public NewModel(IAddSilentProtocolEntry addSilentProtocolEntry, HttpClient httpClient, IRequestContext requestContext, IOptions <DiscordOptions> discord) { _addSilentProtocolEntry = addSilentProtocolEntry; _httpClient = httpClient; _requestContext = requestContext; _discord = discord.Value; }
public BotInfoCommands(CommandService commandService, IOptionsSnapshot <WsbcOptions> coinOptions, IOptionsSnapshot <DiscordOptions> discordOptions) { this._commandService = commandService; this._coinOptions = coinOptions.Value; this._discordOptions = discordOptions.Value; }
public async Task InitializeAsync() { _log.LogDebug("Initializing CommandService"); try { (_commands as IDisposable)?.Dispose(); } catch { } DiscordOptions options = this._options.CurrentValue; CommandServiceConfig config = new CommandServiceConfig(); config.CaseSensitiveCommands = options.CaseSensitive; if (options.DefaultRunMode != RunMode.Default) { config.DefaultRunMode = options.DefaultRunMode; } config.IgnoreExtraArgs = options.IgnoreExtraArgs; this._commands = new CommandService(config); foreach (Assembly asm in options.CommandAssemblies) { await this._commands.AddModulesAsync(asm, _serviceProvider).ConfigureAwait(false); } foreach (Type t in options.CommandClasses) { await this._commands.AddModuleAsync(t, _serviceProvider).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public GatewayShard(DiscordOptions configuration, IServiceProvider provider, int shardId = 0) { ShardId = shardId; _packetHandler = provider.GetRequiredService <IDiscordPacketHandler>(); _logger = provider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <GatewayShard> >(); _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _connection = new GatewayConnection(configuration, provider, ShardId); }
public DiscordService(ILogger <DiscordService> log, IMessageBroker broker, IEpisodeAlertService episodeAlertService, IMediaInfoClient mediaClient, DiscordOptions options) { _log = log; _broker = broker; _episodeAlertService = episodeAlertService; _mediaClient = mediaClient; _options = options; }
private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage msg) { // most of the implementation here taken from // with my own pinch of customizations - TehGM // Don't process the command if it was a system message if (!(msg is SocketUserMessage message)) { return; } // Determine if the message is a command based on the prefix and make sure no bots trigger commands DiscordOptions options = this._options.CurrentValue; // only execute if not a bot message if (!options.AcceptBotMessages && message.Author.IsBot) { return; } // get prefix and argPos int argPos = 0; bool requirePrefix = msg.Channel is SocketGuildChannel ? options.RequirePublicMessagePrefix : options.RequirePrivateMessagePrefix; bool hasStringPrefix = message.HasStringPrefix(options.Prefix, ref argPos); bool hasMentionPrefix = false; if (!hasStringPrefix) { hasMentionPrefix = message.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos); } // if prefix not found but is required, return if (requirePrefix && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Prefix) && !hasStringPrefix) && (options.AcceptMentionPrefix && !hasMentionPrefix)) { return; } // Create a WebSocket-based command context based on the message SocketCommandContext context = new SocketCommandContext(this._client, message); // Execute the command with the command context we just // created, along with the service provider for precondition checks. // Keep in mind that result does not indicate a return value // rather an object stating if the command executed successfully. using IServiceScope scope = this._serviceProvider.CreateScope(); IResult result = await _commands.ExecuteAsync( context : context, argPos : argPos, services : scope.ServiceProvider) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (!result.IsSuccess && result is ExecuteResult executeResult && executeResult.Exception != null && !(executeResult.Exception is OperationCanceledException)) { this._log.LogError(executeResult.Exception, "Unhandled Exception when executing a basic command"); } }
public async Task PostAsync(TestNotification request) { DiscordOptions options = GetOptions(request.UserID); string footerText; if (options.ServerNameOverride) { footerText = $"From {_serverConfiguration.Configuration.ServerName}"; } else { footerText = "From Emby Server"; } DiscordMessage discordMessage = new DiscordMessage() { avatar_url = options.AvatarUrl, username = options.Username, embeds = new List <DiscordEmbed>() { new DiscordEmbed() { color = int.Parse(options.EmbedColor.Substring(1, 6), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), description = "This is a test notification from Emby", title = "It worked!", footer = new Footer { icon_url = options.AvatarUrl, text = footerText }, timestamp = DateTime.Now } } }; switch (options.MentionType) { case MentionTypes.Everyone: discordMessage.content = "@everyone"; break; case MentionTypes.Here: discordMessage.content = "@here"; break; } try { await DiscordWebhookHelper.ExecuteWebhook(discordMessage, options.DiscordWebhookURI, _jsonSerializer); } catch (System.Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Failed to execute webhook", e); throw new ArgumentException(); } }
