public async Task BTCToDallar(CommandContext Context, [Description("Optional amount of BTC to covert to Dallar, default is 1")] params decimal[] Amount)
            decimal ParsedAmount = 1m;

            if (Amount.Length > 0)
                ParsedAmount = Amount[0];

            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Invoked BTC command with amount {ParsedAmount}.");

            if (true)//!Program.DigitalPriceExchange.GetPriceInfo(out DigitalPriceCurrencyInfo PriceInfo, out bool bPriceStale))
                await DiscordHelpers.PromptUserToDeleteMessage(Context, $"{Context.User.Mention}: It appears that Dallar Bot is unable to evaluate the price of Dallar at the moment. Perhaps an exchange is down?");


            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            var Info = "error"; //String.Format("{0:#,##0.00000000}", ParsedAmount) + " BTC is " + String.Format("{0:#,##0.00000000}", decimal.Round(ParsedAmount / PriceInfo.Price, 8)) + " DAL.";

            if (true)           //bPriceStale)
                Info += "\n:warning: Info potentially out of date due to Exchange API lag.";

            await DiscordHelpers.PromptUserToDeleteMessage(Context, $"{Context.User.Mention}: {Info}");
Exemple #2
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var instocks = await _mongoService.GetAllInStocks();

                    if (instocks != null && instocks.Count > 0)
                        var roleId = _config.GetSection("Workers")["discordRoleId"];
                        await _webhookClient.SendMessageAsync($"<@&{roleId}> Remember that these items are still in stock!", false);

                        Parallel.ForEach(instocks, async instock =>
                            _logger.LogInformation($"Opening new thread for Product ({instock.EndpointItem.Title}) <ThreadID={Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}>.");

                            await _webhookClient.SendMessageAsync("", false, DiscordHelpers.BuildEmbed(instock.EndpointItem));

                    _logger.LogInformation($"No Product are in stock currently.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogError($"Snatcher Worker failed unexpectedly => {e}", e);
                    // throw;

                // 3 Days by Default
                await Task.Delay(int.Parse(_config.GetSection("Workers")["reminderInterval"]), stoppingToken);
        public async Task FetchAllarJoke(CommandContext Context)
            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Invoked Allar Joke");

            if (!await DiscordHelpers.AttemptChargeDallarForCommand(Context, 1))
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Failed charged for Allar Joke");


            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Successfully charged for Allar Joke");

            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            var httpClient = new HttpClient();
            var content    = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("");

                dynamic jokeResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);
                string  joke       = jokeResult.value.joke;
                joke = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(joke);
                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} : {joke}");
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Failed to perform Allar Joke");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: Failed to fetch joke. Please contact an Administrator.");
Exemple #4
        public async Task Execute(DiscordMessage message, Command command)
            await message.IsDirectMessageSupported();

            if (!command.HasArgs)
            if (command.Args.Count != 2)

            var userMention = command.Args[0];
            var roleMention = command.Args[1];
            var userId      = DiscordHelpers.ConvertMentionToUserId(userMention);
            var roleId      = DiscordHelpers.ConvertMentionToUserId(roleMention);
            var result      = await AssignGuildMemberToRole(message, userId, roleId);

            if (result)
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} has added {userMention} to the {roleMention} role.");


            await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} failed to add {userMention} to the {roleMention} role.");
Exemple #5
        public async Task Execute(DiscordMessage message, Command command)
            //await message.IsDirectMessageSupported();

            if (command.HasArgs && command.Args.Count == 1)
                if (!message.Author.Id.IsModeratorOrHigher(_config))
                    await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} is not a moderator or higher thus you may not see other's subscription settings.");


                var mention = command.Args[0];
                var userId  = DiscordHelpers.ConvertMentionToUserId(mention);
                if (userId <= 0)
                    await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} failed to retrieve user with mention tag {mention}.");


                await SendUserSubscriptionSettings(message.Author, userId);


            await SendUserSubscriptionSettings(message.Author, message.Author.Id);
        public async Task GetDallarDeposit(CommandContext Context)
            if (Program.DaemonClient.GetWalletAddressFromAccount(Context.User.Id.ToString(), true, out string Wallet))
                DiscordEmbedBuilder EmbedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();

                EmbedBuilder.WithTitle("Dallar Bot Depositing Help");
                EmbedBuilder.WithDescription("DallarBot is a Discord bot dedicated to allowing individual users on the server to easily tip each other in the chatbox. It generates a wallet for every Discord user, and you can withdraw into any address any time." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                             "Dallar Bot does not access anyone's wallets directly in order to protect everyone's privacy.");

                EmbedBuilder.AddField("Warning About Storage", "Dallar Bot should not be used as a long term storage for your Dallar. Dallar Bot is only accessible through Discord and if the Bot or Discord are down for any reason, you will *not* be able to access your stored Dallar.");
                EmbedBuilder.AddField("Dallar Bot Fees", $"All transactions with Dallar Bot incur a flat {Program.SettingsHandler.Dallar.Txfee} DAL fee to cover the Dallar blockchain transaction fees as well as funding and maintenance costs sent to the Dallar Bot server hoster.");
                EmbedBuilder.AddField("Blockchain Transactions", $"Dallar Bot uses the blockchain to keep track of its transactions, meaning your transactions will require 6 confirmation blocks before they are completed. This should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes under normal Dallar network conditions.");
                EmbedBuilder.AddField("Depositing", $"You can deposit Dallar into your Dallar Bot balance by sending Dallar to this address generated specifically for you: `{Wallet}`");


