Exemple #1
        public Task DeleteGrain(GrainId grain)
            SiloAddress silo = CalculateTargetSilo(grain);

            if (silo == null)
                // We don't know about any other silos, and we're stopping, so throw
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Grain directory is stopping");

            if (log.IsVerbose)
                log.Verbose("Silo {0} tries to lookup for {1}-->{2} ({3}-->{4})", MyAddress, grain, silo, grain.GetUniformHashCode(), silo.GetConsistentHashCode());

            if (silo.Equals(MyAddress))
                // remove from our partition

            // remove from the cache

            // send request to the owner
            return(GetDirectoryReference(silo).DeleteGrain(grain, NUM_RETRIES));
Exemple #2
        /// Adjust local cache following the removal of a silo by droping:
        /// 1) entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
        /// 2) entries for grains that are now owned by this silo (me)
        /// 3) entries for grains that were owned by this removed silo - we currently do NOT do that.
        ///     If we did 3, we need to do that BEFORE we change the membershipRingList (based on old Membership).
        ///     We don't do that since first cache refresh handles that.
        ///     Second, since Membership events are not guaranteed to be ordered, we may remove a cache entry that does not really point to a failed silo.
        ///     To do that properly, we need to store for each cache entry who was the directory owner that registered this activation (the original partition owner).
        protected void AdjustLocalCache(SiloAddress removedSilo)
            // remove all records of activations located on the removed silo
            foreach (Tuple <GrainId, List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >, int> tuple in DirectoryCache.KeyValues)
                // 2) remove entries owned by me (they should be retrieved from my directory partition)
                if (MyAddress.Equals(CalculateTargetSilo(tuple.Item1)))

                // 1) remove entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
                if (tuple.Item2.RemoveAll(tuple2 => tuple2.Item1.Equals(removedSilo)) <= 0)

                if (tuple.Item2.Count > 0)
                    DirectoryCache.AddOrUpdate(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);
Exemple #3
        public async Task DeleteGrainAsync(GrainId grainId, int hopCount)
            // see if the owner is somewhere else (returns null if we are owner)
            var forwardAddress = this.CheckIfShouldForward(grainId, hopCount, "DeleteGrainAsync");

            // on all silos other than first, we insert a retry delay and recheck owner before forwarding
            if (hopCount > 0 && forwardAddress != null)
                await Task.Delay(RETRY_DELAY);

                forwardAddress = this.CheckIfShouldForward(grainId, hopCount, "DeleteGrainAsync");
                this.log.LogWarning($"DeleteGrainAsync - It seems we are not the owner of grain {grainId}, trying to forward it to {forwardAddress} (hopCount={hopCount})");

            if (forwardAddress == null)
                // we are the owner
                // otherwise, notify the owner
                await GetDirectoryReference(forwardAddress).DeleteGrainAsync(grainId, hopCount + 1);
        private static ICache GetQueryCache()
            if (EnableQueryCache == false)
                return(new NullCache());
            var cacheDir = QueryCacheDirectory;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheDir) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StoreLocation)))
                cacheDir = Path.Combine(StoreLocation, "_bscache");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheDir))
                if (!Directory.Exists(cacheDir))
                ICache directoryCache = new DirectoryCache(cacheDir, MegabytesToBytes * QueryCacheDiskSpace,
                                                           new LruCacheEvictionPolicy()),
                       memoryCache = new MemoryCache(MegabytesToBytes * QueryCacheMemory, new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());
                return(new TwoLevelCache(memoryCache, directoryCache));
                ICache memoryCache = new MemoryCache(MegabytesToBytes * QueryCacheMemory, new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());
        public static InstanceCache LoadSettings()
            InstanceCache cache = new InstanceCache();

            DataDeserializer dds = new DataContractXMLLoader();


            DirectoryCache dirCache = new DirectoryCache();

            if (File.Exists(Settings.Default.DirectoryCacheFile))
                dirCache = dds.Deserialize <DirectoryCache>(Settings.Default.DirectoryCacheFile);
            dirCache.ContainerPath = Settings.Default.ContainerDirectory;