private void ItemAddHandler(object sender, ItemChangeEventArgs changeEvent) { BaseItem Item = changeEvent.Item; DiscordOptions options = Plugin.Instance.Configuration.Options.FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.MediaAddedOverride == true); string LibraryType = Item.GetType().Name; if (!Item.IsVirtualItem && Array.Exists(Constants.AllowedMediaTypes, t => t == LibraryType) && options != null) { queuedUpdateCheck.Add(Item.Id, 0); } }
public DiscordService( ILogger <DiscordService> logger, DiscordClient client, IOptions <DiscordOptions> options, IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) { _logger = logger; _client = client; _options = options.Value; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _commands = _serviceProvider.GetServices <IDiscordCommand>(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new gateway connection /// </summary> /// <param name="configuration"></param> public GatewayConnection(DiscordOptions configuration, IServiceProvider provider, int shardId) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configuration.Token)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration), "Token cannot be empty."); } _sourceStream = new SourceStream(); _configuration = configuration; _logger = provider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <GatewayConnection> >(); _ratelimiter = provider.GetRequiredService <IDiscordConnectionRatelimiter>(); _shardId = shardId; }
/// <summary>Construct a new instance of this object.</summary> public DiscordCommandHandler(DiscordSocketClient client, CommandService commandService, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IOptions <DiscordOptions> options, ILogger <DiscordCommandHandler> logger) { _client = client; _commandService = commandService; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _options = options.Value; _logger = logger; _client.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived; _client.Ready += OnClientReady; _client.Log += OnLog; _commandService.CommandExecuted += CommandExecutedAsync; StartClient(_options.AccessToken).Wait(); }
private void doneButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ncw.ShowDialog(); if (ncw.DialogResult == true) { NC = ncw.NC; DO = new DiscordOptions { Name = NC.Name, Token = "", SteamChat = new SteamKit2.SteamID(), DiscordServerID = 0 }; } if (tokenBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Token is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.Token = tokenBox.Text; } if (steamchatBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Steam Chat ID is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.SteamChat = new SteamKit2.SteamID(Convert.ToUInt64(steamchatBox.Text)); } if (serverIDBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Discord Server ID is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.DiscordServerID = Convert.ToUInt64(serverIDBox.Text); } DialogResult = true; Close(); }
private void doneButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ncw.ShowDialog(); if(ncw.DialogResult == true) { NC = ncw.NC; DO = new DiscordOptions { Name = NC.Name, Token = "", SteamChat = new SteamKit2.SteamID(), DiscordServerID = 0 }; } if(tokenBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Token is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.Token = tokenBox.Text; } if (steamchatBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Steam Chat ID is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.SteamChat = new SteamKit2.SteamID(Convert.ToUInt64(steamchatBox.Text)); } if (serverIDBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Discord Server ID is required!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } else { DO.DiscordServerID = Convert.ToUInt64(serverIDBox.Text); } DialogResult = true; Close(); }
public FlightInfoMessageHandler( ILogger <FlightInfoMessageHandler> logger, IOptionsMonitor <DiscordOptions> discordOptionsAccessor, HubConnection hub) { this.discordOptions = discordOptionsAccessor.CurrentValue; this.logger = logger; this.hub = hub; this.httpClient = new HttpClient(); hub.On <ulong, string, AircraftStatus>("UpdateAircraftToDiscord", (discordClientId, clientId, status) => { if (sources.TryRemove(discordClientId, out var tcs)) { tcs.SetResult((clientId, status)); } }); }
private async void QueuedMessageSender(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { try { if (pendingSendQueue.Count > 0) { DiscordMessage messageToSend = pendingSendQueue.First().Key; DiscordOptions options = pendingSendQueue.First().Value; await DiscordWebhookHelper.ExecuteWebhook(messageToSend, options.DiscordWebhookURI, _jsonSerializer, _httpClient); pendingSendQueue.Remove(messageToSend); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Failed to execute webhook: ", e); } }
