protected override async Task UpdateInternal(DiscordLink plugin, DLEventType trigger, object data) { if (!(data is WorkOrderAction craftingEvent)) { return; } if (craftingEvent.Citizen == null) { return; // Happens when a crafting table contiues crafting after finishing an item } if (craftingEvent.MarkedUpName != "Create Work Order") { return; // Happens when a player feeds materials to a blocked work order } string itemName = craftingEvent.OrderCount > 1 ? craftingEvent.CraftedItem.DisplayNamePlural : craftingEvent.CraftedItem.DisplayName; string message = $"**{craftingEvent.Citizen.Name}** started crafting {craftingEvent.OrderCount} `{itemName}` at {(craftingEvent.WorldObject as WorldObject).Name}."; foreach (ChannelLink craftingChannel in DLConfig.Data.CraftingChannels) { if (!craftingChannel.IsValid()) { continue; } DiscordGuild discordGuild = plugin.GuildByNameOrId(craftingChannel.DiscordGuild); if (discordGuild == null) { continue; } DiscordChannel discordChannel = discordGuild.ChannelByNameOrId(craftingChannel.DiscordChannel); if (discordChannel == null) { continue; } await DiscordUtil.SendAsync(discordChannel, message); ++_opsCount; } }
private void ForwardMessageToDiscordChannel(DiscordLink plugin, ChatSent chatMessage, string channelNameOrId, string guildNameOrId, GlobalMentionPermission globalMentionPermission) { Logger.DebugVerbose("Sending Eco message to Discord channel " + channelNameOrId + " in guild " + guildNameOrId); var guild = plugin.GuildByNameOrId(guildNameOrId); if (guild == null) { Logger.Error("Failed to forward Eco message from user " + MessageUtil.StripTags(chatMessage.Citizen.Name) + " as no guild with the name or ID " + guildNameOrId + " exists"); return; } var channel = guild.ChannelByNameOrId(channelNameOrId); if (channel == null) { Logger.Error("Failed to forward Eco message from user " + MessageUtil.StripTags(chatMessage.Citizen.Name) + " as no channel with the name or ID " + channelNameOrId + " exists in the guild " + guild.Name); return; } bool allowGlobalMention = (globalMentionPermission == GlobalMentionPermission.AnyUser || globalMentionPermission == GlobalMentionPermission.Admin && chatMessage.Citizen.IsAdmin); _ = DiscordUtil.SendAsync(channel, MessageUtil.FormatMessageForDiscord(chatMessage.Message, channel, chatMessage.Citizen.Name, allowGlobalMention)); }
protected sealed override async Task UpdateInternal(DiscordLink plugin, DLEventType trigger, object data) { // Avoid hitting the rate limitation by not allowig events that can be fired often to pass straight through. if ((trigger & HighFrequencyTriggerFlags) == trigger) { if (_HighFrequencyEventTimer == null) { _HighFrequencyEventTimer = new Timer(this.TriggerTimedUpdate, null, HighFrequencyEventDelayMS, Timeout.Infinite); } return; } if (_dirty || _targetDisplays.Count <= 0) { await FindMessages(plugin); if (_dirty || _targetDisplays.Count <= 0) { return; // If something went wrong, we should just retry later } } bool createdOrDestroyedMessage = false; List <string> matchedTags = new List <string>(); List <DiscordMessage> unmatchedMessages = new List <DiscordMessage>(); foreach (TargetDisplayData channelDisplayData in _targetDisplays) { DiscordTarget target = channelDisplayData.Target; ChannelLink channelLink = target as ChannelLink; UserLink userLink = target as UserLink; if (channelLink == null && userLink == null) { continue; } DiscordChannel targetChannel = null; if (channelLink != null) { // Get the channel and verify permissions DiscordGuild discordGuild = plugin.GuildByNameOrId(channelLink.DiscordGuild); if (discordGuild == null) { continue; } targetChannel = discordGuild.ChannelByNameOrId(channelLink.DiscordChannel); if (targetChannel == null) { continue; } if (!DiscordUtil.ChannelHasPermission(targetChannel, Permissions.ReadMessageHistory)) { continue; } } else if (userLink != null) { targetChannel = await userLink.Member.CreateDmChannelAsync(); } GetDisplayContent(target, out List <Tuple <string, DiscordLinkEmbed> > tagsAndContent); foreach (ulong messageID in channelDisplayData.MessageIDs) { DiscordMessage message = await DiscordUtil.GetMessageAsync(targetChannel, messageID); if (message == null) { _dirty = true; return; // We cannot know which messages are wrong and duplicates may be created if we continue. } if (!message.Content.StartsWith(BaseTag)) { continue; // The message belongs to a different display } bool found = false; foreach (var tagAndContent in tagsAndContent) { if (message.Content.Contains(tagAndContent.Item1)) { _ = DiscordUtil.ModifyAsync(message, tagAndContent.Item1, tagAndContent.Item2); matchedTags.Add(tagAndContent.Item1); found = true; ++_opsCount; break; } } if (!found) { unmatchedMessages.Add(message); } } // Delete the messages that are no longer relevant foreach (DiscordMessage message in unmatchedMessages) { DiscordUtil.DeleteAsync(message).Wait(); createdOrDestroyedMessage = true; ++_opsCount; } unmatchedMessages.Clear(); // Send the messages that didn't already exist foreach (var tagAndContent in tagsAndContent) { if (!matchedTags.Contains(tagAndContent.Item1)) { DiscordUtil.SendAsync(targetChannel, tagAndContent.Item1, tagAndContent.Item2).Wait(); createdOrDestroyedMessage = true; ++_opsCount; } } matchedTags.Clear(); } if (createdOrDestroyedMessage) { await FindMessages(plugin); } LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; }