                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Fetched deposit info.");

                await DiscordHelpers.RespondAsDM(Context, EmbedBuilder.Build());
                await DiscordHelpers.RespondAsDM(Context, $"{Context.User.Mention}: Failed to fetch your wallet address. Please contact an Administrator.");

                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Failed to fetch deposit info.");

Exemple #7
        public async Task Command(params string[] args)
            var users        = new List <SocketGuildUser>();
            var invalidUsers = new List <string>();

            foreach (string a in args)
                SocketGuildUser user = DiscordHelpers.ParseGuildUser(a, Context.Guild);

                if (user != null)

            // Embolden all users, format them in a comma separated list.
            string kickString = users.Humanize(x => x.ToString().ToDiscordBold(), "");
            var    errorSb    = new StringBuilder("Failed to kick users:\n");

            if (invalidUsers.Any())
                errorSb.AppendLine(invalidUsers.Humanize(x => x.ToDiscordBold(), ""));

            List <Task> awaiters = new List <Task>();

            foreach (SocketGuildUser user in users)

            await Task.WhenAll(awaiters);

            var finalSb = new StringBuilder();

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kickString))

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorSb.ToString()))
                finalSb.AppendLine("\n\n" + errorSb);

            var embed = new KaguyaEmbedBuilder
                Title       = "Masskick",
                Description = finalSb.ToString()

            await SendEmbedAsync(embed);
        public async Task BotIfno(CommandContext Context)
            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            DiscordEmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();

            embedBuilder.WithTitle("Dallar Bot Info");
            embedBuilder.AddField("Bot Statistics", $"{Context.Client.Guilds.Count} Server{(Context.Client.Guilds.Count > 1 ? "s" : "")} across {Context.Client.ShardCount} shard{(Context.Client.ShardCount > 1 ? "s" : "")}.");
            await DiscordHelpers.PromptUserToDeleteMessage(Context, embedBuilder.Build());
Exemple #9
        public async Task Execute(DiscordMessage message, Command command)
            if (!command.HasArgs)
            if (command.Args.Count != 3)

            var mention = command.Args[0];
            var date    = command.Args[1];
            var days    = command.Args[2];

            var userId = DiscordHelpers.ConvertMentionToUserId(mention);

            if (userId == 0)
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention}, I failed to lookup discord user {mention}.");


            if (!DateTime.TryParse(date, out DateTime dateDonated))
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} {date} is not a valid value for date.");


            if (!int.TryParse(days, out int daysAvailable))
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} {days} is not a valid value for days.");


            if (!_config.Supporters.ContainsKey(userId))
                _config.Supporters.Add(userId, new Data.Models.Donator {
                    UserId = userId, Email = mention, DateDonated = dateDonated, DaysAvailable = daysAvailable
                var donator = _config.Supporters[userId];
                donator.DateDonated   = dateDonated;
                donator.DaysAvailable = daysAvailable;


            await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} {userId} has been added to the supporters list with {daysAvailable} days available.");
Exemple #10
            public void AvatarNull()
                user.Avatar = null;

                    ($"{user.Discriminator % 5}.png",
                    $"{user.Discriminator % 5}.png",
                    DiscordHelpers.GetAvatarUrl(user, ImageType.PNG, ImageSize.x512));
        public async Task GiveAFuck(CommandContext Context)
            if (DiscordHelpers.IsUserAdmin(Context) || DiscordHelpers.IsUserModerator(Context) || DiscordHelpers.IsUserDallarDevTeam(Context))
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Invoked GiveAFuck");

                await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

                await Context.RespondAsync(":regional_indicator_g: :regional_indicator_i: :regional_indicator_v: :regional_indicator_e: :a: :regional_indicator_f: :regional_indicator_u: :regional_indicator_c: :regional_indicator_k:");
Exemple #12
 private string FormatLink(string text, Dictionary <string, string> externUrls, bool trim = true)
     text = text.Truncate(trim ? 22 : int.MaxValue);
     if (externUrls.ContainsKey("spotify"))
         return(DiscordHelpers.BuildMarkdownUri(text, externUrls["spotify"]));
Exemple #13
        public async Task Vote(ICommand command)
            var poll = await _settings.Modify(command.GuildId, (PollSettings s) =>
                var p = s.Polls.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Channel == command.Message.Channel.Id);
                if (p != null)
                    if (command["Answer"].AsString.All(x => char.IsDigit(x)))
                        var vote = command["Answer"].AsInt.Value;
                        if (vote > p.Answers.Count || vote < 1)
                            throw new IncorrectParametersCommandException("There is no answer with this number.");

