internal void AddEntityFromFolders() { if (RestrictManualAdd() == false) { FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); dialog.SelectedPath = Properties.Settings.Default.LastSelectedFolder; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Properties.Settings.Default.LastSelectedFolder = dialog.SelectedPath; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); List <string> Dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(dialog.SelectedPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); Dirs.Add(dialog.SelectedPath); foreach (string s in Dirs) { Node nodetoadd = new Node(ActiveFolder, "Node" + GlobalClass.GetRandomString(), OpenedNode.Name, new DirectoryInfo(s).Name); AddTask(new TaskInfo(OpenedNode, nodetoadd, ActiveFolder)); List <FileInfo> files = new DirectoryInfo(s).GetFiles("*.jpg").ToList(); files.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(s).GetFiles("*.png")); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { AddTask(new TaskInfo(nodetoadd, f.FullName, ActiveFolder)); } } } tasks.Execute(); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the assemblies. /// </summary> /// <returns>The list of assemblies that the system has loaded</returns> private static ConcurrentBag <Assembly> LoadAssemblies() { List <FileInfo> Files = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory).GetFiles("*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Where(x => !x.Name.Equals("CULGeneratedTypes.dll", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) .ToList(); if (!new DirectoryInfo(".").FullName.Contains(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SystemX86)) && !new DirectoryInfo(".").FullName.Contains(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)) && !new DirectoryInfo(".").FullName.Contains(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86)) && !new DirectoryInfo(".").FullName.Contains(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System))) { Files.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(".").GetFiles("*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Where(x => !x.Name.Equals("CULGeneratedTypes.dll", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } Files = Files.Distinct().ToList(); var LoadedAssemblies = new List <Assembly>(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()); LoadAssemblies(LoadedAssemblies, Files.Select(x => AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(x.FullName)).ToArray()); var GeneratedFile = new FileInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\CULGeneratedTypes.dll"); if (GeneratedFile.Exists && !LoadedAssemblies.Any(x => !x.FullName.Contains("vshost32") && !x.IsDynamic && new System.IO.FileInfo(x.Location).LastWriteTime > GeneratedFile.LastWriteTime)) { LoadAssemblies(LoadedAssemblies, AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(GeneratedFile.FullName)); } return(new ConcurrentBag <Assembly>(LoadedAssemblies.Distinct(new AssemblyComparer()))); }
private List <string> GetScripts(string path) { var scripts = new DirectoryInfo(path).EnumerateFiles(_filter).Select(f => File.ReadAllText(f.FullName)).ToList(); foreach (var d in new DirectoryInfo(path).EnumerateDirectories()) { scripts.AddRange(GetScripts(d.FullName)); } return(scripts); }
/// <summary> /// Method responsible for configuring module catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="catalog">module catalog</param> public virtual void ConfigureModuleCatalog(IModuleCatalog catalog) { var modulesPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Modules"); var modules = new DirectoryInfo(modulesPath).GetDirectories(); var dlls = new DirectoryInfo(modulesPath).GetFiles("*.dll").ToList(); foreach (var directoryInfo in modules) { var sub = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.dll"); dlls.AddRange(sub); } LoadModule(catalog, dlls); }
public void StartMonitoring(string directory, params string[] fileExtensions) { AddToMonitoring(fileExtensions); _pathToDirectory = directory ?? _pathToDirectory; InitWatcher(_pathToDirectory); List <FileInfo> fInfos = new DirectoryInfo(directory).GetFiles("*.xml").ToList(); fInfos.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(directory).GetFiles("*.csv")); foreach (var fInfo in fInfos) { OnNewFileAdded(this, new FileInfoEventArgs(fInfo.FullName, fInfo.Extension)); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Activated += new EventHandler(CommandTb_GotFocus); this.Deactivated += new EventHandler(CommandTb_LostFocus); CommandTb.GotFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(CommandTb_GotFocus); CommandTb.