private void SetDiscordOptions(DiscordOptions options) { options.SaveTokens = true; options.ClientId = Configuration["Discord:ClientId"]; options.ClientSecret = Configuration["Discord:ClientSecret"]; options.AppSecret = "6XkegTU_e2AERB9vc7ZxnLxGRxtX_BSd"; options.CallbackPath = Configuration["Discord:CallbackPath"]; options.AccessDeniedPath = "/"; options.SignInScheme = "Cookies"; options.Scope.Add("identify"); options.Scope.Add("guilds"); options.Scope.Add("guilds.join"); options.Events = new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthEvents { OnTicketReceived = async context => { } }; options.Validate(DiscordDefaults.AuthenticationScheme); }
public DiscordService(DiscordSocketClient discordSocketClient, CommandService commands, IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory, ILogger <DiscordService> loggerService, IOptions <DiscordOptions> options, IEventSubscriber eventSubscriber, IApplicationEnder applicationEnder) : base(applicationEnder) { _commands = commands; _scopeFactory = scopeFactory; _logger = loggerService; _options = options.Value; _eventSubscriber = eventSubscriber; _discordSocketClient = discordSocketClient; _retryPolicy = Policy.Handle <Exception>(ex => ex.GetType() != typeof(TaskCanceledException)) .WaitAndRetryAsync(10, _ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), (ex, time) => { _logger.LogError(ex, "Exception during NATS connection. Waiting {Time}...", time); }); }
public async ValueTask StartAsync() { await _initializeLock.WaitAsync(); try { // Initialize the shards. if (_shards == null) { _shards = new IDiscordGateway[_options.ShardAmount]; for (var i = 0; i < _options.ShardAmount; i++) { var shardProperties = new DiscordOptions { EnableCompression = _options.EnableCompression, ShardAmount = _options.ShardAmount, Token = _options.Token, Version = _options.Version, Intents = _options.Intents }; _shards[i] = new GatewayShard(shardProperties, _provider, i); } } // Start the shards. _initialized = true; await Task.WhenAll(_shards.Select(s => s.StartAsync().AsTask())); } finally { _initializeLock.Release(); } }
public async Task SendNotification(UserNotification request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await Task.Run(() => { DiscordOptions options = GetOptions(request.User); if (options.MediaAddedOverride && !request.Name.Contains(_localizationManager.GetLocalizedString("ValueHasBeenAddedToLibrary").Replace("{0} ", "").Replace(" {1}", "")) || !options.MediaAddedOverride) { string serverName = _serverConfiguration.Configuration.ServerName; string footerText; string requestName; if (options.ServerNameOverride) { footerText = $"From {serverName}"; requestName = request.Name.Replace("Emby Server", serverName); } else { requestName = request.Name; footerText = "From Emby Server"; } DiscordMessage discordMessage = new DiscordMessage { avatar_url = options.AvatarUrl, username = options.Username, embeds = new List <DiscordEmbed>() { new DiscordEmbed() { color = DiscordWebhookHelper.FormatColorCode(options.EmbedColor), title = requestName, description = request.Description, footer = new Footer { icon_url = options.AvatarUrl, text = footerText }, timestamp = DateTime.Now } } }; switch (options.MentionType) { case MentionTypes.Everyone: discordMessage.content = "@everyone"; break; case MentionTypes.Here: discordMessage.content = "@here"; break; } pendingSendQueue.Add(discordMessage, options); _logger.Debug("Pending queue count second: {0}", pendingSendQueue.Count()); } }); }
public bool IsEnabledForUser(User user) { DiscordOptions options = GetOptions(user); return(options != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DiscordWebhookURI) && options.Enabled); }
public WatchCommand(IMediaInfoClient mediaInfoRepository, DiscordOptions options) { _mediaInfoRepository = mediaInfoRepository; _viewerDomain = options.ViewerDomain; }
private void plusTriggerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string selected = ""; TriggerType type; try { selected = ((ListBoxItem)triggerListBox.SelectedValue).Name; } catch (Exception err) { return; } ChatCommand cc = new ChatCommand(); ChatCommandApi cca = new ChatCommandApi(); ChatReply cr = new ChatReply(); NoCommand nc = new NoCommand(); TriggerLists tl = new TriggerLists(); TriggerNumbers tn = new TriggerNumbers(); AntiSpamTriggerOptions asto = new AntiSpamTriggerOptions(); DiscordOptions _do = new DiscordOptions(); // "do" is a keyword NoteTriggerOptions nto = new NoteTriggerOptions(); NotificationOptions no = new NotificationOptions(); MessageIntervalOptions mio = new MessageIntervalOptions(); TriggerOptionsBase tob = new TriggerOptionsBase(); if (selected == "isUpTrigger" || selected == "leaveChatTrigger" || selected == "kickTrigger" || selected == "banTrigger" || selected == "unbanTrigger" || selected == "lockTrigger" || selected == "unlockTrigger" || selected == "moderateTrigger" || selected == "unmoderateTrigger" || selected == "playGameTrigger" || selected == "changeNameTrigger" || selected == "googleTrigger") { ChatCommandWindow ccw = new ChatCommandWindow(); ccw.ShowDialog(); if (ccw.DialogResult.HasValue && ccw.DialogResult.Value) { cc = ccw.CC; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cc.Name, type.ToString())); tob.ChatCommand = cc; tob.Name = cc.Name; tob.Type = type; BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cc.