                        p.Votes[command.Message.Author.Id] = vote;
                        var tokens = new string(command["Answer"].AsString.Select(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) ? c : ' ').ToArray()).Split(new char[] { }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
                        var scores = new List<int>();
                        foreach (var answerTokens in p.Answers.Select(x => new string(x.Select(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) ? c : ' ').ToArray()).Split(new char[] { }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(y => y.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList()))
                            scores.Add(tokens.Where(x => answerTokens.Contains(x)).Count());

                        if (!scores.Any(x => x > 0))
                            throw new UnclearParametersCommandException($"I don't recognize this answer. Try to vote with `{command.Prefix}vote answer number` instead.", false);

                        var max = scores.Max();
                        if (scores.Where(x => x == max).Count() > 1)
                            throw new UnclearParametersCommandException($"I'm not sure which answer you meant. Try to vote with `{command.Prefix}vote answer number` instead.", false);

                        p.Votes[command.Message.Author.Id] = scores.FindIndex(x => x == max) + 1;

                return p;
            if (poll == null)
                await command.ReplyError("There is no poll running in this channel.");
                var confMessage = await command.ReplySuccess($"**{DiscordHelpers.EscapeMentions("@" + command.Message.Author.Username)}** vote cast.");
                if (poll.Anonymous)
                    if ((await command.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync()).GetPermissions((IGuildChannel)command.Channel).ManageMessages)
                        await command.Message.DeleteAsync();

Exemple #14
            public void AvatarStatic()
                user.Avatar = "2345243f3oim4foi34mf3k4f";

                    DiscordHelpers.GetAvatarUrl(user, ImageType.WEBP, ImageSize.x2048));
                             DiscordHelpers.GetAvatarUrl(user, ImageType.JPEG, ImageSize.x16));
Exemple #15
            public void AvatarAnimated()
                user.Avatar = "a_owiejfowiejf432ijf3o";

                    DiscordHelpers.GetAvatarUrl(user, ImageType.WEBP, ImageSize.x2048));
                    DiscordHelpers.GetAvatarUrl(user, ImageType.JPEG, ImageSize.x16));
Exemple #16
        public Task Start()
            SocketGuild server = DiscordHelpers.GetServer(DiscordIds.ServerId, _client);

            if (server != null)
                _channel = DiscordHelpers.GetTextChannel(server, DiscordIds.ChannelId);
                if (_channel != null)
                    _timer = new System.Threading.Timer(Check, null, 0, 1000 * PingDelaySeconds);
Exemple #17
        private DiscordEmbed BuildEmbedPokemonFromAlarm(PokemonData pokemon, AlarmObject alarm)
            var pkmn = _db.Pokemon[pokemon.Id.ToString()];

            if (pkmn == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to lookup Pokemon '{pokemon.Id}' in database.");

            var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title        = alarm == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(alarm.Name) ? "DIRECTIONS" : alarm.Name,
                Description  = $"{pkmn.Name}{pokemon.Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon()} {pokemon.CP}CP {pokemon.IV} LV{pokemon.Level} has spawned!",
                Url          = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude),
                ImageUrl     = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude),
                ThumbnailUrl = string.Format(Strings.PokemonImage, pokemon.Id, 0),
                Color        = DiscordHelpers.BuildColor(pokemon.IV)

            eb.AddField($"{pkmn.Name} (#{pokemon.Id}, {pokemon.Gender})", $"CP: {pokemon.CP} IV: {pokemon.IV} (Sta: {pokemon.Stamina}/Atk: {pokemon.Attack}/Def: {pokemon.Defense}) LV: {pokemon.Level}");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pokemon.FormId))
                var form = pokemon.Id.GetPokemonForm(pokemon.FormId);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form))
                    eb.AddField("Form:", form);

            if (pkmn.Types.Count > 0)
                var types = new List <string>();
                pkmn.Types.ForEach(x =>
                eb.AddField("Types: ", string.Join("/", types));

            eb.AddField("Despawn:", $"{pokemon.DespawnTime.ToLongTimeString()} ({pokemon.SecondsLeft.ToReadableString(true)} left)");
            eb.AddField("Location:", $"{Math.Round(pokemon.Latitude, 5)},{Math.Round(pokemon.Longitude, 5)}");
            eb.WithImageUrl(string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude) + $"&key={_config.GmapsKey}");
            var embed = eb.Build();

        public async Task Say(ICommand command)
            var message = command["Message"].AsString ?? "";
            var channel = command["TargetChannel"].AsTextChannel;

            // This is a mods-only command, but to prevent permission escalation, check
            // if there's any non-mentionable role and if the sender has a mention everyone perm
            var nonMentionableRoles = command.Message.MentionedRoleIds.Where(x => !command.Guild.GetRole(x)?.IsMentionable ?? false).ToList();
            var replaceRoleMentions = (message.ContainsEveryonePings() || nonMentionableRoles.Any()) &&

            if (replaceRoleMentions)
                message = DiscordHelpers.ReplaceRoleMentions(message, nonMentionableRoles, command.Guild)
                          .Sanitise(allowRoleMentions: true);

            if (command.Message.Attachments.Count <= 0)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command["Message"]))
                    throw new Framework.Exceptions.IncorrectParametersCommandException("Specify a message or an attachment.");

                await channel.SendMessageAsync(message);
                var attachment = command.Message.Attachments.First();
                var request    = WebRequest.CreateHttp(attachment.Url);
                using (var response = await request.GetResponseAsync())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                            await stream.CopyToAsync(memStream);