            ManagedVersionsService mvs = new ManagedVersionsService();

            if (File.Exists(Settings.Default.ManagedVersionsFile))
            mvs.Serializer = (DataSerializer)dds;

        private AzureBlockStore(AzureBlockStoreConfiguration configuration)
            _cache = new BlockStoreCache((long)configuration.MemoryCacheInMB * 1024 * 1024, configuration.LocalStorageKey);
            ICache memoryCache = new MemoryCache((long)configuration.MemoryCacheInMB * 1024 * 1024, new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.LocalStorageKey))
                var    localDiskResource = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource(configuration.LocalStorageKey);
                ICache diskCache         = new DirectoryCache(localDiskResource.RootPath,
                                                              ((long)localDiskResource.MaximumSizeInMegabytes - 1) * 1024 * 1024,
                                                              new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());
                _cache = new TwoLevelCache(memoryCache, diskCache);
                _cache = memoryCache;
            _highestPageOffsetByPath = new Dictionary <string, long>();
            _storageAccount          = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(configuration.ConnectionString);
            _commitList   = new ConcurrentQueue <BlockInfo>();
            _commitThread = new Thread(RunCommitThread);
            _disconnected = configuration.Disconnected;
Exemple #7
        public List <ActivationAddress> GetLocalCacheData(GrainId grain)
            IReadOnlyList <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> > cached;

            return(DirectoryCache.LookUp(grain, out cached) ?
                   cached.Select(elem => ActivationAddress.GetAddress(elem.Item1, grain, elem.Item2)).Where(addr => IsValidSilo(addr.Silo)).ToList() :
Exemple #8
        public GrainAddress GetLocalCacheData(GrainId grain)
            if (DirectoryCache.LookUp(grain, out var cache) && IsValidSilo(cache.SiloAddress))

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Task for inaccessible path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="rootCache"></param>
        private static void DiskUsageTask(string path, DirectoryCache rootCache)
            var currentCacheNode = rootCache.GetSubDirectoryCache(path);

            if (currentCacheNode == null || currentCacheNode.Accessible)
Exemple #10
        public async Task <AddressAndTag> RegisterAsync(GrainAddress address, int hopCount)
            var counterStatistic = hopCount > 0 ? this.RegistrationsSingleActRemoteReceived : this.registrationsSingleActIssued;


            // see if the owner is somewhere else (returns null if we are owner)
            var forwardAddress = this.CheckIfShouldForward(address.GrainId, hopCount, "RegisterAsync");

            // on all silos other than first, we insert a retry delay and recheck owner before forwarding
            if (hopCount > 0 && forwardAddress != null)
                await Task.Delay(RETRY_DELAY);

                forwardAddress = this.CheckIfShouldForward(address.GrainId, hopCount, "RegisterAsync");
                if (forwardAddress is object)
                    int hash = unchecked ((int)address.GrainId.GetUniformHashCode());
                    this.log.LogWarning($"RegisterAsync - It seems we are not the owner of activation {address} (hash: {hash:X}), trying to forward it to {forwardAddress} (hopCount={hopCount})");

            if (forwardAddress == null)

                var result = DirectoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address);

                // otherwise, notify the owner
                AddressAndTag result = await GetDirectoryReference(forwardAddress).RegisterAsync(address, hopCount + 1);

                // Caching optimization:
                // cache the result of a successfull RegisterSingleActivation call, only if it is not a duplicate activation.
                // this way next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save a full lookup!
                if (result.Address == null)

                if (!address.Equals(result.Address) || !IsValidSilo(address.SiloAddress))

                // update the cache so next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save full lookup.
                DirectoryCache.AddOrUpdate(address, result.VersionTag);

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the function that actually does the searching.  It creates threads and searches and then
        /// waits for all the results to be sent.
        /// </summary>
        public void internalSearch()
            String searchDirectory = mSearchParams.SearchDirectory;

            if (mRegex != null)
                List <String> fileList = DirectoryCache.get().getFileList();

                if (fileList != null)
                    Stats.TotalFilesToSearch = fileList.Count;
                    Logger.get().AddInfoFormat("{0} files to search", Stats.TotalFilesToSearch);
                        // Set up the parallel lambda expression.  The parameters were trial and error trying to get the fastest execution
                        .WithMergeOptions(ParallelMergeOptions.FullyBuffered).ForAll(file =>
                            // Check for cancellation, this speeds up the cancel after the button is clicked.
                            if (!Stats.CancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                                if (mSearchParams.FileNameSearch)
                                    if (mRegex.IsMatch(file))
                                        SearchResultList list = new SearchResultList(PathExt.GetRelativePath(searchDirectory, file));
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        // Cancelling is not an error, why do they throw an exception?
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    SearchResultList results = new SearchResultList(DirectoryCache.get().ErrorMessage);
Exemple #12
        public void InvalidateCacheEntry(ActivationAddress activationAddress)
            var grainId      = activationAddress.Grain;
            var activationId = activationAddress.Activation;