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "chatReplyTrigger") { ChatReplyWindow crw = new ChatReplyWindow(); crw.ShowDialog(); if (crw.DialogResult.HasValue && crw.DialogResult.Value) { cr = crw.CR; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.ChatReply = cr; tob.Name = cr.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cr.Name, type.ToString())); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cr.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "linkNameTrigger" || selected == "doormatTrigger") { NoCommandWindow ncw = new NoCommandWindow(); ncw.ShowDialog(); if (ncw.DialogResult.HasValue && ncw.DialogResult.Value) { nc = ncw.NC; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.NoCommand = nc; tob.Name = nc.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", nc.Name, type.ToString())); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, nc.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "banCheckTrigger" || selected == "weatherTrigger" || selected == "youtubeTrigger") { ChatCommandApiWindow ccaw = new ChatCommandApiWindow(); switch (selected) { case "banCheckTrigger": ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown_Steam(sender1, e1, ccaw); break; case "weatherTrigger": ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown_Wunderground(sender1, e1, ccaw); break; case "youtubeTrigger": ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown1_Google(sender1, e1, ccaw); break; } ccaw.ShowDialog(); if (ccaw.DialogResult.HasValue && ccaw.DialogResult.Value) { cca = ccaw.CCA; cc = ccaw.CC; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.ChatCommandApi = cca; tob.ChatCommandApi.ChatCommand = cc; tob.Name = cca.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cc.Name, type.ToString())); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cc.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "acceptFriendRequestTrigger" || selected == "autojoinChatTrigger" || selected == "acceptChatInviteTrigger") { TriggerListWindow tlw = new TriggerListWindow(selected); tlw.ShowDialog(); if (tlw.DialogResult.HasValue && tlw.DialogResult.Value) { tl = tlw.TL; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.TriggerLists = tl; tob.Name = tl.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", tl.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, tl.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "antispamTrigger") { AntiSpamTriggerOptionsWindow astow = new AntiSpamTriggerOptionsWindow(); astow.ShowDialog(); if (astow.DialogResult.HasValue && astow.DialogResult.Value) { asto = astow.ASTO; nc = astow.NC; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.AntiSpamTriggerOptions = asto; tob.AntiSpamTriggerOptions.NoCommand = nc; tob.Name = asto.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", asto.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, asto.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "discordTrigger") { DiscordTriggerOptionsWindow dtow = new DiscordTriggerOptionsWindow(); dtow.ShowDialog(); if (dtow.DialogResult.HasValue && dtow.DialogResult.Value) { _do = dtow.DO; nc = dtow.NC; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.DiscordOptions = _do; tob.DiscordOptions.NoCommand = nc; tob.Name = _do.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", _do.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, _do.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "noteTrigger") { NoteTriggerOptionsWindow ntow = new NoteTriggerOptionsWindow(); ntow.ShowDialog(); if (ntow.DialogResult.HasValue && ntow.DialogResult == true) { nc = ntow.NC; nto = ntow.NTO; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.NoteTriggerOptions = nto; tob.NoteTriggerOptions.NoCommand = nc; tob.Name = nto.Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", nto.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, nto.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "notificationTrigger") { NotificationOptionsWindow now = new NotificationOptionsWindow(); now.ShowDialog(); if (now.DialogResult.HasValue && now.DialogResult == true) { nc = now.NC; no = now.NO; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.NotificationOptions = no; tob.NotificationOptions.NoCommand = nc; tob.Name = Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", no.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, no.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else if (selected == "messageIntervalTrigger") { MessageIntervalOptionsWindow miow = new MessageIntervalOptionsWindow(); miow.ShowDialog(); if (miow.DialogResult.HasValue && miow.DialogResult == true) { mio = miow.MIO; type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1)); tob.MessageIntervalOptions = mio; tob.Name = Name; tob.Type = type; addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", mio.Name, type)); BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, mio.Name, tob); Bot.triggers.Add(trigger); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Unknown Trigger. Please contact the developer.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information, MessageBoxResult.OK); } }