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(CommandTb_LostFocus); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); FSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Settings>(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsPath + "settings.json")); ValidCommands = new Dictionary <string, Command>(); foreach (Command cmd in FSettings.Commands) { ValidCommands.Add(cmd.Name, cmd); AutocompleteList.Add(cmd.Name); } string UserStartMenuPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + @"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"; string StartMenuPath = System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory) + @"ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"; ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(StartMenuPath).Where(x => x.EndsWith("lnk")).ToList <string>()); ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(UserStartMenuPath).Where(x => x.EndsWith("lnk")).ToList <string>()); List <DirectoryInfo> StartMenuDirs = new DirectoryInfo(StartMenuPath).GetDirectories().Where(x => (x.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0).ToList <DirectoryInfo>(); StartMenuDirs.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(UserStartMenuPath).GetDirectories().Where(x => (x.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0).ToList <DirectoryInfo>()); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in StartMenuDirs) { ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dir.FullName).Where(x => (x.Split(' ').Length < 5 && x.EndsWith("lnk")))); // Short-named program shortcuts to make sure the autocomplete isn't too long } foreach (string prog in ProgramList) { ProgramPaths[System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prog).ToString().Trim()] = prog; // Add file name (without extension) and file path to dict AutocompleteList.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prog).ToString().Trim()); } }
private void buttonLoad2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Check if all directories exist foreach (DirectoryClassDescription myDir in multipleDirectorySelector1.MyDirectoryDescriptionDictionary) { if (!Directory.Exists(myDir.MyDirectoryFullName)) { MessageBox.Show("I cant find directory: " + myDir.MyDirectoryFullName); return; } //and make sure we have at least one Sepro file in each directory List <FileInfo> fileInfo = new DirectoryInfo(myDir.MyDirectoryFullName).GetFiles("*.sepr", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); fileInfo.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(myDir.MyDirectoryFullName).GetFiles("*.mpex", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList()); if (fileInfo.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no SEPro or mpex files in the directory : " + myDir.MyDirectoryFullName); return; } } //Test if there are cells with no descriptions bool notVerified = true; foreach (DirectoryClassDescription myDir in multipleDirectorySelector1.MyDirectoryDescriptionDictionary) { if (myDir.Description.Equals("")) { if (notVerified) { notVerified = false; if (MessageBox.Show("There are still classes with no description. Do you wish to proceed anyway?", "Class description", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } } } } splitContainerSpecCount.Enabled = true; parametersXQuant.Enabled = true; groupBoxDominomics.Enabled = true; buttonProcessXIC.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Loads all assemblies from folder where target .halcyon file is /// </summary> public static void LoadAssemblies() { string ignoredFilesPath = Path.Combine(Folder, "ignore"); List <string> ignoredFiles = new List <string>(); if (File.Exists(ignoredFilesPath)) { ignoredFiles.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines(ignoredFilesPath)); } List <FileInfo> fileInfos = new DirectoryInfo(Folder).GetFiles("*.dll").ToList(); fileInfos.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(Folder).GetFiles("*.exe")); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name); try { Assembly assembly; // The plugin assembly might have been resolved by another plugin assembly already, so checking is required if (!LoadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(fileNameWithoutExtension, out assembly)) { try { assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName)); } catch (BadImageFormatException) { continue; } LoadedAssemblies.Add(fileNameWithoutExtension, assembly); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken assemblies better stop the entire referencer init. Logger.Log(string.Format("Failed to load assembly \"{0}\".", fileInfo.Name) + ex); } } RegisterAssemblies(); }