                            memStream.Position = 0;

                            await channel.SendFileAsync(memStream, attachment.Filename, message);

            if (command["TargetChannel"].AsTextChannel.Id != command.Message.Channel.Id)
                await command.ReplySuccess("Message sent!" + (replaceRoleMentions ? " To mention roles, @here, or @everyone you must have the Mention Everyone permission." : ""));
        public async Task FetchMommaJoke(CommandContext Context)
            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Invoked mom joke.");

            if (!await DiscordHelpers.AttemptChargeDallarForCommand(Context, 1))
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Failed charged for mom Joke");


            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Successfully charged for mom Joke");

            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: {Program.YoMommaJokes.GetRandomYoMommaJoke()}");
        public async Task GetAccountBalance(CommandContext Context)
            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            bool bDisplayUSD = false;

            // if (Program.DigitalPriceExchange.GetPriceInfo(out DigitalPriceCurrencyInfo PriceInfo, out bool bPriceStale))
            // {
            //     bDisplayUSD = true;
            // }

            if (Program.DaemonClient.GetWalletAddressFromAccount(Context.User.Id.ToString(), true, out string Wallet))
                decimal balance        = Program.DaemonClient.GetRawAccountBalance(Context.User.Id.ToString());
                decimal pendingBalance = Program.DaemonClient.GetUnconfirmedAccountBalance(Context.User.Id.ToString());

                string pendingBalanceStr = pendingBalance != 0 ? $" with {pendingBalance} DAL Pending" : "";
                string resultStr         = $"{Context.User.Mention}: Your balance is {balance} DAL";
                if (bDisplayUSD)
                    //resultStr += $" (${decimal.Round(balance * PriceInfo.USDValue.GetValueOrDefault(), 4)} USD){pendingBalanceStr}";
                    resultStr += pendingBalanceStr;

                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Checked balance. {balance} DAL with {pendingBalance} DAL pending.");

                await Context.RespondAsync(resultStr);
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Failed to check balance. Getting wallet address failed.");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: Failed to check balance. Getting wallet address failed. Please contact an Administrator.");

Exemple #21
        public override async Task <TypeReaderResult> ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services)
            // a pepeLaughing 588362912494780417
            string emoteStr = input
                              .Replace("<", "")
                              .Replace(">", "");

            string[] emoteSplits = emoteStr.Split(':');

            bool gifEmote = emoteStr.StartsWith("a:");

            bool validEmoteId = ulong.TryParse(emoteSplits.LastOrDefault(), out ulong emoteId);

            if (!validEmoteId)
                                                  "Could not parse this Emote's ID from the provided input."));

            string emoteName = emoteSplits[1];

            var result = DiscordHelpers.CreateInstance <Emote>(emoteId, emoteName, gifEmote);

            if (context.Guild.Emotes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == emoteId) == null)
                // If a user copy/pastes a msg with an emote in it instead of typing the emote, look for this emote anyway.
                GuildEmote emoteAltPossibility = context.Guild.Emotes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == emoteName);

                if (emoteAltPossibility == null)
                    return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, "The current guild does not contain this emote."));


        public async Task FetchDadJoke(CommandContext Context)
            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Invoked Dad Joke");

            if (!await DiscordHelpers.AttemptChargeDallarForCommand(Context, 1))
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Failed charged for dad Joke");


            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, "Successfully charged for dad Joke");

            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            var client = new WebClient();

            client.Headers.Add("Accept", "text/plain");

            var joke = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync("");

            await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} : {joke}");
        public async Task DallarValueInfo(CommandContext Context, [Description("Optional amount of DAL to covert to BTC and USD, default is 1")] params decimal[] Amount)
            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            decimal ParsedAmount = 1m;

            if (Amount.Length > 0)
                ParsedAmount = Amount[0];

            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Invoked DAL command with amount {ParsedAmount}.");

            if (true)//!Program.DigitalPriceExchange.GetPriceInfo(out DigitalPriceCurrencyInfo PriceInfo, out bool bPriceStale))
                await DiscordHelpers.PromptUserToDeleteMessage(Context, $"{Context.User.Mention}: It appears that Dallar Bot is unable to evaluate the price of Dallar at the moment. Perhaps an exchange is down?");


            // float.TryParse(PriceInfo.PriceChange.TrimEnd('%'), out float PercentChange);
            // string ChangeEmoji = PercentChange >= 0.0f ? ":chart_with_upwards_trend:" : ":chart_with_downwards_trend:";

            // decimal UsdValue = PriceInfo.USDValue.GetValueOrDefault();