public DiscordService(DiscordOptions options) { _channelName = options.AlertChannelName; _viewerDomain = options.ViewerDomain; }
public bool IsEnabledForUser(User user) { DiscordOptions options = GetOptions(user); return(options != null && options.Enabled); }
private void CheckForMetadata(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { try { int queueCount = queuedUpdateCheck.Count(); if (queueCount > 0) { _logger.Debug("Item in queue : {0}", queueCount); } queuedUpdateCheck.ToList().ForEach(async queuedItem => { // sometimes an update check might execute while another one is hanging and causes crash ! if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { DiscordOptions options = queuedItem.Value.Configuration; Guid itemId = queuedItem.Value.ItemId; _logger.Debug("{0} queued for recheck", itemId.ToString()); BaseItem item = _libraryManager.GetItemById(itemId); LibraryOptions itemLibraryOptions = _libraryManager.GetLibraryOptions(item); PublicSystemInfo sysInfo = await _applicationHost.GetPublicSystemInfo(CancellationToken.None); ServerConfiguration serverConfig = _serverConfiguration.Configuration; string LibraryType = item.GetType().Name; string serverName = options.ServerNameOverride ? serverConfig.ServerName : "Emby Server"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName)) { serverName = "Emby Server"; } // for whatever reason if you have extraction on during library scans then it waits for the extraction to finish before populating the metadata.... I don't get why the f**k it goes in that order // its basically impossible to make a prediction on how long it could take as its dependent on the bitrate, duration, codec, and processing power of the system Boolean localMetadataFallback = queuedUpdateCheck[queuedItem.Key].Retries >= (itemLibraryOptions.ExtractChapterImagesDuringLibraryScan ? Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback * 5.5 : Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback); if (item.ProviderIds.Count > 0 || localMetadataFallback) { _logger.Debug("{0}[{1}] has metadata (Local fallback: {2}), adding to queue", item.Id, item.Name, localMetadataFallback, options.MediaBrowserUserId); if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { queuedUpdateCheck.Remove(queuedItem.Key); // remove it beforehand because if some operation takes any longer amount of time it might allow enough time for another notification to slip through } // build primary info DiscordMessage mediaAddedEmbed = new DiscordMessage { username = options.Username, avatar_url = options.AvatarUrl, embeds = new List <DiscordEmbed>() { new DiscordEmbed() { color = DiscordWebhookHelper.FormatColorCode(options.EmbedColor), footer = new Footer { text = $"From {serverName}", icon_url = options.AvatarUrl }, timestamp = DateTime.Now } }, }; // populate title string titleText; if (LibraryType == "Episode") { titleText = $"{item.Parent.Parent.Name}{(item.ParentIndexNumber.HasValue ? $" S{formatIndex(item.ParentIndexNumber)}" : "")}{(item.IndexNumber.HasValue ? $"E{formatIndex(item.IndexNumber)}" : "")} {item.Name}"; } else if (LibraryType == "Season") { titleText = $"{item.Parent.Name} {item.Name}"; } else { titleText = $"{item.Name}{(item.ProductionYear.HasValue ? $" ({item.ProductionYear.ToString()})" : "")}"; } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().title = $"{titleText} has been added to {serverName.Trim()}"; // populate description if (LibraryType == "Audio") { List <BaseItem> artists = _libraryManager.GetAllArtists(item); IEnumerable <string> artistsFormat = artists.Select(artist => { string formattedArtist = artist.Name; if (artist.ProviderIds.Count() > 0) { KeyValuePair <string, string> firstProvider = artist.ProviderIds.FirstOrDefault(); string providerUrl = firstProvider.Key == "MusicBrainzArtist" ? $"{firstProvider.Value}" : $"{firstProvider.Value}"; formattedArtist += $" [(Music Brainz)]({providerUrl})"; } if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) { formattedArtist += $" [(Emby)]({sysInfo.WanAddress}/web/index.html#!/item?id={itemId}&serverId={artist.InternalId})"; } return(formattedArtist); }); if (artists.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = $"By {string.Join(", ", artistsFormat)}"; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Overview)) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = item.Overview; } } // populate title URL if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().url = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/web/index.html#!