tableInDump = IdentifierDump_Database.ExpectTable("ID_" + BulkTestsData.BulkDataTable);

            Assert.IsTrue(tableInDump.Exists(), "ID table did not exist");

            var columnsInDump = tableInDump.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();

            //works and creates table on server
            Assert.Contains("hic_validFrom", columnsInDump);
            Assert.Contains("forename", columnsInDump);
            Assert.Contains("chi", columnsInDump);
            Assert.Contains("surname", columnsInDump);

            //now delete it!

            //now create a new dumper and watch it go crazy
            IdentifierDumper dumper2 = new IdentifierDumper(tableInfoCreated);

            var thrower = new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier();

            thrower.ThrowOnWarning = true;

                var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => dumper2.Check(thrower));
                Assert.AreEqual("Column forename was found in the IdentifierDump table ID_BulkData but was not one of the primary keys or a PreLoadDiscardedColumn", ex.Message);
                //Drop all this stuff
                var server = IdentifierDump_Database.Server;
                using (var con = server.GetConnection())

                    //leave the identifier dump in the way we found it (empty)
                    var cmdDrop = server.GetCommand("DROP TABLE ID_" + BulkTestsData.BulkDataTable, con);

                    var cmdDropArchive = server.GetCommand("DROP TABLE ID_" + BulkTestsData.BulkDataTable + "_Archive", con);

                tableInfoCreated.IdentifierDumpServer_ID = null;//reset it back to how it was when we found it
        public void Dispose(IDataLoadEventListener listener, Exception pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny)
                if (_managedConnection != null)
                    //if there was an error
                    if (pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny != null)

                        listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Transaction rolled back sucessfully"));

                        if (_bulkcopy != null)

                        if (_bulkcopy != null)

                        listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Transaction committed sucessfully"));
            catch (Exception e)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "Commit failed on transaction (probably there was a previous error?)", e));

            //if we have a primary key to create
            if (pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny == null && _primaryKey != null && _primaryKey.Any() && discoveredTable != null && discoveredTable.Exists())
                //Find the columns in the destination
                var allColumns = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns();

                //if there are not yet any primary keys
                if (allColumns.All(c => !c.IsPrimaryKey))
                    //find the columns the user decorated in his DataTable
                    DiscoveredColumn[] pkColumnsToCreate = allColumns.Where(c => _primaryKey.Any(pk => pk.Equals(c.GetRuntimeName(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();

                    //make sure we found all of them
                    if (pkColumnsToCreate.Length != _primaryKey.Count)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find primary key column(s) " + string.Join(",", _primaryKey) + " in table " + discoveredTable);

                    //create the primary key to match user provided columns
                    discoveredTable.CreatePrimaryKey(AlterTimeout, pkColumnsToCreate);

Exemple #26
        public virtual string CreateTrigger(ICheckNotifier notifier, int timeout = 30)
            if (!_primaryKeys.Any())
                throw new TriggerException("There must be at least 1 primary key");

            //if _Archive exists skip creating it
            bool skipCreatingArchive = _archiveTable.Exists();

            //check _Archive does not already exist
            foreach (string forbiddenColumnName in new[] { "hic_validTo", "hic_userID", "hic_status" })
                if (_columns.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(forbiddenColumnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    throw new TriggerException("Table " + _table + " already contains a column called " + forbiddenColumnName + " this column is reserved for Archiving");

            bool b_mustCreate_validFrom     = !_columns.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
            bool b_mustCreate_dataloadRunId = !_columns.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) && _createDataLoadRunIdAlso;

            //forces column order dataloadrunID then valid from (doesnt prevent these being in the wrong place in the record but hey ho - possibly not an issue anyway since probably the 3 values in the archive are what matters for order - see the Trigger which populates *,X,Y,Z where * is all columns in mane table
            if (b_mustCreate_dataloadRunId && !b_mustCreate_validFrom)
                throw new TriggerException("Cannot create trigger because table contains " + SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom + " but not " + SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID + " (ID must be placed before valid from in column order)");