            // look up grainId activations
            if (DirectoryCache.LookUp(grainId, out var entry, out _) && activationId.Equals(entry.Activation))
Exemple #13
        public void InvalidateCacheEntry(ActivationAddress activationAddress)
            int version;
            IReadOnlyList <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> > list;
            var grainId      = activationAddress.Grain;
            var activationId = activationAddress.Activation;

            // look up grain activations
            if (DirectoryCache.LookUp(grainId, out list, out version))
                RemoveActivations(DirectoryCache, grainId, list, version, t => t.Item2.Equals(activationId));
Exemple #14
        /// Adjust local cache following the removal of a silo by droping:
        /// 1) entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
        /// 2) entries for grains that are now owned by this silo (me)
        /// 3) entries for grains that were owned by this removed silo - we currently do NOT do that.
        ///     If we did 3, we need to do that BEFORE we change the membershipRingList (based on old Membership).
        ///     We don't do that since first cache refresh handles that.
        ///     Second, since Membership events are not guaranteed to be ordered, we may remove a cache entry that does not really point to a failed silo.
        ///     To do that properly, we need to store for each cache entry who was the directory owner that registered this activation (the original partition owner).
        protected void AdjustLocalCache(SiloAddress removedSilo)
            // remove all records of activations located on the removed silo
            foreach (Tuple <GrainId, IReadOnlyList <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >, int> tuple in DirectoryCache.KeyValues)
                // 2) remove entries now owned by me (they should be retrieved from my directory partition)
                if (MyAddress.Equals(CalculateTargetSilo(tuple.Item1)))

                // 1) remove entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
                RemoveActivations(DirectoryCache, tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3, t => t.Item1.Equals(removedSilo));
Exemple #15
        public async Task RegisterAsync(ActivationAddress address)
            SiloAddress owner = CalculateTargetSilo(address.Grain);

            if (owner == null)
                // We don't know about any other silos, and we're stopping, so throw
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Grain directory is stopping");
            if (owner.Equals(MyAddress))
                // if I am the owner, store the new activation locally
                DirectoryPartition.AddActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo);
                // otherwise, notify the owner
                int eTag = await GetDirectoryReference(owner).Register(address, NUM_RETRIES);

                if (IsValidSilo(address.Silo))
                    // Caching optimization:
                    // cache the result of a successfull RegisterActivation call, only if it is not a duplicate activation.
                    // this way next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save a full lookup!
                    IReadOnlyList <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> > cached;
                    if (!DirectoryCache.LookUp(address.Grain, out cached))
                        cached = new List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >(1)
                            Tuple.Create(address.Silo, address.Activation)
                        var newcached = new List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >(cached.Count + 1);
                        newcached.Add(Tuple.Create(address.Silo, address.Activation));
                        cached = newcached;
                    // update the cache so next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save full lookup.
                    DirectoryCache.AddOrUpdate(address.Grain, cached, eTag);
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a new activation, in single activation mode, with the directory service.
        /// If there is already an activation registered for this grain, then the new activation will
        /// not be registered and the address of the existing activation will be returned.
        /// Otherwise, the passed-in address will be returned.
        /// <para>This method must be called from a scheduler thread.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address">The address of the potential new activation.</param>
        /// <returns>The address registered for the grain's single activation.</returns>
        public async Task <ActivationAddress> RegisterSingleActivationAsync(ActivationAddress address)
            SiloAddress owner = CalculateTargetSilo(address.Grain);

            if (owner == null)
                // We don't know about any other silos, and we're stopping, so throw
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Grain directory is stopping");
            if (owner.Equals(MyAddress))
                // if I am the owner, store the new activation locally
                Tuple <ActivationAddress, int> returnedAddress = DirectoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo);
                return(returnedAddress == null ? null : returnedAddress.Item1);
                // otherwise, notify the owner
                Tuple <ActivationAddress, int> returnedAddress = await GetDirectoryReference(owner).RegisterSingleActivation(address, NUM_RETRIES);

