Exemple #1
        // Pac-Man’s current position and orientation, and selecting the location four tiles straight
        // ahead of him. Works when PacMan is facing left, down, or right, but when facing upwards,
        // it's also four tiles to the left
        ValueTask <CellIndex> getChaseTargetCell()
            var pacDir = _pacman.Direction;

            CellIndex pacTile = _pacman.Tile.Index;

            CellIndex offset = Maze.ConstrainCell(
                pacTile + (DirectionToIndexLookup.IndexVectorFor(pacDir) * Vector2s.Four).ToCellIndex());

            // for the bug in the original pacman
            if (pacDir == GameComponents.Directions.Up)
                offset = (offset.ToVector2() + new Vector2(-4, 0)).ToCellIndex();

            var newTarget = Maze.ConstrainCell(pacTile + offset);

            return(new ValueTask <CellIndex>(newTarget));
Exemple #2
        // To locate Inky’s target, we first start by selecting the position two tiles in front of Pac-Man
// in his current direction of travel.
// From there, imagine drawing a vector from Blinky’s position to this tile, and then doubling
// the length of the vector. The tile that this new, extended vector ends on will be Inky’s actual target
        async ValueTask <CellIndex> getChaseTargetCell()
            // ReSharper disable once HeapView.BoxingAllocation
            var blinky = await _mediator.Send(_getBlinkyRequest);

            var blinkyCell = blinky.Tile.Index;

            var pacDir = _pacman.Direction;

            CellIndex pacCellPos = _pacman.Tile.Index;

            var twoCellsInFront = Maze.ConstrainCell(
                pacCellPos + (DirectionToIndexLookup.IndexVectorFor(pacDir) * Vector2s.Two).ToCellIndex());

            CellIndex diff = twoCellsInFront - blinkyCell;

            var diff2 = (diff.ToVector2() * Vector2s.Two).ToCellIndex();

            var newTarget = Maze.ConstrainCell(blinkyCell + diff2);

        public override ValueTask <MovementResult> Update(CanvasTimingInformation context)
            if (!_readyToExit && _door.CanGhostLeave(Ghost))
                _readyToExit = true;
                return(new ValueTask <MovementResult>(MovementResult.NotFinished));

            if (_finished)
                Ghost.Direction = new DirectionInfo(Directions.Left, Directions.Left);
                return(new ValueTask <MovementResult>(MovementResult.Finished));

            Vector2 diff = _cellToMoveTo - _cellToMoveFrom;

            if (diff != Vector2.Zero)
                diff = diff.Normalize();

                Ghost.Position = Ghost.Position + diff / Vector2s.Two;

                var dir = DirectionToIndexLookup.GetDirectionFromVector(diff);

                Ghost.Direction = new DirectionInfo(dir, dir);

            if (Ghost.Position.Floor() == _cellToMoveTo.Floor())
                Ghost.Position = _cellToMoveTo;

            return(new ValueTask <MovementResult>(MovementResult.NotFinished));