internal static void LoadPlugins() { string ignoredPluginsFilePath = Path.Combine(ServerPluginsDirectoryPath, "ignoredplugins.txt"); List <string> ignoredFiles = new List <string>(); if (File.Exists(ignoredPluginsFilePath)) { ignoredFiles.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines(ignoredPluginsFilePath)); } List <FileInfo> fileInfos = new DirectoryInfo(ServerPluginsDirectoryPath).GetFiles("*.dll").ToList(); fileInfos.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(ServerPluginsDirectoryPath).GetFiles("*.dll-plugin")); Dictionary <TerrariaPlugin, Stopwatch> pluginInitWatches = new Dictionary <TerrariaPlugin, Stopwatch>(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name); if (ignoredFiles.Contains(fileNameWithoutExtension)) { LogWriter.ServerWriteLine( string.Format("{0} was ignored from being loaded.", fileNameWithoutExtension), TraceLevel.Verbose); continue; } try { Assembly assembly; // The plugin assembly might have been resolved by another plugin assembly already, so no use to // load it again, but we do still have to verify it and create plugin instances. if (!loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(fileNameWithoutExtension, out assembly)) { try { assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName)); } catch (BadImageFormatException) { continue; } loadedAssemblies.Add(fileNameWithoutExtension, assembly); } if (!InvalidateAssembly(assembly, fileInfo.Name)) { continue; } foreach (Type type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()) { if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TerrariaPlugin)) || !type.IsPublic || type.IsAbstract) { continue; } object[] customAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ApiVersionAttribute), false); if (customAttributes.Length == 0) { continue; } if (!IgnoreVersion) { var apiVersionAttribute = (ApiVersionAttribute)customAttributes[0]; Version apiVersion = apiVersionAttribute.ApiVersion; if (apiVersion.Major != ApiVersion.Major || apiVersion.Minor != ApiVersion.Minor) { LogWriter.ServerWriteLine( string.Format("Plugin \"{0}\" is designed for a different Server API version ({1}) and was ignored.", type.FullName, apiVersion.ToString(2)), TraceLevel.Warning); continue; } } TerrariaPlugin pluginInstance; try { Stopwatch initTimeWatch = new Stopwatch(); initTimeWatch.Start(); pluginInstance = (TerrariaPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type, game); initTimeWatch.Stop(); pluginInitWatches.Add(pluginInstance, initTimeWatch); } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken plugins better stop the entire server init. throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("Could not create an instance of plugin class \"{0}\".", type.FullName), ex); } plugins.Add(new PluginContainer(pluginInstance)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken assemblies / plugins better stop the entire server init. throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("Failed to load assembly \"{0}\".", fileInfo.Name), ex); } } IOrderedEnumerable <PluginContainer> orderedPluginSelector = from x in Plugins orderby x.Plugin.Order, x.Plugin.Name select x; foreach (PluginContainer current in orderedPluginSelector) { Stopwatch initTimeWatch = pluginInitWatches[current.Plugin]; initTimeWatch.Start(); try { current.Initialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken plugins better stop the entire server init. throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format( "Plugin \"{0}\" has thrown an exception during initialization.", current.Plugin.Name), ex); } initTimeWatch.Stop(); LogWriter.ServerWriteLine(string.Format( "Plugin {0} v{1} (by {2}) initiated.", current.Plugin.Name, current.Plugin.Version, current.Plugin.Author), TraceLevel.Info); } if (Profiler.WrappedProfiler != null) { foreach (var pluginWatchPair in pluginInitWatches) { TerrariaPlugin plugin = pluginWatchPair.Key; Stopwatch initTimeWatch = pluginWatchPair.Value; Profiler.InputPluginInitTime(plugin, initTimeWatch.Elapsed); } } }
internal static void LoadExtensions() { List <FileInfo> fileInfos = new DirectoryInfo(ExtensionsDirectoryPath).GetFiles("*.dll").ToList(); fileInfos.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(ExtensionsDirectoryPath).GetFiles("*.extension")); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name); try { Assembly assembly; if (!loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(fileNameWithoutExtension, out assembly)) { try { assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName)); } catch (BadImageFormatException) { continue; } loadedAssemblies.Add(fileNameWithoutExtension, assembly); } foreach (Type type in assembly.GetExportedTypes()) { if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(HalcyonExtension)) || !type.IsPublic || type.IsAbstract) { continue; } object[] customAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ApiVersionAttribute), false); if (customAttributes.Length == 0) { continue; } var apiVersionAttribute = (ApiVersionAttribute)customAttributes[0]; Version apiVersion = apiVersionAttribute.ApiVersion; if (apiVersion.Major != ApiVersion.Major || apiVersion.Minor != ApiVersion.Minor) { Logger.Log( string.Format("Extension \"{0}\" is designed for a different Halcyon API version ({1}) and was ignored.", type.FullName, apiVersion.ToString(2))); continue; } HalcyonExtension extensionInstance; extensionInstance = (HalcyonExtension)Activator.CreateInstance(type); try { extensionInstance = (HalcyonExtension)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(String.Format("Could not create an instance of extension class \"{0}\""), type.FullName + "\n" + ex); } extensions.Add(new ExtensionContainer(extensionInstance)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(string.Format("Failed to load assembly \"{0}\".", fileInfo.Name) + ex); } } IOrderedEnumerable <ExtensionContainer> orderedExtensionSelector = from x in Extensions orderby x.Extension.Order, x.Extension.Name select x; try { int count = 0; foreach (ExtensionContainer current in orderedExtensionSelector) { count++; } foreach (ExtensionContainer current in orderedExtensionSelector) { try { current.Initialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogNoTrace(ex.Message); Logger.LogNoTrace(ex.Source); Logger.LogNoTrace(ex.HelpLink); Logger.LogNoTrace(ex.StackTrace); // Broken extensions better stop the entire server init. break; } Logger.Log(string.Format( "Extension {0} v{1} (by {2}) initiated.", current.Extension.Name, current.Extension.Version, current.Extension.Author)); } } catch { } }
private void loadDir() { lock (this) { tableFile.Clear(); fileTables.Clear(); listMods.Items.Clear(); listWorkShop.Items.Clear(); listTables.Items.Clear(); fileFields.Clear(); fieldFiles.Clear(); if (currentDir == null || currentDir.Length == 0 || !Directory.Exists(currentDir)) { return; } //读取所有pack文件 List <FileInfo> files = new DirectoryInfo(currentDir).GetFiles("*.pack").ToList(); List <WorkshopInfo> workShopInfos = new List <WorkshopInfo>(); //加载创意工坊配置 if (workShopConfigFile != null && workShopConfigFile.Length > 0 && File.Exists(workShopConfigFile)) { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(workShopConfigFile)) { workShopInfos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <WorkshopInfo> >(sr.ReadToEnd()); } } catch { } } //加载创意工坊pack文件 if (workshopDir != null && workshopDir.Length > 0) { string tmp = workshopDir + @"\workshop\content\779340"; if (Directory.Exists(tmp)) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in new DirectoryInfo(tmp).GetDirectories()) { files.AddRange(dir.GetFiles("*.pack").ToList());; } } } //文件排除列表 List <string> exp = new List <string>(); //读取manifest.txt文件筛选系统mod string[] mainfests = Directory.GetFiles(currentDir, "manifest.txt"); if (mainfests.Length > 0) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(mainfests[0])) { string line = null; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { int idx = line.ToLower().IndexOf(".pack"); if (idx > 0) { exp.Add(line.Substring(0, idx + 5)); } } } } files = files.Where(p => !exp.Contains(p.Name)).OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList(); files.ForEach(file => { WorkshopInfo wk = null; try { wk = workShopInfos.Find(p => pathEquals(p.Packfile, file.FullName)); } catch (Exception e) { } if (wk == null || wk.Active || !tsmiIgnoreUnActive.Checked) { List <PackedFile> packageFile = ReadPackageFile(file.FullName); //填充文件-目录数据 fileTables.Add(file.FullName, packageFile.Select(pkg => pkg.FullPath).ToList()); fileFields[file.FullName] = new List <ModLine>(); packageFile.ForEach(p => { //填充目录-文件数据 if (!tableFile.ContainsKey(p.FullPath)) { tableFile[p.FullPath] = new List <string>(); } List <string> list = tableFile[p.FullPath]; list.Add(file.FullName); if (tsmiCheckLine.Checked) { //填充文件-词条数据 List <ModLine> lines = ReadPackedField(p, file.FullName); List <ModLine> fields = fileFields[file.FullName]; fields.AddRange(lines); //填充词条-文件数据 lines.ForEach(line => { string key = line.TableName + "." + string.Join(".", line.FieldKeyValue); if (!fieldFiles.ContainsKey(key)) { fieldFiles[key] = new List <string>(); } List <string> fs = fieldFiles[key]; fs.Add(file.FullName); }); } }); } else { //填充文件-目录数据 fileTables.Add(file.FullName, new List <string>()); fileFields[file.FullName] = new List <ModLine>(); } }); //填充左侧Mod目录 foreach (FileInfo file in files) { ModFile mod = new ModFile(); mod.FileName = file.FullName; mod.