                // Caching optimization:
                // cache the result of a successfull RegisterSingleActivation call, only if it is not a duplicate activation.
                // this way next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save a full lookup!
                if (returnedAddress == null || returnedAddress.Item1 == null)

                if (!address.Equals(returnedAddress.Item1) || !IsValidSilo(address.Silo))

                var cached = new List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >(1)
                    Tuple.Create(address.Silo, address.Activation)
                // update the cache so next local lookup will find this ActivationAddress in the cache and we will save full lookup.
                DirectoryCache.AddOrUpdate(address.Grain, cached, returnedAddress.Item2);
Exemple #17
        // Note that this implementation stops processing directory change requests (Register, Unregister, etc.) when the Stop event is raised.
        // This means that there may be a short period during which no silo believes that it is the owner of directory information for a set of
        // grains (for update purposes), which could cause application requests that require a new activation to be created to time out.
        // The alternative would be to allow the silo to process requests after it has handed off its partition, in which case those changes
        // would receive successful responses but would not be reflected in the eventual state of the directory.
        // It's easy to change this, if we think the trade-off is better the other way.
        public void Stop()
            // This will cause remote write requests to be forwarded to the silo that will become the new owner.
            // Requests might bounce back and forth for a while as membership stabilizes, but they will either be served by the
            // new owner of the grain, or will wind up failing. In either case, we avoid requests succeeding at this silo after we've
            // begun stopping, which could cause them to not get handed off to the new owner.

            //mark Running as false will exclude myself from CalculateGrainDirectoryPartition(grainId)
            Running = false;

            if (maintainer != null)

Exemple #18
        public void InvalidateCacheEntry(ActivationAddress activationAddress)
            var grainId      = activationAddress.Grain;
            var activationId = activationAddress.Activation;
            List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> > list;

            if (!DirectoryCache.LookUp(grainId, out list))

            list.RemoveAll(tuple => tuple.Item2.Equals(activationId));

            // if list empty, need to remove from cache
            if (list.Count == 0)
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// recursive load directory info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static DirectoryCache LoadDirectory(string path)
            var           directoryCache = new DirectoryCache();
            DirectoryInfo directory      = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            directoryCache.LastSeen = DateTime.Now;
            directoryCache.Uri      = directory.FullName;

            if (!CheckAccess(directory))
                directoryCache.Accessible = false;
                UnauthorizedAccessCache.GetInstance().InsertMissPath(directory.Parent?.FullName ?? "", path);

            var fileList = directory.GetFiles()
                           .Where(item =>

            var directoryList = directory.GetDirectories()
                                .Where(item =>

                             fileInfo => {
                lock (directoryCache.FileCaches) {
                    directoryCache.FileCaches.Add(new FileCache(fileInfo.FullName, (ulong)fileInfo.Length,

                             directoryInfo => {
                var dir = LoadDirectory(directoryInfo.FullName);
                lock (directoryCache.SubDirectoryCaches) {

Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPath"></param>
        /// <param name="files"></param>
        public void UpdateCache(string targetPath, List <string> files)
            if (Directory.Exists(targetPath))
                foreach (var directory in DirectoryCaches)
                    if (directory.Path == targetPath)
                        directory.Files      = new List <string>(files);
                        directory.UpdateTime = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(targetPath);

                var cache = new DirectoryCache();
                cache.Path       = targetPath;
                cache.Files      = new List <string>(files);
                cache.UpdateTime = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(targetPath);
Exemple #21
        // Note that this implementation stops processing directory change requests (Register, Unregister, etc.) when the Stop event is raised.
        // This means that there may be a short period during which no silo believes that it is the owner of directory information for a set of
        // grains (for update purposes), which could cause application requests that require a new activation to be created to time out.
        // The alternative would be to allow the silo to process requests after it has handed off its partition, in which case those changes
        // would receive successful responses but would not be reflected in the eventual state of the directory.
        // It's easy to change this, if we think the trade-off is better the other way.
        public void Stop(bool doOnStopHandoff)
            // This will cause remote write requests to be forwarded to the silo that will become the new owner.
            // Requests might bounce back and forth for a while as membership stabilizes, but they will either be served by the
            // new owner of the grain, or will wind up failing. In either case, we avoid requests succeeding at this silo after we've
            // begun stopping, which could cause them to not get handed off to the new owner.
            Running = false;