            // var Info = $"{ParsedAmount} DAL to BTC: {decimal.Round((PriceInfo.Price * ParsedAmount), 8, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero):F8} BTC" + Environment.NewLine +
            //     $"{ParsedAmount} DAL to USD: ${UsdValue * ParsedAmount} :dollar:" + Environment.NewLine +
            //     $"24 Hour Stats: :arrow_down_small: {decimal.Round((PriceInfo.Low.GetValueOrDefault() * 100000000.0m), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)} sats / :arrow_up_small: {decimal.Round((PriceInfo.High.GetValueOrDefault() * 100000000.0m), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)} sats / :arrows_counterclockwise: {PriceInfo.VolumeMarket} BTC" + Environment.NewLine +
            //     $"{ChangeEmoji} {PriceInfo.PriceChange} Change in 24 Hours";

            // if (bPriceStale)
            // {
            //     Info += "\n:warning: Info potentially out of date due to Exchange API lag.";
            // }

            //await DiscordHelpers.PromptUserToDeleteMessage(Context, $"{Context.User.Mention}: {Info}");
Exemple #24
        public async Task Execute(DiscordMessage message, Command command)
            if (command.Args.Count != 1)

            var mention = command.Args[0];
            var userId  = DiscordHelpers.ConvertMentionToUserId(mention);

            if (userId == 0)
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention}, failed to find user {mention}.");


            var member = await _client.GetMemberFromUserId(userId);

            if (member == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to find member with user id {userId}.");

            if (!await _client.AssignRole(member, TeamEliteRole))
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} failed to assign {mention} the {TeamEliteRole} role. Please check my permissions and that the role exists.");

            if (!await _client.AssignRole(member, EastLA))
                await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} failed to assign {mention} the {EastLA} role. Please check my permissions and that the role exists.");

            await message.RespondAsync($"{message.Author.Mention} assigned {mention} the {TeamEliteRole} and {EastLA} roles.");
        public async Task SendRandomUserInternal(CommandContext Context, decimal Amount, UserStatus MinimumStatus = UserStatus.Offline)
            await Context.TriggerTypingAsync();

            await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Invoked sending {Amount} to a random user with minimum status {MinimumStatus.ToString()}.");

            var Members     = DiscordHelpers.GetHumansInContextGuild(Context, true, MinimumStatus);
            int randomIndex = Program.RandomManager.GetRandomInteger(0, Members.Count() - 1);

            var Member = Members.ElementAt(randomIndex);

            if (Member.Value != null)
                await SendDallarToUserInternal(Context, Amount.ToString(), Member.Value, true);
            {   // failed to get random member?
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Failed to get a random user from the guild.");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: DallarBot has failed to get a random user from the guild. Please contact an Administrator.");

                _ = Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #26
        public async Task <DiscordEmbed> BuildPokemonMessage(PokemonData pokemon, ulong userId)
            var pkmn = _db.Pokemon[pokemon.Id.ToString()];

            if (pkmn == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to lookup Pokemon '{pokemon.Id}' in database.");

            var user = await _client.GetMemberFromUserId(userId);

            if (user == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to get discord member object from user id {userId}.");

            //var loc = Utils.GetGoogleAddress(pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude, _config.GmapsKey);
            var loc = _geofenceSvc.GetGeofence(new Location(pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude));

            if (loc == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pokemon.Latitude},{pokemon.Longitude} {pkmn.Name} {pokemon.IV}, skipping...");

            if (!_config.CityRoles.Exists(x => string.Compare(x, loc.Name, true) == 0))
                File.AppendAllText("cities.txt", $"City: {loc.Name}\r\n");

            //if (!_client.HasRole(user, SanitizeCityName(loc.Name)))
            if (!_client.HasRole(user, loc.Name))
                _logger.Debug($"Skipping user {user.DisplayName} ({user.Id}) for {pkmn.Name} {pokemon.IV}, no city role '{loc.Name}'.");

            var form = pokemon.Id.GetPokemonForm(pokemon.FormId);
            var eb   = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = loc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.Name) ? "DIRECTIONS" : loc.Name,
                //Description = $"{pkmn.Name}{pokemon.Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon()} {pokemon.CP}CP {pokemon.IV} Despawn: {pokemon.DespawnTime.ToLongTimeString()}",
                Url          = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude),
                ImageUrl     = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude),
                ThumbnailUrl = string.Format(Strings.PokemonImage, pokemon.Id, Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pokemon.FormId) ? "0" : pokemon.FormId)),
                Color        = DiscordHelpers.BuildColor(pokemon.IV)

            if (pokemon.IV == "?")
                eb.Description = $"{pkmn.Name} {form}{pokemon.Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon()} Despawn: {pokemon.DespawnTime.ToLongTimeString()}\r\n";
                eb.Description  = $"{pkmn.Name} {form}{pokemon.Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon()} {pokemon.IV} L{pokemon.Level} Despawn: {pokemon.DespawnTime.ToLongTimeString()}\r\n\r\n";
                eb.Description += $"**Details:** CP: {pokemon.CP} IV: {pokemon.IV} LV: {pokemon.Level}\r\n";
            eb.Description += $"**Despawn:** {pokemon.DespawnTime.ToLongTimeString()} ({pokemon.SecondsLeft.ToReadableStringNoSeconds()} left)\r\n";
            if (pokemon.Attack != "?" && pokemon.Defense != "?" && pokemon.Stamina != "?")
                eb.Description += $"**IV Stats:** Atk: {pokemon.Attack}/Def: {pokemon.Defense}/Sta: {pokemon.Stamina}\r\n";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form))
                eb.Description += $"**Form:** {form}\r\n";