            //must add validFrom outside of transaction if we want SMO to pick it up
            if (b_mustCreate_dataloadRunId)
                _table.AddColumn(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(int)), true, timeout);

            var syntaxHelper     = _server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();
            var dateTimeDatatype = syntaxHelper.TypeTranslater.GetSQLDBTypeForCSharpType(new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(DateTime)));
            var nowFunction      = syntaxHelper.GetScalarFunctionSql(MandatoryScalarFunctions.GetTodaysDate);

            //must add validFrom outside of transaction if we want SMO to pick it up
            if (b_mustCreate_validFrom)
                _table.AddColumn(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom, string.Format(" {0} DEFAULT {1}", dateTimeDatatype, nowFunction), true, timeout);

            //if we created columns we need to update _column
            if (b_mustCreate_dataloadRunId || b_mustCreate_validFrom)
                _columns = _table.DiscoverColumns();

            string sql = WorkOutArchiveTableCreationSQL();

            if (!skipCreatingArchive)
                using (var con = _server.GetConnection())

                    var cmdCreateArchive = _server.GetCommand(sql, con);


                    _archiveTable.AddColumn("hic_validTo", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(DateTime)), true, timeout);
                    _archiveTable.AddColumn("hic_userID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 128), true, timeout);
                    _archiveTable.AddColumn("hic_status", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 1), true, timeout);

Exemple #27
        public void Check(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            if (_table.Exists() && _archiveTable.Exists())
                string[] liveCols    = _table.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();
                string[] archiveCols = _archiveTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray();

                var passed = CheckColumnOrderInTablesAndArchiveMatch(liveCols, archiveCols, notifier);

                if (!passed)

            var factory     = new TriggerImplementerFactory(_server.DatabaseType);
            var implementer = factory.Create(_table);

            bool present;

            var primaryKeys = _table.DiscoverColumns().Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();

            //we don't know the primary keys
            if (!primaryKeys.Any())
                    //see if it exists
                    present = implementer.GetTriggerStatus() == TriggerStatus.Enabled;
                catch (TriggerMissingException)
                    //clearly it doesnt exist
                    present = false;
                    //we do know the primary keys
                    present = implementer.CheckUpdateTriggerIsEnabledAndHasExpectedBody();
                catch (IrreconcilableColumnDifferencesInArchiveException e)
                        new CheckEventArgs(
                            "Archive table for table " + _table +
                            " is corrupt, see inner Exception for specific errors", CheckResult.Fail, e));
                catch (Exception e)
                    NotifyFail(e, notifier, implementer);

            if (present)
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Trigger presence/intactness for table " + _table + " matched expected presence", CheckResult.Success, null));
                NotifyFail(null, notifier, implementer); //try creating it
Exemple #28
        public string GetCode()
            var columns = _table.DiscoverColumns();

            if (!columns.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("ID")))
                throw new CodeGenerationException("Table must have an ID automnum column to become an IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable class");

            StringBuilder classStart = new StringBuilder();

            classStart.Append("public class " + _table.GetRuntimeName() + ": DatabaseEntity");

            bool isINamed = columns.Any(c => c.GetRuntimeName() == "Name");

            if (isINamed)


            StringBuilder databaseFields = new StringBuilder();

            databaseFields.AppendLine("\t#region Database Properties");

            StringBuilder databaseProperties = new StringBuilder();

            StringBuilder constructors = new StringBuilder();

            constructors.AppendLine("\tpublic " + _table.GetRuntimeName() + "(IRepository repository/*, TODO Required Construction Properties For NEW*/)");
            constructors.AppendLine(@"  {
        repository.InsertAndHydrate(this,new Dictionary<string, object>()
            //TODO Any parameters here as key value pairs

        if (ID == 0 || Repository != repository)
            throw new ArgumentException(""Repository failed to properly hydrate this class"");

            constructors.AppendLine("\tpublic " + _table.GetRuntimeName() + "(IRepository repository, DbDataReader r): base(repository, r)");

            foreach (var col in columns.Where(c => c.GetRuntimeName() != "ID"))
                string setCode;
                var    type         = GetCSharpTypeFor(col, out setCode);
                var    propertyName = col.GetRuntimeName();
                var    fieldString  = col.GetRuntimeName();

