private DiscountApplied ComputeDiscount(BasketItem item, ActivePromo promo)
            DiscountApplied da = new DiscountApplied(item.PackageId);
            int             discountMultiplier = item.Quantity / promo.MinQty;

            switch (promo.DiscountTypeId)
            case 1: //Dollar price reduction on item.
                da.DiscountedPrice = discountMultiplier * promo.DiscountValue;

            case 2: //Price reduction based on discount value in percent
                double discountPercent = (double)promo.DiscountValue / 100;
                da.DiscountedPrice = discountMultiplier * Convert.ToInt32(discountPercent * item.Price);


            case 3: //Increase the quantity based on discount value.
                da.AddedQuantity = discountMultiplier * promo.DiscountValue;


        public async Task <ActionResult <List <DiscountApplied> > > ApplyPromoAsync([FromBody] List <BasketItem> orders)
            List <ActivePromo> promos = new List <ActivePromo>();

            await using (var command = _context.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
                command.CommandText = "SELECT p.PackageId, d.MinQuantity, d.DiscountValue, d.DiscountTypeId FROM Promos p INNER JOIN Discounts d ON p.DiscountId=d.Id INNER JOIN DiscountTypes dt ON d.DiscountTypeId=dt.Id";
                using (IDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        promos.Add(new ActivePromo()
                            PackageId      = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]),
                            MinQty         = Convert.ToInt32(dr[1]),
                            DiscountValue  = Convert.ToInt32(dr[2]),
                            DiscountTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr[3])

            List <DiscountApplied> discountOnBasketItems = new List <DiscountApplied>();

            //Loop for each item in the basket.
            foreach (BasketItem odr in orders)
                List <ActivePromo> promosOnItem = promos.Where(p => p.PackageId == odr.PackageId && p.MinQty <= odr.Quantity).ToList <ActivePromo>();

                //Compute discount foreach promos on item.
                List <DiscountApplied> discountsOnItem = new List <DiscountApplied>();
                foreach (ActivePromo promo in promosOnItem)
                    discountsOnItem.Add(ComputeDiscount(odr, promo));

                if (promosOnItem.Count > 0)
                    //Best discount priority: 1. If quantity is higher, 2. discounted price is higher
                    DiscountApplied bestDiscountOnItem = discountsOnItem.OrderByDescending(x => x.AddedQuantity).ThenByDescending(x => x.DiscountedPrice).First();