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName); //判断是否为创意工坊 mod.WorkshopInfo = workShopInfos.Find(p => pathEquals(p.Packfile, file.FullName)); if (mod.WorkshopInfo == null || mod.WorkshopInfo.Active || !tsmiIgnoreUnActive.Checked) { //判断是否冲突 foreach (string table in fileTables[file.FullName]) { if (tableFile[table].Count(p => p != file.FullName) > 0) { mod.ConflictTable = true; break; } } if (tsmiCheckLine.Checked) { //如果目录无冲突,则判断词条冲突情况 List <ModLine> lines = fileFields[mod.FileName]; foreach (ModLine l in lines) { if (fieldFiles[l.TableName + "." + string.Join(".", l.FieldKeyValue)].Count(p => p != file.FullName) > 0) { mod.ConflictField = true; break; } } } } if (mod.WorkshopInfo != null) { listWorkShop.Items.Add(mod); } else { listMods.Items.Add(mod); } } watcher.Path = currentDir; watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; if (workshopDir != null && workshopDir.Length > 0) { string tmp = workshopDir + @"\workshop\content\779340"; if (Directory.Exists(tmp)) { workshopWatcher.Path = tmp; workshopWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } } if (Directory.Exists(launchDir)) { workshopConfigWatcher.Path = launchDir; workshopConfigWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } } }
public Object GenerarVersion(FormCollection form) { try { int idVersion = int.Parse(form["idVersion"]); var version = ProcessMsg.Version.GetVersiones(null).SingleOrDefault(x => x.IdVersion == idVersion); if (version == null) { return(Json(new { Version = idVersion, CodErr = 2, MsgErr = "Version no existe", Output = "" })); } string sRuta = ProcessMsg.Utils.GetPathSetting(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/")) + version.Release; if (!sRuta.EndsWith("\\")) { sRuta += @"\"; } string sFile = "WP" + version.Release.Replace(".", "") + string.Format("{0:yyyyMMddhhhhmmss}", DateTime.Now); string dirN1 = ProcessMsg.Utils.GetPathSetting(Server.MapPath("~/VersionOficial/")) + "N+1"; string dirFuentes = Path.Combine(ProcessMsg.Utils.GetPathSetting(Server.MapPath("~/Fuentes"))); if (!Directory.Exists(dirFuentes)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirFuentes); } if (ProcessMsg.Version.GenerarInstalador(idVersion, sFile, sRuta, dirN1, dirFuentes) > 0) { string Command = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pathGenSetup"]; string argument = "\"" + sRuta + sFile + ".iss\""; if (!version.IsVersionInicial) { if (ProcessMsg.Version.GenerarControlCambios(idVersion, dirN1)) { //Proceso de copia de N+1 a N string dirN = ProcessMsg.Utils.GetPathSetting(Server.MapPath("~/VersionOficial/")) + "N"; var componentes = ProcessMsg.Componente.GetComponenteConDirectorio(idVersion); var files = new DirectoryInfo(sRuta).GetFiles().ToList(); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(sRuta, "Scripts"))) { files.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(sRuta, "Scripts")).GetFiles().ToList()); } foreach (var x in files) { var comps = componentes.Where(y => y.Name.Equals(x.Name)).ToList(); foreach (var comp in comps) { if (comp.Tipo == '*') { var oPath = Path.Combine(dirN1, comp.Directorio, comp.Name); var dPath = Path.Combine(dirN, comp.Directorio, comp.Name); System.IO.File.Copy(oPath, dPath, true); x.CopyTo(oPath, true); } else//Copiando scripts { var oPath = Path.Combine(dirN1, "Scripts", comp.TipoByNameFmt, comp.MotorSql); if (!Directory.Exists(oPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(oPath); } oPath = Path.Combine(oPath, comp.Directorio); if (!Directory.Exists(oPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(oPath); } // var dPath = Path.Combine(dirN, "Scripts", comp.TipoByNameFmt, comp.MotorSql); if (!Directory.Exists(dPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dPath); } dPath = Path.Combine(dPath, comp.Directorio); if (!Directory.Exists(dPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dPath); } // oPath = Path.Combine(oPath, x.Name); if (System.IO.File.Exists(oPath)) { dPath = Path.Combine(dPath, x.Name); System.IO.File.Copy(oPath, dPath, true); } x.CopyTo(oPath, true); } } } } else { return(Json(new { Version = idVersion, CodErr = 4, MsgErr = "No pudo generar el control de cambios.", Output = "" })); } } System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Command, argument); // Indicamos que la salida del proceso se redireccione en un Stream procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //Indica que el proceso no despliegue una pantalla negra (El proceso se ejecuta en background) procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; //Inicializa el proceso System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo; proc.Start(); //Consigue la salida de la Consola(Stream) y devuelve una cadena de texto string result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(sRuta, "Output", sFile + ".exe"))) { return(Json(new { Version = idVersion, CodErr = 4, MsgErr = "No pudo generar instalador", Output = "" })); } return(Json(new { Version = idVersion, CodErr = 0, MsgErr = result, Output = sFile + ".exe" })); } return(Json(new { Version = idVersion, CodErr = 1, MsgErr = "No pudo generar archivo script de setup", Output = "" })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Version = 0, CodErr = 3, MsgErr = ex.Message, Output = "" })); } }