                //cammel case it
                fieldString = "_" + fieldString.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + fieldString.Substring(1);

                databaseFields.AppendLine("\tprivate " + type + " " + fieldString + ";");

                databaseProperties.AppendLine("\tpublic " + type + " " + propertyName);
                databaseProperties.AppendLine("\t\tget { return " + fieldString + ";}");
                databaseProperties.AppendLine("\t\tset { SetField(ref " + fieldString + ", value);}");

                constructors.AppendLine("\t\t" + propertyName + " = " + setCode);



            if (isINamed)
                constructors.AppendLine("\t" + @"public override string ToString()
        return Name;

            return(classStart.ToString() + databaseFields + databaseProperties + constructors + "}");
        public DataTable ProcessPipelineData(DataTable toProcess, IDataLoadEventListener listener, GracefulCancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (toProcess == null)

            IDatabaseColumnRequestAdjuster adjuster = null;

            if (Adjuster != null)
                var constructor = new ObjectConstructor();
                adjuster = (IDatabaseColumnRequestAdjuster)constructor.Construct(Adjuster);

            //work out the table name for the table we are going to create
            if (TargetTableName == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toProcess.TableName))
                    throw new Exception("Chunk did not have a TableName, did not know what to call the newly created table");

                TargetTableName = QuerySyntaxHelper.MakeHeaderNameSane(toProcess.TableName);



            if (_loggingDatabaseListener != null)
                listener = new ForkDataLoadEventListener(listener, _loggingDatabaseListener);


            bool createdTable = false;

            if (_firstTime)
                bool tableAlreadyExistsButEmpty = false;

                if (!_database.Exists())
                    throw new Exception("Database " + _database + " does not exist");

                discoveredTable = _database.ExpectTable(TargetTableName);

                //table already exists
                if (discoveredTable.Exists())
                    tableAlreadyExistsButEmpty = true;

                    if (!AllowLoadingPopulatedTables)
                        if (discoveredTable.IsEmpty())
                            listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "Found table " + TargetTableName + " already, normally this would forbid you from loading it (data duplication / no primary key etc) but it is empty so we are happy to load it, it will not be created"));
                            throw new Exception("There is already a table called " + TargetTableName + " at the destination " + _database);

                    if (AllowResizingColumnsAtUploadTime)
                        _dataTypeDictionary = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().ToDictionary(k => k.GetRuntimeName(), v => v.GetDataTypeComputer(), StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                    listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Determined that the table name " + TargetTableName + " is unique at destination " + _database));

                //create connection to destination
                if (!tableAlreadyExistsButEmpty)
                    createdTable = true;

                    if (AllowResizingColumnsAtUploadTime)
                        _database.CreateTable(out _dataTypeDictionary, TargetTableName, toProcess, ExplicitTypes.ToArray(), true, adjuster);
                        _database.CreateTable(TargetTableName, toProcess, ExplicitTypes.ToArray(), true, adjuster);

                    listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Created table " + TargetTableName + " successfully."));

                _managedConnection = _server.BeginNewTransactedConnection();
                _bulkcopy          = discoveredTable.BeginBulkInsert(_managedConnection.ManagedTransaction);

                if (Culture != null)
                    _bulkcopy.DateTimeDecider.Culture = Culture;

                _firstTime = false;

                if (AllowResizingColumnsAtUploadTime && !createdTable)
                    ResizeColumnsIfRequired(toProcess, listener);

                //push the data

                _affectedRows += _bulkcopy.Upload(toProcess);

                listener.OnProgress(this, new ProgressEventArgs("Uploading to " + TargetTableName, new ProgressMeasurement(_affectedRows, ProgressType.Records), swTimeSpentWritting.Elapsed));
            catch (Exception e)

                if (LoggingServer != null)
                    _dataLoadInfo.LogFatalError(GetType().Name, ExceptionHelper.ExceptionToListOfInnerMessages(e, true));

                throw new Exception("Failed to write rows (in transaction) to table " + TargetTableName, e);