            if (int.TryParse(pokemon.Level, out int lvl) && lvl >= 30)
                eb.Description += $":white_sun_rain_cloud: Boosted\r\n";

            var maxCp     = _db.MaxCpAtLevel(pokemon.Id, 40);
            var maxWildCp = _db.MaxCpAtLevel(pokemon.Id, 35);

            eb.Description += $"**Max Wild CP:** {maxWildCp}, **Max CP:** {maxCp} \r\n";

            if (pkmn.Types.Count > 0)
                var types = new List <string>();
                pkmn.Types.ForEach(x =>
                    if (Strings.TypeEmojis.ContainsKey(x.Type.ToLower()))
                        types.Add($"{Strings.TypeEmojis[x.Type.ToLower()]} {x.Type}");
                eb.Description += $"**Types:** {string.Join("/", types)}\r\n";

            if (float.TryParse(pokemon.Height, out float height) && float.TryParse(pokemon.Weight, out float weight))
                var size = _db.GetSize(pokemon.Id, height, weight);
                eb.Description += $"**Size:** {size}\r\n";

            var fastMove = _db.Movesets.ContainsKey(pokemon.FastMove) ? _db.Movesets[pokemon.FastMove] : null;

            if (fastMove != null)
                //var fastMoveIcon = Strings.TypeEmojis.ContainsKey(fastMove.Type.ToLower()) ? Strings.TypeEmojis[fastMove.Type.ToLower()] : fastMove.Type;
                eb.Description += $"**Fast Move:** {fastMove.Name} ({fastMove.Type})\r\n";

            var chargeMove = _db.Movesets.ContainsKey(pokemon.ChargeMove) ? _db.Movesets[pokemon.ChargeMove] : null;

            if (chargeMove != null)
                //var chargeMoveIcon = Strings.TypeEmojis.ContainsKey(chargeMove.Type.ToLower()) ? Strings.TypeEmojis[chargeMove.Type.ToLower()] : chargeMove.Type;
                eb.Description += $"**Charge Move:** {chargeMove.Name} ({chargeMove.Type})\r\n";

            eb.Description += $"**Location:** {Math.Round(pokemon.Latitude, 5)},{Math.Round(pokemon.Longitude, 5)}";
            eb.ImageUrl     = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, pokemon.Latitude, pokemon.Longitude) + $"&key={_config.GmapsKey}";
            eb.Footer       = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                Text = $"versx | {DateTime.Now}"
            var embed = eb.Build();

        public async Task WithdrawFromWalletInstant(CommandContext Context, [Description("Amount of DAL to withdraw. Use 'all' for your entire balance")] string AmountStr, [Description("Dallar Wallet Address to withdraw Dallar to")] string PublicAddress)
            // Make sure supplied address is a valid Dallar address
            if (!Program.DaemonClient.IsAddressValid(PublicAddress))
                // handle invalid public address
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw but PublicAddress ({PublicAddress}) is invalid.");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: Seems like you tried withdrawing Dallar to an invalid Dallar address. You supplied: {PublicAddress}");


            // Try to interpret the user's amount input as a sane value
            if (!DallarHelpers.TryParseUserAmountString(Context.User, AmountStr, out decimal Amount))
                // handle amount parse fail
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw {Amount} but value could not be parsed.");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: The amount you tried to withdraw can not be parsed as a number. You tried withdrawing {Amount} DAL.");


            // Make sure Amount is greater than zero
            if (Amount <= 0)
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw {Amount} but value is invalid.");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: You can not withdraw 0 or less Dallar. You tried withdrawing {Amount} DAL.");


            // Verify user has requested balance to withdraw
            if (!DallarHelpers.CanUserAffordTransactionAmount(Context.User, Amount))
                // user can not afford requested withdraw amount
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw {Amount} but has insufficient funds. ({Program.DaemonClient.GetRawAccountBalance(Context.User.Id.ToString())})");

                await Context.RespondAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}: Looks like you don't have enough funds withdraw {Amount} DAL! Remember, there is a {Program.SettingsHandler.Dallar.Txfee} DAL fee for performing bot transactions.");


            // Amount should be guaranteed a good value to withdraw
            // Fetch user's wallet
            if (Program.DaemonClient.GetWalletAddressFromAccount(Context.User.Id.ToString(), true, out string Wallet))
                if (Program.DaemonClient.SendMinusFees(Context.User.Id.ToString(), PublicAddress, Amount, Program.SettingsHandler.Dallar.Txfee, Program.SettingsHandler.Dallar.FeeAccount))
                    // Successfully withdrew
                    await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Successfully withdrew {Amount} from wallet ({Wallet}).");

                    await Context.RespondAsync($"You have successfully withdrawn {Amount} DAL" + (Context.Member == null ? "." : $" to address {PublicAddress}."));
                {   // unable to send dallar
                    await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw {Amount} from wallet ({Wallet}) but daemon failed to send transaction.");

                    await Context.RespondAsync("Something went wrong trying to send your Dallar through the Dallar daemon. (Please contact the Administrators!)");

