public async void ProcessWinner(string winner, int gameID)
            match.Winners.GetRecordData(out var first, out var record);
            if (first.Wins == 2 && HostRun != null && LeagueRunOpp != null)
                var WinningRun = HostRun.Person.Equals(winner, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? HostRun : LeagueRunOpp;
                var LosingRun  = (new DecksiteApi.Deck[] { HostRun, LeagueRunOpp }).Single(d => d != WinningRun);
                if (Features.PublishResults && await DecksiteApi.UploadResultsAsync(WinningRun, LosingRun, record, match.MatchID))
                    await DiscordService.SendToLeagueAsync($":trophy: {WinningRun.Person} {record} {LosingRun.Person}");
                        var winnerMention = await DiscordFunctions.MentionOrElseNameAsync(WinningRun.Person);

                        var losingMention = await DiscordFunctions.MentionOrElseNameAsync(LosingRun.Person);

                        await DiscordService.SendToLeagueAsync($":trophy: {winnerMention} {record} {losingMention} (Please verify and report manually)");
                    catch (Exception c)
                        await DiscordService.SendToLeagueAsync($":trophy: {WinningRun.Person} {record} {LosingRun.Person} (Please verify and report manually)");

                        await DiscordService.SendToTestAsync(c.ToString());
        private async Task PostPairingsAsync(Event eventModel, Round round)
            if (!Features.AnnouncePairings)

            var room = eventModel.Channel;

            ulong?ChanId = null;

            if (eventModel.Series.Contains("Penny Dreadful"))
                ChanId = 334220558159970304;
            else if (eventModel.Series.Contains("7 Point"))
                ChanId = 600281000739733514;

            if (!ChanId.HasValue && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(room) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(room.Trim('#'))))
                Console.WriteLine($"No MTGO room defined for {eventModel}.");

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            if (round.RoundNum == 1 && !round.IsFinals && !Features.PublishResults)
                builder.AppendLine("[sF] Due to the spectator switcheroo bug, PDBot cannot trust the results it sees on screen.");
                builder.AppendLine("[sF] PDBot will not be reporting match results to the channel until this bug is fixed.");
                builder.AppendLine("[sF] If you spectate any other player's matches in the tournament," +
                                   " please keep in mind that player names could be attached to the wrong players.");

            if (round.IsFinals && round.Matches.Count == 1)
                builder.Append($"[sD] Pairings for Finals:\n");
            else if (round.IsFinals)
                builder.Append($"[sD] Pairings for Top {round.Matches.Count * 2}:\n");
                builder.Append($"[sD] Pairings for Round {round.RoundNum}:\n");
            var  misses = 0;
            bool isPD   = eventModel.Series.Contains("Penny Dreadful") && Features.ConnectToDiscord;

            foreach (var pairing in round.Matches)
                if (pairing.A == pairing.B)
                    builder.Append("[sG] ");
                else if (pairing.Verification == "verified")
                    misses += 1;
                    builder.Append("[sT] ");
                else if (pairing.Verification == "unverified")
                    builder.Append("[sR] ");
                else if (pairing.Res == "vs.")
                    builder.Append("[sR] ");
                    misses += 1;
                    builder.Append("[sT] ");
                if (ChanId.HasValue)
                    var A = await DiscordFunctions.MentionOrElseNameAsync(pairing.A);

                    var B = await DiscordFunctions.MentionOrElseNameAsync(pairing.B);

                    if (pairing.Res == "BYE")
                        builder.Append($"{A} has the BYE!");
                        builder.Append($"{A} {pairing.Res} {B}");
            if (!round.IsFinals && (isPD || misses == 0))
                var minutes = FreeWinTime(eventModel.Name, round.RoundNum);
                builder.AppendLine($"[sB] No-Show win time: XX:{minutes.ToString("D2")}");
            builder.Append("[sD] Good luck, everyone!");

            string doorPrize = null;

            if (ChanId.HasValue)
                if (isPD && eventModel.Rounds.ContainsKey(round.RoundNum - 1))
                    var prev = eventModel.Rounds[round.RoundNum - 1];
                    if (round.IsFinals && !prev.IsFinals && round.Players.Count() == 8)
                        var top8players = round.Players.ToArray();
                        var eligible    = prev.Players.Where(p => !top8players.Contains(p)).ToArray();
                        var winner      = await DiscordFunctions.MentionOrElseNameAsync(eligible[new Random().Next(eligible.Count())]);

                        doorPrize = $"[sEventTicket] And the Door Prize goes to...\n [sEventTicket] {winner} [sEventTicket]";

                await DiscordFunctions.PostTournamentPairingsAsync(ChanId.Value, builder.ToString(), doorPrize);
            else if (misses < 3)
                var sent = Chat.SendPM(room, builder.ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(doorPrize))
                    Chat.SendPM(room, doorPrize);
                if (!sent)
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    await PostPairingsAsync(eventModel, round);
            // If misses >= 3, we have clearly just rebooted.  Don't send anything.