public static void Initialize(Main main) { if (!Directory.Exists("ServerPlugins")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("ServerPlugins"); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; List <FileInfo> files = new DirectoryInfo("ServerPlugins").GetFiles("*.dll").ToList(); files.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo("ServerPlugins").GetFiles("*.dll-plugin")); for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { FileInfo fileInfo = files[i]; try { string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name); Assembly assembly; if (!LoadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(fileNameWithoutExtension, out assembly)) { assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName)); LoadedAssemblies.Add(fileNameWithoutExtension, assembly); } Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < types.Length; j++) { Type type = types[j]; if (type.BaseType == typeof(TerrariaPlugin)) // Mono has this as a TODO. { if (Compatible(type)) { Plugins.Add(new PluginContainer((TerrariaPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { main }))); } else { Console.WriteLine("Outdated plugin: {0} ({1})", fileInfo.Name, type); File.AppendAllText("ErrorLog.txt", string.Format("Outdated plugin: {0} ({1})\n", fileInfo.Name, type)); } } } } catch (Exception innerException) { if (innerException is TargetInvocationException) { innerException = (innerException).InnerException; } else if (innerException is ReflectionTypeLoadException) { var exception = (ReflectionTypeLoadException)innerException; } AppendLog(fileInfo.Name, innerException); Console.WriteLine("Plugin {0} failed to load", fileInfo.Name); } } IOrderedEnumerable <PluginContainer> orderedEnumerable = from x in Plugins orderby x.Plugin.Order, x.Plugin.Name select x; foreach (PluginContainer current in orderedEnumerable) { current.Initialize(); Console.WriteLine("{0} v{1} ({2}) initiated.", current.Plugin.Name, current.Plugin.Version, current.Plugin.Author); } }
public MainWindow() { RefreshSettings(); RefreshStyle(); this.DataContext = ViewModel; InitializeComponent(); this.Activated += new EventHandler(CommandTb_GotFocus); this.Deactivated += new EventHandler(CommandTb_LostFocus); CommandTb.GotFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(CommandTb_GotFocus); CommandTb.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(CommandTb_LostFocus); foreach (string folder in FSettings.AppFolders) { string[] files; try { files = Directory.GetFiles(folder); } catch { CommandTb.Text = "Couldn't load folder: " + folder; CommandError(); files = new string[0]; } foreach (string file in files) // Add all the programs in their folders to the autocomplete & valid commands list. { Command toAdd = new Command(); toAdd.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); toAdd.Actions = new List <Dictionary <String, String> >(); toAdd.Actions.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "PROCESS", file } }); toAdd.Icon = "Apps"; ValidCommands.Add(toAdd.Name, toAdd); AutocompleteList.Add(toAdd.Name); } } foreach (Command cmd in FSettings.Commands) { ValidCommands.Add(cmd.Name, cmd); AutocompleteList.Add(cmd.Name); } string UserStartMenuPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + @"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"; // Also automatically add all startmenu programs string StartMenuPath = System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory) + @"ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"; ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(StartMenuPath).Where(x => x.EndsWith("lnk")).ToList <string>()); ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(UserStartMenuPath).Where(x => x.EndsWith("lnk")).ToList <string>()); List <DirectoryInfo> StartMenuDirs = new DirectoryInfo(StartMenuPath).GetDirectories().Where(x => (x.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0).ToList <DirectoryInfo>(); StartMenuDirs.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(UserStartMenuPath).GetDirectories().Where(x => (x.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0).ToList <DirectoryInfo>()); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in StartMenuDirs) { ProgramList.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dir.FullName).Where(x => (x.Split(' ').Length < 5 && x.EndsWith("lnk")))); // Short-named program shortcuts to make sure the autocomplete isn't too long } foreach (string prog in ProgramList) { ProgramPaths[System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prog).ToString().Trim()] = prog; // Add file name (without extension) and file path to dict AutocompleteList.