            {   // unable to fetch user's wallet
                await LogHandlerService.LogUserActionAsync(Context, $"Tried to withdraw {Amount} but bot could not determine user's wallet.");

                await Context.RespondAsync("Something went wrong trying to get your DallarBot Dallar Address. (Please contact the Administrators!)");


            // After withdraw success
Exemple #28
        public async Task <DiscordEmbed> BuildRaidMessage(RaidData raid, ulong userId)
            var pkmn = _db.Pokemon[raid.PokemonId.ToString()];

            if (pkmn == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to lookup Raid Pokemon '{raid.PokemonId}' in database.");

            var user = await _client.GetMemberFromUserId(userId);

            if (user == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to get discord member object from user id {userId}.");

            //var loc = Utils.GetGoogleAddress(raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude, _config.GmapsKey);
            var loc = _geofenceSvc.GetGeofence(new Location(raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude));

            if (loc == null)
                _logger.Error($"Failed to lookup city for coordinates {raid.Latitude},{raid.Longitude}, skipping...");

            if (!_config.CityRoles.Exists(x => string.Compare(x, loc.Name, true) == 0))
                File.AppendAllText("cities.txt", $"City: {loc.Name}\r\n");

            if (!_client.HasRole(user, loc.Name))
                _logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {user.DisplayName} ({user.Id}) for Pokemon {pkmn.Name} because they do not have the city role '{loc.Name}'.");

            var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = loc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.Name) ? "DIRECTIONS" : loc.Name,
                //Description = $"{pkmn.Name} raid available until {raid.EndTime.ToLongTimeString()}!",
                Url          = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude),
                ImageUrl     = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude),
                ThumbnailUrl = string.Format(Strings.PokemonImage, raid.PokemonId, 0),
                Color        = DiscordHelpers.BuildRaidColor(Convert.ToInt32(raid.Level))

            var fixedEndTime = DateTime.Parse(raid.EndTime.ToLongTimeString());
            var remaining    = GetTimeRemaining(fixedEndTime);

            eb.Description  = $"{pkmn.Name} Raid Ends: {raid.EndTime.ToLongTimeString()}\r\n\r\n";
            eb.Description += $"**Starts:** {raid.StartTime.ToLongTimeString()}\r\n";
            eb.Description += $"**Ends:** {raid.EndTime.ToLongTimeString()} ({remaining.ToReadableStringNoSeconds()} left)\r\n";

            var perfectRange = _db.GetPokemonCpRange(raid.PokemonId, 20);
            var boostedRange = _db.GetPokemonCpRange(raid.PokemonId, 25);

            eb.Description += $"**Perfect CP:** {perfectRange.Best} / :white_sun_rain_cloud: {boostedRange.Best}\r\n";

            if (pkmn.Types.Count > 0)
                var types = new List <string>();
                pkmn.Types.ForEach(x =>
                    if (Strings.TypeEmojis.ContainsKey(x.Type.ToLower()))
                        types.Add(Strings.TypeEmojis[x.Type.ToLower()] + " " + x.Type);
                eb.Description += $"**Types:** {string.Join("/", types)}\r\n";

            var fastMove = _db.Movesets.ContainsKey(raid.FastMove) ? _db.Movesets[raid.FastMove] : null;

            if (fastMove != null)
                eb.Description += $"**Fast Move:** {Strings.TypeEmojis[fastMove.Type.ToLower()]} {fastMove.Name}\r\n";

            var chargeMove = _db.Movesets.ContainsKey(raid.ChargeMove) ? _db.Movesets[raid.ChargeMove] : null;

            if (chargeMove != null)
                eb.Description += $"**Charge Move:** {Strings.TypeEmojis[chargeMove.Type.ToLower()]} {chargeMove.Name}\r\n";

            var strengths  = new List <string>();
            var weaknesses = new List <string>();

            foreach (var type in pkmn.Types)
                foreach (var strength in PokemonExtensions.GetStrengths(type.Type))
                    if (!strengths.Contains(strength))
                foreach (var weakness in PokemonExtensions.GetWeaknesses(type.Type))
                    if (!weaknesses.Contains(weakness))

            if (strengths.Count > 0)
                eb.Description += $"**Strong Against:** {string.Join(", ", strengths)}\r\n";

            if (weaknesses.Count > 0)
                eb.Description += $"**Weaknesses:** {string.Join(", ", weaknesses)}\r\n";

            eb.Description += $"**Location:** {Math.Round(raid.Latitude, 5)},{Math.Round(raid.Longitude, 5)}";
            eb.ImageUrl     = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMapsStaticImage, raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude) + $"&key={_config.GmapsKey}";
            eb.Footer       = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                Text = $"versx | {DateTime.Now}"
            var embed = eb.Build();