private async Task PostAccumulatedTrades() { foreach (List <CurrencyTrade> accumulatedTrades in _accumulatedTrades.Values) { if (accumulatedTrades.Count <= 0) { continue; } CurrencyTrade firstTrade = accumulatedTrades[0]; DiscordEmbedBuilder builder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder(); string leftName = firstTrade.Citizen.Name; string rightName = firstTrade.Citizen.Id == firstTrade.Buyer.Id ? firstTrade.Seller.Name : firstTrade.Buyer.Name; builder.Title = leftName + " traded with " + rightName; string boughtItemsDesc = string.Empty; float boughtTotal = 0; string soldItemsDesc = string.Empty; float soldTotal = 0; foreach (CurrencyTrade trade in accumulatedTrades) { if (trade.BoughtOrSold == Shared.Items.BoughtOrSold.Buying) { boughtItemsDesc += trade.NumberOfItems + " X " + trade.ItemUsed.DisplayName + " * " + trade.CurrencyAmount / trade.NumberOfItems + " = " + trade.CurrencyAmount + "\n"; boughtTotal += trade.CurrencyAmount; } else if (trade.BoughtOrSold == Shared.Items.BoughtOrSold.Selling) { soldItemsDesc += trade.NumberOfItems + " X " + trade.ItemUsed.DisplayName + " * " + trade.CurrencyAmount / trade.NumberOfItems + " = " + trade.CurrencyAmount + "\n"; soldTotal += trade.CurrencyAmount; } } if (!boughtItemsDesc.IsEmpty()) { boughtItemsDesc += "\nTotal = " + boughtTotal.ToString("n2"); builder.AddField("Bought", boughtItemsDesc); } if (!soldItemsDesc.IsEmpty()) { soldItemsDesc += "\nTotal = " + soldTotal.ToString("n2"); builder.AddField("Sold", soldItemsDesc); } float subTotal = soldTotal - boughtTotal; char sign = (subTotal > 0.0f ? '+' : '-'); builder.AddField("Total", sign + Math.Abs(subTotal).ToString("n2") + " " + firstTrade.Currency.Name); DiscordLink plugin = DiscordLink.Obj; if (plugin == null) { return; } foreach (ChannelLink tradeChannel in DLConfig.Data.TradeChannels) { if (!tradeChannel.IsValid()) { continue; } DiscordGuild discordGuild = plugin.GuildByNameOrId(tradeChannel.DiscordGuild); if (discordGuild == null) { continue; } DiscordChannel discordChannel = discordGuild.ChannelByNameOrId(tradeChannel.DiscordChannel); if (discordChannel == null) { continue; } _ = DiscordUtil.SendAsync(discordChannel, "", builder.Build()); } } _accumulatedTrades.Clear(); }
protected override async Task UpdateInternal(DiscordLink plugin, DLEventType trigger, object data) { if (DLConfig.Data.TradeChannels.Count <= 0) { return; } if (!(data is IEnumerable <List <CurrencyTrade> > accumulatedTrades)) { return; } // Each entry is the summarized trade events for a player and a store foreach (List <CurrencyTrade> accumulatedTradeList in accumulatedTrades) { if (accumulatedTradeList.Count <= 0) { continue; } CurrencyTrade firstTrade = accumulatedTradeList[0]; DiscordLinkEmbed embed = new DiscordLinkEmbed(); string leftName = firstTrade.Citizen.Name; string rightName = (firstTrade.WorldObject as WorldObject).Name; embed.WithTitle($"{leftName} traded at {MessageUtil.StripTags(rightName)}"); // Go through all acumulated trade events and create a summary string boughtItemsDesc = string.Empty; float boughtTotal = 0; string soldItemsDesc = string.Empty; float soldTotal = 0; foreach (CurrencyTrade trade in accumulatedTradeList) { if (trade.BoughtOrSold == Shared.Items.BoughtOrSold.Buying) { boughtItemsDesc += trade.NumberOfItems + " X " + trade.ItemUsed.DisplayName + " * " + trade.CurrencyAmount / trade.NumberOfItems + " = " + trade.CurrencyAmount + "\n"; boughtTotal += trade.CurrencyAmount; } else if (trade.BoughtOrSold == Shared.Items.BoughtOrSold.Selling) { soldItemsDesc += trade.NumberOfItems + " X " + trade.ItemUsed.DisplayName + " * " + trade.CurrencyAmount / trade.NumberOfItems + " = " + trade.CurrencyAmount + "\n"; soldTotal += trade.CurrencyAmount; } } if (!boughtItemsDesc.IsEmpty()) { boughtItemsDesc += "\nTotal = " + boughtTotal.ToString("n2"); embed.AddField("Bought", boughtItemsDesc); } if (!soldItemsDesc.IsEmpty()) { soldItemsDesc += "\nTotal = " + soldTotal.ToString("n2"); embed.AddField("Sold", soldItemsDesc); } float subTotal = soldTotal - boughtTotal; char sign = (subTotal > 0.0f ? '+' : '-'); embed.AddField("Total", sign + Math.Abs(subTotal).ToString("n2") + " " + MessageUtil.StripTags(firstTrade.Currency.Name)); // Post the trade summary in all trade channels foreach (ChannelLink tradeChannel in DLConfig.Data.TradeChannels) { if (!tradeChannel.IsValid()) { continue; } DiscordGuild discordGuild = plugin.GuildByNameOrId(tradeChannel.DiscordGuild); if (discordGuild == null) { continue; } DiscordChannel discordChannel = discordGuild.ChannelByNameOrId(tradeChannel.DiscordChannel); if (discordChannel == null) { continue; } _ = DiscordUtil.SendAsync(discordChannel, string.Empty, embed); ++_opsCount; } } }