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prog).ToString().Trim()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var opts = CmdLineOptions.Parse(args); var config = BuildConfiguration.Read( Path.Combine(opts.ConfigDir, MagicStrings.Files.ConfigYaml)); Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.PackageOutDir); if (!ArtifactPackage.FromFilename(opts.PackageName, out var ap)) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse file name: " + opts.PackageName); } var pc = config.GetProductConfig(ap.TargetName); var companyName = MagicStrings.Elastic; var productSetName = MagicStrings.Beats.Name; var displayName = MagicStrings.Beats.Name + " " + ap.TargetName; var exeName = ap.CanonicalTargetName + MagicStrings.Ext.DotExe; // Generate UUID v5 from product properties. // This UUID *must* be stable and unique between Beats. var upgradeCode = Uuid5.FromString(ap.CanonicalTargetName); var project = new Project(displayName) { InstallerVersion = 500, GUID = upgradeCode, Name = $"{displayName} {ap.SemVer} ({ap.Architecture})", Description = pc.Description, OutFileName = Path.Combine(opts.PackageOutDir, opts.PackageName), Version = new Version(ap.Version), // We massage LICENSE.txt into .rtf below LicenceFile = Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.PackageLicenseRtf(opts.PackageName)), Platform = ap.Is32Bit ? Platform.x86 : Platform.x64, InstallScope = InstallScope.perMachine, UI = WUI.WixUI_Minimal, // TODO: Custom images? BannerImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.TopBannerBmp), BackgroundImage = Path.Combine(opts.ResDir, MagicStrings.Files.LeftBannerBmp), MajorUpgrade = new MajorUpgrade { AllowDowngrades = false, AllowSameVersionUpgrades = false, DowngradeErrorMessage = MagicStrings.Errors.NewerVersionInstalled, }, }; project.Include(WixExtension.UI); project.Include(WixExtension.Util); project.ControlPanelInfo = new ProductInfo { Contact = companyName, Manufacturer = companyName, UrlInfoAbout = "", Comments = pc.Description + ". " + MagicStrings.Beats.Description, ProductIcon = Path.Combine( opts.ResDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeName) + MagicStrings.Ext.DotIco), NoRepair = true, }; // Convert LICENSE.txt to something richedit control can render System.IO.File.WriteAllText( Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.PackageLicenseRtf(opts.PackageName)), MagicStrings.Content.WrapWithRtf( System.IO.File.ReadAllText( Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, MagicStrings.Files.LicenseTxt)))); var beatConfigPath = "[CommonAppDataFolder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName, ap.CanonicalTargetName); var beatDataPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "data"); var beatLogsPath = Path.Combine(beatConfigPath, "logs"); var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; var serviceDisplayName = $"{companyName} {textInfo.ToTitleCase(ap.TargetName)} {ap.SemVer}"; WixSharp.File service = null; if (pc.IsWindowsService) { service = new WixSharp.File(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, exeName)); // TODO: CNDL1150 : ServiceConfig functionality is documented in the Windows Installer SDK to // "not [work] as expected." Consider replacing ServiceConfig with the // WixUtilExtension ServiceConfig element. service.ServiceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller { Interactive = false, Name = ap.CanonicalTargetName, DisplayName = serviceDisplayName, Description = pc.Description, DependsOn = new[] { new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Tcpip), new ServiceDependency(MagicStrings.Services.Dnscache), }, Arguments = " --path.home " + ("[INSTALLDIR]" + Path.Combine(ap.Version, ap.CanonicalTargetName)).Quote() + " --path.config " + beatConfigPath.Quote() + " " + beatDataPath.Quote() + " --path.logs " + beatLogsPath.Quote() + " -E logging.files.redirect_stderr=true", DelayedAutoStart = false, Start =, // Don't start on install, config file is likely not ready yet //StartOn = SvcEvent.Install, StopOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, RemoveOn = SvcEvent.InstallUninstall_Wait, }; } var packageContents = new List <WixEntity> { new DirFiles(Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, MagicStrings.Files.All), path => { var itm = path.ToLower(); bool exclude = // configuration will go into mutable location itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // we install/remove service ourselves itm.EndsWith(MagicStrings.Ext.DotPs1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // .exe must be excluded for service configuration to work (pc.IsWindowsService && itm.EndsWith(exeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ; // this is an "include" filter