/item?id={itemId}&serverId={sysInfo.Id}"; } // populate images if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)) { string imageUrl = ""; if (!item.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Primary, 0).IsLocalFile) { imageUrl = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); } else if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess == true && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) // in the future we can proxy images through memester server if people want to hide their server address { imageUrl = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/emby/Items/{itemId}/Images/Primary"; } else { string localPath = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); try { ImageServiceResponse response = MemesterServiceHelper.UploadImage(localPath, _jsonSerializer); imageUrl = response.filePath; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Failed to proxy image", e); } } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().thumbnail = new Thumbnail { url = imageUrl }; } if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Everyone) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@everyone"; } else if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Here) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@here"; } // populate external URLs List <Field> providerFields = new List <Field>(); if (!localMetadataFallback) { item.ProviderIds.ToList().ForEach(provider => { Field field = new Field { name = "External Links" }; Boolean didPopulate = true; switch (provider.Key.ToLower()) { case "imdb": field.value = $"[IMDb]({provider.Value}/)"; break; case "tmdb": field.value = $"[TMDb]({(LibraryType == "Movie" ? "movie" : "tv")}/{provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainztrack": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Track]({provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainzalbum": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Album]({provider.Value})"; break; case "theaudiodbalbum": field.value = $"[TADb Album]({provider.Value})"; break; default: didPopulate = false; break; } if (didPopulate == true) { providerFields.Add(field); } }); if (providerFields.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().fields = providerFields; } } pendingSendQueue.Add(mediaAddedEmbed, options); } else { if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { queuedUpdateCheck[queuedItem.Key].Retries++; } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Something unexpected happened in the item update checker", e); } }
public BaseCommand(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _baseOptions = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IOptions <DiscordOptions> >().Value; }
public DiscordController(IOptionsMonitor <DiscordOptions> optionsAccessor, DiscordLogic discordLogic) { this.options = optionsAccessor.CurrentValue; this.discordLogic = discordLogic; }
public EpisodeAlertService(IMediaInfoClient mediaInfoClient, DiscordOptions options) : base(options) { _mediaInfoClient = mediaInfoClient; }
public GuildOptionsModule(IOptionsSnapshot <DiscordOptions> discordOptions) { _discordOptions = discordOptions.Value; }
private void CheckForMetadata(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { try { queuedUpdateCheck.ToList().ForEach(async updateCheck => { Guid itemId = updateCheck.Key; _logger.Debug("{0} queued for recheck", itemId.ToString()); BaseItem item = _libraryManager.GetItemById(itemId); LibraryOptions itemLibraryOptions = _libraryManager.GetLibraryOptions(item); DiscordOptions options = Plugin.Instance.Configuration.Options.FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.MediaAddedOverride == true); PublicSystemInfo sysInfo = await _applicationHost.GetPublicSystemInfo(CancellationToken.None); ServerConfiguration serverConfig = _serverConfiguration.Configuration; if (!isInVisibleLibrary(options.MediaBrowserUserId, item)) { queuedUpdateCheck.Remove(itemId); _logger.Debug("User does not have access to library, skipping..."); return; } // for whatever reason if you have extraction on during library scans then it waits for the extraction to finish before populating the metadata.... I don't get why the f**k it goes in that order // its basically impossible to make a prediction on how long it could take as its dependent on the bitrate, duration, codec, and processing power of the system Boolean localMetadataFallback = queuedUpdateCheck[itemId] >= (itemLibraryOptions.ExtractChapterImagesDuringLibraryScan ? Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback * 5.5 : Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback); if (item.ProviderIds.Count > 0 || localMetadataFallback) { _logger.Debug("{0}[{1}] has metadata, sending notification", item.Id, item.Name); string serverName = options.ServerNameOverride ? serverConfig.ServerName : "Emby Server"; string LibraryType = item.GetType().Name; // build primary info DiscordMessage mediaAddedEmbed = new DiscordMessage { username = options.Username, avatar_url = options.AvatarUrl, embeds = new List <DiscordEmbed>() { new DiscordEmbed() { color = DiscordWebhookHelper.FormatColorCode(options.EmbedColor), footer = new Footer { text = $"From {serverName}", icon_url = options.AvatarUrl }, timestamp = DateTime.Now } }, }; // populate title string titleText; if (LibraryType == "Episode") { titleText = $"{item.Parent.Parent.Name} {(item.ParentIndexNumber != null ? $"S{formatIndex(item.ParentIndexNumber)}" : "")}{(item.IndexNumber != null ? $"E{formatIndex(item.IndexNumber)}" : "")} {item.Name}"; } else { titleText = $"{item.Name} {(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ProductionYear.ToString()) ? $"({item.ProductionYear.ToString()})" : "")}"; } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().title = _localizationManager.GetLocalizedString("ValueHasBeenAddedToLibrary").Replace("{0}", titleText).Replace("{1}", serverName); // populate description if (LibraryType == "Audio") { List <BaseItem> artists = _libraryManager.GetAllArtists(item); IEnumerable <string> artistsFormat = artists.Select(artist => { if (artist.ProviderIds.Count() > 0) { KeyValuePair <string, string> firstProvider = artist.ProviderIds.FirstOrDefault(); string providerUrl = firstProvider.Key == "MusicBrainzArtist" ? $"{firstProvider.Value}" : $"{firstProvider.Value}"; return($"[{artist.Name}]({providerUrl})"); } else { return(artist.Name); } }); if (artists.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = $"By {string.Join(", ", artistsFormat)}"; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Overview)) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = item.Overview; } } // populate title URL if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sysInfo.WanAddress) && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().url = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/web/index.html#!/item?id={itemId}&serverId={sysInfo.Id}"; } // populate images if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)) { string imageUrl = ""; if (!item.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Primary, 0).IsLocalFile) { imageUrl = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); } else if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess == true && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) // in the future we can proxy images through memester server if people want to hide their server address { imageUrl = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/emby/Items/{itemId}/Images/Primary"; } else { string localPath = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); Stream imageData = _fileSystem.OpenRead(localPath); try { imageUrl = await MemesterServiceHelper.UploadImage(imageData, _jsonSerializer, _httpClient); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Failed to proxy image", e); } } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().thumbnail = new Thumbnail { url = imageUrl }; } if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Everyone) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@everyone"; } else if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Here) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@here"; } // populate external URLs List <Field> providerFields = new List <Field>(); if (!localMetadataFallback) { item.ProviderIds.ToList().ForEach(provider => { Field field = new Field { name = "External Details" }; Boolean didPopulate = true; switch (provider.Key.ToLower()) { case "imdb": field.value = $"[IMDb]({provider.Value}/)"; break; case "tmdb": field.value = $"[TMDb]({(LibraryType == "Movie" ? "movie" : "tv")}/{provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainztrack": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Track]({provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainzalbum": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Album]({provider.Value})"; break; case "theaudiodbalbum": field.value = $"[TADb Album]({provider.Value})"; break; default: didPopulate = false; break; } if (didPopulate == true) { providerFields.Add(field); } }); if (providerFields.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().fields = providerFields; } } pendingSendQueue.Add(mediaAddedEmbed, options); queuedUpdateCheck.Remove(itemId); } else { queuedUpdateCheck[itemId]++; _logger.Debug("Attempt: {0}", queuedUpdateCheck[itemId]); } }); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Something unexpected happened in the update checker", e); } }
public LifetimeMonitoringHostedService(ILogger <LifetimeMonitoringHostedService> logger, IOptions <DiscordOptions> discordOptions, IOptions <TwitchOptions> twitchOptions) { _logger = logger; _discordOptions = discordOptions.Value; _twitchOptions = twitchOptions.Value; }