Exemple #29
        public async Task DefaultHelpAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Optional command to provide help for.")] params string[] command)
            // We have to use reflection because TopLevelCommands is marked private and we're not forking DSharpPlus
            PropertyInfo TopLevelCommandsProp   = typeof(CommandsNextExtension).GetProperty("TopLevelCommands", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            MethodInfo   TopLevelCommandsGetter = TopLevelCommandsProp.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
            var          toplevel = ((Dictionary <string, Command>)TopLevelCommandsGetter.Invoke(ctx.CommandsNext, null)).Values.Distinct();

            // We instance our help formatter directly because we don't have access to the help formatting factory
            var helpbuilder = new HelpFormatter(ctx);

            if (command != null && command.Any())
                Command cmd       = null;
                var     search_in = toplevel;
                foreach (var c in command)
                    if (search_in == null)
                        cmd = null;

                    // We don't have access to config so f**k it, case insensitive help
                    //if (ctx.Config.CaseSensitive)
                    //    cmd = search_in.FirstOrDefault(xc => xc.Name == c || (xc.Aliases != null && xc.Aliases.Contains(c)));
                    cmd = search_in.FirstOrDefault(xc => xc.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == c.ToLowerInvariant() || (xc.Aliases != null && xc.Aliases.Select(xs => xs.ToLowerInvariant()).Contains(c.ToLowerInvariant())));

                    if (cmd == null)

                    var cfl = await cmd.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (cfl.Any())
                        throw new ChecksFailedException(cmd, ctx, cfl);

                    if (cmd is CommandGroup)
                        search_in = (cmd as CommandGroup).Children;
                        search_in = null;

                if (cmd == null)
                    throw new CommandNotFoundException(string.Join(" ", command));


                if (cmd is CommandGroup gx)
                    var sxs = gx.Children.Where(xc => !xc.IsHidden);
                    var scs = new List <Command>();
                    foreach (var sc in sxs)
                        if (sc.ExecutionChecks == null || !sc.ExecutionChecks.Any())

                        var cfl = await sc.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (!cfl.Any())

                    if (scs.Any())
                        helpbuilder.WithSubcommands(scs.OrderBy(xc => xc.Name));
                var sxs = toplevel.Where(xc => !xc.IsHidden);
                var scs = new List <Command>();
                foreach (var sc in sxs)
                    if (sc.ExecutionChecks == null || !sc.ExecutionChecks.Any())

                    var cfl = await sc.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (!cfl.Any())

                if (scs.Any())
                    helpbuilder.WithSubcommands(scs.OrderBy(xc => xc.Name));

            var hmsg = helpbuilder.Build();

            // The main reason for this change, allowing help to be DM'd and the original command deleted.
            await DiscordHelpers.RespondAsDM(ctx, hmsg.Embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #30
        private void OnNotify(object state)
            TaskHelper.FireForget(async() =>
                    var(serverId, _) = ((ulong, int))state;
                    if (!_notifications.TryGetValue(serverId, out var context))

                    using (await context.Lock.ClaimAsync())
                        if (!context.ValidateCallback(state))
                            return; // Old timer (can happen due to timer race conditions)
                        var guild = _client.GetGuild(serverId) as IGuild;
                        if (guild == null)
                            _logger.LogInformation("Server {" + LogFields.GuildId + "} not found", serverId);

                        var logger   = _logger.WithScope(guild);
                        var settings = await _settings.Read <ScheduleSettings>(serverId, false);
                        if (settings == null)
                            logger.LogWarning("Settings for server not found");

                        var dueTime = context.UtcDueTime.Value.Add(settings.TimezoneOffset);
                        var events  = settings.Events.Where(x => x.Date == dueTime && x.HasTime && x.Notify);
                        foreach (var e in events)
                            foreach (var s in settings.Notifications.Where(x => e.FitsTag(x.Tag)))
                                    var channel = await guild.GetTextChannelAsync(s.Channel);
                                    if (channel == null)

                                    var role  = s.Role != default ? guild.GetRole(s.Role) : null;
                                    var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                .WithTitle("🔔 Schedule")
                                                .WithDescription($"{(e.HasLink ? DiscordHelpers.BuildMarkdownUri(e.Description, e.Link) : e.Description)} is now on!");

                                    await channel.SendMessageAsync(role != null ? $"{role.Mention} " : "", embed: embed.Build());
                                    logger.LogInformation("Notified event {ScheduleEventDescription} ({ScheduleEventDate}, TZ: {ScheduleTimezone}, ID: {ScheduleEventId})", e.Description, e.Date, settings.TimezoneOffset, e.Id);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to notify event {ScheduleEventDescription} ({ScheduleEventId})", e.Description, e.Id);

                        var now  = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(settings.TimezoneOffset);
                        var next = settings.Events.SkipWhile(x => x.Date <= dueTime).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Notify && x.HasTime);
                        if (next == default)

                        context.Replan(next.Date - now, next.Date.Subtract(settings.TimezoneOffset));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to process event notifications");