            if (doOnStopHandoff)
            if (maintainer != null)
Exemple #22
        /// Adjust local cache following the removal of a silo by dropping:
        /// 1) entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
        /// 2) entries for grains that are now owned by this silo (me)
        /// 3) entries for grains that were owned by this removed silo - we currently do NOT do that.
        ///     If we did 3, we need to do that BEFORE we change the membershipRingList (based on old Membership).
        ///     We don't do that since first cache refresh handles that.
        ///     Second, since Membership events are not guaranteed to be ordered, we may remove a cache entry that does not really point to a failed silo.
        ///     To do that properly, we need to store for each cache entry who was the directory owner that registered this activation (the original partition owner).
        protected void AdjustLocalCache(SiloAddress silo, bool dead)
            // remove all records of activations located on the removed silo
            foreach (var tuple in DirectoryCache.KeyValues)
                var activationAddress = tuple.ActivationAddress;

                // 2) remove entries now owned by me (they should be retrieved from my directory partition)
                if (MyAddress.Equals(CalculateGrainDirectoryPartition(activationAddress.GrainId)))

                // 1) remove entries that point to activations located on the removed silo
                // For dead silos, remove any activation registered to that silo or one of its predecessors.
                // For new silos, remove any activation registered to one of its predecessors.
                if (activationAddress.SiloAddress.IsPredecessorOf(silo) || (activationAddress.SiloAddress.Equals(silo) && dead))
Exemple #23
        public void TestDirectoryCacheBasicOperations()
            string cacheDirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "cachetest_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            ICache cache        = new DirectoryCache(cacheDirPath, 2000, new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());

            ICache reopenedCache = new DirectoryCache(cacheDirPath, 2000, new LruCacheEvictionPolicy());
            var    byteArray     = cache.Lookup("ByteArray");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, byteArray.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(i, byteArray[i]);

            var cachedString = cache.Lookup <string>("String");

            Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", cachedString);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// get directory size info form du.exe/du64.exe
        /// we will use size not size on disk to keep same with
        /// C# DirectoryInfo report
        /// du.exe output example:
        /// Files:        130552
        /// Directories:  45942
        /// Size:         16,113,239,255 bytes
        /// Size on disk: 14,142,668,800 bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryCache"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static DirectoryCache LoadDirectoryInfoByCmd(DirectoryCache directoryCache)
            var output = CmdHelper.ExecDiskUsage(directoryCache.Uri);

            // check if du.exe return "", means a junction
            if (output == "")

            // make windows "\r\n" to "\n" only
            output = output.Replace("\r", "");

            var sizeStr = output.Split("\n")[2].Trim();

            sizeStr = sizeStr.Replace("Size: ", "").Replace("bytes", "");

            if (ulong.TryParse(sizeStr, out var size))
                directoryCache.Length = size;

Exemple #25
        public override string ToString()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            long localLookupsDelta;
            long localLookupsCurrent = localLookups.GetCurrentValueAndDelta(out localLookupsDelta);
            long localLookupsSucceededDelta;
            long localLookupsSucceededCurrent = localSuccesses.GetCurrentValueAndDelta(out localLookupsSucceededDelta);
            long fullLookupsDelta;
            long fullLookupsCurrent     = fullLookups.GetCurrentValueAndDelta(out fullLookupsDelta);
            long directoryPartitionSize = directoryPartitionCount.GetCurrentValue();

            sb.AppendLine("Local Grain Directory:");
            sb.AppendFormat("   Local partition: {0} entries", directoryPartitionSize).AppendLine();
            sb.AppendLine("   Since last call:");
            sb.AppendFormat("      Local lookups: {0}", localLookupsDelta).AppendLine();
            sb.AppendFormat("      Local found: {0}", localLookupsSucceededDelta).AppendLine();
            if (localLookupsCurrent > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat("      Hit rate: {0:F1}%", (100.0 * localLookupsSucceededDelta) / localLookupsDelta).AppendLine();

            sb.AppendFormat("      Full lookups: {0}", fullLookupsDelta).AppendLine();
            sb.AppendLine("   Since start:");
            sb.AppendFormat("      Local lookups: {0}", localLookupsCurrent).AppendLine();
            sb.AppendFormat("      Local found: {0}", localLookupsSucceededCurrent).AppendLine();
            if (localLookupsCurrent > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat("      Hit rate: {0:F1}%", (100.0 * localLookupsSucceededCurrent) / localLookupsCurrent).AppendLine();

            sb.AppendFormat("      Full lookups: {0}", fullLookupsCurrent).AppendLine();

        public void Extract(DirectoryEntity entity, string root, Func <BaseEntity, string> fileToPath, DirectoryCache cache, IProgress <int> progress)
            int            totalFiles  = entity.GetAllFileEntities(true).Count;
            int            processed   = 0;
            Progress <int> sumProgress = new Progress <int>(prog =>
                int percent = ++processed * 100 / totalFiles;