return(!exclude); }) }; packageContents.AddRange( new DirectoryInfo(opts.PackageInDir) .GetDirectories() .Select(dir => dir.Name) .Except(pc.MutableDirs) .Select(dirName => new Dir( dirName, new Files(Path.Combine( opts.PackageInDir, dirName, MagicStrings.Files.All))))); packageContents.Add(pc.IsWindowsService ? service : null); // Add a note to the final screen and a checkbox to open the directory of .example.yml file var beatConfigExampleFileName = ap.CanonicalTargetName + ".example" + MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml; var beatConfigExampleFileId = beatConfigExampleFileName + "_" + (uint)beatConfigExampleFileName.GetHashCode32(); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT", $"NOTE: Only Administrators can modify configuration files! We put an example configuration file " + $"in the data directory caled {ap.CanonicalTargetName}.example.yml. Please copy this example file to " + $"{ap.CanonicalTargetName}.yml and make changes according to your environment. Once {ap.CanonicalTargetName}.yml " + $"is created, you can configure {ap.CanonicalTargetName} from your favorite shell (in an elevated prompt) " + $"and then start {serviceDisplayName} Windows service.\r\n")); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX", "1")); project.AddProperty(new Property("WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOXTEXT", $"Open {ap.CanonicalTargetName} data directory in Windows Explorer")); // We'll open the folder for now // TODO: select file in explorer window project.AddProperty(new Property( "WixShellExecTarget", $"[$Component.{beatConfigExampleFileId}]")); project.AddWixFragment("Wix/Product", XElement.Parse(@" <CustomAction Id=""CA_SelectExampleYamlInExplorer"" BinaryKey = ""WixCA"" DllEntry = ""WixShellExec"" Impersonate = ""yes"" />"), XElement.Parse(@" <UI> <Publish Dialog=""ExitDialog"" Control=""Finish"" Event=""DoAction"" Value=""CA_SelectExampleYamlInExplorer"">WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX=1 and NOT Installed </Publish> </UI>")); var dataContents = new DirectoryInfo(opts.PackageInDir) .GetFiles(MagicStrings.Files.AllDotYml, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Select(fi => { var wf = new WixSharp.File(fi.FullName); // rename main config file to hide it from MSI engine and keep customizations if (string.Compare( fi.Name, ap.CanonicalTargetName + MagicStrings.Ext.DotYml, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { wf.Attributes.Add("Name", beatConfigExampleFileName); wf.Id = new Id(beatConfigExampleFileId); } return(wf); }) .ToList <WixEntity>(); dataContents.AddRange( pc.MutableDirs .Select(dirName => { var dirPath = Path.Combine(opts.PackageInDir, dirName); return(Directory.Exists(dirPath) ? new Dir(dirName, new Files(Path.Combine(dirPath, MagicStrings.Files.All))) : null); }) .Where(dir => dir != null)); // Drop CLI shim on disk var cliShimScriptPath = Path.Combine( opts.PackageOutDir, MagicStrings.Files.ProductCliShim(ap.CanonicalTargetName)); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cliShimScriptPath, Resources.GenericCliShim); var beatsInstallPath = $"[ProgramFiles{(ap.Is64Bit ? "64" : string.Empty)}Folder]" + Path.Combine(companyName, productSetName); project.Dirs = new[] { // Binaries new InstallDir( // Wix# directory parsing needs forward slash beatsInstallPath.Replace("Folder]", "Folder]\\"), new Dir( ap.Version, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, packageContents.ToArray()), new WixSharp.File(cliShimScriptPath))), // Configration and logs new Dir("[CommonAppDataFolder]", new Dir(companyName, new Dir(productSetName, new Dir(ap.CanonicalTargetName, dataContents.ToArray()) { GenericItems = new [] { /* * This will *replace* ACL on the {beatname} directory: * * Directory tree: * NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F * BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F * BUILTIN\Users:(CI)R * * Files: * NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(ID)F * BUILTIN\Administrators:(ID)F */ new MsiLockPermissionEx( "D:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;CI;0x1200a9;;;BU)", ap.Is64Bit) } }))) }; // CLI Shim path project.Add(new EnvironmentVariable("PATH", Path.Combine(beatsInstallPath, ap.Version)) { Part = EnvVarPart.last }); // We hard-link Wix Toolset to a known location Compiler.WixLocation = Path.Combine(opts.BinDir, "WixToolset", "bin"); #if !DEBUG if (opts.KeepTempFiles) #endif { Compiler.PreserveTempFiles = true; } if (opts.Verbose) { Compiler.CandleOptions += " -v"; Compiler.LightOptions += " -v"; } project.ResolveWildCards(); if (opts.WxsOnly) { project.BuildWxs(); } else if (opts.CmdOnly) { Compiler.BuildMsiCmd(project, Path.Combine(opts.SrcDir, opts.PackageName) + ".cmd"); } else { Compiler.BuildMsi(project); } }