            ExtractInner(entity, root, fileToPath, cache, (progress != null) ? sumProgress : null);
        public override void Extract(string root, BaseEntity entity, Func <BaseEntity, string> entityToDir, DirectoryCache cache, IProgress <int> progress)
            PackageEntity package = entity as PackageEntity;

            using (ZipArchive arch = ZipFile.OpenRead(Path.Combine(root, entity.RelativePath)))
                foreach (var entry in arch.Entries)
                    BaseEntity ent = package.GetEntityFromRelativePath(entry.FullName, false);
                    if (ent is null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't find entity in structure: " + entry.FullName + " of package: " + entity.RelativePath);
                    if (ent is FileEntity)
                        string dir = entityToDir(ent);
                        if (!cache.CacheDirectory(dir))
                            entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(dir, ent.Name), false);
Exemple #28
        public async Task <List <ActivationAddress> > FullLookup(GrainId grain)

            SiloAddress silo = CalculateTargetSilo(grain, false);

            // No need to check that silo != null since we're passing excludeThisSiloIfStopping = false

            if (log.IsVerbose)
                log.Verbose("Silo {0} fully lookups for {1}-->{2} ({3}-->{4})", MyAddress, grain, silo, grain.GetUniformHashCode(), silo.GetConsistentHashCode());

            // We assyme that getting here means the grain was not found locally (i.e., in TryFullLookup()).
            // We still check if we own the grain locally to avoid races between the time TryFullLookup() and FullLookup() were called.
            if (silo.Equals(MyAddress))
                var localResult = DirectoryPartition.LookUpGrain(grain);
                if (localResult == null)
                    // it can happen that we cannot find the grain in our partition if there were
                    // some recent changes in the membership
                    if (log.IsVerbose2)
                        log.Verbose2("FullLookup mine {0}=none", grain);
                    return(new List <ActivationAddress>());
                var a = localResult.Item1.Select(t => ActivationAddress.GetAddress(t.Item1, grain, t.Item2)).Where(addr => IsValidSilo(addr.Silo)).ToList();
                if (log.IsVerbose2)
                    log.Verbose2("FullLookup mine {0}={1}", grain, a.ToStrings());

            // Just a optimization. Why sending a message to someone we know is not valid.
            if (!IsValidSilo(silo))
                throw new OrleansException(String.Format("Current directory at {0} is not stable to perform the lookup for grain {1} (it maps to {2}, which is not a valid silo). Retry later.", MyAddress, grain, silo));

            Tuple <List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> >, int> result = await GetDirectoryReference(silo).LookUp(grain, NUM_RETRIES);

            // update the cache
            List <Tuple <SiloAddress, ActivationId> > entries = result.Item1.Where(t => IsValidSilo(t.Item1)).ToList();
            List <ActivationAddress> addresses = entries.Select(t => ActivationAddress.GetAddress(t.Item1, grain, t.Item2)).ToList();

            if (log.IsVerbose2)
                log.Verbose2("FullLookup remote {0}={1}", grain, addresses.ToStrings());

            if (entries.Count > 0)
                DirectoryCache.AddOrUpdate(grain, entries, result.Item2);

 private void ExtractInner(DirectoryEntity entity, string root, Func <BaseEntity, string> fileToPath, DirectoryCache cache, IProgress <int> progress)
     foreach (BaseEntity ent in entity.GetAllFileEntities())
         foreach (Extractor ex in _extractors)
             if (ex.CanExtract(ent))
                 ex.Extract(root, ent, fileToPath, cache, progress);
 public GameDirectoryService(ManagedVersionsService mvs, DirectoryCache dirCache, DataSerializer ds)
     _mvs      = mvs;
     _dirCache = dirCache;
     _ds       = ds;